At Round Diamond we believe science learning should be ambitious and awe-inspiring to promote curiosity in our children and encourage them to ask and find the answers to key scientific questions. Children learn how to observe changes and make links to the world around them through exciting, hands on investigations.
Learning is planned carefully to build and connect previously taught concepts as part of a cumulative sequence of knowledge. In the Early Years Foundation Stage science is embedded into the daily routines and can be seen through the way children learn about the world around them. Across the school, ‘Awe and Wonder Days’ are used to provoke interest through memorable learning experiences and promote scientific enquiry to equip our pupils with the right knowledge, skills and understanding to be ready and confident for the next stage in their education.
We strive to provide our children with an enriched science capital. We encourage trips and visits linked to science topics and carefully plan cross-curricular days to link science to other areas of the curriculum. We want our children to be responsible citizens who look after the planet for future generations. We work closely with STEM and the local science community to show our children the opportunities they may have for employment in the future. From this exposure, our aim is for all children to feel that they are scientists and capable of achieving success in their future careers.
Each classroom will have a science learning wall. These are added to across a unit with learning aids and key vocabulary to support the learning. Science is also showcased through corridor displays.