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Round Diamond

Primary School

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Art and D.T Curriculum

Art Curriculum Statement


Through the Art curriculum at Round Diamond School, we aim to provide children with opportunities to learn about a range of artistic processes, features and skills through our 5 key concepts. We value Art as an important part of the children’s entitlement to a broad and balanced curriculum; we believe it provides opportunities to develop and extend skills, giving children the chance to express their individual interests, thoughts and ideas. Through a carefully planned, progressive overview, we offer children opportunities to explore a variety of resources and media to develop areas such as painting, drawing and sculpture. In the Early Years we focus on identifying resources and their uses and exploring individual expression through open ended learning. Throughout KS1 and KS2 the children are exposed to a range of artists and styles becoming increasingly more analytical. The aim of our Art curriculum is to ensure that children’s own experiences will result in them being able to use, discuss and evaluate the visual elements of Art confidently, in their own learning. 

Key Vocabulary


The key vocabulary for art is split across the three focus areas of painting, drawing and sculpture. Within this the language is split into tier 2 and tier 3 language. 

Design and Technology Curriculum Statement


The Design and Technology curriculum at Round Diamond Primary School aims to provide children with opportunities to learn about and apply a range of processes needed to design and make successful products. Through our progressive curriculum, we encourage our children to be inspired to create a range of structures, mechanisms, textiles, electrical systems and food products with a real-life purpose. We offer children opportunities to research, design, make and evaluate products involving textiles, food and construction.

In the Early Years, we focus on teaching children to identify resources and their uses. Across KS1 and KS2, the children make their own product designs which require increasing technical skill.

Our D&T curriculum combines skills, knowledge, concepts and values to enable children to tackle real-life problems. It encourages analysis, problem solving, practical capability and evaluation skills. We aim to, wherever possible, link learning to other curriculum areas such as Mathematics, Science, Computing and Art. When leaving us in Year 6, we hope our children will consider themselves innovators with the ability to manage risks exceptionally well to manufacture products safely and hygienically.

Art and Design Technology in the EYFS 

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Round Diamond Primary School is part of Ivy Learning Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee and registered in England and Wales with company number 10874173. The registered office is at Ivy Cottage, Rosemary Avenue, Enfield, EN2 0SP
