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Round Diamond

Primary School

Parent Consultations - 10th & 12th February 2025


SEND Statement of Intent

Our intention is that all pupils will have equity in access to an exemplary curriculum that is engaging and aspirational in nature and fosters a lifelong love of learning. The focus of our SEN strategy is to ensure that all pupils are supported to make the most of their potential in all areas of school life.


We have a meticulous focus on progress for all pupils regardless of their individual starting points. This approach allows us to effectively identify potential barriers to learning early in a child’s school journey. We recognise that our children with SEN have many strengths and seek to celebrate their success in all areas of school life. Our rigorous and robust monitoring of teaching ensures that inclusive quality first provision is the paramount approach to supporting pupils with additional needs. Close, regular monitoring of children with SEN that incorporates triangulated conversations between senior leaders, teachers and teaching assistants leads to bespoke packages of intervention that are carefully targeted and to guarantee excellent outcomes for pupils both academically and socially. We value the views and opinions of our pupils and their parents and pride ourselves on the high-level of communication between our families and school staff to ensure that support packages are tailored to fully meet the needs of each pupil and allow them to make the most of their potential.


Further, we recognise that our pupils with additional needs may not always have access to a wide range of extra-curricular activities. We proactively promote opportunities, such as clubs and residential trips, to our children with needs and consider the provision at play and lunchtime to facilitate engagement and enjoyment for all pupils.


Our approaches are always inclusive and children without special educational needs will also benefit from the strategies employed in supporting our cohort of SEN children. 


Contact information

For more information on support for Special Educational Needs at Round Diamond please contact Miss Jewitt via

Inclusive Support at RD

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SEN Information Report Autumn 2024

Accessibility Plan

 Spotlight on SEND 

Communication in Print

What is Communication in Print?

Communication in print (CiP) is a computer programme that allows us to produce visual graphics that support reading.

Who is it for?

CiP is for all children who are not yet fluent readers. It is particularly helpful for pupils that require additional pictorial support, such as visual timetables or word banks.

How does it help?

CiP gives a picture clue to the child alongside the written text.  This allows them to 'read' and access vocabulary that would otherwise be too challenging for them.  This increases their independence and confidence in the classroom.

Where can I find out more?

Ask your child how their teacher has used Communication in Print within their classroom

Speak to our Head of Inclusion, Helen Jewitt.  You can spot Miss Jewitt on the playground before and after school or email her directly at



Anacronym Glossary

You said, we did

Visual Impairment Training

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The Visual Impairment Team have been working with the staff and Year 4 children to increase their understanding of visual impairment.

For useful information and courses for parents from outside providers please also see our Guidance and Information page

Delivering Special Provision Locally (DSPL2)

Children's & Young People's Integrated Therapy Service

At Hertfordshire Community NHS Trust we've been speaking to parents, carers, teachers and therapists in order to find out how we can better support children ...

Chat Health 0-5 years texting advice service

Space Equipment Lending Libary

Useful Links

The Hertfordshire Autism Quality Offer aligns with the SEND Quality Offer - Hertfordshire’s statement on high quality provision and outcomes for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities. The Autism Quality Offer describes the special educational provision that settings are encouraged to have available for children and young people who have autism or social communication needs and includes links to resources and training available to settings across Hertfordshire.

Key Stage 2 have been trying out some inclusive sports in their PE learning this term. They have enjoyed learning how to play the Paralympic game of Boccia.

Pupil Voice

*  I learned that the Paralympic sports are challenging but fun.  I would like to carry on with this learning in PE.


*  It actually gave me a rush of feeling thinking about how hard it must be for people with disabilities to play sports.


*  I really liked it because it gave you the opportunity to feel how other people feel.


*  I enjoyed the Paralympic Badminton the best because it gave me a challenge to face. 


*  I enjoyed Goalball but found it quite challenging as I could only hear the ball coming towards me.


*  I enjoyed the challenge of Goalball as it also showed me how visually impaired people uses their other senses because I wore a blindfold.


* I really enjoyed the games of Goalball as it showed me how sports can be inclusive.

We have had 2 6 4 3 4 2 visitors

Round Diamond Primary School is part of Ivy Learning Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee and registered in England and Wales with company number 10874173. The registered office is at Ivy Cottage, Rosemary Avenue, Enfield, EN2 0SP
