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Primary School

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Year 3

Welcome to the Year 3 page 2023-2024


Staffing team for Year 3

Miss Wain (Turner Class)

Miss Hossack (Constable Class)

Ms Landau (Setting Teacher)

Important information for Year 3


Our PE is on a Tuesday afternoon. We will be trying to access as much PE outside as possible this term, so please ensure your child has all-weather appropriate PE kit: jogging bottoms, shorts, white t-shirt and a jumper (with no hood or zips), as well as PE trainers at school every day. Please note: if girls are wearing tights, please bring socks. 


In the Autumn Term Constable Class will be swimming on Monday Afternoon for 10 weeks beginning Monday 11th September.

Please ensure children always bring in their swimming kits in a separate bag. 


In English during the Autumn term (Autumn 1) the children will be developing their writing skills. We will use the text Stone Age Boy to help us write an alternative event. 


In the Autumn term in maths the children will be developing their knowledge of place value and numbers. We will be learning new formal methods to add, subtract, divide and multiply. We will also continue to develop our quick recall of times tables. 


In Science during the whole of the Autumn term the children will be exploring forces and magnets. We will be identifying magnetic and non magnetic objects as well as designing and making a magnetic game. 


In History, children will learn about the Ancient Egyptians. Children will be learning about the River Nile, agriculture, the importance of Maths and Science to the Ancient Egyptians and so much more! 


In Geography, children will learn map reading skills, by using an atlas to find and locate cities in the UK. .


There will also be some fantastic Computing, Art, French, RE, Music and RSHE learning opportunities - lots to look forward to.

Summer Termly Overview

Spring Termly Overview

Termly Overview

WC: 08/07/24

Over the past two weeks the children have been using their previous design and knowledge of how a hydraulic scissor lift works and been applying that knowledge to create their own. They have used many different tools like glue guns, hand drills and hacksaws safely. They have showed excellent team work skills.

WC: 01.07.24

This week the children looked forward to the sleepover at school. When the time come they enjoyed themselves immensely, by stuffing their faces with pizza, running and playing outside, building and playing lots of games. All before having some hot chocolate and settling down to watch a film in their bed. When waking up in the morning, the children ate croissants and brioche before heading off home. 

WC: 24.06.24

After the children had an independent attempt at their learning activity. We reviewed together as a class and recognised what areas needed another attempt. To aid their learning the children created an analogue clock with minutes and hours, split into ‘past’ and ‘to’

WC: 17.06.24

This week in RE the children were introduced to the 10 commandments. They were taught that these commandments are the basis for all those that belong to the Christianity faith and they guide their lives by them. The children then ordered them into which they think is the most important to least important.

W.C. 10.06.24

This week in English, the children have been using drama to help support creating appropriate dialogue for their historical narratives. With their talk partners, they performed as the legionnaire and Emperor Claudius, focusing on how they would say their dialogue. This allowed them to then select appropriate verbs and adverbs alongside their dialogue within their writing.


WC: 03/06/24

This week the children dissected the parts of a flower. They starter off by recapping their learning of the the different parts of the plant and their function. Progressing on to the parts of the flower and their functions. They were then able to observe what these parts look like on a magnolia plant.

WC: 20/05/24

In English this week the children were learning about the devices used in a poem and understand the theme of the poem. Over the week the children began to write a poem on the theme fear including a range of poetic devices. Once edited, the children performed their poems to the class, working on their tone, pace and actions. 


Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video

WC: 13/05/24

In today’s lesson the children finished their soap sculptures using a range of techniques and tools. After, they drew a background for their sculpture to be a part of. This was all inspired by their class artist.

WC: 06/05/24

This week in art the children began their soap sculpture which was based of their class artist. The children planned their design last week and have implemented the skills and techniques they have been learning across this summer term. The children carefully selected their tools to be able to create different sculpting techniques.

W.C. 29.04.24

This week in Maths, Year 3 have been learning the column method for addition and subtraction. They have progressed onto subtracting and adding when an exchange has to be made, along with applying these skills to answer word problems.

WC: 22/04/24

This week in Year 3 the children used I pads to research different sculpting tools ready to use for their sculpting activity later in the term. They researched the name of them and the different functions for each tool. Before researching, the children made predictions on what they think each tool could be used for and the differences they noticed between the tools. 

W.C. 15.04.24

This week in Year Three, the children started their new science topic all about plants by setting up an investigation, to help them understand what plants need in order to grow. Each table planted seeds into 4 pots, under different conditions


Pot 1: Soil, water and space (control pot)

Pot 2: No soil

Pot 3: No water

Pot 4: Planted into a lidded petri-dish (no space)


After planting, the children placed their pots on the windowsill, in order to ensure their seeds received sunlight. The children created a rota to ensure the pots which needed water would receive it. They are looking forward to identifying the results of this experiment later in the term!


WC: 25/03/24

This week in year 3, the children had to enrichment days on mental health and wellbeing. They participated in a number of activities to understand the importance of the emotions, how to regulate them and help others do the same. They did this through exercise, drama, creating posters and worry jars. 

W.C. 18.03.24

This week in RHSE, the children explored what a 'gut feeling' and explored a range of scenarios to discuss what they would do in those situations:

WC: 11/03/24

In DT this week, year 3 applied their knowledge of bridge and claw method, peeling and grating to design, make and evaluate a North African inspired pita. They prepared all their own ingredients to fill their pita demonstrating the Round Diamond values very well.

W.C. 04.03.24

In our science lesson this week, Year Three conducted an investigation to explore the permeability of a range of rocks. They identified that a rock was permeable if when placed in a bowl of water, it produced bubbles once it had settled and it was impermeable if nothing occurred. The children identified that pumice was the most permeable rock and marble was impermeable.


WC 26/02/24


In Re this week, year 3 had the lovely opportunity to visit the Stevenage Muslim Community Centre where they listened to Iman (the leader of prayer) discus important features inside a mosque and the culture in the Islamic faith. The children explored different books and tools used in the Islamic faith, as well as ask many of their questions to Iman. This was a wonderful opportunity for year 3 to enrich their learning alongside their Re learning at Round Diamond.

WC: 12/02/24

This week year 3 went on a field trip collecting data around Great Ashby in geography. They used a tally chart to collect data on transport and house. For example, they tallied how many cars and busses they saw and how many detached and bungalows they saw. 

WC: 29/01/24

In today’s lesson the children recapped their singing of bells of the steeple. They played continued to learn this song on tuned and untuned instruments using the glockenspiels. They rehearsed the notes and keys to play on the glockenspiel allowing them to understand how combined elements of a musical piece creates a certain effect.

W.C. 22.01.24

This week in Science, Year Three continued their learning about light and shadow. They explored how the distance between the light source and the object blocking the light, impacts the size of the shadow created. They found that the shadow increased when the distance decreased.

WC: 15/01/24

This week in year 3, the children have been using their prior knowledge of metaphors, expanded noun phrases, prepositions and adverbs to plan a third person narrative. They began writing the opening and second paragraph using the skills they have learned in input.

WC: 08/01/24

This week in art, year 3 were practising their skills in blending colours with oil pastels. They also developed their knowledge on tone and texture practicing their shading with different graded pencils. 

WC. 11/12/23

This week Year 3 have been rehearsing for their Christmas performance for parents and they showed how hard they have been practicing by putting on a wonderful performance for friends and families. They showed great perseverance and determination lighting up the room with 2 amazing performances.


W.C 04.12.23

On Thursday, the children took part in an all day Ancient Egyptian workshop. They had the opportunity to dress up and learn about the reign of Akhenaten through a range of practical activities. These included creating their own canopic jar out of clay, writing their name in hieroglyphics and creating an amulet. In the afternoon, they then had a celebration of all of their learning and held a festival full of dance and drama.


WC: 27.11.23

This week in maths, year 3 have been developing their knowledge on 3D shapes. New vocabulary was introduced, like faces, edges and vertices to understand the properties of each shape. As an exploratory lesson, year 3 used their new knowledge to create 3D shapes out of playdough and straws, as well as make 3D shapes out of paper nets.

W.C. 20/11/23

In maths this week, the children explored the perimeter of a range of objects in and around the classroom. Within class, they calculated the perimeter of their table, books and chair, before exploring the perimeter of the playground outside.

WC: 13/11/2023

This week in science year 3 created their own skeletons out of straws and glue. Th children were able to identify the different bones and place them on the correct part of the body. They used their previous knowledge to identify what is the longest bone in the body and that different bones protect different organs.

WC: 06/11/23

This week in  Art & DT in year 3 the children have been applying their knowledge and skills of sewing. They have selected the correct tools to learn different types of stitches and understand the purpose of each stitch. They have been specifically focusing on a running stitch.

W.C. 30.10.23

This week in computing, Year 3 have been applying their geography learning to insert text boxes to label a UK map in a word document. They then inserted arrows to accurately locate cities around the UK.

WC 16.10.23

During English this week year 3 have been planning, writing, performing and evaluating limericks. They used a success criteria to create wonderful rhyming patterns and actions to match their words. 


Still image for this video


Still image for this video

W.C 09.10.23

During their spelling lessons this week, Year 3 have been exploring how to use a thesaurus to find synonyms for different words. They then considered how they could use this to help uplevel their vocabulary within their English writing.

W.C 02.10.23

Year 3 enjoyed playing tuned instruments this week in their music lesson. The children used their knowledge of dynamics, crescendo, pulse and rhythm while playing Hi Lo Chickalo on the glockenspiel. The children were able to define these keywords and recognise them while playing their piece. 

W.C. 25.09.23

Year 3 enjoyed a range of activities and learning opportunities related to the circus on Thursday and Friday. These included spinning plates, juggling, researching the history of the circus and exploring various circus performers. They even had the opportunity to watch a circus performance!


W.C 18.09.23

In maths this week, the children have been learning a new method to complete addition calculations - the partitioned column method. They have all persevered and have shown determination to successfully use this method accurately within their learning.

W.C 11.09.23

In history this week, Year 3 explored the Ancient Egyptian timeline and discovered how to order the dates in chronological order. They applied their place value knowledge to support them in ordering them in descending order- a key word from our maths lessons this week.

Year 3 learnt about how the dates in BC are in descending order, whereas in AD they go in ascending order.

Welcome to the Year 3 page 2022-2023

We have many interesting learning opportunities planned.


Staffing team for Year 3

Miss Wain (Turner Class)

Miss Howlett (Constable)

Important information for Year 3


Our PE is on a Thursday afternoon. We will be trying to access as much PE outside as possible this term, so please ensure your child has all-weather appropriate PE kit: jogging bottoms, shorts, white t-shirt and a jumper (with no hood or zips), as well as PE trainers at school every day. Please note: if girls are wearing tights, please bring socks. 


In the Autumn Term Turner Class will be swimming on Monday Afternoon for 10 weeks beginning Monday 12th September. Please ensure children always bring in their swimming kits in a separate bag. 


In English during the Autumn term (Autumn 1) the children will be developing their writing skills. We will use the text Stone Age Boy to help us write an alternative event. 


In the Autumn term in maths the children will be developing their knowledge of place value and numbers. We will be learning new formal methods to add, subtract, divide and multiply. We will also continue to develop our quick recall of times tables. 


In Science during the whole of the Autumn term the children will be exploring forces and magnets. We will be identifying magnetic and non magnetic objects as well as designing and making a magnetic game. 


In History, children will learn about the Ancient Egyptians. Children will be learning about the River Nile, agriculture, the importance of Maths and Science to the Ancient Egyptians and so much more! 


In Geography, children will learn map reading skills, by using an atlas to find and locate cities in the UK. .


There will also be some fantastic Computing, Art, French, RE, Music and RSHE learning opportunities - lots to look forward to.

W.C 10.07.23


In English this week, Year 3 explored various festivals from around the world. We located each of the festivals on the map before the children then worked collaboratively in groups to summarise key information about each festival. Some of the festivals included: International Balloon Festival in Canada,  Rio Carnival, Lantern Festival in Hong Kong and Cherry Blossom Festival in South Korea. The children became experts in their festival and shared their knowledge with the other children on their tables. 


W.C 03.07.23


As part of their computing learning, Year 3 explored following a set of instructions to produce a desired outcome. They explored using the motion, event and control buttons to create a clear sequenced algorithm for the sprite to follow. This resulted in them programming their sprites to jump, race and talk. 

W.C 26.06.23

As part of their English learning, Year 3 identified features of play scripts. They worked collaboratively to find the key features including: stage directions, scene numbers, theatre words and character names. We then discussed the purpose and importance of each feature.



W.C 19.06.23

As part of Year 3's French learning this half term, the children are learning how to say vegetables in French and how to say what vegetables they like and dislike using the correct French phrasing. This week they focused on learning the nouns for 5 vegetables: tomatoes, mushrooms, green beans, peas and potatoes. With their peers, they practiced speaking and writing these nouns. 



W.C 12.06.23

As part of their Science learning this week Year 3 discussed and explored the different parts of a flower and the important role each part plays. Collaboratively, the children then dissected a flower onto a flower dissection mat by accurately placing each part in its correct labelled place.


W.C 05.06.23

As part of our whole school cross curricular learning days,Year 3 had focused activities themed around inspirational people. They learnt about both Darren Edwards, an adventurer, and Paul Sturgess, a basketball player and Britain's tallest man. They particularly enjoyed the opportunity to have a lesson with Paul Sturgess focused on Basketball skills, whereby they practiced their team-work, dribbling and accuracy skills. 


W.C 22.05.23

Year 3 created their own soap sculpture as part of their Art learning. Their design was based around their class artist, either Constable or Turner. They used the skills of carving and sculpting to support them in bringing their design to life. 


W.C 15.05.23

This week in Science, we explored the important roles the different parts of a plant carry out. We focused our discussion around the roots, leaves and stem. As a class, we set up an experiment to show why plants need their leaves and roots by cutting off the roots and leaves off of some plants to observe the changes that occur. 

We also watched a video demonstrating the important role the stem plays in transporting water up to all the parts of a plant. The video link is shared below. It would be lovely for the children to have a go at conducting this experiment at home and to hear what they observed happened.



W.C 08.05.23

Year 3 created a commemorative piece to celebrate the coronation of King Charles III. They chose to design a coronation flag or crown and drew images of objects and pictures that they felt captured the celebrations. We took time to discuss how some of the children celebrated this historical event and watched some videos of the highlights of the coronation service.


W.C 01.05.23

The children explored an Islamic religious story, ‘The Crying Camel’. We shared the story of The Crying Camel as a class and spent time discussing what happened in the story. The children considered ‘Are there any links to the Islamic Faith?’ and how Muslims could use it to support their faith. We also discussed ‘Are there any links to Christianity or any of the Christian stories we have explored?’ The children made links to ‘The Builders Parable’. The children then worked in groups, using drama to retell the story of ‘The Crying Camel’. They ensured that they made links to the moral of the story.




W.C 24.04.23

Year 3 identified the main parts of a plant referring to real life plants on their tables. In pairs, they then discussed and matched the job of each part to its location on the plant. Using all of this knowledge, Year 3 then dissected the plant into each of its main parts.  


W.C 17.04.23

In Year 3's music lesson this week with Miss Thomas, the children first sung 'Hot Cross Buns' linked to prior Easter learning and identified the rhythm referring to 'Ta Te Rest'. They discussed that the pattern structure was AABA. Then, Year 3 explored the art of improvisation through clapping their own rhythm pattern in response to Miss Thomas. The lesson finished with the children singing and performing the song 'This old man...' focusing on accurate pitch.



W.C 27.03.23

As part of their English learning the children have enjoyed exploring the book 'Atlas of Adventures'. They have used it as a stimulus to support their writing, with a link to their Geography learning on Europe. On one day this week, Year 3 explored two European cities: Paris and London and wrote a postcard home in role from one of the two cities. They used the facts within the text to support their description of their city adventure. 



W.C 20.03.23

Year 3 had a fantastic afternoon making their North African inspired sandwich. They used a range of chosen ingredients to create their pitta sandwich. They used the cooking skills of chopping, grating and peeling to prepare the ingredients to go inside their pitta. We hope they enjoy cooking and eating them at home!






W.C 13.03.23


As part of their computing learning for this half term, the children have been exploring coding using Scratch. The children have been focusing on how changing variables results in different outcomes for their sprites. The children have shown an energised and dedicated attitude towards accurately coding their sprite to follow the short story they have planned. 

Below shows an example of the children's coding using Scratch.


Continue this learning at home using



W.C 06.03.23

In Maths this week, Year 3 have been learning about time. They have been focusing on accurately telling the time in 5 minute intervals. They found using an analogue clock supported them to count round in 5 minute intervals and correctly tell the time. The children also focused on securing their understanding of o' clock, quarter past/ to and half past the hour. 


W.C 27.02.23

As part of their RE learning this week, Year 3 explored different key religious symbols. They linked to their prior learning of Christianity, Sikhism and Islam to help them correctly match the correct symbol to its religion. As a class, they discussed the significance of each religious symbol. 

W.C 20.02.23

As part of our Science learning this week, Year 3 compared different types of rocks. They categorised the rocks into three main groups: igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary. They then were able to hold, touch and draw the rocks to describe how the rocks were different and similar using key vocabulary. 

W.C 06.02.23

Year 3 applied their skills of map reading, tallying and identifying human and physical features as part of their field trip exploring the local area.  All of the children participated in collecting three types of data: traffic survey (tally), housing survey (tally), sketch human/physical features at St Nic’s park. They showed an energised approach to applying their learnt knowledge and planned ideas to help them gain a better understanding of their local area, Great Ashby. The children discovered a range of human and physical features in St Nic’s park including: play equipment, trees, paths, benches, and grass. Year 3 identified that Great Ashby has a range of housing types with the most common being terraced and semi-detached and has a busy flow of vehicle traffic.

W.C 30.01.23

As part of their Maths learning this week, Year 3 explored multiplication through repeated addition. They worked collaboratively in groups to match the array, multiplication sentence, repeated addition and answer correctly together.. This supported their understanding in the link between repeated addition and multiplication. 



W.C 23.01.23

Year 3 showed energised learning in their science Awe and Wonder lesson on light and shadow. They worked in groups to create their own shadow puppet show.They carefully constructed their puppet theatre with a translucent background, created characters using black card before shining a torch onto their show to create the shadows. 



W.C 16.01.23

In Art this week, Year 3 developed using charcoal for drawing to create tone and shade. They started by completing a tonal shading sheet to practice the skill of showing tone in their drawing. They then made links with their History learning through drawing two Ancient Egypt objects with a range of shades, tones and textures. 

W.C 09.01.23

To support their English learning, Year 3 explored and grouped words into the word groups: adverbs, verbs, adjectives and nouns. They worked collaboratively with their peers to correctly place the words into their word group. We then used this knowledge to support us in planning a Haiku poem with a variety of word choices. 



W.C 12.12.22

Year 3 had a fantastic Ancient Egypt History day to end the week. They all took part in 6 activities linked to their learning of the Egyptians and Tutankhamun. It was explained that... 'The Pharaoh, Tutankhamun, has died unexpectedly. The people of Egypt must create and gather the items with which he will be buried, as well as prepare his body and tomb to be sealed. All preparations and the burial must take place within 70 days.'

The children all: mummified, made a plaque, a clay shabti doll, a fan, made a cartouche with hieroglyphs on and ended by creating a painting for the tomb. They all thoroughly enjoyed it and even had an online visit from an Ancient Egyptian at the end of the day who answered their questions about Ancient Egypt. 



Snow Day 12.12.22

Good Morning Year 3! School is closed today due to the snow, so please find below some activities for you to complete at home linked to our learning in school. The activities are optional and as a support if you need some learning ideas for today.



Write a setting description of the snowy town image below. Focus on your use of adjectives to describe and conjunctions to explain why.



We have been focusing on 2D and 3D shapes within our learning at school. Here are some activities linked to our learning:

*Take a walk outside in the snow and draw a range of 2D shapes into the snow.

*What 3D shapes can you see around your home and local area?

*Build 3D shapes in the snow-can you create a snowman using cubes, cuboids and cylinders?



Linked to our learning of the human body and nutrition:

*Create a nutritious meal plan that you could enjoy and share with your family.

*Explore the foods you have at home and choose 10 items to order from most to least nutritious, looking at the colour coding on the packaging. 


We hope you have a great day - have fun and stay safe! 

Thank you. 

W.C 05.12.22

Year 3 had a fantastic immersive VR experience this week. They had the opportunity to experience visiting Chichen Itza, Mexico to learn more about the Mayans as this links with their History learning. The children showed energised learning as they explored the temples and treasures of Chichen Itza. The children also got to experience being close up to Animals, linking with their Science learning, as Lions and Orangutans came face to face with them. 


W.C 28.11.22

As part of their Maths learning this week, Year 3 began by exploring the perimeter through looking at a range of objects inside and outside of the classroom. Within class, the children calculated the perimeter of their table, book and seat and outside they walked around the perimeter of the playground. Year 3 thoroughly enjoyed this practical lesson and it supported them in understanding and being able to explain that the perimeter is the distance around the outside of a shape. 


W.C 21.11.22

Constable class have enjoyed learning about French this half term. They have also began to share their learning with their peers from Turner class. Over the last couple of weeks, Year 3 have focussed on learning colours in French and have linked this learning with their prior learning of numbers to colour by number. The children find listening to songs supports both their pronunciation and their understanding of how the colours match to English. 

Click on the link below to listen to a song all about colours in French.

W.C 14.11.22

This week Year 3 have been writing a newspaper report based on the 'True Story of The Three Little Pigs'. Over the last couple of weeks they have been identifying features within newspaper reports as well as, understanding the characters and storyline of our chosen text. Using all of this learning, the children have taken on the role of a journalist to recount the events of the day two pigs went missing and their homes got destroyed! 

Please enjoy reading examples of some of the children's introductions below. 

W.C 07.11.22

In RE this week, Year 3 looked at the Christina Lords Prayer. They thought about the meaning behind the prayer and why Christians believe it is important to pray. The children then thought about things within their lives that they are thankful and grateful for as well as thinking of any guidance they would like. They used these ideas to write their own prayer.



W.C 31.10.22

In Maths, the children have started the half-term focusing on fractions. They have begun to identify fractions as unit and non-unit fractions. Year 3 have shown an energised approach towards this learning and have enjoyed writing, drawing and identifying a range of fractions. 

Can you identify the unit and non-unit fractions from the image below? Can you explain the difference?


W.C 17.10.22

Year 3 have been thoroughly enjoying their History learning on Ancient Egypt. They have shown a energised learning throughout this half term. This week, the children focused on hieroglyphs for their learning where they explored writing their name in hieroglyphs as well as, reading short Egyptian phrases. They learnt how the Egyptians used symbols to represent letters in their writing. 

Can you continue this learning at home and write a sentence about yourselves in hieroglyphs?



W.C 10.10.22

In computing this week, the children were focusing on their typing skills. They used a touch typing website to support them in locating the letters on the keyboard. They then used this knowledge to write onto a word document a short fact file about themselves. 


W.C 03.10.22

Year 3 have been focusing on addition and subtraction in their maths learning. They have explored different methods to add and subtract including; using a number line, counting back and the partitioned column method. Their confidence has grown in being able to apply this understanding to solving worded problems linked to addition and subtraction. 


W.C 26.09.22

The children investigated magnetism by making predictions and exploring a range of objects both inside and outside of the classroom. We discussed how a magnet is attracted to certain types of metals and will repel materials that are not magnetic. The children were able to group and classify the objects/ materials into those that were magnetic and those that were not. 

'We found that only some coins were magnetic if they are made of iron, nickel or cobalt.'


W.C 19.09.22

This half term Year 3 are focusing on the UK in their Geography learning. They have started exploring the UK's counties, landmarks and major cities. This week, the children showed fantastic collaborative learning working with a peer to locate different major cities across the UK using an atlas. We then used directional language to describe the relation between some of the major cities. 

Can you locate any major cities that you have visited? Can you find out any facts about this city?


W.C 12.09.22

Year 3 have enjoyed learning about The Stone Age boy as part of their English learning. They have shown an energised and engaged approach to this story. Before reading, the children made predictions about what they thought what happen throughout the story from studying the front cover. They have then compared the two main characters and have shared their own ideas for what could happen next.

Click on the link below to listen to this story at home and think about the following questions.

Which setting would you rather live in and why? Which character would you rather be and why?


W.C 05.09.22

The children enjoyed learning more about their Science topic for the half term 'Forces and Magnets'. They linked with their prior learning to create a mind-map about this topic. The children engaged with resources, videos and participated in class discussion to develop their mind-maps. 




Transition Booklets September 2022

W.C 11.07.22

As part of their English learning, Year 3 have enjoyed learning about play scripts. They have identified the features of play scripts and used this to support them in acting out ‘Little Red Riding Hood’. They made sure they correctly followed the stage directions and character dialogue. 

Find attached a copy of ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ play script and enjoy getting into the role of the characters at home.

W.C 04.07.22

As part of Year 3's DT learning, the children made their own Shaduf. Over the past few weeks the children have learnt about different mechanisms with a particular focus on the Egyptian Shaduf which uses a lever mechanism. A Shaduf is a large pole balance on a crossbeam, a rope and a bucket on one end and a counter weight at the other. Egyptians used the Shaduf to lift and move water onto crops. The children used wooden dowel, modelling clay, string and a yoghurt pot to make their own Shaduf. Why not test it out at home! 







W.C 27.06.22

As part of the whole schools non-fiction cross curricular days, Year 3 had the opportunity to learn more about different mammals and invertebrates. They were able to stroke and hold a variety of animals whilst learning many incredible facts about each one such as; their habitat, their diet, how they adapt to their environment and how long they can live for. This meeting with the animals supported the children in creating an animal mask, an animal sketch coloured with pastels and designing their own animal game. 





W.C 20.06.22

As part of our Maths learning, the children have been exploring fractions. They have identified unit and non-unit fractions, added and subtracted fractions with the same denominator and created their own fraction poster to show how fractions can be represented in multiple ways. The children have shown fantastic energised learning, working both independently and collaboratively with their peers, and have shown perseverance to share their reasoning skills using fraction key vocabulary. 



W.C 13.06.22

As part of Year 3's French learning this half term, the children are learning how to say vegetables in French and how to say what vegetables they like and dislike using the correct French phrasing. They begun by learning the nouns for 5 different vegetables: aubergine, spinach, courgette, carrot, onion and practiced speaking and writing these nouns. 




W.C 06.06.22

Year 3 discussed and explored the different parts of a flower and the important role each part plays. Collaboratively, the children then dissected a flower onto a flower dissection mat by accurately placing each part in its correct labelled place. The used tulips and lily flowers to dissect and identify the key parts within the flower. 


W.C 23.05.22

Year 3 had a fantastic day celebrating the Queen's Platinum Jubilee. Throughout the day they took part in different learning activities linked to celebrating 70 years of the Queen! The children showed energised learning when creating a poem for the Queen which they performed for her. They also had the opportunity to work collaboratively to create a timeline from 1983 - 1992 of the Queen's reign where they researched into key events and pictures of the Queen during this time. After enjoying a school picnic out on the field, Year 3 then sketched portraits of the Queen using pastels.




Jubilee Poetry Performance

Still image for this video

W.C 16.05.22

As part of their English learning, the children have been thoroughly enjoying reading 'The Iron Man by Ted Hughes. They have shown such fantastic energised learning towards each lesson where they have dived deeper into book, analysing characters and events. To end this unit of writing, the children wrote their own adventure narrative about their own robot hero.

Have a read below of some of the children's own adventure narratives. 



W.C 09.05.22

The children explored an Islamic religious story, ‘The Crying Camel’as part of their RE learning this week. We shared the story of The Crying Camel as a class and spent time discussing what happened in the story. The children considered ‘Are there any links to the Islamic Faith?’ and how Muslims could use it to support their faith. We also discussed ‘Are there any links to Christianity or any of the Christian stories we have explored?’ The children made links to ‘The Builders Parable’.The children then worked in groups, using drama to retell the story of ‘The Crying Camel’. 

Follow the link below to watch a story video of  'The Crying Camel' (2.43minutes onwards). What is the moral of this story?

The link also explores another Islamic religious story 'The Prophet and the Ants'. What do you think this story is trying to teach us? What is its moral?

W.C 02.05.22

During Art this week, the children explored using the clay techniques carving, coiling and blending. They used tools to carve into the clay and made links back to previous artwork to see how the technique could be used in various ways. The children used their hands to explore the skills of coiling and blending.


W.C 25.04.22

In RE this week, the children were focusing on how we can take care of our world. We discussed why it was important to look after our planet and how we can do this in many different ways. We shared things we could do at home, in school, in our local and wider community that would help take care of the planet. Some of the ideas shared by the children were: recycling, walking to school, donating clothes and toys, refillable water bottles and treating wildlife with respect. 



W.C 18.04.22

The children were introduced to their new Science summer topic on Plants. The children were able to share confidently their prior knowledge of plants and placed their ideas into a mind-map. We then set up a plant experiment to observe over time how plants grow and if different environments around the classroom will effect how well they grow. We will be keeping an eye on their growth every science lesson. 

W.C 28.03.22

Take a look at our Year 3 'Maths Learning Look' with Miss Howlett and Miss McGregor teaching some key Maths skills to the children of Year 3.

Summer 1 Teacher Transition


W.C 21.03.22

Year 3 have thoroughly enjoyed their DT learning for this half term. Their DT learning journey has been linked to their History learning on the Ancient Egyptians because the children have applied their art skills to designing an Egyptian flatbread. They practiced their cooking skills of peeling and cutting before planning and designing a flat bread recipe. Watch the videos below to hear the children explaining their learning. 



Still image for this video

W.C 14.03.22

As part of their computing learning for this half term, the children have been exploring coding using Scratch. The children have been focusing on how changing variables results in different outcomes for their sprites. The children have shown an energised and dedicated attitude towards accurately coding their sprite to follow the short story they have planned. 

Below shows some examples of the children's coding using Scratch.

Continue this learning at home using

W.C 07.03.22

As part of their English learning, the children have been thoroughly enjoying reading 'The Finger Eater' by Dick King-Smith. They have shown such fantastic energised learning towards each lesson where they have dived deeper into book, analysing characters and events. To end this unit of writing, the children wrote their own alternative event for Chapter 4 where Gudrun tricks the Finger Eater, resulting in him losing his teeth and becoming the Finger Sucker! 

Have a read below of some of the children's own versions of Chapter 4. 


W.C. 28.02.22

This week, the children were introduced to their new science topic 'Rocks, Soils and Fossils'. As part of this learning, the children began by focusing on the different types of rocks: sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic. They learnt about how each rock type is formed and made links to different types of rocks. The children explored different types of rocks and labelled their features. 

Below is a video link which, the children enjoyed watching as part of their lesson because it helped them gain a stronger understanding of the types of rocks so that they could complete their learning independently.

Watch it at home and see what different types of rocks you can identify in and around your home!

W.C 21.02.22

This week, the children enjoyed 'Wellbeing Wednesday'. The day was based around the NHS campaign '5 ways to wellbeing'. Year 3 showed a fantastic positive attitude towards all of the new learning opportunities and experiences. They took part in: Winter sports, song-making, Art and mindfulness. The children could talk about the benefits of finding time to be active, connect with those around them, learn a new skill and take notice of their thoughts and feelings. 





W.C 07.02.22

Year 3 have thoroughly enjoyed their Art learning for this half term. Their Art learning journey has been linked to their History learning on the Ancient Egyptians because the children have applied their art skills to sketching an Egyptian death mask. They used their oil pastel skills of blending and layering to create an eye-catching design. Watch the videos below to hear a couple of the children explaining their learning. 

Year 3 Art

Still image for this video

Year 3 Art

Still image for this video

W.C 31.01.22

Year 3 are very proud of their new year group display focused around 'Geography in Year 3'. The display contains numerous examples of the children's learning centered around their local area of Stevenage where the children have been using maps to identify human and physical features as well as, reading a key to see what makes up their local area. The children are enjoying interacting with the display and answering questions about human and physical features as well as using the globe to locate the UK. They have also begun to compare Stevenage to the Lake District. 





W.C 24.01.22

In Art, Year 3 have been developing their oil pastel skills. They used different oil pastels to practice layering, blending and sgraffito. They really enjoyed being able to use both their fingers and the oil pastels to develop these skills. They also explored how to make darker and lighter sections using oil pastels and found that this can be achieved using white and black pastels, as well as layering up or blending more.



W.C 17.01.22


As part of year 3's Science topic of 'Light and Shadows', the children worked in small groups to explore reflection and reflective materials. They made predictions about which materials they thought would be most and least reflective. All the children predicted that the shiny and bright materials would be most reflective. The children then explored and tested the different materials by using a torch as the light source, shining onto a chosen material to see how well it reflected back onto the white paper around the torch. Finally, the children used their findings to explain why some materials were more reflective than others. 





W.C 10.01.22

This week, during their science learning, the children showed a fantastic positive and energised approach to their new learning topic of light and shadows. They worked well in small groups to identify light sources and they were able to explain things that were and were not light sources. Year 3 explained how light sources create their own source of light such as: a torch, the sun and a fire. 

Can you look around you home and find 5 light sources and 5 non- light sources? Can you explain to someone at home the difference between a light source and a non-light source?

W.C 03.01.22

Year 3 thoroughly enjoyed their Life Skills Cross Curricular learning as they came back to school and into the spring term. The children started their life skill learning with litter picking. We discussed what litter is, how it ends up in our environment and the impact of this and why it is important that we dispose of litter correctly. The children then enjoyed going around the schools outdoor environment in groups, picking up litter and recording what they found on a tally chart. Tying shoelaces correctly was a life skill that we identified was not secure within the year group so, we spent some time practicing and supporting each other to tie shoelaces.

Teamwork was the next life skill that the children worked to develop and strengthen. In small groups, they used communication, trust and teamwork skills to successfully complete different activities.

The children showed energised and engaged learning during our life skill lesson focused on money. They showed their understanding of the coins and notes we have and what you could buy with different amounts. We also linked to how money is important at home and we shared how much the cost of living is in a home e.g. cost of tv, electricity and food. 

British Sign Language was another life skill that Year 3 learnt and thoroughly enjoyed. They practiced the BSL alphabet and used it to spell out their name as well as learning how to sign numbers and simple phrases such as: thank you, water, bike, school and confused. 

In the afternoon, the children spent time learning about first aid, 999 and what 3 words. They watched videos and discussed the importance of first aid and what they could do to help in an emergency. In pairs they practiced the recovery position and followed DR ABC to safely begin administering first aid. To finish, the children learnt about 'What 3 words' app and how it can be used as part of an emergency, to locate them or others, and how it can be used to identify locations day to day. 





W.C 13.12.21

Enjoy watching Constable class singing their two Christmas performance songs: 'Love shone down' and 'Camel song'.


Enjoy watching Turner class singing their two Christmas performance songs: 'Love shone down' and 'Camel song'.

W.C. 06.12.21

This week Year 3 enjoyed learning about mummification as part of their History lesson. They learnt about the process involved in how an Ancient Egyptian was mummified. They found it interesting how the organs were taken out of the body and stored in canopic jars, with them believing that the brain was an unimportant organ and the heart was the most important organ responsible for thoughts and feelings. Therefore, the heart was left inside the body to aid the body in travelling into the after life successfully. 


Click the link below to learn more about the mummification process and discuss it together at home. You could even follow the video at the bottom of the link to mummify an orange!

W.C 29.11.21

As part of Year 3's RE learning, the children this week focused on the purpose of advent.  The children discussed and shared what they knew about advent and it's traditions before, learning more about the origins of advent. The children learnt about the symbolism of candles at advent: a candle is lit each Sunday before Christmas Day. In many churches, there are three purple candles and one pink candle around the edge, with a white candle in the middle. The children then drew their own wreath with candles and they labelled the candles according to their colour and meaning. 



W.C. 22.11.21

In Year 3, we have been enjoying two new texts this term as our shared story time. Constable Class are currently reading 'The Owl Tree' and Turner Class are reading 'Kid Normal'. You can watch the clips from each class that were filmed on the attached links, we hope you enjoy joining us virtually!

Year 3 Turner

Year 3 Constable

W.C 15.11.21


As part of their music learning this week, Year 3 learnt new Christmas songs and poems in their music lesson. They showed great positive engagement as they listened and shared their opinion on the Christmas poems and songs. The children then had the opportunity to perform part of one of the new songs, focusing on the lyrics and their pitch. 

At the end of the lesson, the children practiced being musical notes 'ta' 'tae' in groups by using their bodies to show which note they were.



W.C 08.11.21


This week in Year 3 the children have been working hard to practice their 4 times table to support their understanding of finding quarters of amounts. They have enjoyed moving and singing along with Super Movers to rehearse and recall the 4 times table. The children can continue their learning at home using the link below:


As well as this, the children have been engaged and shown great positive attitudes towards their English learning where we have been focusing on the 'Where the Wild things are' book as part of our recount learning. They have retrieved information, identified recount features linking to the text and described settings and events. Below is the link for the text for you to share and read at home. Can you recount five key events within the story? 

W.C 01.11.21

Year 3 thoroughly enjoyed their cross curricular days linked to Parliament. They started by discussing and sharing all that they knew about about Parliament. The children then watched the following films:

 What is Parliament? - YouTube

 An introduction to Parliament - YouTube 


Year 3 learnt that Parliament MPs and members of the House of Lords talk about important things that affect us all so the children shared issues that were important to them. The children particularly enjoyed having the opportunity to practise what it is like to be in parliament and learning what a debate is and how to debate. In groups the children worked together to debate a topic such as: Are computer games good for you?     Are school uniforms a good idea? 





W.C 18.10.21


As part of their History lesson, Year 3 enjoyed using different sources to research and record about Ancient Egypt. The children showed an independent and energised approach to using the non-fiction sources to research into an area of their choice. Some children chose to research more about Egypt whilst other chose to find out more information about the Ancient Egyptians' diet and their burials. The children shared how much they enjoyed this lesson to finish off their first half term of learning about Ancient Egypt.






W.C 11.10.21

This week in Maths, the children have been focusing their learning all around multiplication, where they have been applying their knowledge of their number and times tables facts to support them to multiply. They have shown perseverance in using the grid method and partitioning to enable them to multiply a two digit and a one digit number together.



As well as this, the children have shown fantastic enthusiasm towards using 'Hit the Button' to further secure their times tables knowledge and quick recall. Click the link to continue this learning at home:


W.C 04.10.21

This week in Geography Year 3 applied their understanding of human and physical features to create their own city map. They added a key to ensure the map could be read and understood easily. They enjoyed being creative with their use of symbols and thought carefully about what features would be found within a city. Have a look carefully at the examples below- what physical and human features can you spot?




W.C 27.09.21

This week the children have enjoyed learning more about Christianity during their RE lessons. They have participated well in class discussions about the origins of Christianity and a video clip supported their understanding further, through it teaching them about what Christianity is. Below is a video link to a clip about prayer within Christianity with examples of children's prayers. Watch the clip and write down any questions you have about prayer?  Can you write your own short prayer?


As well as this, Year 3 have shown energised learning during Art this week. The children have focused on landscape sketches and using watercolours to create their own wash for the background. They are now looking ahead to adding detail and texture to their landscape art work through different brush strokes. Watch the clip below to continue this learning and have a go at practicing either sketching landscapes, creating a wash or adding detail and texture through brush strokes.

W.C 20.09.21

This week Constable class have shown energised learning through their French lesson focusing on the days of the week and numbers. They learnt two new french songs to support their recall of the days of the week and counting to 10. They particularly enjoyed the fast pace of the song and some children could not help but dance along with the music too. 


Turner class have shown great independence in planning their own magnetic game in Science. They enjoyed exploring the magnets and different magnetic items to help them design an effective and creative game. The children are looking forward to creating their magnetic game in their next Science lesson. 

W.C 13.09.21

This week in Year 3 the children have been working hard to practice their 3 times table. They have enjoyed moving and singing along with Super Movers to rehearse and recall the 3 times table. The children can continue their learning at home using the link below:


As well as this, the children have been engaged and shown great positive attitudes towards their English learning where we have been focusing on The Stone Age boy story. They have shared predictions, identified story features and described the main characters. Below is the link for The Stone Age boy text for you to share and read at home. What questions would you ask the boy if you met him?

W.C 06.09.21

It has been wonderful to have the children in for their first full week in Year 3. The children have been energised and shown a positive attitude towards their learning. This week the children have enjoyed exploring the place value of numbers within Maths and enjoyed matching the numerals with its pictorial representation and written form. As well as this, the children have engaged well with their computing learning, where they learnt how to stay safe online and what the different components of a computer system are.  

Welcome to the Year 3 page 2020-2021

We have some wonderful learning experiences planned


Staffing team for Year 3

Miss Moore (Turner Class)

Miss Wilson (Constable)



Important information for Year 3


Our PE is split across 2 afternoons - Wednesday and Friday. We will be trying to access as much PE outside as possible this term, so please ensure your child has all-weather appropriate PE kit: jogging bottoms, shorts, white t-shirt and a jumper (with no hood or zips), as well as PE trainers at school every day. Please note: if girls are wearing tights, please bring socks. 


In English during the Summer term (Summer 1) the children will be exploring and writing Adventure Stories. We will use the text The Snow Dragon to help us write our own adventure stories. 


In the Summer term in maths the children will be consolidating their knowledge of place value and numbers. We will recap formal methods to add, subtract, divide and multiply. We will also continue to develop our quick recall of times tables. The children now have a piece of maths homework to complete on google classroom. This will be set on a Friday and due in on the following Wednesday. 


In Science during the whole of the Summer term the children will be exploring plants. We will plant our own seeds and help them to grow, explore the life-cycle of a plant and dissect a flower in order to identify all the different parts.


In History, children will learn about the Ancient Egyptians. Children will be learning about the River Nile, agriculture, the importance of Maths and Science to the Ancient Egyptians and so much more! 


In Geography, children will learn map reading skills, explore Stevenage, explore Europe and learn about global weather patterns.


There will also be some fantastic Computing, Art, French, RE, Music and RSHE learning opportunities - lots to look forward to.


Fluency facts for year 3- if you would like to support you child's learning even further help them to recall the following number facts


The children have had a wonderful last week of term. Topped off with a singing assembly in the sun and a leaving assembly this morning.


Miss Wilson and I would like to thank the children for showing resilience during lockdown and being energised and enthusiastic learners this year. They should be proud of their achievements and we would like to wish them lots of luck in year four!


Have a wonderful Summer holiday. 

Singing in the sun


The children have had a wonderful week and are starting to get excited about moving up to year four. Some of the children have been apprehensive so we have spent time supporting all of them with any questions or worries they may have about next year.


This week the children have finished off many of their learning projects including their final pieces of year three writing which were incredible!


 During their final year three Science lesson on plants they spent time learning about seed dispersal and why this is a vital part of the life-cycle of plants. 

Year three


The children have had a wonderful week topped off with the Year Three Sleepover.


In English the children have used their persuasive writing skills and started to explore all the features in a variety of persuasive texts


In maths they have continued to develop and consolidate their knowledge of time including, the 12 and the 24 hour clock, time word problems and comparing and ordering intervals of time. 


The children loved the sleepover and had so much fun with their friends. They all gobbled up dominoes, ice-cream and chocolate and loved watching a movie together in the hall. All not much sleep was had they have had the best time and should be proud of themselves. 

WB 28.6.21

What an amazing week we have had!


The children have started to develop their knowledge of time this week. The children have become far more confident telling the time and some are also able to solve time word problems. 


In English this week the children have all completed a piece of extended writing. They tried hard to include a range of high level vocabulary and to use outstanding punctuation. As well as the above the children have completed their spelling assessments and should be really proud of their achievements!


In the afternoons the children have learnt about personal space, appropriate and inappropriate touches and how to keep themselves safe in our SRE lessons. 


Just a little reminder that our year three sleepover is next Friday! The children are just a little bit excited! 


Year three

WC 21.6.21

This week in maths the children have continued to develop their knowledge of fractions and also used their problem solving skills to complete different activities. 


In English Miss Moore's group have explore the text The Thing in the Basement and Miss Wilson's have met some pirates next door. 


In our afternoon learning the children have designed an Ancient Egyptian Shaduf ready to make next week and continued to develop their understanding of pollination. 


Our lovely learning

WB 14.6.21

Wow! What an amazing week we have had. We started off the week with our cross-curricular days. The children loved partaking in Olympic sport activities including wrestling, rowing and shotput. We also spent time learning about first-aid and exploring food labels and packaging. The children gained so much from this experience and it was lovely to see them collaborating. 


On Tuesday the children continued their cross-curricular learning and thoroughly enhance their cultural capital whilst learning about China. We created our own Chinese Dragon dances and even found time for some Thai Chi. The children also learnt some Mandarin and created a fact file using all their newly found knowledge. 


Throughout the rest of the week the children have explored a range of poetry and continued to develop their knowledge of fractions. Have a lovely weekend!

WB 7.6.21

Welcome back everyone! The children have returned to school excited and showing enthusiasm for their learning this week. 


In maths both classes have explored fractions. We have calculated fractions of amounts and identified fractions in shapes too.


In English the children have written recounts of their holidays using the past tense and a range of fronted adverbials. 


This week the children were lucky enough to take part in their 'well-beeing' Wednesday session. The children explored nature, and learnt about a variety of pollinators. They got to spend lots of time outdoors and completed many different mindfulness activities as well. Please find below some pictures of them enjoying themselves! 

Our well-beeing Wednesday

WB 23.5.21

Although this week has been short it has been jam-packed! The children have completed some assessments and used all of the knowledge they have developed this term. They have thoroughly enjoyed learning to play the recorder and some children have loved swimming! 


We finished off the half term with an amazing art morning. The children used their sketching skills to created an Ancient Egyptian death mask! 


Miss Wilson and I would like to wish everyone a very happy half term and hope you all enjoy spending time with those who are important to you. 

Year three enjoying time on the iPads

WB 17.5.21

The children have had a very exciting week this week! They have shown our PRIDE learning behaviours and produced some fantastic learning. This week in maths the children have continued to consolidate their knowledge and understanding of both division and multiplication. Some children have used the grid method and the bus stop method to solve their number sentences. 


In English the children have explored our Take One Book: Perfectly Norman. They used drama to retell the story and then wrote a beautiful piece of writing describing what they would do if they grew wings like Norman did in the story. 


As well as the above the children have evaluated their clay Canopic Jars and explored how plants get water. 


Please find attached some pictures from our drama lessons. 

Our wonderful drama

WB 10.5.21

The children have had a fantastic week! They have spent time learning about some really interesting things this week including where our food comes from, how rivers are formed and how Ancient Egyptians used Canopic Jars and the different techniques needed to create one using clay. 


Please enjoy some pictures of the children with their amazing jars below!


Our amazing Canopic Jars

WB 4.5.21

We hope you all had a lovely bank holiday weekend. This week the children have continued to consolidate their knowledge of subtraction and addition including using these skills in a problem solving way.


As well as the above the children have continued to write their adventure stories creating suspense and excitement for the reader. 


In Science the children used their identifying skills whilst dissecting a plant, take a look at some of our pictures below. 



Plant dissection

WB 26.4.21

WOW! What an amazing couple of cross-curricular days we've had this week! The children have been immersed in the West End this week! We explored the production of Matilda and then created our own performance that Year Four watched.


As well as the above the children have also loved exploring costume and set design and learning about all the different roles involved in a production. Take a look at some of our pictures below. 

Pictures from Cross-curricular day

WC 19.4.21

What a week we have had! The children have been super busy in English exploring all the features of an adventure story. We have read lots of texts as a group and spent time looking at how an author creates suspense in a story. We also managed to fit in some drama this week and have put the pictures below for you to enjoy. 


In maths the children have been consolidating their knowledge of number including addition, subtraction and lots of problem solving. Some children were able to add three and four digit numbers! 


In the afternoons we have continued to observe how our plants are growing and in Art have looked at a range of techniques including coiling, carving and blending. 

Retelling a story

WB 13.04.2021

Welcome back everyone! We hope you had a lovely Easter holidays and managed to spend some quality time with your family. This week the children have returned ready and eager to learn. We have started looking at Adventure Stories in English and will be spending a few weeks exploring the text The Snow Dragon. In maths the children have continued to consolidate their knowledge of number and place value and have used their problem solving skills. 


As well as the above the children have also started a new topic in Science: Plants. In our first lesson the children planted lettuce seeds that should hopefully grow and make a delicious salad for you all to enjoy later in the term. Please see a selection of pictures from this activity below. 

Year 3 planting seeds

WB 22.03.2021


In Maths, this week we have been learning about area and perimeter. We have explored how to calculate the perimeter and area of 2D shapes. In English, we have been getting up to some exciting English learning. We have been doing our 'Take One Book'. Our text was 'The Green Ship' by Quentin Blake. We explored the features, described the characters, described the setting and completed a diary entry. In our Science learning this week we made marks using dinosaurs to extend our learning on how fossils are formed. On Friday, we had our 'wear a hat day' look at some of our photos below!

Well done everyone on a successful term! We look forward to seeing you all after the Easter break.

'Our hats!'

WB 15.03.2021

I would just like to say a massive well done to everyone on another very successful week! 


In Maths, we have been measuring weight, length and capacity. We used a range of resources and read a variety of scales. We developed our understanding of key terms and units of measure.


In English, we have been writing our explanation text. In my class (Miss Wilson's) we have been explaining the farming process in Ancient Egypt. We researched key information, wrote our opening paragraph, wrote our HOT TASK and then perfectly presented. 


In our afternoon lessons, we have been learning about Mary Anning, developing our understanding of Scratch and we made our own Ancient Egyptian flatbread. If you would like to make this at home (with an adult's supervision) I have attached the link to a recipe.

WB 08.03.2021

It has been so lovely to have all of the children back this week. 


In Maths, we have been exploring angles. We have been finding angles, in my class (Miss Wilson's) we have been measuring angles using a protractor as well as finding angles within 2D shapes. We also spent the week exploring turns, positions and completing some problem solving activities.


In English, we have started our new unit on 'Explanation texts'. We have spent lots of time this week exploring them, identifying features, comparing texts and so much more. We will be carrying on our learning of 'Explanation texts' next week. On Friday, for our VIPERS lesson we (Miss Wilson's class) developed our retrieval skills by retrieving key information from a video clip.


In our afternoon learning, we have explored fossils in Science. If you would like to explore and learn more about fossils click the link below. In RE, Mrs Landau spoke to us about Judaism. Which we all found really interesting. In History, we explored the Ancient Egyptian number system.

WB 01.03.21


We have had such a lovely week this week. On Thursday it was World Book Day. We all dressed up as our favourite characters. We had a lot of children that dressed up as Harry Potter, Mary Poppins and so many other lovely and creative costumes. I (Miss Wilson) was very impressed with your outfits as I am sure the rest of the Year 3 team are! On World Book Day we spent all morning in our English class listening to our guest author James Campbell. We then wrote our own comedy story. Your stories were so creative and engaging! We then spent the afternoon being detectives as we solved who was behind each mask during our 'Masked Reader' activity. Miss Millard then joined our class to read us a story. Please see below for some pictures of your World Book Day outfits!


During English this week we have been writing our HOT TASK which was writing our traditional tales. We used a range of features in traditional tales in our own stories. In Maths, we have continued to learn about Fractions.


We are very excited to be welcoming all the children back to school next week. Please see below for a transition booklet that may help your child with their transition back to school. 

Transition Booklet

World Book Day!

WB 22.02.21


It has been so lovely to see the children again (via remote learning) after half-term. We have really noticed children showing great PRIDE learning behaviours and trying their best in all subjects.


During Maths this week, we have started our new topic which is fractions. We have explored key terms such as numerator, drawn diagrams and so much more. We will continue our fractions learning next week where we will start to add and subtract fractions and do some problem solving activities.


In English, we have continued our learning on 'Traditional Tales' focusing on 'The War and the Peas'. We have focused on exploring the structure of the tale, problems characters face as well as looking at other features. All of these skills will help us when we come to write our HOT TASK next week.


In our afternoon learning we have been exploring music, exploring Ancient Egyptian flatbread, conducting our own Science experiment and so much more! Below are some pictures of our Science experiments.


Next week is 'World Book Day'. We would love to hear what you are going to dress up as, your favourite book and your favourite author. Can you guess what your teachers are going to dress up as? I (Miss Wilson) have had lots of suggestions from my classes as to what I can dress up as including a unicorn and a mermaid!

Science experiment

WB 08.02.21

This week in English, we have been exploring 'traditional tales'. We wrote our 'COLD TASK', read and performed traditional tales, explored good and bad characters and identified features. We will continue to explore traditional tales the next few weeks after half term.


In Maths, we have continued exploring time. We have solved time problems, estimated times, added and subtracted from a given time as well as developing our understanding of the 12 and 24 hour clock.


We have been doing all sorts of fantastic learning in the afternoon too! On Monday, we had a range of screen free activities to complete such as building a den. Have a look at the cookies Sienna made on Monday (below). In RE, we have been developing our understanding of religious symbols and their meanings. As well as this, in Science we explored reflection further by drawing our own self-portraits.


Have a look at some of our learning this week.

Learning this week

WB 01.02.21


This week in English we have been planning, writing and editing our own non-chronological reports. Ms Landau, Miss Moore and I (Miss Wilson) are so impressed with your reports.


In Maths, we have started to explore time. We have learnt how to read the times on a clock, explore the numbers on a clock and so much more. We will continue to explore time next week.


In our afternoon learning this week we have been exploring shadows, reflection and shading. Have a look below at some of the learning we have been getting up to this week.


Once again, thank you for your continued enthusiasm and engagement during remote learning and parents for your ongoing support.



Our learning this week

Our learning this week

WB 25.01.21

This week the children have started to learn about non-chronological reports. They have explored the features, read lots of examples and learnt how to write in the present tense and third person. 


In maths the children have consolidated their understanding of multiplication and division and some children have looked at both the grid and bus stop method. 


Miss Wilson and I are so impressed with your shadow puppet theatres. We loved how creative you have been and enjoyed watching your performances! 


As always thank you for your ongoing support. 

Puppet Theatres

WB 18.01.2021

Over the course of the Christmas holidays, some of the children have been completing their own home learning projects.


The project involved them downloading the free google arts and culture app and exploring an area/artefact/museum or art gallery.


The app is free and is a really good app to use to develop your understanding of different cultures. We highly recommend using it.


Below are some examples of the brilliant home learning that was sent in.

WB 18.01.21

This week the children have explored Kenning poetry. They explored the features and then created their own! 


In Maths the children consolidated their multiplication and division skills.


In the afternoon they completed so many fun activities, including creating their own games in Art. They then evaluated the materials they used and how successful they were. 


Take a look at some of our creations below. 



Our Games

WB 11.01.21

This week we explored Haiku's in English. The children spent time learning about the features and then created their own. 


Please enjoy some of lovely Haikus below!


Summer is coming

I like to build sandcastles

Children play loudly

By Rayan G


Children play loudly.

With their feet stomping wildly.

Falling snow on trees.

By Effie 


Spring is wonderful

Trees are blooming everywhere.

Brighter and warmer.

By Molly



WB 04.01.21

We would like to say welcome back to all the children, be it or online or in school. We are really impressed with how you have started learning online and taken everything in your stride!


This week we spent time reading the Twits and completing a variety of English activities, including speech sentences, adverbs and subordinating conjunctions. 


In Maths we have spent time exploring money and adding and subtracting including change.

WB 14.12.21

We hope all of the children have a well-deserved break! We look forward to seeing you all in January. 


In English, we have been exploring limericks. For our VIPERS lesson we used our retrieval skills to retrieve key information from a limerick. On Tuesday, we planned our own limericks which helped us when we came to writing them on Wednesday. Then on Thursday, we performed our limericks. It was so lovely to see the children perform their limericks to each other. Watch the video clip below to learn a little bit more about limericks.


In Maths, we have been exploring 2D and 3D shapes and exploring perpendicular and parallel lines. We have been using a range of mathematical vocabulary this week.


We have been getting up to all sorts in our afternoon learning. In D&T we have been completing and evaluating our 3D Christmas decorations. Take a look at one of our Christmas decorations below!

3D Christmas Decoration

WB 07.12.20

In English this week we have been exploring Fables further. We have planned our own fable, completed our HOT TASK, edited our fables and perfectly presented.


In Maths, we have started to explore 2D and 3D shapes, explored angles and symmetry. See if you can put your knowledge to the test by completing the following quiz (see the link below).


In Geography, we have been learning about different coasts around the United Kingdom. What physical and human features can you see in the pictures of the coasts below?


We have also been developing our computing skills, learning more about different religions as well as many other exciting and interesting topics!

Images of coasts

WB 30.11.20

In English, we have been continuing to explore fables. We have explored how characters feelings change throughout the fable, described a setting and read a range of fables. Have a look at us reading and performing some fables below.


In Maths, we have spent a whole week on developing our problem solving skills and enhancing our reasoning skills. We have explored missing number problems, scaling problems, correspondence problems as well as looking at algebra! I (Miss Wilson) am very impressed with how much progress you have made this week in developing your problem solving skills.


In Science, we have sorted animals based on their skeletons. In Constable class we have developed our understanding of scientific terms by playing Pictionary. It was great to see so many of you develop your knowledge of key terms. In D&T, we have started to make our 3D Christmas decorations. I cannot wait to see the final result!

Reading and performing a range of fables!

WB 23.11.20

This week we were lucky enough to have two cross-curricular days! Our cross-curricular days were focused around 'The Wizard of Oz'. We watched the whole film, discussed who are our favourite characters are, what our favourite part of the story was as well as completing so many fun activities!


We learnt about tornados and we drawn our own! We wrote our own recipe (see below for the one we completed as a class), we designed our own shoes, we created our own chart on our favourite characters in the movie (see below for Constable classes chart) and we also explored the importance of sleep. 


Note: Remember when we complete a tally we have one line going across 4 individual lines when we have 5. We were unable to do this on PowerPoint.


It has been such a fun week learning all about 'The Wizard of Oz' and developing our Art, Maths, Science and English skills.

Constable Class Tally

Our class recipe

WB 16.11.20

Children had a hands on History lesson this week and explored the stages of mummification using a tomato. They started by scooping out the insides of the tomatoes (as the ancient Egyptians removed internal organs). They then placed the prepared tomatoes into a mix of salt and bicarbonate of soda (natron) - this will act to dry and preserve the flesh of the tomato. In two weeks we will bring the preserved tomatoes out of the natron mixture and will observe what has happened. 

Exploring mummification using a tomato!!

WB 09.11.20

In English this week we have been exploring recounts. We have read, performed, planned and have wrote our own recounts. We have been focusing our learning on the text 'Where The Wild Things Are' this is one of my (Miss Wilson) favourite texts! Below are some pictures of us exploring this text!


In Maths we have been exploring multiplication and using the formal grid method to help us. The formal grid method helps us to multiply larger numbers together. 


In our afternoon learning we have been developing a range of skills and learning about new topics.


In Science, we created our own skeletons. We developed our understanding of the bones in the body and explored how some bones are smaller and some are larger. We learnt about the scientific names for the parts in the human body. Have a look at one of our skeleton creations below!


In Geography, we have been learning about different mountains and hills in the United Kingdom. We learnt about what the difference between a mountain and hill is. Have a look below to recap what mountains and hills we explored this week.

We made our own skeletons!

Mountains and Hills we explored this week!

WB 02.11.20

Children in year 3 have had a fantastic week and have completed some excellent learning. Highlights have included - starting a unit of learning on sewing, cracking the inverse for multiplication and division, and creating a timeline in History.


In English this week we have been learning all about recounts. Our focus text for this unit of learning is 'Where the Wild Things Are'. Take a look at the pictures below of us acting out and hot seating the characters from the text.

Where the Wild Things Are!

WB 19.10.20

In Maths this week we have been developing our problem solving skills. We have used our reasoning skills to answer a range of questions. We also spent a day on solving money problems. It has been great to see the children's problem solving skills develop over the course of this week.


In English we have started to explore recounts. We will continue to explore recounts over the next few weeks.


In Computing the children have been practising their touch typing skills. I have attached a link below to the website we were using in class this week. We have also learnt more about the importance of staying safe online.

WB 12.10.20

In Maths this week we have been exploring inverse. We started the week with using practical resources to explore inverse (see a picture below).


In Geography, we produced a leaflet about a major city in the United Kingdom. See if you can challenge yourself and name all of the major cities in the United Kingdom!


In History we have been researching and recording information about the Ancient Egyptian's lives. We have looked at how they used to farm, where they lived and what they did.


In Science, we have been exploring magnets further. I am really impressed with the key vocabulary we have been using this week.


In RE, we have learnt more about Islam and explored The Qur'an. As well as this in art we have added detail to our landscape paintings we were painting last week. Another really successful week!

Maths learning

WB 05.10.20

In English this week (during SPaG) we have been learning all about homophones. Homophones are words that sound the same but have different meanings. For example: the boy ate a berry. Dogs bury bones.


In Maths this week we have been exploring money. Money is a really important life skill. We have recognising different values of coins, adding values of money, subtracting different amounts of money as well as completing some money problem solving activities.


In History we have been writing using hieroglyphs. Can you write your own name in hieroglyphs (see the picture below to help you). In Art, we have painted an Egyptian landscape using different colours, different brushes to create different effects. In Geography, we have been planning our own leaflets about a major city.

Can you write your own name using Egyptian hieroglyphs?

WB 28.09.20

We have started our new topic in English this week. Our new unit of learning is focused around instruction texts. This week have explored instruction texts, identified features, evaluated different instruction texts as well as editing and improving a set of instructions. Our text focus is 'How to Wash a Wolly Mammoth'. I have attached a link to a clip where you can listen to the text being read. Enjoy!


In Maths we have been focusing on subtracting this week. In my class (Miss Wilson's) we have been subtracting using the expanded column method, subtracting three digit numbers as well as spending lots of time on developing our problem solving and reasoning skills.


In Science, we have been sorting objects into magnetic and non-magnetic. Can you develop your understanding of what objects are magnetic by sorting the below objects into two categories one being magnetic and the other non-magnetic objects?


In Geography, we have developed our map skills by producing our own map. We ensured we included as many features used on a map in ours such as using a key and a compass point.

Sort the following objects into magnetic and non-magnetic

WB 21.09.20

We had fantastic fun creating games this week. We made some magnetic maze games in Science as well as some Place Value games in Maths.


In Science, we learnt more about what materials are magnetic and can be moved around our games and those which cannot be moved around the game.


In Art, we have been exploring how to create different effects with our painting by using different brush strokes. In History, we have been exploring the jobs the Ancient Egyptians used to have.


In English we perfectly presented our information text on the Stone Age Boy. See the pictures below of our learning.

Our Stone Age Boy Leaflets

Writing place value maths questions and creating our own games

WB 14.09.20

We are so proud of the Year 3 children. They have settled fantastically back into school and are rising to meet all the learning challenges set. 


This week in English children have enjoyed reading The Stone Age Boy and have explored the story, the characters, and written their own versions or setting descriptions. Next week we will move on to learning about the Stone Age and writing information leaflets and posters. Take a look below at our learning this week. I have also attached a video/audio link to the text for you to listen to.


In Maths children have been focusing on Place Value skills. They have used resources to represent numbers up to 1000, placed numbers on number lines and applied estimation skills, they have identified digits in different place value columns and compared them to work out which is greater and which is smaller, and they have ordered groups of numbers.


Children have continued to engage well with our History topic and today made some excellent observations while investigating pictures of Ancient Egyptian artefacts.



Stone Age Boy Learning

WB 07.09.20

It has been wonderful to have the children in for their first full week back - thank you to all the children for your energised and positive attitudes.

July 2020

Hello from Mrs Bernal and Miss Wilson. 

Constable welcome video

Still image for this video

Turner welcome video

Still image for this video

Important days for Year 3



Our PE day is Friday, Please ensure your child has their full PE kit, jogging bottoms, shorts and a jumper (with no hood or zips), as well as appropriate trainers at school every day. Please note: if girls are wearing tights, please bring socks. 



Turner class are going swimming every Monday starting on the 13th January 2020. Please ensure girls have a swimming hat if they have long hair, a one-piece costume, a towel, and goggles are optional. Boys should have a swimming hat if they have long hair, swimming trunks above the knee, towel, and goggles are optional. No deodorant, shampoo and skin products allowed. All jewellery must be removed. (Please be aware that all earrings are to be taken out before school on Monday). Please make sure their swimming kits are in a separate bag. 



Good Bye Year 3

Still image for this video

Home School Learning Overview WB 20.07.20

Home School Learning Overview WB 13.07.2020

History - Jade of the Maya - watch to 3 minutes and 35 seconds

Guatemala - another video from my trip there, this time looking at the jade in the local museum, plus obsidian, idols, and 1970s fashion tips. Support me on ...

Home School Learning Overview WB 06.07.2020

Home School Learning Overview WB 29.06.2020

Home School Learning Overview WB 22.06.2020

Science video

Still image for this video

A Message from Year 3

Still image for this video
We hope you enjoy the video. Happy Half Term.

Stay well and stay safe.

Home School Learning Overview WB 15.06.2020

English Week 3 Video learning input


Day 2

How to write long ladder letters


Day 3

How to use the suffixation


Day 4

How to write a persuasive letter


Day 5

Reading Comprehension

Summer Term 2 Week 3



How do flowering plants reproduce?




Mayan Gods

What did the ancient Mayas believe?

The Day My I Swapped My Dad For 2 Goldfish By Neil Gaiman

Still image for this video
This story is up to15 minutes long, enjoy

Guide grown ups and children - English Reading and Writing


Please scroll down to find Home learning

Interactive Maths 

Teaching Clock to help children tell the time


Interactive Money counter to help with money questions


Websites to help with fact-finding

Britannica Kids


National Geographic Kids

DK Find Out!


Interactive counters to help add and subtract

Interactive Dienes blocks which represent numbers as 1,10,100 and  1000

Home School Learning Overview WB 08.06.2020

Summer 2 Week 2


Above there are power point slide shows for the children to read through the input for teaching

The videos below support the input for learning on each day. 


Day 2

How to write long ladder letters


Day 3

What is an Adverb?


Day 4

How to write a persuasive letter


Day 5

Reading Comprehension



How do flowering plants reproduce?


What did the ancient Mayas believe?

Mayan Gods

Home School Learning Overview Week Beginning 1st June 2020

Summer term 2 Week 2

These the links for learning about the topics in each of the lessons




English Summer 2 Week 1

Watch these videos to help you with your learning. You can watch them again to help you with your learning


Day 2 - Videos to support handwriting practice.

How to write curly letters

How to write long ladder letters


Day 3 - This video helps you find out how to write a simile when carrying out the 'simile task.'


Day 4 -

This video is a super mover video will help you writing syllables


This video helps write you write a Haiku.


Day 5 - The video explains what Inference is.

Geography Summer Term 2 Week 1

Summer Term 2 Week 1
History: LI: To research and create a fact file about an Ancient Woolly Mammoth.

See the video link below to help you create a fact file about a Woolly Mammoth.


What is a Woolly Mammoth?

Can you describe what they look like?

What do they eat?

A true or false question? Did the Woolly Mammoth exist around the same time as the Ancient Egyptians?

Summer Term 2 Week 1 Science Presentation to learn what parts of a plant do (checking your knowledge before you move on

Parts of Plant Activity (use the Powerpoint presentation to help you)

Mild * Cut out and stick the descriptions of the jobs in the correct places

Spicy ** Fill in the gaps to explain the different jobs

Hot *** Write a few sentences about what happens in each part of the plant

Summer Term 2 Week 1 Science To know what parts of a plant do activity

Summer Term 2 Week 1 Computing

Summer Term 2 Week 1 Music 


Your Sing Up song is ‘There Was an Old Woman who Swallowed a Fly’. Enjoy! Maybe you could draw a picture to illustrate this song.
To go with this, your listening clip is by a German Composer called George Frideric Handel.
This music describes the plague of Flies and Locusts from the Bible – maybe you’ve heard of that from your RE learning?
How does Handel make the music sound like flies?(fast, short notes.) Who is performing the music( a choir and an orchestra)

HANDEL: Plague of Flies & Locusts (excerpt), from Israel in Egypt - Apollo's Fire

G. F. HANDEL The Plague of Flies & Locusts (excerpt) from ISRAEL IN EGYPT APOLLO'S FIRE | The Cleveland Baroque Orchestra Jeannette Sorrell, conductor Live a...

The Day The Crayons Quit by Oliver Jeffers

Still image for this video
WB 18.05.20

Hello year 3, here is a video of Mr Brooke reading you a story. We hope you enjoy

Art Activity Option

How To Draw Health Heroes - Doctors and Nurses

Below is a link to show you how to draw a Doctor and a Nurse

There are other videos to show you how to draw other animals and objects if you are interested.


Click here ->

Home Learning Overview Week Beginning 18.05.20

English Week 6 Videos for support

Click the links written in blue as this will direct you to the activity.

Day 2


How to write curly letters

How to write long ladder letters

How to write one-armed robot letters

Day 3


Subordinating conjunctions

Day 4


Day 5

Free Verse Poem

Week 5 Geography

Home School Learning Overview Year 3 Week Beginning 11.05.2020

Video reading of the book 'Here We Are: Notes for Living on Planet Earth Book by Oliver Jeffers'

Still image for this video
Hello year 3,

Here is a video reading of the book 'Here We Are Notes for Living on Planet Earth Book by Oliver Jeffers'.' We hope you enjoy the book.

English Week 4 links to support learning: They are labelled below for the days you carry out the learning task on. 

Where it says 'Click here ->' the arrow points to the website where it will take you to the website to support learning.

Input for lessons are provided by BBC bitesize and Youtube to match the skills to be used in the given tasks.


English Week 4 Day 2 - Comprehension

This will support when understanding how to answer questions in a reading comprehension

Click here ->


English Week 4 Day 4 - Contraction Spotter

Click here ->


English Week 4 Day 5 - Create Speech Dialogue

Click here ->


Maths Week 4 links to support learning: They are labelled below for the days you carry out the learning task on. 

Where it says 'Click here ->' the arrow points to the website where it will take you to the website to support learning.

Input for lessons is provided by BBC bitesize and Youtube to match the skills to be used in the given tasks.


Maths Day 1

Click here ->


Maths Day 2

Click here ->


Maths Day 3 and 4

Click here ->


Week 4 Garden Scavenger Hunt Free activity to do around the house

Year 3 Home School Learning Overview  WB 04.05.2020

Year 3 Home School Learning Overview WB 04.05.2020

Music - Week 1

In addition to our home learning, Our music teachers are providing opportunities to enjoy Music activities at home.


Week 1 - First song :Naka Hoi

Teach some Japanese to the people in your home !

Naka = in front , Soto= behind 

Hoi= hey . When you sing ‘Hoi’ collect a smile !

Try using your thinking voices with the words Naka and Soto .

Try walking to the pulse as you sing .


Please see below the video to practice.


Week 1.MP4

Still image for this video

Home School Learning Overview Week Beginning 27.04.20

Week Beginning Monday 20th April 2020

Year 3 Home School Learning Overview Week Beginning 20.4.2020

Friday 3rd April 2020

Greetings Year 3, we hope you are okay and doing well. Easter has arrived and we hope you have a good holiday through this challenging time. Below are some ideas that you may want to do with your children at home over the Easter holidays as well as some idea for supporting children with reading over the two weeks. Take care and stay safe.

Activities to do with your child or for them to do independently. Please do not feel you have to do them all, they are all optional.

Home Learning Activities


To access interactive activities


Click sign in 


Code to log in is:




Range of activities:






Other ideas for home learning include:


Below is a website called SUPERMOVERS where children can stay active while learning join in now and again: There is a range of maths and English type videos for them to join in on


There are lots of audiobooks for children of all ages. Click the link:


Click her to you use this website and use the free access code: PARENTSTWINKLHELPS, you will be able to access lots of different learning 


If you would like to use an online dictionary to find out meanings to words please use this site to help you


Dear Year 3, to support your children at home with their learning we have provided you with some activities below. There is a range of  Maths, Ancient Egyptian, Map making English, Spelling and Punctuation activities below to support your child.


If you have any questions regarding this learning please email


Please download the documents below to use at home


Jackanory Junior - Snow Dragon - Part 1 of 2

As a part of our unit in English, we are going to look at adventure stories. Please enjoy the reading below to start your journey.

Jackanory Junior - Snow Dragon - Part 2 of 2

Adrian Lester reads Snow Dragon Written by Vivian French Illustrated by Chris Fisher

Roald Dahl The Twits

During the school closure, in our combined year 3 and 4 class we have been reading The Twits. Here is the full audio book for you to enjoy from home.

Mr and Mrs Twit play some horrible tricks on each other. I bet you have never met two people more revolting. They never wash, they trap birds for Bird Pie and they hate children. Find out what brilliant trick the Roly-Poly Bird and the Muggle-Wump monkeys think up for them.

The Lost Thing - Shaun Tan

An animation of Shaun Tan's The Lost Thing that the year 3 and 4s have listened to this week.

Dear Parents and carers of children in Round Diamond Primary School, Please use the reading guidance to support your children at home



In year 3, English lessons were based on a take one book unit where we explored Leon and The Place Between, this book had a creative way of telling the story with imagery and text which created an image in their head of what it would be like if magic was real when they visited a circus they were writing a descriptive setting in 1st person. Children were developing their programming skills using scratch to create a game.


Stay safe and see you soon.




Mr Brooke and Mr Taylor


WB: 09.03.2020


This week children in year 3 have completed their 3 week English unit on Traditional tales with an alternative ending by using their skills such as speech sentences. description of character and setting. Year 3 have also been painting their canopic jars as a part of their History lessons in Ancient Egypt. we hope you have enjoyed the images below about their week.

Additionally, WB: 09.03.2020


In year 3, we have been learning how to code using Scratch. Throughout this, the children have been able to gain an understanding of how to write basic instruction to move a character in a maze. They have also been able create a background and a character for their game. Furthermore, they have also used position and direction (which is a math's) to program their character up, down, left and right which instructs the player to move the character.

WB: 09.03.2020

WB: 02.03.2020


It has been a great week for year 3. Mr Taylor and I are so proud of all the home learning that has taken place and it has been great to see all kinds of creativeness. Children have had a chance to show and share their projects to each other and will continue to until the last week of term. Children have been creating the lids for their Canopic Jars. Canopic Jars are for all the organs to go in and each jar is represented by a different Egyptian God. Again, the creativity from Year 3 is amazing and their clay sculpting skills are coming along nicely. Hope you all have a nice weekend and see you all next Monday.


It was great to see the Year 3 students involving themselves in the World Book Day spirit. We had a range of characters with many children showing a real interest in the character that they had chosen to be for the day.


P.S To top it off we had a the Vicar from Old Town Holy Trinity Church to explain the importance of Easter for Christian and what is involved in the service.

WB: 02.03.2020

WB: 24.02.2020


In Year 3 it has been great to see all the home learning that the children have brought in. Mr Taylor and I are very pleased to see the independence and pride in their learning. This week in year 3 Children have been immersing their selves with traditional tales with alternative endings by understanding what has changed in the story as well as the setting and change of characters by the end of this unit of learning theyr are going to write their own twisted tale. We look very much forward to seeing it. Have a good weekend and stay safe.

WB: 24.02.2020

WB 10.02.2020


We are now in half term and it has been great to see the learning in the last week of Spring term 1. Children have been writing Haikus about Ancient Egypt, Valentine's day and Seasons of the year using Simile and Metaphors, it has has been amazing to see their use of creativity in learning. In maths, children have been practising their knowledge of place value by solving problems and identifying Roman numerals. Have a happy and safe half term. We look forward to seeing you all after half term.

WB 10.02.2020

WB 03.02.2020


In year 3 Children have been learning about poetry in English creating Kennings, next week it is Haikus! In History children have learnt about how mummies are made in Ancient Egypt. Mr Taylor and Mr Brooke have been impressed by the learning taken place this week in English and Maths and look forward to another week. See you soon!

WB 03.02.2020

WB 27.01.2020


This week in year 3 children have been exploring shadow by creating shadow puppets using tracing paper cereal boxes (We thank you all very much for them, they have put them to good use). It was great to see children creating shadow puppets and being able to explain and use Scientific words such as opaque, translucent and transparent. This gave them an insight on how light works and how it travels in a straight and and can move when it bounces of a reflective surface. Also children have explored mass and roman numerals in Maths as well as creating news reports about their fossil discovery. 

WB 27.01.2020

WB 20.01.2020


In year 3, children have discovered what seems to dinosaur bones in the courtyard which is in the center of Round Diamond School. This is a part of their Non-chronological report writing and they will be writing a newspaper about this very soon. In science children will be creating their own shadow puppets which is a part of their Science learning in this part of the spring term. Mr. Taylor and I are excited to see the creative outcome from year 3. In maths children have been learning more about shape by creating their own net from a 3D shape as well as looking at different types of lines which is developing their geometry learning.

WB 20.01.2020

WB 13.01.2020


This week Year 3 and have investigated Ancient Egypt in History and explored different maps of Stevenage. They have been using their observation skills in Geography locate features and areas of Stevenage on a map. Children in Mr Brooke's Math's class have been exploring Geometry by looking at angles and symmetry. In Mr Taylor's and Mrs Parker's class they explored Inverse Operations, Algebra and Balancing Equations. In English children have immersed their selves with non-chronological news reports.

WB 13.01.2020

WB 06.01.2020


It has been fantastic to see year 3 back from the Christmas Holidays and ready to kick start the year. In English children have been building on skills that they will be using in their writing. In Geography, children have looking at different maps of the UK and our local town of Stevenage. It has been amazing to know what Children know about Stevenage as Mr Brooke was not originally from Stevenage and he has learnt a lot from year 3. Furthermore, Turner class are looking forward to swimming next week and Constable are going to be learning recorders for the Spring term.

WB 06.01.2020

WB: 16.12.2020


Hello all, it has been an eventful week for year 3 and all of Round Diamond. We hope you enjoyed the Christmas play year 3 practised so hard to perform for you on Thursday. Here are some highlights below showcasing the performance. It has been a wonderful start to the school year and a wonderful end to 2020. Miss Moore,  Mr Brooke, Mrs Parker and Mrs Faulkner wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy new year for 2020!

WB: 16.12.2020 Year 3 Christmas Play 2020

WB 09.12.2020


Year 3 have been learning about Limericks and their structure in Limericks, it has been great to hear all the creativity children have been doing in their learning. They have been performing them in front the class which has been a delight to see. We must thank all the children for giving us cards for Christmas it is very thoughtful. Miss Moore and Mr Brooke have been rehearsing the play for the last week of term and we must say that we are very proud of them all. The songs and the performing are wonderful to see.

WB 09.12.2020

WB 02.12.2020


This week children have been writing their own Fables for their recent unit. Children have been developing skills to describe a setting, their characters, dialogue punctuation and the beginning, middle (plot) and the ending of a fable. It has been great to see the wonderful writing children have been producing. Children in year 3 have been discussing Resilience in class assembly, by discussing scenarios to support children at school to encourage resilience in their learning. Miss Moore and Mr Brooke have been pleased to hear the wonderful practising of the songs for the performance which just under 2 weeks time! 

WB 02.12.2020 Writing Fables



In year 3, Constable and Turner have been learning about the Roman in their cross-curricular at the start of this week. Learning involved recognising Roman Numerals in Maths, investigating how Romans filtered water in the Aqueducts and Writing a wanted poster for their allocated Roman God. Each class had been given a Roman God, Constable were given Minerva and Turner were given Diana as their Gods. We had Katy who was a visitor from Stevenage Museum came with a variety of artefacts from Ancient Rome where they were able to make observation on how Romans would use them.



WB 25.11.2019 Cross Curricular Roman



It has been a jam packed week for year 3 this week. On Tuesday children had Roxy the cave girl come and show us her adventure as she traveled back in time to the stone age and met many different prehistoric creatures. It has been a wonderful to see year 3 get involved demonstrating all their knowledge about their scavengers and settlers topic. Then, on Wednesday Parents and Carers were given the opportunity to learn along side their children. Turner and Constable class had been learning about different parts of a skeleton and with their parents children created an X-ray version of a skeleton or a hand, they did this by touching the parts of their own hand to get an understanding of their own skeletal structure. Miss Moore and Mr Brooke would like to say a huge thank you to Parents and Carers who came to participate in the children's learning, It was a pleasure to have to come and join in.

Cave Girl Visit and Open Afternoon September 2019


This week the children have come back from half term energised and ready to  learn! In class we have finished writing our recounts and continued to consolidate our knowledge of multiplication and division. The children loved our new Science topic the human body and were keen to share all their prior knowledge. 


Tuesday the 12th is our topic day; the children are excited for the production of Cave Girl and we will all participate in a workshop afterwards. As stated on the letter children can dress up if they want to. 


We also look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at our open afternoon on Wednesday the 13th. 




The children should be very proud of the progress they have made this term. They have all settled in really well and are now familiar with the year three routines. This week the children have continued to identify the features of a recount and in maths have developed their knowledge of time and multiplication. We finished our Friday by creating our own amazing Rangoli patterns and some of the children were keen to share their knowledge of Diwali and how they were celebrating this weekend. Mr Brooke and I hope you all have a lovely half term. 

Rangoli Patterns


The children have completed some brilliant learning this week. In English we have started to look at recounts and we have explored the features of a variety of different texts. In math the children have continued to develop their understanding of telling the time and have used their problem solving skills to solve time word problems. In Science the children participated in a brilliant experiment and used their predicting skills to predict what would happen next. Some of the children were incredibly keen to replicate this experiment at home (with your permission of course).

Our Science Experiment


Mr Brooke and I are incredibly proud of the children for their Harvest assembly. They performed with confidence and energy and the speaking and acting was amazing! Thank you to all the parents who were able to attend. 


This week the children have finished writing their instructions and it is lovely to see them using all the skills we learnt last week. In maths Mr Brooke's group have explored money and Miss Moore's group have learnt all about area and perimeter (including compound shapes). 


This week you should have received a letter for forthcoming visit. There will be a performance in school linked to our topic and then an exciting workshop afterwards. Please let us know if you have any problems. 

Check out our supermoves to supermovers!


In year 3 it has been a great week, children have practicing subtraction by using a number line to find the answer, as well as using money in math's to calculate an amount and working the change of an amount. In English, children have been practicing their skills in instruction and information writing. In Science, children have been learning about non-magnetic and magnetic materials, furthermore, children have learnt not all metals magnetic and have investigated around the classroom searching for other magnetic objects such as the chair legs and white boards.


This week has been a fantastic week in year three. The children have topped off the week taking on the role of the Hunter Gatherer and have tried a whole variety of fruits and vegetables that would have been scavenged at the time. As well as the above the children have also continued to develop their understanding of instructions and, in maths, have been consolidating their knowledge of subtraction and addition. 


Some children have been given lines for our Harvest Festival, thank you for your ongoing support with helping them to learn them.  


What a brilliant week we have had in Year Three. The children have continued to develop their knowledge of place value and have looked at a variety of methods in addition. In English the children wrote their own version of The Stone Age Boy, they used amazing adjectives and even included some similes! In our Science learning this week the children explored a range of magnets which they then used to create their own magnetic game. We hope you all have a lovely weekend and enjoy the sunshine!


The children have had a fantastic first week of learning! They are becoming familiar with the new routines and are confidently taking on the new challenges. This week we have started sharing the text The Stone Age Boy, which the children have really enjoyed. Next week they will use their writing skills to write their own. Also we have explored place value in a variety of different ways and topped off the week with out fabulous cave paintings. Well done Year Three, have a great weekend. 


Look at our cave paintings!


The children have settled into Year Three brilliantly and have been a pleasure to teach. We started off the week getting to know each other with lots of fun activities including Lego self-portraits, treasure hunts and talking about our worries whilst making our own worry dolls. This week the children have been given a set of spellings that will be tested next Friday and have also been given their new reading books. Well done Year Three what a fab week! 

During this Autumn term our Topic focus is Scavengers and Settlers where children will learn about life during the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age. In Science the children will learn about Forces and Magnet, exploring a range of different things and participating in some excellent experiments. In the second half term our Science topic will become Healthy Eating and Healthy Bodies. In English we will start off with a text about a Stone Age Boy and write instructions on How To Wash A Woolly Mammoth. In Maths we will cover a range of skills, calculating using the 4 operations, measurement, shape, fractions, and place value.

Year 3: 2018-19

During this Summer term our Topic focus is Scavengers and Settlers where children will learn about life during the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age. In Science during the first half term children will learn about Plants, in the second half term learning will switch to Healthy Eating and Healthy Bodies. In English we will be focusing on Adventure Stories. In Maths we will cover a range of skills, calculating using the 4 operations, measurement, shape, fractions, and place value.


Unbelievable to think that we have just completed the final full week of Year 3! What a speedy year it has been! This week has been great fun: the children all competed fantastically in Sports Day, then there was a very successful trip where we were very proud of how the children behaved and participated in activities, and finally we had our music festival. An excellent week was had by all.

St Alban's Museum and Gallery trip


We have had such a varied and exciting week!

The sleepover last Friday was a great success and enjoyed by all. Then we started this week with 2 interesting Cross-Curricular learning days which focused on People Who Help. And finally we ended the week watching the Year 6 dress rehearsal of Mamma Mia which was absolutely fantastic!

See photos below of the sleepover and cross-curricular days.

Cross Curriular Days - Special Visit from the Police Force and Fire Service


What a wonderfully creative week we have had! Mrs Bernal's English group loved exploring the story of The Tempest and have had a lot of fun experimenting with Shakespearean words and phrases. See the video clips below.

In topic we ended the week creating some fantastic clay pots in the style of 'grooved wear' which was the typical clay work used during Stone Age times.

Making clay pots

Exploring Shakespearean language by acting out a scene from The Tempest

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The Tempest

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The Tempest

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The Tempest

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The Tempest

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We are now a week away from our Year 3 sleepover and excitement is rising. A letter was sent home with all children today with full details regarding the procedure for the event. Any further questions, please catch class teachers at the end of the day or contact the office. We are also suggesting that children bring in their water bottles for the night. It should all be a lot of fun!


Home learning set today - a fun project connected to our Bodies and Healthy Eating Science topic. We are looking forward to seeing what the children bring in.

Summer term home learning project


The children have had a fantastic week this week. Miss Moore's maths group have been learning all about Roman Numerals; ask them to impress you with their song! All of the children have also started their new English topic Persuasive texts, of which they have looked at the features and used their own persuasive skills in class. Please enjoy some pictures of the children's art below. 

Year Three's art work


What an outstanding half term this has been. The children have achieved so much in such a short space of time and should be very proud of themselves. This week the children have completed the final chapter of their adventure stories and topped off the week with some lovely stonehenge art. We would like to take the opportunity to wish you all a lovely half term and hope you enjoy spending time together. 

Year 3 maths learning


This week in our topic lesson the children took on the role of a hunter gatherer as we explored a range of food that would have been consumed during the Stone Age. Some of the children were incredibly adventurous and tried foods they have never eaten before. Well done Year Three what a lovely end to a week! Please enjoy some of the children's photos below. 

Constable class trying new food


This week the children have produced some fantastic writing. They have written their opening for the story The Journey and have included lots of high level description, pathetic fallacy and suspense! We can not wait to read the rest. As well as the above the children have continued to observe the seeds we have grown in classand topped of the week with an exploration into the timeline of The Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age. 


This week the children have done some fantastic learning and have showed enthusiasm for our new topic Scavengers and Settlers. The children topped off the week by creating their own cave painting, which are proudly displayed in our classrooms. As well as the above some of the children have consolidated their knowledge of time whilst others have explored fractions. What a busy week! We hope you all have a lovely bank holiday weekend. 

Cave paintings in action

A clip from our Music learning

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The children have thoroughly enjoyed their cross curricular days this week; it was lovely to see the children collaborating and showing enthusiasm for their learning. They loved watching the performance of The Railway Children in school and were a brilliant audience. When they returned to class the children wrote their own diary entry as if they were Bobbie. They included exciting language and emotion to describe the moment when she stopped the train. Also they explored train travel, designed their own eco-friendly train that used renewable energy and designed their own costume for one of the children in the story. Well done Year Three.


Firstly we would like to thank all the parents who attended our open mornings on Thursday and Friday. The children loved the opportunity to showcase their learning and were excited to have you there. This week the children have started to write their own non-chronological reports and continued to develop their art skills in our topic learning. The children used both hot and cold colours to create their own volcano paintings have a look at our creations below.

Artists in action


The children loved their Science learning this week. Both classes became paleontologists for the day and explored the process of excavation. Each child used their tools to gently excavate dinosaur bones and we spent time looking at fossils the children discovered. 

Excavation in action


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Turner class are really enjoying their recorder learning and have already mastered 2 notes.


The children have had a fun-filled week with lots of energised learning. On Thursday we celebrated World Book Day and the children looked fantastic! Thank you to all of the effort that was put into making the children look fabulous. Our classrooms were filled with Matildas, Harry Potters and many more characters. In the afternoon, we shared the story The Giving Tree and discussed all the different things we could give to someone else. All of our ideas were written on leaves and we worked with Year Four to create our own giving tree in the school. 

Year Three creating their own leaves for our Giving Tree.


What an amazing first week back the children have had; they have returned to school energised and ready to learn. This week the children started their new topic Rocks and Soils. The children loved learning about all the different types of rocks, and some children said they would like to become geologists when they are older. They cannot wait for our forthcoming lesson on fossils!

Look at our brilliant information leaflets about volcanoes.


Busy final week of a very successful half term. Thank you to all the parents who attended Parents Evening this week, it was wonderful to discuss the children's recent achievements and update you with targets. We have set some home learning to engage children with our new Science topic - Rocks and Soils (link below, for a copy of the learning), the project is optional, due in by Friday 22nd March. We hope you all have a great half term week.

Remarkable Rocks and Soils - Spring Term Home Learning Project

8.2.19 - Combining our Science and English learning - Fun exploring shadows and retelling traditional tales with a Shadow Puppet Theatre.

25.01.19 - Exploring equivalent fractions using a fraction wall and fraction towers


What a wonderful first couple of weeks. All the children have returned with super learning attitudes and are displaying some excellent learning behaviours. Our Take 1 Book - Escape from Pompeii has inspired some fantastic writing and truly launched us into our topic learning about volcanoes. 

Escape from Pompeii inspired home learning.

17.1.19 - We had a great time learning about the layers of the Earth using modelling clay.


On Thursday this week we took time to learn about Remembrance Day. In year 3 we focused on the lives of children a hundred years ago and what they did to support the war effort. Children applied research skills and then presented their findings to the class. Our learning culminated in writing a thank you. All round a very positive learning experience.

Thank you to the children off 100 years ago...

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Thank you to the children of 100 years ago...

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Thank you to the children of 100 years ago...

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Thank you to the children of 100 years ago...

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Thank you to the children of 100 years ago...

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Thank you to the children of 100 years ago...

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Remembrance Day learning


English learning in Turner class and Learning Lodge 1 has been poetry this week. Children have been focusing on the Poems This is the City and Out in the City by Kathy Henderson. Towards the end of the week we went on a walk of our local area and next week the children will be writing, and eventually performing, their own poems This is Great Ashby or Out in the Park, etc

In Maths children have been learning about lines, angles and turns. They have done fantastically, getting to grips with challenging vocabulary and concepts such as 'parallel and perpendicular lines' and 'right angle turns'.

Heading in to the last week of a very full on half term - keep going everyone, we've nearly made it!


It has been a fabulous first couple of weeks in Year 3. All teachers are very impressed with how the children are settling in and adjusting to Key Stage 2 expectations.

All home learning is now up and running: children will have weekly spellings and times table practice in addition to learning set on My Maths and Bug Club.

July 2018. End of school year 2017-18

Last Day of Yr 3! Today is our last day in Year 3. We have have had a lovely year filled with such fabulous memories. We wish everyone good luck for next year!

Summer Term-In topic, we have been making our own stoneage pots. We have had to think about the colour, design and shape! We are very proud of all our pots!

Friday 15th June 2018


On Friday , it was Eid  in the Islam religion. To celebrate, one member of Constable brought in special sweets. We all tried them and enjoyed them. 

13th June 2018

Year 3 Sleepover!


We are very excited to announce that we are going to be holding a Year 3 Sleepover on Friday 6th July 2018. This has been a great event in the past and will be a lovely evening to have!


Children to arrive at School at 5:30pm on Friday 6th July 2018

Children should bring:

-sleeping bad/small duvet


-something to sleep on

-cuddly toy to sleep with



-Spare change of clothes 


Please pick children up at 9am on the Saturday. 


Any queries please speak to Miss Ruprai or  Miss Williams


14th May 2018- English performing poems

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As part of our unit in English called 'Take One Poet, we have been learning all about a poet called Roger McGough. We listened to different his poem called 'Poetry Pie' and looked at different versions of people retelling the poem. Here are some children performing their poems. We hope you enjoy!

Week Commencing 30th April

In Constable English, we have been learning about adventure stories. We have been exploring the book called 'Journey'. 

This is a strange picture book as it has no words and has really motivated us with our learning. Below are some pictures of our English learning. 


English Turner Monday 30th April

In English we have been inferring characters feelings when faced with a moral dilemma.

Friday 27th April- Retelling cave paintings using drama

PSHE - Smoking Tuesday 24th April Turner class have been learning about the affects of smoking. We used balloons to represent our lungs and discussed how they work. We demonstrated the difference in the lungs when air and smoke are being taken in.

Monday 19th March


Cross Curricular Art and The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe


As part of our Cross Curricular Days we have completed an imaginative paintings in the style of Kandinsky, Monet and Edvard Munch. 










French Singing!

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Thursday 15th March 2018
In French, we have learnt 'Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes' in French! Here is a clip of us singing it and doing the actions!

Wednesday 15th March 2018

In Science, we looked at the different parts in a flower. We dissected a flower and decided where each part goes

Year 3 Science Turner Class


We have been carrying out experiments as part of our Science Unit about plants.


How much water do plants need to grow well?


We planted sunflower seeds to find out.  We observed them over two weeks and found the seeds that were watered twice a week with 30ml did not grow and the ones that were watered once a week did grow.  This showed us that watering plants too much does not help them to grow. 







Friday 9th March- As part of our Topic learning, we have been learning all about past life in Pompeii. We were treated to a Pompeii Picnic to help us understand what the food was like in those days.

Thursday 8th March 2018

In Maths, we have been learning about positions and turns. We took our maths learning outdoors and followed Miss Williams' instructions which we had to copy. Here are some pictures of our maths learning:

Wednesday 7th March 2018

In Science, we have been learning all about plants. We have planted sunflower seeds so we can learn and understand what we need to do

in order for them to grow. Here are some pictures of our plants:

School Values Afternoon - Year 3 & Year 6 (06.03.18)

Year 3 and Year 6 joined forces to complete their School Values tasks. 


They completed poems about how they are either: 




Monday 28th February 2018

In Constable Maths, we went on a 3-D shape hunt to look for 3-D shapes in the classroom. 

We had a great discussion about the 3-D properties and the key vocabulary used to describe 3-D shapes. 


Thursday 23rd November 2017

Cross Curricular Day

Crime Challenge!


On Wednesday and Thursday, we all took part in a cross curricular day! We got told them someone had stolen the round diamond and it was our jobs to find out who stole it! We took part in lots of different learning. As part of our English learning, we visited the crime scene to help us write a crime report. Have a look at some of our pictures of us at the crime scene!


Thursday 16th November 2017

Turner - Topic Lesson


For the past couple of weeks in Turner we have been considering the Environmental Impacts of air travel on the environment.


We discussed what a new runway at Heathrow would mean to surrounding communities and areas.


We designed placards, wrote on a chant and staged a protest against the airport expansion.







Wednesday 14th November 2017

Year 3 Open Afternoon


Turner and Constable hosted a fantastic open afternoon.

We showed our parents our great recorder playing. Thank you for all the parents who came. 


Monday 13th November 2017

Our current RE topic is learning all about Islam. We we so fortunate enough that three members of Constable Class brought in traditional Islam dress, a prayer mat and the Quran. Thank you to those children, it really helped us with our learning!

Here is a picture below of the children showing their pieces from home. 

Monday 6th November 2017

LI: To conduct an experiment 


*fair testing


*accurate results


In Constable class, we have been conducting an experiment . We were finding out the question: 'What shoe has the best grip?'

We used a ramp and a newton meter to measure how much grip each shoe has. Here are some pictures of our experiment:

Values Afternoon with Monet Class

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On Thursday 12th October Turner and Monet got together to think about how we show Our School Values.
We voted for who in our class we felt embodied our Values most.
RESPONSIBLE - Holly Burgess
DETERMINED - Darcy Umney
SUCCESSFUL - Tyrell Farrelly
But there were many examples of all children displaying our School Values

3rd October 2017 In our maths learning this week, we have started to learn all about measuring. We had to make sure we accurately measured different objects in the classroom. We then had to decide if we should use a metre stick or a ruler. Some of us even measured each other!

2nd October 2017


In Constable, we have been learning all about Islam. Today, we were learning all about Mosques. We used playdough to make Mosques, incorporating all of the features Mosques have. 


First week back

All children have had a successful first week in Year 3 getting used to new things and catching up with their friends. 

Over the coming week we are going to continue to investigate place value and ordering of numbers in Maths.

In English, we are going to study a book in great detail for the next two week, it's a big favourite in my house so I'm sure the children will enjoy it. 

In both Topic and Science now we know what the children already understand we are going to start the learning properly.

So we are in for another busy week. 


Turner 05/09/17

Constable 05/09/17


Welcome to Year 3!

Keep looking back to see some of the fantastic learning we have been doing and helpful resources.

Michael Rosen Poetry Performance

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This week in English, Mr Paice's class have been exploring the poems of Michael Rosen. This week the children selected a poem, learnt them off by heart and performed them for the class. Here are a selection for you to Enjoy. If you would like to find out more about Michael Rosen visit his website -

Year 3 sleep over - 7th July 2017

The Year 3's had an enjoyable time at the sleep over this year.  They really enjoyed the Pizza and chips as well as their surprise - a Bouncy Castle!

After dinner they snuggled down to watch 'Sing' before going to sleep.  Thank you to all the children for their fantastic behaviour and all the staff who helped either preparing the event or who slept at school over night.

Open afternoon - 28th June 2017


Thank you to all the parents and family who attended the Year 3 open afternoon this week.  We were very impressed and greatful for the fantastic support.  We hope you enjoyed the activities and that you went away feeling like you have learnt something yourselves!  The children really do enjoy sharing their learning with you on these occasions.

The big debate - 15.06.2017

This week Mr Paice's English group have been researching and planning for a debate. They chose to debate the following statement: Children should be allowed to wear their own cloths in School.  They were put into a 'for' group and an 'against' group. Today they help the debate. They presented their research well and came up with some imaginative arguments to support their side.  Why not ask you child what they think about the subject?

Post-It note planning - Mr Paice's English class (11.05.2017)

Here are Tomi and Aubrey planning their adventure story using Post-it note planning. Post-it note planning allows the children to be flexible with their ideas and move them around until the fit the sequence. It frees the children to work outwards from a key idea/plot point to create a well structured story.


When they are happy, they commit their ideas to the planning frame.


"I like Post-it note planning because it is fun. If I don't like idea I can get rid of the post-it note and start again." Amy M


"You can write all of your ideas down and see if it makes sense. If it does you can write it on the paper!" Aubrey M


"If you think the build-up is actually a problem you can move it to get it in the right place!" Parv G


"If you want you can start from any point of the story and then you can work your way out from there." Alannis T

Constable Class singing in French - 25.04.2017

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Constable Class combined our Science, French and Music learning to present head, shoulders, knees and toes in French.

Letters from another country - 20.04.2017

In English this week, the children have been responding to letters that were posted to them from some children in Vietnam. The children have been very excited to receive the letters and they have completed their responses.  The letter will be posted back to the School in Vietnam where the children are eagerly awaiting their replies. 

Attached are the resent reading test booklet and answer booklet. These are good examples of the sorts of questions you could be asking your children when they are reading at home. Although the children completed this test in school you may wish to go through some aspects with them over the Easter break.

Science Week 13th - 19th March 2017

This week we have been celebrating British Science Week. On Wednesday afternoon, years 3 and 4 had a special Science afternoon where the children got to try 4 different Science investigations.  They looked at changing states, light and Shadows, chemical reactions and solids, liquids and gasses.


The children had lots of fun exploring the different science areas. All the investigations linked to areas in the Science curriculum. There is also a competition running this week for the children who need to create an invention that will change the world for the better. Keep an eye out for our winners!

10. 3. 2017 Problem Solving

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We have been solving problems in our maths learning.

Music: Notes on the stave - 09.03.2017

In recorders we are beginning to read the notes from the stave. Here is a handy photo to help the children remember the different note names and positions.

World Book Day 2017 in Turner Class

Earthquake drill - Tuesday 28th February 2017

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This afternoon, Constable class were learning about Earthquakes. We explored what you should do to keep safe during an Earthquake and had an 'Earthquake Drill'. Then we made infomercials explaining what you should do in an Earthquake.

Attendance cup winners - Well done Constable! (10.02.2017)

Exploring Tanka's with Mr Paice - 2nd February 2017

As part of our on going poetry learning, Mr Paice's English group were investigating the features of a Tanka.


We discovered a Tanka has 5 line, it has a syllabic structure of 5,7,5,7,7 and is about nature. 


We have also been looking at Haikus and next we we will be exploring Kenning's poems.

Reading music - 19.01.2017

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In recorders we have been working on reading musical notation. Here the children are playing and reading a song with the notes A and B in.

Creating Our English Display (18.01.2017)

Handwriting in Escher (17.01.2017)

Problem Solving using money

Nursery Crimes - Mr B. B. Wolf (12.01.2017)

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Mr. B. B. Wolf visited year 3 today to share his version of events in relation to the three little pigs. The children became journalists and asked roving questions in order to find out what really happened on that day. They will use the answers to tell the true story of the Three Little Pigs.

Our first attempt at reading music from the stave. (12.01.2017)

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Thesaurus Challenge

Money Song

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In Escher we have been learning about money. This song helps us to remember which coins we have in the UK.

Escher Elf Learning Journey

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Escher Elf made us a special book of his learning journey with us. We will display it in the school foyer so that all our friends and family can share in our learning.


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Escher Elf left us a parting gift!


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Escher Elf left us a parting gift!

Escher Elf's final letter

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Escher Elf has left his last letter for the year.

Escher Elf's final letter...

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Escher Elf has left us his final letter for this year.

Escher Elf's Last Day

Santa's Workshop, word problems

Santa's Workshop, word problems

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Escher Elf has asked for help completing a variety of mathematical word problems...

Escher Elf, what are you doing up there?

Mrs Phillips gets 1/16 of cake!

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The children wanted to share their learning (and yule log) with Mrs Phillips

Christmas Limericks

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The children have been writing and performing their own Elf themed limericks for Escher Elf, we hope he likes them!

Escher Elf brings a book...

Escher Elf writes again...

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Today the children found that Escher Elf had made them a special book to keep their Elf Reports and other Elf learning in!

Escher Elf has left us something to help us learn about fractions...

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Escher Elf has left a rather delicious festive treat to help us learn about fractions.

Escher Elf writes a letter...

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Escher Elf has asked the children to think about their Perfectly Presented skills when they write their daily Elf Report.

Escher Elf writes a letter...

Christmas Tree maths vocabulary

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The children thought about their maths learning to describe their Christmas tree using mathematical vocabulary. How many mathematical terms can you hear them use?

Escher Elf's theme tune!

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The children in Escher have been so excited to meet their elf that they have even developed his very own them tune...

What's in a name?

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Once our elf had arrived we knew he needed a name. The children have decided on a name that is very important to them...


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Escher has a very special visitor... the children were VERY surprised to see him this morning!


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Escher gets a very special visitor.....

Thesaurus Skills

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In Escher during SPaG time we have been exploring how to use a thesaurus.


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We have been sharing some of our home learning projects.

We have been sharing the peg planes that we made with our parents on our topic open afternoon.

Maths in the picture

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In Escher we have been looking at pictures and discussing the maths that we can see. This picture helped us to think about our learning on 2D and 3D shape.


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Year 3 Home learning - 24th November 2016

This week, Year 3 have been sharing their fantastic home learning. We were really impressed with the variety of projects we have seen. We can tell that much care and attention to detail has been taken in producing the projects. We hope you enjoyed the family learning experience.

Learning from Escher - 10th November 2016

Here is some of the fantastic learning that has taken place in Escher this term.  The children have been working very hard in all aspects of their learning and they are very proud of their achievements! Well done!

Year 3 Fables - 3rd November 2016

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This week we have been exploring fables. Today we followed in the tradition of oral story telling to present our favourite fables to the class. Here are some examples that we wanted to share.

Getting in a spin!

Escher with Playdough Disco

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Rain is falling down

Following verbal instructions

Year 3 singing

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Here are some of the activities from our singing lesson today. We hope you enjoy the song!

Times tables

Take a look at this helpful times table resource recommended by Miss Jewitt.

Welcome back!

We are very excited to welcome you all back after the Summer break. We have lots of exciting learning planned and look forward to hearing all about your summer holidays.

Key things to remember:

- Both classes will have P.E on a THURSDAY.

- Recorders will also be a Thursday, you can purchase your recorder from the office.

- Snack will need to be provided, this should be healthy option such as fruit or a cereal bar.

- Constable class will be swimming until February half term. This will happen on a Monday.

If you have any questions or wish to speak to us we will be happy to make an appointment to discuss this with you further.

Year 3 at the Music festival

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Here is Year 3, lead by Kadee and Matthew, singing Oh-a-lay-lay.

Here is a snippet of today's maths starter actvity.

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The children were given a calculation to start from and then they had to record what other calculations they could work out from this information. The responses included using the inverse and exploring the effect of adding place holders to the numbers either side of the operation.

Here is Miss Dove supporting the children with their learning

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Ms Landau helping a group in the maths lessons today.

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The EU Referendum

Following on from our learning about the EU referendum, Constable class took a trip to see what a Polling station was like. They had the chance to see the voting booths and ask questions to the people who manned the Polling stations.


Here is what they had to say:


"I liked the fact it showed you what to do." 


"I liked seeing the booths. It helped me understand how you vote without others seeing."


"I thought the visit was really interesting - I didn't know you put your vote into a box!"


"I found it interesting how they crossed your name off the list when you vote."



The Constable Class EU referendum debate

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Here is a clip from our class debate on the EU referendum. The class votes and the 'Remain Campaign' won the vote.


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Year 3 French Take 1

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Year 3 French Take 2

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EU referendum.


Over the coming weeks we will be focusing our English learning around the EU referendum. Please take time to talk to your children about this historic vote. As we will be using the referendum as a stimulus for persuasive writing please try to watch some of the T.V debates with your children over the next week.

Stonehenge challenge - we used different materials to recreate Stonehenge.

Stone Age Art work from year 3.

Scara Brea


This week year 3 presented some news reports about the discovery of Scara Brea, a Stone Age village in Scotland.  We also look at a reading comprehension about the site.


Welcome back!


This half term we will be writing adventure stories in English. To begin this unit of writing we are reading the "HodgeHeg" by Dick King-Smith. Why not ask your child about what has happened in the story so far?


In topic we are looking at the Stone Age through to the Iron Age. So far we have been stranded in the Stone age and have had to learn how to survive!


Miss Millard and Mr Paice

We have had 2 5 1 4 3 8 visitors

Round Diamond Primary School is part of Ivy Learning Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee and registered in England and Wales with company number 10874173. The registered office is at Ivy Cottage, Rosemary Avenue, Enfield, EN2 0SP
