At Round Diamond, our curriculum has a clear purpose and we have embedded our school values: Responsible, Determined and Successful, and our PRIDE learning behaviours of Perseverance, Resilience, Independence, Dedication and Energised throughout.
As a school, it is our belief that pupils’ personal and social development underpins all other learning as it helps pupils to build their character, confidence and self-esteem. Developing self-understanding, empathy and the ability to work with others helps our pupils to enjoy healthy and productive relationships in all aspects of their lives.
We deliver our Personal Development aims through:
Our intention is to provide all of our children with a wide range of rich activities, trips and visits which provide meaningful context to their learning and which enhance and enrich their school experience. KS2 have opportunities to take part in residential trips beginning in year 3 with a school sleepover and culminating in a 4 night PGL experience in year 6.
As part of whole school ethos, we teach and encourage our pupils to show respect for different faiths and cultures and to show respect for the different protected characteristics. We help our pupils to recognise the difference between right and wrong and we help children to investigate and offer reasoned views about moral and ethical issues.
Through our whole school and class assemblies, we actively promote equality of opportunity and diversity allowing all children to thrive together. At Round Diamond, we ensure that children understand that difference is a positive and that our individual characteristics make everyone unique.
We have coherently planned our RHSE curriculum with our children’s individual needs at its core. The curriculum covers physical and mental wellbeing, economic understanding, healthy relationships and staying safe online.
Class assemblies covering life skills and embedding our school values have been strategically planned so that clear progression can be made across year groups and throughout the academic year.
Click below to go to the RHSE Curriculum Page
Each class has a planned Personal Development lesson every week. Over the year, every class will cover each of our Personal Development areas: Round Diamond Values, PRIDE Values, Safety, Protected Characteristics, Money Matters, British Values, Mental Health and Wellbeing. These lessons are planned to ensure for knowledge progression through the school and to allow pupils to build on prior learning in all areas.
Through our assemblies, our Personal Development lessons and our RHSE lessons we teach our pupils about the British Values of of democracy, individual liberty, the rule of law and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.
Click below to see how we teach and celebrate British Values at Round Diamond.
Round Diamond offers pupils a wide range of extra-curricular clubs including coding, construction, yoga and many more which spark pupils’ interests and allow them to deepen their involvement in those areas.
Pupils have the opportunity represent the school in a range of sporting competitions and the school’s annual music festival is a great opportunity for children to showcase their musical abilities.
We celebrate our pupils' achievements in our weekly celebration assembly where manners certificates and Blue Rosettes are awarded and achievements from outside school are also recognised.
We also offer our children plenty of opportunities to take on leadership and mentorship roles:
These roles are more than just badges and all roles require dedication and commitment as they are integral to the day-to-day running of our school. All roles allow children to demonstrate their responsibility and help them to develop their own confidence by leading others.
Character development is embedded in our PRIDE learning behaviours and our school values of Responsibility, Determination and Successful. Through our learning behaviours and values, we teach and foster resilience and confidence in our pupils. We ensure that all our pupils benefit equally from what we offer by reducing barriers to participation.