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Primary School

Reminder - Term ends on Friday 20th December at 2pm!

Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium Statement of Intent

Our intention is that all pupils will have equity in access to an exemplary curriculum that is engaging and aspirational in nature and fosters a lifelong love of learning. The focus of our pupil premium strategy is to ensure that disadvantaged pupils are supported to make the most of their potential in all areas of school life. To this end we focus on three key areas; Learning, Well-being and Wider Opportunities.

We have a meticulous focus on progress for all pupils, including those who have already demonstrated a high level of attainment. We are mindful of our vulnerable children and the additional challenges that they may face. This includes, but is not limited to, pupils in care or who were previously looked after, young carers and those known to Childrens’ Services. Our rigorous and robust monitoring of teaching ensures that quality first provision is the paramount approach to tackling any attainment gap arising between our disadvantaged pupils and their peers. Close, regular monitoring of vulnerable groups, with triangulated conversations between senior leaders, teachers and teaching assistants leads to bespoke packages of intervention that are carefully targeted and scrutinised to guarantee excellent outcomes for pupils and good value for money.

We are mindful of the well-being needs of our disadvantaged pupils. We acknowledge that whilst there are universal areas of need within this remit that can be met through well-thought out policies and pro-active provision there will also be individual needs that will require a bespoke approach. This informs our decision to invest both in-house with our Well-being and Behaviour Support Lead and by buying in the external services of a Family Support Worker. 

Further, we recognise that our vulnerable pupils may not have access to a wide range of extra-curricular activities. To mitigate this for pupils in receipt of the Pupil Premium Grant we subsidise wider opportunities such as residential trips and educational visits. We seek whole-school opportunities, such as our broad music offer, that include all pupils and invests in their cultural capital. We proactively promote opportunities, such as clubs, to our disadvantaged children and consider the provision at play and lunchtime to facilitate attendance and engagement for pupils who are unable to join before and after school activities.


Our approaches are always inclusive and non-disadvantaged children will also benefit from the strategies employed in supporting our cohort of children entitled to pupil premium funding. 


For more information on the Pupil Premium Grant at Round Diamond please contact Miss Jewitt via


We publish our annual Pupil Premium Strategy and review of past expenditure on this page of our website.


Pupil Premium 2022 - 2025

For information regarding expenditure and outcomes for 2021-2022 please refer to the review of outcomes section of 'Pupil Premium Strategy 2022-2023'

Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 24 25

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Round Diamond Primary School is part of Ivy Learning Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee and registered in England and Wales with company number 10874173. The registered office is at Ivy Cottage, Rosemary Avenue, Enfield, EN2 0SP
