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Round Diamond

Primary School

Parent Consultations - 10th & 12th February 2025


This page contains information linked to our curriculum intent, coverage and skill progression for both core and foundation subjects. 

Round Diamond Primary School recognises the differing needs of our pupils and is ever-mindful of our duties towards the Equality Act and SEN Regulations 2014. We value all of our children and respect their differences. Our curriculum is designed to cater to all children ensuring equal opportunities for all of our pupils. We ensure accessibility for all through a wide range of SEN strategies and excellent collaboration with outside professionals. More detailed information can be found in our SEN Information report which is published annually ad can be found on our SEN page. 

If you would like further information regarding or curriculum please visit the Curriculum tab which can be found under the parents tab (the link is also attached below). 


Curriculum Intent


At Round Diamond we provide a high quality, progressive curriculum that leaves nothing to chance. Our curriculum has been carefully chosen by our expert subject leaders with our pupils at the forefront of our minds. The curriculum is tailored to support our children in demonstrating our school values of being responsible, determined and successful. We encourage determination when children face more challenging skills, knowledge and concepts as their learning is stretched and consolidated. We ensure our curriculum is pitched appropriately to ensure success for all children whilst also providing progression and aspirational outcomes for the children to strive for.


Our curriculum delivers a cumulative sequence of knowledge and skills, building upon prior knowledge from the previous term and year. We value robust assessment for learning identifying children’s gaps in their learning. Our curriculum can then be adapted to ensure these are targeted and the building blocks for future learning are secured.


For learners in our school, consistency is key. From teaching to learning environments we aim to provide seamless transition from Nursery to Year 6. Our curriculum is planned to instil a thirst for knowledge and new experiences, providing children with a range of learning opportunities which further develops the ‘whole’ child and nurtures their social, emotional, physical and creative sides preparing the children to be lifelong independent, resilient learners, prepared for the next stage of their education and lives. An excellent understanding of our pupils’ cultural capital allows for a holistic approach that supports the progression of skills, whilst offering a broad and exciting curriculum.  We strive to create valuable citizens who are successful and can contribute to their whole community. 

If you require a paper copy of any of the above, please let us know.
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Round Diamond Primary School is part of Ivy Learning Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee and registered in England and Wales with company number 10874173. The registered office is at Ivy Cottage, Rosemary Avenue, Enfield, EN2 0SP
