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Round Diamond

Primary School

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Welcome to our Reception Class Page 2023/24


A warm welcome to Renoir and Morris class page!


Remember lots of our learning will be shared on Tapestry, ( but this page may provide you with a further insight into school life at Round Diamond.



Meet the team

Renoir Class - Miss Conroy, Mrs Allan and Miss Phillips

Morris Class -Miss Owen, Mrs Keeley and Mrs Mason

Important dates

PE is taught every Wednesday and Friday.


Children should keep a named kit at school on their peg. This is kit is in addition to their spare clothes bag which also needs to be kept in school.

Summer 1 Coverage


This term we will be focusing on a range of core texts which link to different areas of the curriculum we will be learning about. The core texts include; 

The Snail and the Whale

The Hundred Decker Bus

Bear Shaped


Our learning throughout the term will encompass our maths, literacy, personal, social, emotional development, communication and language, physical development, expressive art and design and understand the world.


Please find the curriculum overview for this half term below.

Week beginning 15th July 2024 


This week the children have been geographers! They looked at a range of maps of different settings including old maps. The children discussed how the older maps didn't have buildings and roads on. Then, they looked at a map of our outdoor area and they had to find 3 different locations marked on their map, as pairs they used their knowledge of the outside area to find the locations and were so excited when they reached their destination! 

Week beginning 8th July 2024


This week we have been preparing for year 1 with some transitional learning. We used squared paper from the year 1 maths books to practise writing our numbers; one per box! We also enjoyed our move up day and meet the teacher events to prepare us for the new academic year. 

Week beginning 1st July 2024


This week we have been completing a range of CIL including making different flags out of peg boards for the Euros, making harder to read and spell word fans, playing the lazy-Suzanne word writing game and sorting odd and even sweets! The children have loved  immersing themselves in these activities and are so independent in using the resources. 

Week beginning 24th June 2024


This week the children have continued their learning about Hawaii and have made their own leis and had a go at their Hawaiin Hula dancing! They practised kahalo, hela, ka'o and 'ami and loved learning about how to move their hands and feet to the music. 

Next week the children will be starting their new theme of dinosaurs leading up to the end of the school year!



Week beginning 17th June 2024


This week we have been learning about different places around the world through books. We looked at non-fiction books and found images of maps, flags, food and landscapes to help us learn more about the country the book was about. Then, we learned specifically about Hawaii and made some posters showcasing the beautiful Islands!

Week beginning 10th June 2024


This week the children have been completing observational drawings of the outside area and of natural objects such as flowers. The children had to think about the features of the object and the shapes they needed to use to make it look realistic. As a next step challenge, some children labelled their picture using the appropriate vocabulary. 


Next week we will be starting our next book of the week 'How to Catch a Rainbow' and the children will be learning about the rainbow state, Hawaii!

Week beginning 3rd of June 2024


This week the children took part in Sport's Day! They were engaged with all of the challenges as they moved around the all weather pitch and were keen to show off their sporting skills such as throwing, balance, sprinting, hopping and jumping. Well done to all of those who took part and well done to our sprinting champions!

Week beginning 20th March 2024


This week we have been looking at 3D shapes in the outside area. We noticed that the most common 3D shapes were cylinders and cuboids but we could hardly find any cubes or spheres! For the whole week we had been learning about 3D shapes in the classroom and made models with the smaller 3D shapes. 

We hope you have a fantastic half term break, we will see you back in school on Tuesday 4th June. 



Week beginning 13th May 2024


This week we have been learning about old and new toys. The children thought about the toys that they use in their homes now and then had a look at some toys from their parents, grandparents and even great grandparents! We talked about the materials that the toys were made from such as wood, metal and cotton. The children loved sharing their toys. 

Week beginning 6th May 2024


This week in PE the children have been learning new ball skills. The children have learnt to throw and catch a ball for themselves and to each other. The children learnt the skills such as keeping their eye on the ball and using open hands to catch. 

Week beginning 29th April 2024


This week the children learnt about India. They looked at where India is on a map and even had a go at trying some Indian foods such as basmati rice and naan bread. The children loved the foods they tried, even the children who were a little unsure had a go and some children made links to their home lives having tried those foods before. 

Week beginning 22nd April 2024


This week the children have been learning the skill of subtraction using a range of resources to practise this skill. The children took away resources and then found the new total. Some children had the challenge of recording their answers on a number sentence.  

Week beginning 15th April 2024


This week we have been enjoying the sunshine! We have been learning scientifically, using our outdoor environment to enhance our experiences. We explored forces using the cars and ramps, searched for mini beasts and learnt about sinking and floating in the water area. As we start to enter Spring we are excited to see all of the changes we will observe in our outdoor area!

Week beginning 25th March 2024


This week we have been learning about sharing amounts between two. We had some 'Easter Eggs' and shared them between the two Easter bunnies! The children had to think about the system of one for me and one for you until they had all been shared out. As a next step challenge they had to check the amount and write the numeral. 


We have had another fantastic half term, we hope you all have a wonderful Easter break.

Week beginning 18th March 2024


This week in literacy the children have been reading the story of Jack and the Jellybean Stalk. This story links with our text Jack and the Beanstalk and the children have loved seeing how this story differs. As part of their learning the children labelled pages from the book using their phonetic knowledge. 

Next week we will be having our Easter Stay and Play with our grown ups - we can't wait!

Week beginning 11th March 2024


This week the children have been immersed in fairy tales! Within child initiated learning the children have been making crowns, counting out magic beans, building towers for Rapunzel and creating scale patterns on Ariel's fish friends! The books that children have enjoyed listening to include Little Red Riding Hood, Jack and the Beanstalk, The Three Little Pigs and Goldilocks and the Three Bears. 

Week beginning 4th March 2024


This week in PE the children have been developing their ball skills by throwing, catching and kicking. They were encouraged to keep their eyes on the ball. Next week the children will be immersed in fairy tales. I wonder how many fairy tales your child knows? 

Week beginning 26th February 2024


This week the children have been learning about where in the world they live linked to our book of the week 'The Way Back Home' by Oliver Jeffer.They learnt about the United Kingdom, Stevenage and Great Ashby. The children then learnt about other planets in our solar system. They learnt that the sun is a star that gives energy through light and heat. The children then created their own planets using watercolour paints and poster paints. 

Next week the children will be continuing their learning on Space. 

Week beginning 12th February 2024


As part of the children's learning about the world and other cultures they tried some Chinese food that was kindly given to us by Fortune's Place (the local Chinse in Great Ashby). They tried egg fried rice, veggie spring rolls and prawn crackers. The children loved trying this new food and some of the children had tried to before!

Week beginning 5th February 2024


This week in maths the children have been learning about their number bonds to 10. They have learnt the number bonds song '9 and 1 are number bonds, 8 and 2 are friends, 7 and 3, 6 and 4, 5 and 5 are twins.' The children used numicon to find their number bond friend and some children even had a go at writing the number sentences! Next week we will be learning about Chinese New Year, Pancake Day and Valentines Day. 

Week beginning 29.01.2024


This week we have been looking at things from the past. We looked at a mixture of objects and photos and talked about the changes we noticed between today and in the past. The children thought about the way the photos had been taken, the materials that were used and the way things worked. 

Next week we will start our new theme of Chinese New Year and we will be learning about this celebration. 

Week beginning 22nd January 2024


This week in our afternoon learning we have been learning about making healthy food choices. The children learnt about the different food groups and we discussed what  healthy meal could look like. During CIL one of the challenges was to sort the healthy and unhealthy foods. As a class we discussed that all foods are fine in moderation and treats are an important part of a balanced diet too! 

Week beginning 15th January 2024


This week we have been retelling the story of Perfectly Norman. The children used the story map that we had created as a class to retell a story with a friend. They used the emotions words they had used such as shocked, nervous, happy, sad and excited as they retold the story and took it in turns to tell different parts. 

Next week the children will be learning about healthy food choices and creating a balanced plate of food. 



Week beginning 8th January 2024


Happy New Year! Welcome back to school! This week the children are straight back into their maths learning with identifying more and less. The children have learnt that more means a larger amount and less means a smaller amount. We have learnt that even if a set of objects are bigger it doesn't mean there is more! The children looked at two groups and identified which had more and which had less, some children had concrete resources to support their understanding of this concept. 

Week beginning 11th December 2023


This week the children have enjoyed consolidating their reading skills in their phonics review lessons. Each review lesson has a reading section where the children use all the skills they have learnt in phonics to read independently. We encourage a reading finger to point out digraphs, trigraphs and harder to read and spell words and it has been wonderful seeing their reading become fluent. 

Week beginning 4th December 2023


This week the children had a special visitor from St Nicholas' church Revd Keene. He taught the children the story of the birth of Jesus and discussed ways in which Christians celebrate Christmas. The children learnt names such as Mary, Joseph and Jesus. 

Week beginning 27th November 2023


This week the children learnt about winter! They learnt about how autumn signs starts to fade as we move into winter and they were excited to see lots of ice and frost in the outdoor area. On one of the tuff trays we had ice and the children thought about ways to melt it. They used warm water, their hands and dragged the tuff tray into the sun to help melt the ice!

Week beginning 20th November 2023


This week the children have been continuing their learning of segmenting and blending when writing. The children have been sounding out CVC words and some children have started writing captions too!


Next week the children will be learning about a new book all about winter!

Week beginning 13th November 2023


This week we were lucky to have Sporting Futures in to deliver one of our PE sessions. The children learnt about Children in Need and played group games which included the character of Pudsey Bear! The children showed energy and excitement during this lesson and used team work to complete all the challenges that were set. 

Week beginning 6th November 2023



This week the children have been learning all about Remembrance day. As part of this learning the children made poppy biscuits. They learnt about following a recipe, measuring and mixing ingredients and decoration too! The children talked about the different textures they could feel as they touched the flour and sticky mixture and said they smelled delicious as they baked in the oven.

Next week our learning will move onto woodland animals. 


Week beginning 30th October 2023


This week we have been learning about bonfire night. We have linked all of our learning to this including making fireworks, learning about Guy Fawkes and learning about bonfire night safety! Next week we have our Autumn walk on Monday at approximately 9:10 and it will last roughly an hour/hour and a half. Please ensure you have emailed admin to state who will be attending with your child. 

Week beginning 16th October 2023


This week we were using our senses to explore the outside area. We thought about our sense of hearing and used this to see what autumnal sounds. The children listened carefully and heard the wind, the trees rustling, the crunchy leaves, the cars and the aeroplanes! We discussed how we couldn't hear the nocturnal animals as they are sleeping so we looked at videos of these to see what noises they made, we were surprised at some of the funny noises they make!


Have a fantastic half term! After half term we will be learning about Bonfire night!

Week beginning 9th October 2023


This week in maths we had a teddy bear's picnic! The children all had a bear, some bears were big, some small and some medium. We told a story about how the bears would like a cup of tea, cake and a blanket for if it gets cold! The children had to problem solve in their groups to ensure each bear had the correct item. 


Next week we will continue our autumnal learning.


Please remember to book your parent consultation for Monday 16th or Tuesday 17th of October. 

Week beginning 2nd October 2023 


We have been so busy in our literacy learning this week!

As a group we sorted some objects into the corresponding grapheme groups. Our independent learning included cutting out images linked to the story such as 'puff' and 'pig' and ensuring they were in the correct column using our knowledge of initial sounds. 

We continue to use our phonics in our literacy learning to consolidate all of the sounds we have learnt and apply these to different activities. 


Next week we will start learning about the story of 'Leaf Man' by Lois Ehlert. 

Week beginning 25th September 2023


This week we focused on independence, therefore we set the children the challenge of changing their shoes by themselves during PE. The children had special stickers in their shoes to ensure they put them onto the correct feet. They were so proud of their achievements and we will continue to promote this level of independence. It would be fantastic if your child could practise this skill at home so that they can be independently putting on their shoes.


Next week we will be continuing our learning linked to our core test 'The Three Little Pigs.' 

Week beginning 18th September 2023


We wanted to share our lovely weekly celebration. Every week we play the song 'Proud' by Heather Small and the children sit excitedly and wait to hear who has won the blue rosette. We celebrate the child who has won with a big round of applause! Manners certificates are also given to the children who have shown outstanding manners, these can be given by any teacher in the school!

Week beginning 11th September 2023 


This week the children have been learning how to create different patterns. They explored zig-zags, stripes, dots and many more patterns. They used super pincer grip to create their own patterns onto flower petals.

In their maths learning the children made 'rainbow numbers' by selecting 3 colours and using the number guide to write their age.


Next week the children in reception will be exploring different types of homes and discussing who lives in their house. 

Week beginning 4th September 2023


This week in reception we have welcomed the children into their new classrooms. They have explored all of the areas of their new learning environments and have been learning the expectations of being in reception. Next week we will start literacy and maths learning which will be linked to our core text 'What makes me a me.' 

Please remember if you have not brought in a named puddle suit, wellies, spare clothes and PE kits please do this as soon as possible.


Week beginning 10th July 2023



This week in Reception the children met their new Year 1 teachers. They were so excited to get to know them and see their new classrooms. 


After the transition morning on Thursday the children drew a picture of themselves with their new class teacher.

Week beginning 3rd July 2023

2D Shapes


This week in maths the children have been learning about 2D shapes. The children have become very confident in identfying 2D shapes and can describe each shapes properties. 


The children have enjoyed exploring with the 2D shapes to create pictures. The children considered carefully about which shapes and their properties would be a choice choice and fit to make a final design. 


Week beginning 26th June 2023

Mug Cakes

In Reception the children have been enjoying reading the book ‘Chocolate Cake’ by Michael Rosen. They have all been getting very hungry thinking about chocolate cake every day 😋


In our topic learning today, the children had a go at making their own chocolate cakes in a mug 😍 the children followed a recipe, adding the ingredients into their individual cup. They then cooked them in the microwave. They smelt amazing!

Week beginning 19th June 2023

Healthy Eating 

This week in Reception the children have been speaking about healthy eating, discussing the benefits of healthier food choices. 


During CIL, the children were able to design a 'fruit kebab' using felt tip pens to draw which fruits they like. Using this plan, the children made their fruit kebab out of play dough. 


The children also had a go at creating a 'healthy lunch' box, they were encouraged to choose a variety of food from different food groups. 

Week beginning 12th June 2023

On the farm 


This week in Reception the children have been learning about life on the farm. The children learnt about the different animals that live on the farm and their young and where each of these animals live on the farm. During CIL, the children drew pictures of farm animals and their young and also had a go at matching each animal to the right home. 

They have also enjoyed creating their own narratives about life on the farm on the small world.


Week beginning 6th February 2023
🌟Cross-Curricular days🌟


This week in Reception the children have enjoyed taking part in the 'Inspirational People' cross-curricular days. 


On Tuesday the children met Darren Edwards who was a former mountaineer and was paralysed from the waist down in a climbing accident. Darren spoke to the children about how he has since found "strength through diversity" and has not given up on his dreams of exploring.


On Wednesday the children met Paul Sturgess. He is officially recognised as being the 'World's Tallest Basketball Player', with his height measuring 7ft8in. The children were in awe of Paul's basketball abilities and had a go at replicating these in their outdoor learning. 


The children also thought about what skills and attributes they have which are 'inspirational' and makes them unique.



Week beginning 22nd May 2023

🐻 Toys 🐻


This week the children enjoyed bringing in a special toy from home after comparing toys from the past and now in their theme learning. Many children spoke so confidently about the special toys from home and enjoyed playing carefully with each others toys.

Week beginning 15th May 2023

🤔 Real or nonsense? 🤔


The children in Reception have been enjoying one of the tuff spot challenges outside this week. They have to use their segmenting and blending skills to read the words on the coins and then decide whether they are ‘real’ or ‘nonsense’ words. Once they have decided if the word is real or nonsense they have to either put it in the ‘bin’ or in the treasure ‘treasure chest’ representing whether it is a real or nonsense word.




Still image for this video

Week beginning 8th May 2023

🌟 Celebration assembly 🌟


This week the Reception children went to their first whole school celebration assembly. They behaved impeccably and made all of the staff at Round Diamond feel extremely proud.

Week beginning 1st May 2023



This week we have been discussing the upcoming celebration of the Kings coronation and discussing different ways the coronation may be being celebrated across the country.


The children have decided that in Renoir they would like to celebrate the kings coronation by having our very own street party in the role play area!


In CIL, the children have been busy painting bunting to decorate our 'street party' role play area.

Week beginning 24th April 2023
💬 Message in a jar 💬


During CIL, the children have been writing special messages to put in the jar that was going to be thrown out to sea.


Once the children had finished writing their message, they had to roll it up and tie it with some string. Then they posted their message in the jar ready to go out to sea very soon! 🌊

Week beginning 17th April 2023

🐚 Switching it 🐚


During CIL, we had an exciting maths challenge.


First the children had to use their subitising skills to see how many shells were in the bowl. Then they had to write and solve the number sentence using the shells that they had chosen.


As a next step 👣 the children had a go at ‘switching it’ (adding the same numbers but in the other order) to find the same total. The children used the bowls of shells to switch their number sentence and then they recorded the new number sentence accurately on their whiteboards.

Week beginning 27th March 2023

✍️ Writing ✍️


This half term in reception we have been focussing on our independent writing in literacy.

This week, the children completed some independent sentence writing in literacy. First, the adult said the sentence, then the children counted the number of words in the sentence using their counting fingers and finally the children went to their tables to write their sentence independently.


Keep being determined to improve your writing Reception 🌟

Week beginning 20th March 2023

🥕 🐰 🐣 Easter Stay and Play 🐣 🐰 🥕



This week the children had an 'eggciting' time taking part in their stay and play.


Thank you so much for joining us. We hope you had lots of fun with your child and made some lovely Easter keepsakes!

Week beginning 13th March 2023

 ‎‍👩‍👧 Parent Opening Day  ‎‍👩‍👧


The children had a fantastic day sharing their learning with their adults from home. Thank you so much to all of the adults that could join us.

Week Beginning 6th March 2023
💰🥕 Exploring money 🥕💰


This week, many of the children have been enjoying exploring one of the outdoor challenges.


The children have been visiting the vegetable shop and exploring using different amounts of money to pay the shopkeeper for their purchases.

Week Beginning 27th February 2021

📖World Book Day📖


The children in Reception had a fantastic day celebrating World Book Day on Friday.


They even got to meet famous author James Campbell!

Week beginning 20th February 2023
🥕Vegetable workshop 🥕


This week the children took part in a 'vegetable workshop' funded and delivered by HCL.


During the workshop, the children discussed making better food choices and its importance. Then, the children had the opportunity to try some new fruit and vegetables. 


The children were really open minded and they all tried something new, many children now know the name of this 'new' food and what it looks like.


The children will be keeping a close eye on the dinner options at lunchtime now to see if they can spot the fruit or vegetable they liked and choose it to have with their meal.

Week beginning 6th February 2023
🌟🐧Cross-Curricular days🐧🌟



In Reception as part of the whole school maths cross curricular days, the children have been learning about penguins and exploring with number blocks.


On Thursday the children listened to the story ‘365 Penguins’, there was some fantastic maths talk by the children, we discussed adding ‘one more’ as each penguin arrived into the story. During CIL, the children had a go at drawing and painting their own penguins as well as continuing a pattern with arctic themed pictures.


On Friday, the children took part in a 'number block' fashion show  show their fabulous number blocks outfits. They then made their own number block masks and printed 'number block' pictures.

Week beginning 30th January 2023

✏️Tricky words ✏️



During CIL, the children have been enjoying practising writing some of the tricky words that we have been learning in phonics.


Week beginning 23rd January 2023
🥢🧧 Chinese New Year 🧧🥢


This week was the start of Chinese New Year and we were really excited to celebrate this festival with the children 🙂

There has been lots of learning opportunities linked to Chinese New Year for the children to explore, some of which included;

• Trying different Chinese foods

• Making ‘lucky money’ red envelopes

• Making Chinese dragons, we had a go at making them dance too!

• Making lanterns

• Having our own ‘Great Race’ through a dice game

• Retelling the Chinese New Year story using small world resources

Week beginning 16th January 2023

❤️ Kind messages ❤️


During CIL, the children have been writing kind messages to their friends. This has developed from our current PSED theme of 'friendship'.


It has been wonderful to see the children using their phonics to complete independent writing and celebrating the special friendships that have made in Reception since September!

Week beginning 9th January 2023
🌟 New Year Goals 🌟


The children have been thinking about their goals and wishes for 2023! Many children have shared that they would like to get even better at reading or writing, or develop their skills within a particular sport such as football or basketball.

Week beginning 19th December 2022
🎄📆 Christmas Learning 📆 🎄


The children have had a fantastic last week at school before Christmas!


They have had Christmas dinner, made Christmas cards and calendars for the new year, performed for you all in their nativity and taken part in lots of other fun Christmas learning.


We hope you all have a great break over Christmas and we look forward to welcoming you and your children back in the new year!

❄️ Snow Day Learning ❄️
❄️ Monday 12th December 2022 ❄️ 


Please find below some learning challenges to complete today if you wish. But remember, stay safe and have lots of fun! 


Literacy- write your name in the snow with a stick… make sure you form all of your letters correctly!


Phonics- play a game of ‘Obb and Bob’ on the phonics play website. Make sure your grown up selects the write phase letter sounds in line with your phonics learning at school.


Maths- make a snowman (or a snow animal of your choice) how many buttons will you give him? How many fingers does your snowman’s branch/arm have? Is your snowman bigger or smaller than you? Maybe you could make 3 snowmen/snowballs and put them in size order. 


PE- Follow along to ‘Christmas Specual’ cosmic kids yoga video. 


Story time- cosy up under a blanket with your favourite soft toy and listen to a story read by your grown up. Maybe you could echo read some of your grown ups funny voices when they read. 


If you complete any of this learning, make sure you send it back to us on tapestry so we can see it 🤩

Week beginning 5th December 2022
🎄📆 Advent Calendars 📆 🎄


It's December!!!


The children have been very excited that we are the countdown to Christmas today and they are enjoying sharing their story from the book advent calendar. I wonder which book will be unwrapped tomorrow...

Week beginning 28th November 2022
🔢 Number 🔢


This week the children have been continuing to practise the skill of counting using 1:1 correspondence during their maths learning. The children are now getting really confident using their special counting fingers,


They have also been sequencing numerals in order by threading digits!

Week beginning 21st November 2022
👩‍⚕️ A visit from the nurse 👩‍⚕️


This week, the school nurse, Mrs Grayling, came to visit us to talk about the importance of good hygiene when we have a cough or cold.


She reminded the children to cover their mouths when they cough and the importance to taking care of our personal needs, including wiping our noses and washing our hands frequently.

Week beginning 14th November 2022
🌳 Woodland Animals 🌳🐿️


This week the children in Reception have been learning about 'Woodland Animals'. This learning has been centered around the text of 'Who's hiding in the Woods today?' by Katharine McEwan.


The children have really enjoyed taking part in a range of learning around the theme of 'Woodland Animals' this week.

Week beginning 7th November 2022
🍂 Autumn Walk 🍂


The children had a lovely time on their 'Autumn Walk' with grandparents. Whilst on the walk, children enjoyed collecting autumn treasures on their journey sticks.


During the walk, the children shared lots of their autumn knowledge with their grown-ups and pointed out the seasonal changes that were taking place.


Thank you to all of the grown-ups that joined us ❤️

Week beginning 31st October 2022

Celebrations 🎆🎇


This week in Reception the children have been learning about celebrations. The children first learnt about Halloween, they discussed their costumes and they printed onto pumpkins. The children also had a go at making their own 'Halloween Potions' outside. 


Alongside this, the children were also learning about 'Bonfire Night'. They watched videos of fireworks, discussing the different colours and sounds. It was lovely to see children replicating what they saw into paintings and role play. The children also learnt the story of Guy Fawkes and even had a go at making a stick puppet of Guy Fakwes to use on the small world. 

Week beginning 17th October 2022

Space 👨‍🚀🚀


In Reception we had two very exciting days about space! The children have enjoyed listening to lots of stories about space, they had a go at retelling the narratives through their play. The children in particular enjoyed pretending to be 'Baby Bear' flying into space with a colander as their space helmet and a cardboard box for their rocket. 


They also made rockets out of 2D shapes, decorated stars, designed spaceships and created a packing list for their own space journey. 


With the wet weather, the children embraced this by putting on their piddle suits and became astronauts in their space boots and space suits. 


All the children were so excited to visit the inflatable planetarium on Friday afternoon! 

Week beginning 10th October 2022

🍁 Autumn 🍁


In Reception we have been learning about the season of autumn.


The children have been on an autumn scavenger hunt, compared the different seasons, created their own autumnal leaves and they have also recreated a tree using different body parts, all whist carefully selecting the appropriate colours and resources.

Alongside this, children have been reading the story of Leaf Man by Lois Ehlert and they have even made their very own leaf men.

Week beginning 3rd October 2022

💻🐬 E-safety 🐬💻


This week the children had their first E-Safety lesson.


They learnt about the importance of keeping their personal information safe and what to do if they see something they don't like online.



All of the children in Reception also signed the EYFS E-Safety agreement. 

Week beginning 26th September 2022
🩳👟 PE 👟🩳


The children have been enjoying participating in their PE lessons with Mr McGregor.


The children are also persevering with their independence of getting themselves dressed and undressed for PE.

Week beginning 19th September 2022

🌟✏️ Phonics ✏️🌟


The Reception children have settled into their differentiated phonics groups well and they are having lots of fun learning their new sounds in their phonics groups.


Some children have also began learning to orally segment and blend sounds in words using their robot arms.


It has been wonderful to see the children so engaged and enthusiastic with their phonics learning! 

In phonics, we use cued articulation actions to support the children with their pronunciation and recognition of sounds. Please find a video below demonstrating these actions for each sound. You may use this video at home to support your child.

Cued Articulation Song Ants in the Apple

Week beginning 12th September

🌳 Exploring Outside 🌳


The children have been enjoying exploring the outdoor area and engaging in lots of different activities as part of their Child Initiated Learning.


It has been lovely to see them begin to develop some friendships and talk to their peers with increasing courage.




Week beginning 12th September

🍽️ Lunch time 🍽️


The children are doing a fantastic job at eating their lunch in the dining room.

They are trying hard to remember their manners when collecting their food from the cooks and they are eating their food with increasing independence.


The children are also enjoying playing outside on the Key Stage 1 playground once they have finished eating.

Week beginning 5th September 2022

First week 


It has been wonderful to meet you children this week.


The Reception children are already becoming more independent and they are settling into the school routine well.


We can't wait to continue to get to know the children and watching them flourish throughout the year.





Week beginning 27th June 2022
🐌🐸🐹 Animal Visit 🐹🐸🐌


As part of our cross-curricular learning the children enjoyed a visit from Wild Science.


The children met Gary the snail, Sid the hamster, Stefano the frog and Randal the lizard. 


The children asked lots of questions and learnt lots of interesting facts about each of the animals.


This week in literacy,the children will be writing their own non-fiction books about the animals that visited.

Week beginning 20th June 2022

🐛 The Very Hungry Caterpillar 🐛


This week in literacy we have been reading the story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Clarle.


Each day, the children have had the opportunity to try one of the fruits that the Hungry Caterpillar ate in sequence.


Upon tasting each fruit, the children were encouraged to think of cloud words (adjectives) to describe the fruit. The children then used the  adjectives shared to write sentences to sequence a retelling of the story.



Week beginning 13th June 2022

🐞🐛🐜 Mini-beast hunts 🐜🐛🐞


This week in Child Initiated Learning the children have been enjoying going on mini-beast hunts.


They have enjoyed predicting where they might find each of the mini-beasts on the checklist and then using the magnifying glass to take a closer look in the outdoor area. 

Week beginning 6th June 2022

🌎 Geography Fieldwork 🌎


This week the children all took part in some Geography Fieldwork.


The children began by looking at a map of the local area and naming some of the local roads. They went outside in small groups to see if they could spot these roads in real life.


They had lots of fun exploring the local environment and developing their map skills.

Week beginning 23rd May 2022

👑🇬🇧 The Queen’s Jubilee 🇬🇧👑


This week the children have been celebrating the Queen’s jubilee.

They have  designed some royal crowns, drawn and painted a portrait of the queen, written and posted letters to the queen and had a picnic on the field to celebrate.


Week beginning 16th May 2022

🪴 Planting 🪴


This week the children have enjoyed exploring planting different seeds. 

During this time, the children have been learning and using new vocabulary linked to planting. They have been discussing what a plant will need to keep healthy and thinking carefully where they will place there plant so that it can be healthy.

Week beginning 9th May 2022

🖥 Using Technology 🖥


During CIL, the children in Reception have been enjoying practising their segmenting and blending skills using the computer and the interactive whiteboard. 


The children have been navigating the pirate coins into either the treasure chest or the bin, depending on whether they were real of fake words.


It has taken some real determination and perseverance this week for the children to use the computer mouse with success.

Week beginning 2nd May 2022

🔍 Odd and Even 🔎


In Maths the children have been exploring odd and even numbers.


The children have been making their own numicon number lines to help them identify the odd numbers and some children have even noticed a pattern.


We have also been listening to and joining in with the Odd Todd and Even Steven song to support our learning.

Odd Todd and Even Steven Song

Week beginning 25th April 2022



In literacy this week we have been reading the story of ‘The Gruffalo’ by Julia Donaldson.


The children have enjoyed joining in with the repeated refrains and phrases in the story and discussing the different characters.


In addition, we have begun exploring the skill of rhyme. The children have had ago at finding the rhyming words in the story, making 'silly soup' with rhyming words and  completing one syllable rhyming strings. 

Week beginning Monday 18th April 2022

🌸 Outdoor Area 🌸


This week, the children have enjoyed exploring some of the recent renovations that took place in our outdoor area during the Easter break.


It has been wonderful to see so many areas of the early years curriculum being explored in Child Initiated Learning.



Week beginning 28th March 2022

🧮 Maths 🧮 


The children have made some excellent progress in maths this term.


Take a look at the video below to see what Reception have been getting up to in Maths.

Maths Learning Look

Week beginning 21st March 2022

🌼🌸 Spring Hunt 🌸🌼


This week the Reception children went on a Spring Walk.


On the walk, the children were looking out for signs of spring and comparing what they saw in reflection to the Autumn walk they went on last term.


Thank you to all of the grown ups for joining us on this walk.


Week beginning 14th March 2022

🌳🏕 3D Shape Hunt 🏕🌳


In maths this week we have been learning about 3D shapes.


We have explored the different shapes such as cube, cuboid, cylinder, pyramid, prism and cone. We have also discussed the different properties of these shapes and thought about these shapes in everyday life.


The children also went outside on a 3D shape hunt, they looked closely for the shapes we have learnt about and then took pictures using the iPads.


Week beginning 7th March 2022

📜🆕 History 🆕📜


In History, the children have been continuing to compare old and new. This week they have been exploring schools from the past to modern day schools like Round Diamond.


After these comparisons, the children decided that they definitely preferred modern day schools and teachers to those in the past. 

Week beginning 28th February 2022

🌍 📚 World Book Day 📚🌍


The children have had a busy day today celebrating ‘World Book Day.’


It was wonderful to see all of the children dressed up and talking about the book character that they were dressed as.


The children have had a virtual visit from an author, Holly Ryan, listened to a story from our very own Round Diamond author, Mrs Hooper, taken part in The Masked Reader, had a ‘Book Tasting’ treat and then finally the day was finished with a story from a guest teacher, Miss Owen.

Week beginning 21st February 2022

🌸 Well-being Wednesday 🌸


The children had a wonderful day on Wednesday with activities planned around boosting mental health and well-being.  The activities were based around the 5 key areas outlined by the NHS ‘5 ways to well-being’.


In the morning, the children took part in a range of mini sporting activities that were ran by the Round Diamond Sports Crew and Sporting Futures. The activities included using the parachute, throwing, catching balancing and team work games.


Before lunch, the children completed some beautiful art work through the exploration of tessellating. The painted, tessellation patterns were created in the style of Escher.


In the afternoon, the children had the opportunity to compose their own songs in music and take part in more outdoor sporty game with Miss Cousins.


Finally, the day was finished with some calming meditation.


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Week beginning Monday 7th February 2022

🦕 🦖 Dinosaur Display 🦖🦕


Our ‘Dinosaur’ display is complete!


Lots of AMAZING learning is now displayed in the corridor. The reception children have really enjoyed learning about dinosaurs this half term and it’s been amazing to see all of the cross-curricular links they have made and experienced!  

Week beginning 31st January 2022

🧧🐉 Chinese New Year 🐉🧧


This week we have been doing lots of learning linked to Chinese New Year!


The children have had the opportunity to visit the role play Chinese New Year restaurant, make traditional Chinese lanterns, make dragons from various resources, learn the story of the great race, participate in a dragon dance, play the piano with Mr Meek to make some Chinese music and even try some traditional Chinese food!


It has been lovely to see the children enjoy exploring this celebration and asking lots of questions to develop their understanding!


Happy Chinese New Year! 

Week beginning 24th January 2022

🦖 Dinosaur books 🦖


In literacy, the children have been very busy writing their very own non-fiction book all about Dinosaurs!


Each day the children chose a different dinosaur to write about. They orally rehearsed their sentence, then used their phonics to have a go at writing it. Some children even remembered their sentence rules whilst they were writing.


These dinosaur books will be on our corridor display next week!

Week beginning 17th January 2022


This week in music with Mr Meek, the children have been exploring the different sounds that different musical instruments make.

They have been thinking about the high sounds that they can hear and the long sounds that they can hear. They have also been practising making high notes and low notes using their voices.

Exploring instruments

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Matching notes

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Week beginning 10th January 2022

🦖 Dinosaurs 🦖


This week the reception children started their new theme learning of ‘Dinosaurs’. 

As a class, the children shared everything they knew about dinosaurs and their super knowledge was recorded in a ‘Knowledge Harvest.’


The children have also enjoyed engaging in some small world dinosaur play in the dinosaur den outside!

6th & 7th January 2022

🗑 👨‍🚒 🚦🍴 Cross-curricular days - Life skills 🍴🚦👨‍🚒🗑


Over the last two days the children have been learning different life skills.


We have looked closely at the importance of recycling and not littering to keep our world happy and safe, people who help us and how they help us, fastening zips and undoing and doing up buttons, cutting and spreading food, considering the value of different items and exploring money. Finally, we also learnt how to cross a road safely!


The children have shown such a mature response to this learning and fantastic perseverance skills, especially when it came to fastening lots of tricky buttons!

Keep practising at home and remember try, and try again because you CAN do it!


Week Beginning 20th December 2021

🎄 Christmas Learning🎄


The children have been busy doing lots of learning linked to Christmas.


In literacy, the children have done Christmas word matching, written Christmas cards and written a Christmas list for Santa. 

In maths, the children have been revising lots of learning that they have been taught since joining reception. This has included 2D shapes, counting and making repeating pattern paper chains for our Renoir Christmas tree.


In CIL, the children have made Christmas cards, Christmas calendars, followed maps to help Santa deliver presents, decorated Christmas trees, wrapped presents and many other festively fun activities!


In addition to the above, the children have continued to learn and perform their Christmas songs (video links posted below) and enjoyed a yummy Christmas lunch together! 


Have a wonderful Christmas Reception. We can’t wait to see you and all of your super learning in 2022!

Week Beginning 13th December 2021

🎵 Christmas Singing 🎵


Over this half term, the Early Years children have been learning some Christmas songs to perform. The children have worked really hard to learn both the words and actions for each of the songs with Mr Meek. They have also been exploring pitch and rhythm whilst singing these songs.


We hope you enjoy listening to these songs.

Away in a Manger

Little Donkey

We Wish You a Merry Christmas

Week beginning 6th December 2021

🎅🏼🎄 A special day 🎄🎅🏼

This week the children enjoyed meeting Father Christmas. 

They behaved really well and have enjoyed talking to their friends about Christmas.


Thank you for your contributions today for Christmas jumper day too! 

Week beginning 29th November 2021

🍁 Autumn Walk 🍁



This week the children were very excited to go on their Autumn Walk with their grown-ups from home.


Over the last few weeks we have been discussing the season of Autumn coming to an end with the children and how Winter is on its way! The children have also been looking closely at the changes in weather as we go into the winter months.

On the Autumn Walk, children collected Autumn treasures on a journey stick. After the Autumn walk, the children were given the opportunity to talk about their ‘Autumn journey stick’ with a small group of friends.



Week beginning 22nd November 2021

🦸‍♂️🥔 Supertato 🥔🦸‍♂️

This week in literacy we have been reading the story Supertato and the children have made their very own Supertatoes!


First, the children looked carefully at the illustration of Supertato on the front cover of the book to decide what resources they would need. Then, they followed step-by-step instructions to build their very own Supertato.


The children’s Supertatoes are now in the Small World area of the classroom ready to be used for role play during CIL.

Week beginning 15th November 2021

📖 Story Time 📖


In Reception we have story time everyday.


Each day, the children vote on which book they would like to be read at story time. To support the children with their choice, we discuss each book by reading the blurb and the adults make their vote. Sometimes, the children even choose the books to be put to the vote.


In the clip below you can see Mr Paice reading a book to Morris class and the link to YouTube of Miss Conroy reading to Renoir class.

Remember every child has a school reading book and a library book to share at home. Please remember to log all of your super reading on Goread.


Renoir Story Time

Morris Story Time

Still image for this video

Week beginning 8th November 2021

🎆💥 Fireworks 💥🎆 

The children have been doing some collaborative painting this week.


After lots of discussions around light and firework celebrations, the children decided it would be a good idea to make our role play area look like a fireworks show. 


We got a giant piece of black paper the children chose bright coloured paints from the art cupboard. They then began carefully painting fireworks to create a firework backdrop after watching a teacher model of how to successfully paint a firework shape. The children made patterned fireworks using the paint and then some children decided to sprinkle some glitter on their fireworks to make them extra sparkly.


Whist the children were painting, they discussed the noises that fireworks made and shared their own firework experiences.

Week beginning 1st November 2021

🪔 Diwali 🪔 


This week the children have been learning all about Diwali in school as part of our theme learning.

The children learnt that Diwali is the festival of light and was celebrated by Sikhs and Hindus among other religions. 

We shared a story about celebrating Diwali and Navi, Vedika and Kira told how they were celebrating Diwali in their homes.

During our learning, the children also decorated their own rangoli patterns, learnt a Diwali dance using an online tutorial and created a collaborative firework scene. 

At the end of the day, Vedika gave the children all a Diwali gift to take home too. Thank you Vedika!



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Week beginning 18th October 2021

🧺 🥪 The Giant Jam Sandwich 🥪 🧺


Our Literacy learning has been inspired by the book 'The Giant Jam Sandwich'.


We used the book to create a range of learning across the key areas for our corridor display.


Literacy learning included story sequencing, name writing and exploring initial sounds.  In maths, we looked at door numbers and matched the sequins to the number on the door. 


During our CIL time, the we created wasps and people from the village as part of expressive art and design learning.



Week beginning 11th October 2021

⚽️🎾 PE 🎾⚽️


In PE the children have been going to the all weather pitch for PE and they have been learning how to move in various ways including running, jumping, skipping and hopping.

They have learnt various ball skills including dribbling the ball with their hands and feet, throwing, catching and bouncing.

The children have also been learning in pairs by passing the ball to each other. They have learnt to do this by both rolling and kicking.

Week beginning Monday 4th October 2021

🧮 Careful Counting 🧮


This week in maths we have been focussing on our careful counting skills. 

The children were showing their ability to use  1:1 correspondence when counting and some children even had a go at  finding 1 more.

Week beginning 27th September 2021

🎶 Music 🎶 


This week in music the children have been practising expressing emotion through a change in facial features. This music learning links with the reading skill that many children have been focussing on of suggestions how a character might be feeling because of their body language/ facial features. 

We hope you like this video snippet of our singing!


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Week beginning 20th September 2021

❤️ Family ❤️


As part of the children’s theme learning, we have been talking lots about our family. The children all brought a family picture in from home and then shared this picture with their friends.


We spoke about how families can all be made up differently and come in all different shapes and sizes. These family pictures are now displayed in the cloakroom.

Week beginning 13th September 2021

📚 Our first reading books 📚 


This week, following the children’s baseline phonics assessments, they received their first reception colour banded book. The children were very excited to get their lilac or pink book, and their login details for the GoRead app (our online reading record system).

The children also chose a book from the class library to share at home. They have loved spending time enjoying books in the reading area that they designed in the transition session.

Week beginning 6th September

🏫 Settling in 🏫


The children have had a great first week in Reception. 

They have enjoyed exploring the learning environment both indoors and outdoors, making new friends, exploring the resources and becoming increasingly independent.


All of the Early Year’s staff are SO proud of each and every child!

2020 - 2021

Week beginning 19th July 2021

🧸🧺 Teddy Bears Picnic 🧺 🧸 


This week we celebrated the end of our time together in Reception by having a Teddy Bears Picnic on the field.


Both the children (and the teddies) had a lovely time and enjoyed having conversations with their friends in Reception and Nursery.

Week beginning Monday 12th July 2021

🐛🦋 Transition 🦋🐛


This week the children in Reception have been thinking about the transition to Year 1. We have been reading the story ‘Colin the Cautious Caterpillar’ and relating Colin’s feelings to our own.


The children and teachers are feeling excited, anxious, happy and nervous all at the same time. However, we know that the children are ready to spread their wings and that they will be absolutely FANTASTIC in Year 1.

Week beginning Monday 5th July 2021

🎨 🖼 Painting Portraits 🖼🎨


This week the children have been reflecting on the special friendships that they have developed so far this year in Reception ❤️

The children had to pick a friends name out of a hat and then carefully paint a portrait of them. They had to look closely at the colours that would be needed and the shape of each of their friends features to complete an accurate portrait. If the colour needed wasn’t available, then they had to used their colour mixing skills to make the correct shade.


The children engaged in two way conversations to clarify shapes and colours to complete their portraits as accurately as possible.


These portraits will be sent home at the end of the year as a Reception keepsake memory ❤️

Week beginning 28th June 2021

📚 GoRead 📚 


This week the children have enjoyed using the new GoRead online reading record app at home and at school. The children have earned so many gems already from super reading!


Renoir read a staggering 111 times at home this week. A huge congratulations to the Renoir children and all of the grown ups at home.


Morris class will you beat Renoir next week?

Week Beginning 21st June 2021
📝 Phonics 📝


The children have been making some super progress in phonics this term. Miss Conroy's group have been learning Phase 4 consonant blends and the children are feeling so proud of themselves!

Week beginning 14th June 2021
🍎🥦 Healthy Lifestyle Cross-Curricular days 🥦🍎


This week we have had our cross-curricular days which have been focussed on a 'Healthy Lifestyle.'


The children have enjoyed learning about dental hygiene, basic first aid skills and Great Britain. The children also took place in a 'Mini-Olympics' afternoon with Miss Hall.

Week beginning 7th June 2021

🥕 👩‍🌾 Oliver’s Vegetables 🥕👩‍🌾


In literacy, we have been reading Oliver’s Vegetables by Vivian French. This week the children began by making a prediction of what they thought would happen after listening to the first few pages of the story. 

Here are some of the super predictions from the children below.

Week beginning 24th May 2021

🌻 Sunflower Art 🌻


In Reception this week we have had a focussed art CIL session.


We began by looking at a famous painting by Vincent Van Gogh and then we created our own sunflower art pictures. We have done some detailed drawings, some painting and even some salt dough sunflower sculptures!

Week beginning 17th May 2021


This week we have been learning about halving, doubling and odd/ even numbers in maths.


Miss Conroy and Miss McGregor can’t believe how confident we are becoming and how ready we will be for Year 1! 

Below is one of the songs we have enjoyed listening to and learning this week to support us with our maths learning. 



Odd Todd and Even Steven Song

Week beginning 10th May 2021

🐝 Well-bee-in Wednesday 🐝 


This week Reception took part in a ‘Well-be-in Wednesday’ activity with Mr Haig.


The children got involved in improving the environment of the school, learning about the increasing number of pollinators and enjoyed spending some quality time outside in the mud!




🦁 Week beginning 3rd May 2021 🦁 


Following on from our ‘Lion King’ cross-curricular days last week, we have been gathering lots of lovely learning to renew the Reception corridor display. 

Here’s the finished product below, we hope you like it as much as we do!  

*** UPDATE- Pupil parliament LOVED our display so we earnt a blue rosette 😁 ***

Week beginning 26th April 2021

🎭 Cross-curricular days 🎭


This week the children have enjoyed participating in this terms cross-curricular days alongside the whole school.


The cross-curricular days were planned to enhance children’s cultural capital and to allow them to begin to engage with their own personal development.


Cross-curricular days finished with a live production of ‘The Wizard of Oz’. The children really enjoyed the show and have all thought of lots of occupations they may wish to do in the future linked to the theatre, from costume designer, to popcorn server, to script writer! 


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Week beginning 19th April 2021

💰 Money 💰 


This week we have been learning about money in maths.


We have been exploring the different coins and talking about what’s the same and what’s different. 

The children have been using numicon to support them in understanding the value of each coin and some children have been ordering the coins from the coin with the smallest value, to the largest! 

Week beginning 12th April 2021

🌸 Spring 🌸


Outside, during CIL, the children have been enjoying going on  spring hunts.


The children have been independently looking for each thing on the checklist and then marking it off. They have really enjoyed going on spring hunts and reporting back to the adults every few items to share their findings and sometimes personal experiences with that spring item too.


Spring hunt 🌷

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Week beginning 22nd March 2021

🐣 Easter 🐣


Reception have been learning all about Easter this week!


We have been discussing why Easter is a special time in the Christian calendar and explored the Easter story. We have also been making lots of links to Spring whilst learning about Easter and how it symbolises the beginning of new life. The children have enjoyed observing daffodils blooming and baby lambs being born. 

We have also had lots of fun being creative by making lots of Easter crafts to celebrate Easter! We have made Easter cards using our fingerprints, Easter wreaths, Easter bunnies and even finished the week by making a special chocolate treat!!


We would like to wish you a restful break and a very Happy Easter! 

We are looking forward to a very exciting summer term ahead! ☀️ 🌸 ☀️



Week beginning 15th March 2021

💃🏼🕺🏽 PE 🕺🏽💃🏼

Reception have been working hard to put together a carnival dance in PE.


They have learnt a routine and have been being different animals during the carnival dance. 

I wonder if you can guess some of the animals they are travelling as? 

Reception Carnival Dance

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 Week Beginning 8th March 2021

🎉🏫 Back to school 🏫🎉


It was so lovely to see so many smiling faces back at school this week!


The children have settled back in well and have really enjoyed seeing and playing with their friends again. We have spent some time talking about our school day and reminding children of the expectations at school.


This week we have been assessing the children to identify any gaps and regroup the children for their phonics, literacy and maths learning.


The children really have been super and we are so proud of them.

Google Classroom

As the children log off of Google classroom (for what we hope will be the final time), we want to say a huge well done to each and every one of you in Reception!


You have made us SO proud and we cannot wait to see you back at school on Monday 8th March at 8:50am.


Please find below a transition booklet that you may wish to share with your child at home to support them in their return to school.

Week Beginning 1st March 2021
📚 World Book Day 📚 


This week we celebrate World Book Day.


We had  virtual fancy dress parade, a remote visit from an author, created our own story and took part in 'The Masked Reader'.We finished off the day with a story from a guest reader in our Google Classroom, before a cosy afternoon reading at home.


Lots of fun was had by all!

🏰 Week beginning 21st February 2021 🏰 


This week Reception have been learning about shapes in maths. The children built their own castles using 3D junk modelling shapes. This maths learning also linked with our Spring 2 theme of ‘Fairytales’.

Week beginning 7th February 2021


To finish off a very different, but successful half term the Reception children had a well-being afternoon.


The children made a jar of ‘Things to look forward to...’. They had some fantastic ideas of what they would like to do when it was safe to spend more time away from home. Lots of children are looking forward to having sleepovers again, going on day trips, visiting friends and family  but most of all they can’t wait to come back to school and we agree! 

Thank you for being abasolutly amazing this half term Reception. We can’t wait to see your smiley faces hopefully very soon. 🤞🏼 

Week beginning 1st February 2021


This half term lots of Reception learning has been focussed around our theme of dinosaurs!


This week it has been all about the stegosaurus. The children watched a short factual based video about a stegosaurus and then produced their own non-fiction, factual stegosaurus pieces of learning.


Attached below is the video the children retrieved their stegosaurus facts from and some of their super learning. 

Andy's Dinosaur Adventures - Stegosaurus Facts - CBeebies

Week beginning 25th January 2021


This week the children have exceeded all expectation via the Google Classroom. They have continued to put so much effort into their learning and they are remaining so engaged with their learning. We are so proud of the children! 

Here is a picture of some children showing their learning to the camera for instant feedback! Lots of children are choosing to complete the additional challenges as part of their learning which is a delight to see.


Well done girls and boys, you really are Superstars!

Week beginning 18th January 2021


This week we have been learning how to solve subtraction number sentences in different ways. Some of us have been using a number line, some of us have used our fingers, some of us have used concrete resources, some of us have drawn pictures and some of us have even began counting backwards in our head!

Week Beginning 11th January 2021


This week Reception had a virtual tea party. We invited our favourite toys and hosted a tea party. There were lots of yummy treats to choose from and we had the best time, even the grown ups enjoyed joining in!

Week beginning 4th January 2021


This week was our first week of online learning! The children did exceptionally well and we are so proud of them!


We spoke lots about Christmas this week and the children all drew their favourite Christmas present! Some children even had a go at labelling them, or writing a sentence about them.

Week beginning 14th December 2020


On Friday, we celebrated the end of a fantastic term with a Christmas party. We put our best party clothes on to play games, dance and eat lots of party food. We all had lots of fun and it was a great way to finish a very busy Autumn term! 

Week beginning 7th December 2020


We took part in the Santa dash this week! The children were so energised and they managed to persevere and keep on moving around the All Weather Pitch for 10 minutes!


Still image for this video

Week beginning 30th November 2020


In PE, we have been doing gymnastics. We have been learning to negotiate the space around us and travel in different ways with confidence.
This week, Miss Hall got lots of apparatus out for us to explore! 

Week beginning 23rd November 2020


In maths we have been learning all about shapes. We have learnt the mathematical names for both 2D and 3D shapes and we have began exploring their properties.


Below is our favourite shape song that we have learnt this week. 

The Shapes Song

Week beginning 16th November 2020


In literacy this week we have been reading the story Supertato.

To enhance our learning, we made our very own Supertato’s to help save us from any Evil Pea’s that may have escaped the freezer!  

Week beginning 9th November 2020


This week some children from Reception were presented with their Mini-Olympic medal from Miss Hall. The children were so proud of their achievement and enjoyed wearing their medal for the day at school.

Week beginning 2nd November 2020


This week we have being doing lots of learning linked to bonfire night. We have been reading the story Sparks in the Sky in literacy and all of our literacy learning has linked to this story.


As part of our theme learning we have created firework pictures. We had to think carefully about what colours we should use for our fireworks and what resources to use. We decided to create our pictures on black card so it looked like the night sky. Some children used the paint to create firework handprints and some children used pastels. We finished our pictures by adding glitter for some extra sparkle.

Week beginning 19th October 2020

We are so proud of the progress the children have made in phonics so far this term. They are becoming increasingly confident each day in recognising, hearing and saying the sounds they have learnt. 

Many children are now also writing the sounds that they have learnt which makes us so proud!


Below is a copy of the rhymes we use with the children to ensure they are forming the letter shapes correctly. By encouraging the children to form the letters accurately they are training the muscles in their hand to write with fluency in the future. 

Week beginning 12th October 2020


This week in literacy we have been reading the story ‘Whatever Next’ by Jill Murphy. 


The children have have been busy engaging in lots of literacy learning linked to the story ‘Whatever Next.’ They have packed their bags to go to the moon, sequenced the story, practiced their tripod grip doing a space pencil control sheet and identified the initial sounds of objects from the story.

Week beginning 5th October 2020


This week we collated lots of our ‘All About Me’ learning, and Miss Conroy and Miss McGregor put it up on our corridor display for everyone to see.


We are so proud of our learning and enjoy looking at it when we are moving around the school.


We hope you like it as much as we do.

Week beginning 28th September 2020


We really enjoyed our PE this week with Miss Hall.


We have been learning to negotiate our travelling space successfully and control balls in different ways. We have been rolling balls of different sizes and beginning to learn how to throw them using an underarm throw. 

Rolling the ball...

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Aiming for the cones...

Still image for this video

Week commencing 21st September 2020


This week we have been talking about about how to be a good friend in Reception. The children had lots of good ideas of how they could be a good friend and we discussed what it meant to be a good friend.


We also spoke about what we could do if we fall out with our friends and how we could fix our friendship by saying sorry and trying to make better choices next time.

Week commencing 14th September 2020


This week we have been busy doing lots of maths learning.


We have been practising our counting, trying to use mathematical language and exploring shapes. 

Week commencing 7th September 2020


The Children have settled in Reception so well and we are so proud of them. They are following the routines and becoming more and more independent each day. 


This week we started phonics. We have been learning the ‘s’ sound and name. The children thought of some words beginning with ‘s’, sorted out words that did/didn’t begin with ‘s’ and had a go at forming the letter ‘s’ with their magic finger.


Keep up the super learning Reception!

Welcome to Reception


A warm welcome to our new Reception parents with children who are starting September 2020. Please find our welcome video and Powerpoint below 🙂


If you have any questions or queries regarding starting Reception at Round Diamond in September please email:

Welcome to EYFS

Still image for this video



🌟 Goodbye Reception 🌟

Still image for this video

Welcome to our Reception Class Page 2019/20




A warm welcome to Renoir and Morris class page!


Remember all of our learning will be shared on Tapestry, but this page may provide you with a further insight into school life at Round Diamond.

Information on how to support your child's development in the Early Years can be found in the above document 

What to Expect, When?

The What to Expect, When? document is a useful documents which breaks down the development matter statements into simple sentences as a way of tracking your child's development. 

Meet the team!


Renoir Class - Miss Conroy and Mrs Charge

Morris Class - Miss McGregor and Mrs Sheppard

Important dates


PE days are Monday and Thursday:

Please ensure to bring in named kit which is specified in the Welcome to Reception letter.
Where possible, please can children have Velcro/ slip-on trainers to aid independence. Many thanks smiley








Home learning - Week Beginning 20.07.20


The home learning for Reception children not yet returning to school is attached below. 


We hope you have a lovely summer.


Miss Conroy and Miss McGregor.

Week Beginning 13th July 2020

Story Writing


This week in literacy we have continued to read tales written by Beatrix Potter. We have read Johnny Townmouse and The Tale of Jeremy Fisher this week. On Wednesday we planned our own version of The Tale of Jeremy Fisher and then on Thursday we wrote our stories into mini books.


We hope you like our plans! Some of us have decided we would like to be authors when we are older.



Home learning - Week Beginning 13.07.20


The home learning for Reception children not yet returning to school is attached below. 


Miss Conroy and Miss McGregor.

Home Learning Overview W.B:13.07.20

Johnny Town-mouse READ ALOUD by Beatrix Potter Kids Read Aloud Story about Country Mouse Timmy Willy

"The Tale of Johnny Town-mouse" by Beatrix Potter follows the adventures of two mice: Johnny Town-mouse and Timmy Willy. Johnny grew up in the city, while Ti...

The Tale of Mr. Jeremy Fisher by Beatrix Potter

The Tale of Mr. Jeremy Fisher, like Peter Rabbit, began life as an illustrated letter to a young child. It was written when she was on holiday in Scotland wh...

Maths videos

Let's Get Fit | Count to 100 | Count to 100 Song | Counting to 100 | Jack Hartmann

Teach your children to count to 100 as they get some great exercise too. This cool kid-friendly song starts out with a message about staying healthy and fit ...

Counting By Twos Song

The Counting By Twos Song by Have Fun Teaching is a counting song that teaches skip counting by two. Download the Counting Videos:

Farmer Pete song with animation by Sunshine Class (pupils aged 5 years)

We made our own animation for the Farmer Pete number bonds for 10 song.

Genevieve Goings- "How Many Fives Around The Clock?" Official Video

DO YOU KNOW how to tell time? Learn with Genevieve Goings, Children's television Star! -As heard on Radio Disney Junior! Known to Disney Junior-watching fans...

Understanding of the World

Personal, Social, Emotional Development

Communication and Language

Week Beginning 6th July 2020

🐇🥕 Peter Rabbit 🐇🥕


This week in literacy we have been reading tales written by Beatrix Potter. We have discussed the similarities and differences between some of her tales and spoke about some of the unfamiliar words in the stories. The children have really enjoyed watching some Beartirx Potter animations and comparing events in the stories to their own lives.


Here are some lists the children wrote about what their grown ups do for them when they are feeling poorly! Peter rabbbit got tucked into bed and drank some camomile tea in The Tale of Peter Rabbit.

Home learning - Week Beginning 06.07.20


The home learning for Reception children not yet returning to school is attached below. 


Miss Conroy and Miss McGregor.

Home Learning Overview W.B:06.07.20

Literacy 3 - The Tale of Peter Rabbit by Beatrix Potter

Beatrix Potter loved the countryside and she spent much of her otherwise conventional Victorian childhood drawing and studying animals. Her passion for the n...

Maths video

Odd Todd and Even Steven

TeacherTube User: Mszdaz TeacherTube URL: This is a math video lesson to help you with new math, mat...

Personal, Social, Emotional Development

Physical Development

Communication and Language

Week beginning 29th June 2020

🐝🍯 Bees and Honey 🍯🐝


This week we have been learning all about bees. 


The children started by sharing their own knowledge about bees. As a class we discussed facts about bees and honey. The children looked at honey and watched how a honey sandwich was made.  We discussed how important bees are and how we need to protect them because there’s not as many bees as there should be. 


The following day we watched a video about bees and how they make honey, it was really interesting. We had a think all together and created a mind map of ideas of how we could protect bees and try to keep them safe. 


On Wednesday, we looked at a non-fiction book about bees. The facts we learnt stimulated some questions about bees so we recorded these questions and then researched the answers to them using the internet. Finally, we had a go at answering some bee questions all by ourself. 


To finish our learning all about bees this week, we wrote some of our favourite facts in the shape of a bee. We carefully decorated them and have put pictures of them on our class page so we can share our knowledge and help keep bees safe! 

Home learning - Week Beginning 29.06.20


We hope you have had a brilliant week in the sunshine and you are keeping safe at home in the sun!


The home learning for Reception children not yet returning to school is attached below.


This weeks learning in literacy is all about bumble bees which we’re very excited about! 

🐝 We hope you are as excited as we are. 🐝 


Miss Conroy and Miss McGregor.

Home Learning Overview W.B:29.06.20

Maths videos

Odd Todd and Even Steven

BBC Schools - Numbertime Money - Coin Recognition to 10p

BBC Schools Numbertime Money All Up To 20p

Counting By Twos Song

The Counting By Twos Song by Have Fun Teaching is a counting song that teaches skip counting by two. Download the Counting Videos:

Communication and Language

Come Outside - Eggs

Educational fun for children. Auntie and Pippin collect some newly laid eggs from the hens. Auntie looks at her scrapbook in which she has pasted pictures of...

Personal, Social, Emotional Development

Physical Development

Understanding of the World

Expressive Art and Design

Week beginning 22nd June 2020

🐄🐇🐖 Non-Fiction Writing 🐖🐇🐄


This week in Reception we have written our own non-fiction books. We each chose an animal and researched some important facts. Then, we put these facts into our own sentences to make our very own non-fiction books.

Home Learning - Week Beginning 22.06.20


We hope you are all safe and well. 


Please find below the home learning for Reception children not yet returning to school.


We look forward to seeing you soon.


Miss Conroy and Miss McGregor.

Home Learning Overview W.B:22.06.20

Maths videos

Shapes Song 2

A shapes song for children. If this video corrupts, please try the link below. This song was written and performed...

3D Shapes Song | Shapes for kids | The Singing Walrus

The Singing Walrus presents "3D Shapes Song" - an upbeat, funky music video that shows various three dimensional shapes. Join our characters as they learn 4 ...

NUMBERJACKS | Sphere Today, Gone Tommorrow | S1E3

Personal, Social, Emotional Development

Week beginning 15th June 2020

⭐️💗 Someone Special 💗⭐️



As Fathers Day approaches, we discussed special people in our lives and why we love them. The children discussed how people help them in different ways by reading to them, playing with them, cooking with them and playing sports together.


Still image for this video


Still image for this video

Home Learning - Week Beginning 15.06.20


We hope you are all safe and well. 


Please find below the home learning for Reception children not yet returning to school.


We look forward to seeing you soon.


Miss Conroy and Miss McGregor.

Home Learning Overview - W.B: 15.06.20

Tadpole's Promise by Jeanne Willis

Counting By Twos Song

Communication and Language

Expressive Art and Design

Personal, Social, Emotional Development

Understanding of the World

Week beginning 8th June 2020

🌈 Our second week back 🌈


During our afternoon learning we completed a session of cosmic kids yoga. The children thoroughly enjoyed the session and loved trying some different yoga moves! The cosmic kids yoga is a great way to relax and focus and can also be done at home, simply search cosmic kids yoga on YouTube and select a video.

Home Learning - Week Beginning 08.01.20

It has been so lovely to see lots of our Reception friends back at school this week.


For those children who are not yet returning to school, please find the home learning attached below.


We hope you are all keeping safe and well!


Miss Conroy and Miss McGregor.

Home Learning Overview W.B: 08.06.20

The Very Hungry Caterpillar - Animated Film

Big Numbers Song Count to 100 Song

Count 10-100 Count by 10 Song

Communication and Language Resources

Understanding of the World Resources

Flight Of The Bumblebee - Rimsky-Korsakov

Week beginning 1st June 2020

🌈 Our First Week Back 🌈



This week we have been getting used to our 'new' classroom and routine.


We have completed lots of fun activities including creating our new learning pack front covers, playing bean bag games outside and completing an all about me sheet. We have also been doing our regular phonics, literacy, maths and theme learning.


Well done to all of the children for taking the change in their stride and staying positive and producing fantastic learning! ⭐️


Summer 2 - W.B: 01.06.20

We hope you had a fantastic May Half Term.

Thank you to all of those children (and grown-ups) who completed the 'nature' challenge. You found so many beautiful things on the ground whilst out and about, well done!


We are really looking forward to seeing lots of lovely, smiley Reception faces back at school this week. For those of you not joining us back at school just yet, please find the home learning attached below.


Keep safe and keep smiling all!


Miss Conroy and Miss McGregor.

Reception Home Learning Overview W.B: 01.05.20

The Highway Rat

Music - Robert Schumann, Soldier's March

May Half Term 


Hello Reception,


We hope you have a wonderful half term. We are missing you all lots and can’t wait to see you soon!


We have a half term challenge for you, watch our video below to find out more.

When you’ve done the challenge, post a photo of your creation to Tapestry and we will share them for your friends to see!


Miss Conroy and Miss McGregor 💐 

Nature nature all around, look what we’ve found on the ground!

Still image for this video

Summer 1 Home Learning - Week Beginning 18.05.20


Please find below the home learning for the above week.


Thank you to all of those grown-ups that have been posting on tapestry. We really do enjoy seeing the children's smiley faces and all of the lovely things that they have been up to at home. We noticed lots of yummy tea parties last week to celebrate VE day!


Keep safe and keep smiling!


Miss Conroy, Miss McGregor, Mrs Charge and Miss Sheppard

Reception Home Learning Overview 18.05.20

The Snail and the Whale

Numberblocks - Double Numbers

NUMBERJACKS | Half Time | S2E10

Music- Rain is Falling Down

Still image for this video

Summer 2 Home Learning - Week Beginning 11.05.20


We hope you are all safe and well. Keep smiling Early Years children, we can do this!


We hope to see you all very soon,


Miss Conroy, Miss McGregor, Mrs Charge and Miss Sheppard.

Reception Home Learning Overview 11.05.20


Days of the Week Song

What's the Time, Mr. Wolf?

Let's Learn About the Clock

"How Many Fives Around The Clock?"

Months Of The Year Song

Music- Five Little Monkeys

Still image for this video

Summer 2 Home Learning- W.B: 04.05.2020

Please find below the Reception home learning for the week beginning 04.05.20. This learning and the supporting resources can also be found on Tapestry.

Thank you again for your ongoing support, any queries please email Miss Owen at

Keep smiling!


Miss Conroy, Miss McGregor, Mrs Charge and Ms Sheppard.

Reception home learning overview W.B: 04.05.20

Zog - Julia Donaldson

2D shape song

3D shape song

Aliens Love Underpants

Music - Little Sammy Saucer

Still image for this video

Home learning
Summer Term- Week 2 (W.B: 27/04/20)


Welcome to your second week of Summer Term home learning for Reception.


As last week, attached below is an overview of the literacy, maths, afternoon and CIL (child initiated learning) learning for you to complete at home with your child. The resources to support this home learning are also attached below.

The way this learning is completed again is up to you. It may be a good idea to reflect on what worked well in last weeks home learning timetable 
and how you can make it even better this week. The timetable and learning we are providing is flexible and should be used and tweaked to best suit you and your child at home.


The below learning is also posted on Tapestry for your convenience.
Lots of grownups have been sharing their childrens home learning on Tapestry and it has been absoloutly delightful to see this learning and be able to engage with you and the children. Please keep Tapestry posts coming our way!


Sending lots of happiness your way.


Thank you again for your ongoing support, any queiries please email Miss Owen at 


Miss Conroy, Miss McGregor, Mrs Charge and Ms Sheppard.

Reception Home Learning Overview Week Beginning 27.04.20

The Gruffalo - Julia Donaldson

Home learning
Summer Term- Week 1 (W.B: 20/04/20)


Welcome to your first week of Summer Term home learning for Reception.


Attached below is an overview of the literacy, maths, afternoon and CIL (child initiated learning) learning for you to complete at home with your child. The way this learning is completed is up to you, however we would suggest you create a weekly/ daily timetable with your child that fits best with your home learning environment.


Documents have also been saved below to match the learning. Where necessary, there are sheets or photos for your guidance. Not all of the activities need sheets as we have tried to ensure the activities will keep your child engaged during their learning at home, just as we do at school. 


Each Thursday, learning for the following week and resources will be posted on this page and the weekly overview of learning will also be posted on Tapestry. We will also continue to post challenges on Tapestry for Early Years and on Facebook for the whole school. We are sure your children loved seeing their friends' learning at home so please continue to join in with the challenges where possible.


We hope you enjoy the learning attached and you are all keeping safe, healthy and happy!


Thank you for your ongoing support, any queiries please email at 


Miss Conroy, Miss McGregor, Mrs Charge and Ms Sheppard.

Reception Home Learning Overview Week Beginning 20.04.20

🐣 Easter Holidays 🐣 


We hope you have had an enjoyable couple of weeks learning from home and have found the activities useful. Thank you for updating Tapestry with your fantastic learning, beautiful rainbows and scrumptious baking challenges.

There are a few Spring time craft and baking activities posted below if you wish to be creative during the Easter holidays.


We hope to see you soon and hope you are all keeping well. Thank you again for your continued support at these uncertain times. 

Miss Conroy and Miss McGregor.

School Closure

Week Beginning 23rd March 2020


Attached you will find an assortment of activities should you wish to complete with your children at home. There are also links to videos and songs that the children have been enjoying whilst in reception.


There is also a link to which is a resource bank filled with interactive games, videos, stories and printable resources. Parents are being granted free access during this uncertain time. For a free log in use and use the code PARENTSTWINKLHELPS 

There is also free access to phonicsplay which is another great resource with phonics games for free access;

username: march20

password: home 


If you have any questions regarding this learning please email


Week beginning 16th March 2020


This week in Reception Miss Conroy and Miss McGregor have been checking to see which sounds and tricky words we are now reading fluently and confidently. 

We have blown Miss Conroy’s and Miss McGregor’s socks off by how many words and sounds we have learnt and remembered so far this year. 

Week beginning 9th March 2020


This week we had a visit from a Sports Relief Coach. She taught us some really fun games that we could play to help us keep fit and healthy.

We played the ‘bean game’ and then we did some different exercises using the bean bags. 

Bean Bag Balance

Still image for this video

Week beginning 2nd March 2020


This week we celebrated World Book Day. We dressed up in costumes that were inspired by characters from our favourite books. Most of us donated £1 to the school to buy some more books for our school library that we can share at home.

Week beginning 24th February 2020


This week we began our new theme in Reception which is ‘Fairytales’.

In our classes we had a vote to choose a fairytale to go and listen to with either Miss Conroy, Miss McGregor, Mrs Charge or Ms Shepard. 

Some of us chose a story we had heard many times before at home, whereas some of us chose an unfamiliar fairytale.

Week beginning 10th February 2020


This week, as part of the children’s creative learning they have made dinosaur masks.

Here are some of the mighty dinosaurs giving a big ‘roarrrrrrrr’.

Week beginning 3rd February 2020


Over the last few weeks the children have been doing lots of wonderful learning within our ‘Dinosaur’ theme. Lots of their learning is now displayed on our updated Reception corridor display.

I think you will agree it looks amazing!

Week beginning 27th January 2020


This week it was Renoir’s turn to become ‘Palaeontologists’...

Week beginning 20th January 2020


This week Morris class went on a discovery! The children went out to the court yard to see what they could find... 

Week beginning 13th January 2020


This week we had our first ‘Fabulous Friday’ in Reception. We had a great turn out of parents and it was wonderful to see so many children engaging in their learning alongside their grown up.

Thank you again to all of those that could make it and we look forward to seeing you again soon!

‘Fabulous Friday’ will continue to run for the rest of the academic year in Reception. 

Week beginning 6th January 2020


Happy New Year!

This week we started our new theme of ‘Dinosaurs’ in Reception. We started by doing a knowledge harvest to find out what we already knew about dinosaurs. Then, we used our decoding skills to label some of the dinosaur body parts. These diagrams are being displayed in our classroom as the start of our theme display.

Week beginning 16th December 2019


This week we performed our Christmas story to some of the children at Round Diamond school and our grown ups!

We have worked so hard this year to learn the words and actions to some very fast and challenging songs. Some of us even had lines to learn and say on our own in front of the entire audience.


We have had lots of fun and our teachers are proud to say that so many of us have grown in confidence throughout our rehearsing times. Miss Conroy and Miss McGregor say that we are all superstars, and we agree!

Week beginning 9th December 2019


On Friday we celebrated ‘Christmas jumper day’. The children came into school wearing their Christmas jumpers and bought in £1 for the ‘Save the Children’ charity. The children really enjoyed showing their jumpers off and we spoke about the good cause we had donated to by wearing our Christmas jumpers.

Week beginning 2nd December 


Today reception had a special visitor  from Hertfordshire County Council, a road safety officer called Barbara. Barbara was speaking  to us about how to cross the road safely. We learnt that to cross the road safely you have to stop 🛑, look 👀 and listen 👂 and ALWAYS hold a grownups hand. Then we spoke about the safest places and ways to cross the road. Barbara reminded us to that we must always wear our seat belt in the car and keep our seat belts on until the car has stopped and our grown up is ready to help us get out of the car on the side near the kerb. 

Barbara told us we should always try to wear light clothes when we are outside so people can see us clearly, especially in the winter when there’s less daylight. We also looked at the reflective strips on our book bags and learnt a song to help us remember how to cross the road safely. To finish, we practised crossing the road safely with our friends.

Well done Renoir class, you all know how to cross the road safely!

Week beginning 25th November 2019


This week the teachers have been busy assessing our phonics knowledge. We are pleased to say that we can now hear, identify and say lots more sounds than we could when we begun reception in September. Lots of us are nowsegmenting and blending too!

Our teachers are so proud of us!

Week beginning 18th November 2019


This half term our topic is ‘Superheroes’. In literacy, we have been reading the story Supertato. This week, as part of our topic learning we made our very own ‘Supertatoes’ by sticking and combining different materials on to a real potato. These potatoes are now in our Small World Areas in the classroom ready for us to imitate scenes from the story. 

Week beginning 11th November 2019


On Monday we reflected on Remembrance  Sunday. Some children shared their own knowledge and  experiences of Remembrance Sunday so far. We watched a short clip which explained the story of ‘Poppy Day’ and then the children created some beautiful art work which is now displayed in the Reception classrooms.

Week beginning 4th November 


This week we have been busy learning lots of new sounds in phonics to help us with our reading and writing. We use cued articulation actions to aid our understanding of how each sound is made.

Cued Articulation Song Ants in the Apple

Cued Articulation

Week beginning 21st October


We have all enjoyed our first half term in Reception. We have made lots of new friends and we are really enjoying the challenging learning set by our teachers.


Here is some of our learning from this week.

Week beginning 14th October 


In Reception we have been reading the story Whatever Next by Jill Murphy. We have engaged in lots of lovely learning activities and Miss Conroy and Miss McGregor have put our super learning on display in the corridor. We are so proud of our learning and so are our teachers! 


What do you think?

Week beginning 7th October 2019


In maths, we have been learning about repeating patterns. Here is some of our learning. 

Week beginning 30th September 2019


In reception our topic is ‘All about me’. This week the children have been practising their cutting skills by making a jigsaw from their faces and putting it back together. The children then looked closely at their photos and discussed their features with their learning partners. 

Week beginning 23rd September 2019


In literacy we have been reading ‘Whatever Next!’ By Jill Murphy. We have been taking part in lots of different activities to do with this story as part of our literacy learning.

We have used the playdough to make different planets, ordered the main parts of the story, drawn pictures of baby bear in space using the chalk, packed a bag for space and acted out the story.

Week beginning 15th September 2019


This week we have been doing our baseline phonics assessments ready for our phonics groups. We have started to learn some sounds and we have been looking at the initial sounds of words as part of our literacy learning. 



Week beginning 9th September 2019


In Reception we have been learning to undress and dress ourselves for PE. This has been quite challenging for some of us! It would be really helpful if we could practise this skill at home with our grown ups.


Look at us having a go!

Week beginning 2nd September 2019

The Reception children have settled in well and they are enjoying exploring their new learning environment.

The children are developing their new friendships within the Early Years and this is lovely to see.

Reception Class Page 2018/19

w/c 24th June - 28th June


This week we have been exploring measurements in maths! The children have explored different lengths and made estimations as well as using cubes to measure.


In literacy we have been preparing for our trip to the farm by writing lists, labelling maps and making tickets!

W/C 10th June - 14th June


Throughout the week we have been exploring number in maths. We have explored number problems by listening to the language in the sentence and deciding whether it was an addition or subtraction calculation. We have practised using number lines to help us answer our questions and have mastered this skill throughout the week. 


In literacy we have been watching the story of 'Farmer Dan'. We predicted what would happen in the story and created our own inventions to save Farmer Dan from the mud. After exploring the story in detail we were ready to rewrite the story. 


We are so excited for our farm trip on the 3rd of July!

Please remember to hand in your money and reply slip if you have not already.


Thank you,

EYFS team 



Monday 25th March - Friday 29th March


This week we have been continuing with our topic of fairy tales as well as discussing how special our mums are in preparation for Mother's Day.


In literacy we have been reading the story of Little Red Riding Hood and writing lists to buy food for Granny. We have also been thinking about the characters and how they differ from one another.


In maths we have been exploring money by discussing the properties of the coins and their value. 


Thank you for your ongoing support, we look forward to seeing you at our Easter stay and play on Thursday 4th April at 2:15 - 3:00 

Spring has sprung!

Monday 11th March - Friday 15th March


We have been very busy in Reception this week.


We are learning about fairytales and planted our own beans as part of our understanding of the world learning. We are filling in bean diaries every week and are excited to see the changes that we see!


In literacy we have been reading the story of the three little pigs and have completed a selection of activities including writing speech bubbles and writing labels for the three pig's houses.


In maths we have been exploring capacity and length and have been sorting, ordering and measuring. We really enjoyed writing our own recipes to explore during CIL.


Thank you for your ongoing support. 

The EYFS team 



Parent Voice feedback - Reading at Home

Week commencing 21st January - 25th January


Throughout this week we have been learning all about time in maths.

We sequenced routines, sorted day and night pictures and discussed o'clock times. Next week we will explore this in more detail to deepen our knowledge.


In literacy we have been continuing to build upon our writing skills.

We have labelled pictures of dinosaurs and written sentences using sounding out, finger spaces and full stops.


Please remember to write down any reading completed on bug club into your child's reading record to ensure it is counted towards their reading certificate at the end of term.

Welcome back!


We hope you had an exciting Christmas and New Year.

This term we will be learning about Dinosaurs in our topic learning and we will be focusing on the following skills within the other areas of learning;


Maths - Addition and subtraction



Sharing, halving and doubling

Number recognition


Literacy - Constructing sentences

Writing sentences

Writing labels, lists and captions


Please remember to record any reading that you do with your child (including Bug Club) in their reading record to ensure they can receive a reading certificate at the end of the half term.


We look forward to meeting with you at parent's evening on Monday 11th and Wednesday the 13th of February.



Week starting the 8th of October


This week we have been learning all about 2D shapes and their properties. We have completed a range of activities including going on a shape hunt, shape pictures and shape playdough activities.

In literacy we have been learning all about alien nonsense words. These are words that we can read but they sound silly and do not make sense! We created our own alien words and practised reading them too. 


Please remember we have our Autumn walk on Monday 15th October at 9:10 am. We look forward to seeing many of you then. 




Thank you to those who joined us at our Reading in the Early Years Meeting. As promised here is the Powerpoint presentation .

The Early Years Team.  smiley

Reading in the Early Years

Summer Term 1

Welcome back!


We hope that you had a relaxing Easter break.

This half term our new topic is 'Animals'. The children will be learning about a range of animals from wild animals to domestic pets. The children will be finding out where in the world animals live and exploring a range of habitats. 

In literacy we be continuing to develop our writing skills and the children will be  using Non - Fiction books to find out facts about a range of animals. The children will then move on to writing facts and short reports using the information that they have found from exploring the Non - Fiction books.

In Maths we will be continuing to develop our understanding of addition and subtraction, using Numicon and number lines to support this. We will focus on learning our Number Bonds to ten. Please find the link to a Number Bond Song 'Farmer Pete' that we will be using in class to help us learn our Number Bonds so that you can practise this skill with your child at home.     


We continue to encourage you to read with your child daily as it is important that they are on at least yellow reading level by the end of the summer term.  


Once again the Reception Team would like to thank you for your on going support and we look forward to a successful summer term!



Phonics information for parents


Happy Easter!


Thank you for all of your ongoing support this year so far. We have loved seeing the children progress throughout the Spring term and are excited for a fun-filled Summer!

Our new topic will be 'Animals' and we would appreciate any books or resources you may have at home that we could borrow for the half term, we promise to look after them!

We hope you have a relaxing Easter break and look forward to seeing you back in school on Monday 16th April.


Miss Owen

Miss McGregor

Mrs Charge

Ms Sheppard


Our Learning 19th-23rd March


This week Renoir and Morris enjoyed taking part in Science Day. They took part in 2 experiments; 'Rainbow Magic' with skittles and milk and 'Ice Breaker!' with ice cubes. 

Morris and Renoir both enjoyed taking part in each investigation in their own class and in their partner class. They showed great enthusiasm throughout and made predictions before testing their ideas. 

They also explored what scientists do and came up with their own questions about the world which have been posted on Tapestry as a home learning challenge!

Overall it was an exciting day full of questions and wonder!


Next week we will be learning about Easter and taking part in plenty of Easter craft. 


Please remember school finishes at 2:00pm on Thursday 29th March



Our Learning 26th February  - 2nd March


It has been a very chilly and snowy week but we powered through! 

During literacy we explored the story of Hansel and Gretel creating our own story boards and retelling the story in small groups.

In maths we explored tally charts and pictograms by asking each other our favourite sweets to collect the data.

On Thursday we had 'World Book Day' where we all dressed up in our pyjamas! We had lots of fun sharing our favourite stories and listening to the adults share their favourite stories too.


Thank you for your ongoing support, especially with the inconvenient weather!

EYFS team 

Spring Term 2 

Welcome back!

We hope you had a restful and fun half term.

This half term we will be exploring the topic 'Traditional Tales' where we will be exploring stories including their characters and settings as well as creating our own representations of magical objects and people.

In maths we will be developing our understanding of addition and subtraction as well as being introduced to money.

In literacy we will be developing our writing skills and focus on writing short stories based on our favourite traditional tales.


We continue to encourage you to read with your child daily as it is important that they are on at least yellow reading level by the end of Summer term. 


Thank you for your ongoing support.

Our Learning 8th January - 12th January


This week in literacy we have been exploring the book 'Supertato!'

We made our own fantastic Supertatos using real potatoes and created a cape and mask for our character.

We have also been writing our own descriptions of Supertato and needed to use our sounding out to ensure that we could write a sentence that could be read by an adult.

In the story we meet the evil pea so we discussed villains and the qualities that villains have. We created our own villains and wrote words to describe them such as 'nasty' and 'sneaky.'


In maths we have been exploring weight. We sorted a variety of vegetables into heavy and light by using our hands to balance them and compare their weights so we could sort them. 

We were then able to order the vegetables from lightest to heaviest in order and recorded our findings on paper.

We have also been exploring length and used rulers to find different objects that were long and short. We loved this activity as we were able to independently choose what we measured. 


In topic we created our own class superheroes! They will be displayed in our classrooms for you to see and were completed independently after drawing around 4 members of the class.



Please ensure your child has a named pair of welly boots in school.

Please remember to bring back your child's PE kit. 

Spring Term


Welcome back! We hope you had a lovely Christmas and New Year.

This term we will be exploring the topic of 'Superheroes'! We will be developing a range of skills across the prime and specific areas of learning linked to this topic to make it fun and exciting for the children.

In literacy we will be continuing to learn new rainbow words and practising these weekly. We will also be writing our own stories and exploring a range of text types.

In maths we will be extending our knowledge of number recognition and formation as well as learning the properties of 2D and 3D shape.

Please see our curriculum map for more information on the skills we will be covering for each area of learning.

If you have any books linked to this topic that we could borrow we would greatly appreciate it and would look after them very well! We are also trying to incorporate the idea of 'local heroes' into the children's learning. If you are or know anyone who is involved in the public service industry please let us know as we would love to hear from you and involve you in the children's learning.


Thank you for your on going support.

The Reception Team



Our Learning 13th-17th November 2017

This week Renoir and Morris class have been learning how to label and subitise!


Within our literacy learning we have been labelling characters from the Stick Man story. We have used our sounding out to carefully sound out each label before writing it down.


In maths we have been subitising. This means we have been learning that it does not matter how an amount is shown it will always be the same amount!

We recognised that it does not matter how we display 5 stones there will still only be 5 stones. 


We began 'Fabulous Fridays!' this week and had a fantastic turn out of parents, thank you!



Our Learning 6th - 10th November 2017


This week in Renoir and Morris class we have been focusing our literacy and maths learning around Bonfire night.


First we shared our experiences of Bonfire night from the weekend, then used describing words for the sounds we heard to make rhyming strings in literacy, such as 'wizz, bizz, fizz'. We made chalk pictures and had a go at writing labels for our pictures. 


In maths we practised counting using 1:1 correspondence before writing the corresponding numeral. We also recapped our 2D and 3D shapes, finding objects that were straight, round, small and tall.


We had great fun creating our own firework pictures using paints outside on large black paper, thinking about the colours, sounds and patterns from our own experiences.


Remembrance day


On Wednesday we had a day dedicated to learning about Remembrance day. We watched a news clip about a girl and her veteran Grandfather selling poppies which showed us how they are made. We talked about how the poppies help us remember all the soldiers who fought in the wars to help us. We made our own poppies from a range of resources including clay, paint, tissue paper and coloured paper which we will be bringing home soon. 


Next week we will be focusing our literacy learning around the story of Stickman, which the children enjoyed after our Autumn walk.

In maths we are introducing the skill of subitising - being able to say how many objects is in a small group (1-6) without counting, an important skill to underpin further maths learning later on.


You can help support this learning by pointing out small groups of objects and encouraging your children to say how many they see, such as how many spots on a dice, or how many apples in a bowl.


We will continue to learn new phonemes in phonics and practising our segmenting and blending for reading. Thank you for your continued support in reading at home with your children. smiley


Remembrance Day Learning

Our learning 30th October - 3rd November

This week we have been very busy in Renoir and Morris class.


We went on our Autumn walk on the 1st of November with our parents and grandparents to explore the natural environment near our school. We collected a range of natural resources and used them to make our own creative learning.


In maths we have been exploring shapes and patterns linked to the festival of Diwali. We made our own rangoli patterns, mehndi patterns and explored how to make patterns with a variety of resources in our classroom.


In literacy we listened to the story of Rama and Sita and as an adult led activity we ordered the images from the story. We also used puppets to act out our favourite parts of the story and drew our favourite characters. 


Next week we will be incorporating Bonfire night into our literacy and maths learning and having a Remembrance Day topic day on Wednesday 8th November. 

Our learning 16th-20th October 2017

It's been a fun filled last week in Renoir and Morris!

We have been exploring the story of 'Dear Zoo' and discussed our favourite characters. We tried to write their names or the initial sounds of their names.

In maths we have been learning the names of 3D shapes. We learnt cube, cuboid, sphere, cylinder and pyramid. We also went on a shape hunt in the outside area and realised there are 3D shapes all around us!


After half term our topic will be celebrations. If you have been to any celebrations recently or have any coming up please do send any pictures in to school or post onto Tapestry for us to share! We will also be learning about religious festivals and celebrations and would love any artefacts or pictures that you would be willing to share.


Thank you for your on going support we hope you have a lovely half term!

Miss Owen and Miss Ireton

Our learning 9th - 13th October 2017


This week we have focused our Literacy learning around the Gingerbread Man story. The children have been retelling the story in small groups using puppets, decorated their own and used play dough to recreate scenes from the story. 


In maths we have been using the language of more and less, and challenging the children to find 1 more / 1 less than a given number. We supported this learning through our Monkey and Crocodile song in our music lesson.


We have been practising our phonemes for phonics and using them to begin segmenting and blending sounds to support our reading and writing. The children have really enjoyed this song to help articulate the phonemes (sounds) ...


We have also been singing a song about Harvest festival and finding out about what Harvest Festival is and why people celebrate it.


Next week: we will be looking at the story Dear Zoo, and exploring 2D and 3D shapes.

We have been sharing this shape song as part of our maths learning... 





2nd - 6th October 2017 


This week in maths we have been exploring Numicon to develop different mathematical skills. We have used the Numicon to double, order numbers, add and count. 

In literacy we have been reading the story of 'Brown Bear, Brown Bear, what do you see?' We explored the characters in the story and drew our favourites. As a challenge we labelled our characters with their names by identifying the initial sound and then copying the rest of the word. 


We have continued our all about me topic by creating our own 'Jigsaw Faces' which encouraged us to practise and perfect our cutting skills. We also explored the size of our feet by measuring them using unifix blocks, we compared our feet to our friends to show how we are all different and grow in different ways. 



If you have not already please ensure you select a time for your parent consultation appointment with your child's key worker. The information on how to do this is on the back of the letter handed out on Thursday 5th October.




25th - 29th September 2017


This week we have been using our phonics to identify initial sounds in words, and matching words that begin with the same sounds. The children have also been practising sounding out CVC words linked to pictures during busy fingers activities and writing these on white boards or large rolls of paper.


In maths we have been ordering numerals 1-10 and learning that we can order objects in a variety of ways such as by size or quantity. The children have been collecting quantities of natural objects to match to numerals, then ordering them in these ways.


Continuing our 'All About Me' topic, we had a fruit tasting session, expressing our likes and dislikes. We then voted for our favourite fruit by colouring a picture and using them to make a class pictogram.


Next week we will be focusing our Literacy around the story, 'Brown Bear, Brown Bear, what do you see?', learning some Makaton sign for animals and colours, and incorporating our phonic skills of blending and segmenting sounds.

In maths we will be recapping skills linked to number recognition and simple addition using a resource called 'numicon'. 


How you can help your child at home:


  • Please send in a baby photo of your child for our Reception corridor display.
  • Look for numerals in the environment, e.g door numbers, clocks, bus tickets, receipts. Count objects ensuring they count one thing at a time.
  • Talking about the phonemes (sounds) your child has learnt at school. Listening for the sounds in words and looking at print in the environment.


18th - 22nd September 2017


This week in reception we have been continuing our learning around 'All about Me' within our topic work. We have created paper plate faces of ourselves and discussed our favourite stories.

In maths we have been exploring pattern. We created our own repeating patterns and continued repeating patterns too. We looked outside at the patterns we could see and recorded them using Ipads.

In literacy we explored rhyming. We read rhyming stories and made up our own rhyming spells linked to 'Room on the Broom.'



11th-15th September 2017


This week in Maths we have been learning to match number and quantity, using a variety of resources. In literacy we have focused on activities linked to the story, Room on the Broom, by Julia Donaldson and Axel Schefler. The children have shown a keen interest in listening to the story on our CD player and using puppets to retell the story in small groups. 


Next week we will be focusing on rhyming in literacy, and patterns in maths.


How you can support your child at home:

sharing stories and nursery rhymes, encouraging them to identify rhyming words,

pointing out patterns in the environment, e.g. clothing (stripes, spots, flowers)


We will continue out topic, All about Me. Please can all children bring their favourite book to school by Tuesday 19th Sept. We will be taking photos to make a display.

Thank you 

4th - 8th September 2017


The children have settled well this week and have shown resilience when faced with new experiences and routines. 

They have enjoyed their first stay for lunch and explored the KS1 playground.


Both classes have attended music sessions with Mrs Thomas and PE with Mr S.

Next week we will be starting our phonics lessons and giving out first reading books. Please share these and other books with your children at home regularly.


22.05.17: Growing Runner Beans

The children in Reception have been very excited to grow their very own runner beans. We have been keeping diaries of the growth of everyone's bean - in conclusion, the children could recognise that the beans changed but in different ways. Some children compared this to how humans grow! We hope they have continued to grow since they have made their way home - please post the changes on Tapestry so we can continue to share these in class. Thank you 🌱

Police Visit 14.03.17

World Book Day 2nd March 2017

Early Years Reading and Phonics Presentation

Useful links for Phonics games:

Calculation Guidance

Calculation guidance for mathematical methods used within the EYFS can be viewed in the link below.

Remembrance Day Assembly

Renoir and Morris classes attended a whole school assembly today. The school paid their respects to the brave men and women who fought and battled through World War 1, especially to those whom lost their lives for the sake of others.

Phonics Song 2 (new ZED version)

It's a phonics song with a picture for each letter. This version uses the name ZED for the letter Z. This is designed to help children learn the sounds of the letters in the English alphabet. This song was written and performed by A.J. Jenkins. Video by KidsTV123.

Encourage your child to use the Cued Articulation signs (see post below) when singing this phonics song.

Cued Articulation

Follow the link below to explore Cued Articulation with your child at home.

Our first few days at School!

EYFS Sports Day: Parent Race!

Still image for this video

EYFS Sports Day: Parent Race!

Still image for this video

EYFS Sports Day: Parent Race!

Still image for this video

EYFS Sports Day: Parent Race!

Still image for this video

Welcome to Reception!


Our chicks have arrived! The children are very excited and can't wait to see what hatches!

Wow! Five of our eggs have hatched and we have baby chicks to enjoy!

We are pleased to say that all our eleven eggs have hatched! We have three girls and eight boys.

We have had 2 5 1 4 8 3 visitors

Round Diamond Primary School is part of Ivy Learning Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee and registered in England and Wales with company number 10874173. The registered office is at Ivy Cottage, Rosemary Avenue, Enfield, EN2 0SP
