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Round Diamond

Primary School

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Year 2

Year 2 - 2023-2024


Dali:  Miss Stevens

Van Gogh:  Miss McGregor

Setting:  Mrs Clarke



Welcome to Year 2! We are looking forward to getting to know you and and for all of the exciting learning we will be doing this year.


Key Information

PE Days: Our PE days are Tuesday and Thursday. You will need a PE kit including; black/navy joggers or shorts, black/navy jumper, white t-shirt and appropriate trainers.

Reading books: Your child will be read with once a week and their book will be changed or once they have finished.

Other: Please record your child's reading on the Go Read (Boom reader) App when you enjoy a book at home together. Your child also has access to TTrockstars to help learn and practise their multiplication and division facts. 


Curriculum Coverage - Autumn

In English we will be applying our reading and writing skills through exploring new texts such as 'Rapunzel', 'Once there were Giants' 'Dogger' and 'The Nutcracker'.

In Maths we will be exploring Number and Place Value, Addition and Subtraction as well as Multiplication and Division in a range of fluency, problem solving and reasoning contexts. 

This Term we will be learning about The Gun Powder Plot in History, Animals and Humans in Science thinking about offspring, lifecycles and staying healthy. In geography we will be continuing to develop our knowledge of the world using maps, atlases and globes to help us.


Curriculum Coverage - Spring

This Term In English we will be applying our reading and writing skills through exploring new texts such as 'The Quangle Wangle's Hat', 'Coming to England', 'The Street Beneath My Feet', 'The Rhythm Of The Rain' and 'Little People Big Dreams:David Attenborough' where we will be looking at Non-chronological reports, Formal invitations, Stories from other cultures and Writing recounts from personal experience, 

In Maths we will continue exploring Number and Place Value, Addition and Subtraction as well as Multiplication and Division in a range of fluency, problem solving and reasoning contexts. As well as looing at telling the time in 5 minute intervals, naming and identifying the properties of 3D shapes and measuring things us l/ml and g/kg.

This Term we will be learning about The Queen Victoria, Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole in History, Inventors ( linking to experiments an fair tests) and Plants, thinking about seeds and bulbs and linking this to a plants lifecycle. In Geography we will be developing our map skills, looking at identifying and creating keys, identifying and naming some Human and Physical features and creating our own aerial view map.


Curriculum Coverage - Summer

This Term In English we will be applying our reading and writing skills through exploring new texts such as 'Fantastically Great women who changed the world.', 'Fantastic Mr Fox' and 'Aesop's Fabels - The Sun and the Wind.' We will also be exploring and writing a Narrative, Character Description and some Poems.

In Maths we will deepen our Number and Place Value knowledge alongside our Addition and Subtraction facts and Multiplication and Division facts. We will also be turns and movement in shapes, as well as duration of time and events. 

This Term we will be learning about The History of Newmarket and King James I, in Science we will be exploring  Habitats and animals including humans and what they need to survive and how habitats provide these.  In Geography we will be continuing our map skills, and comparing different climates.

Termly Overview

WC: 15.07.24

This week in maths we revisited and recapped some of our learning from earlier this term. We looks and position and direction as well as movement and turs with shapes. 


WC: 08.07.24

This week in English we looked at intonation when performing poems. First we had to identify words in which we thought would lend themselves will to changing our voice or adding an action. Then we practised our performance in groups before performing the poems to the rest of the class.



This week in DT we began making cars with moving axels. We had to cut out, fold and clue a cuboid net,  before assembling our moving axel and attaching it t the chassis. We had to show all of the pride learning behaviors to be successful, particularly determination and resilience. 


WC: 24.07.24

This week in RHSE we were looking at body language and facial expressions and how we can use them to portray of feelings and emotions. 

We had to use this to portray an emotion top our partner who had to use our body language and facial expression to guess our emotion. 


WC: 17.06.24

This week in English we explored key language from a poem. We had to sort different language from the poem into technical and Figurate before using a dictionary to help us understand the meaning of any unfamiliar words. 


WC: 10.06.24

This week in R.E we learned about the Hindu creation story. We were split into groups and each group was given a section of the story to freeze frame. We then ahd to guess what part of the story each group was portraying. 


WC: 3rd June 2024

This week we had Sports day! We really enjoyed participating in all of the different activities. We tried our best and cheered our house team on! 


WC: 20.05.24


This week in Maths we have been looking at number patterns and different representations. Using our basic number knowledge to answer questions as well as reason and problem solve. In Mastering Number we also looked at related facts and quick and simple ways to answer questions using them. 

WC: 13.05.2024

This term in science we have been learning about habitats , what they are, where they can be found and how they provide for the needs of animals who live there. This week we focussed on Microhabitats. We ventured out into  the wildlife area with some magnifying glasses and a check list to see what microhabitats and insects we could find. 



WC: 06.05.2024

This week in maths we have been consolidating our addition and subtraction learning, by answering mixed addition and subtraction reasoning and problem solving questions. We used a range of methods to help us get to the correct answer and had to explain our working out and answers.


WC: 29.04.2024

This week in Geography we went on a local walk around Great Ashby. Before leaving we used OS maps, aerial photos and our local knowledge to identify some of the human features we thought we might see along the way. On the walk we saw a range of houses, shops, factories, parks, car parks and a few other things. 


WC: 22.04.2024

In RHSE we were thinking about being and staying healthy. Today we thought about our diet, discussing why a good diet is important and how limiting not eliminating sugary and fatty foods is important. We then went on to discuss vitamins and minerals. where we were each given a piece of fruit of a vegetable to research the vitamins and minerals in it and what they do. 


WC: 15.04.2024

This week we started a new Geography topic all about maps. We compared the difference between OS maps and aerial views, whilst also trying to identify any human and physical features. We then looks at cardinal points and used out learning on these to describe where objects were in relation to on another. 


WC: 25.03.2024

This week in R.E we explored the Easter Story. We recapped what we remembered from learning this last year before looking at each day/event in more detail. We then in groups freeze framed each part of the story and the rest of the class had to identify the part. 


WC: 04.03.2024

This week in Geography we identified some similarities and differences in Human features between Stevenage and Kadoma. We found out that they both have Train Stations, Clock towers, Hospitals and schools. However Kadoma has only 1 primary and 1 secondary school compared to lots in Stevenage. The size of the shops also differ. 


WC: 11.03.2024

This week we had a special visit from 'Florence Nightingale'. We all dressed up and took part in a range of activities based on Florence Nightingale and the Crimea War. We became soldiers, nurses and even had to apply for a job in the Crimea. We learned about her journey and life after the war too. 


WC: 04.03.2024

Last week in Science we set up an experiment to see what seeds and plants need to grow and be healthy. After planting them last week this week was our first week observing them to see if they had grown. We had 2 sets of seeds that did grow a lot,  1 set of seeds that had just begun to grow and 2 sets of seeds that hadn't grown at all. 


WC: 26.02.2024

In Maths this week we have been looking at fractions, specifically 1/3, 1/4 and 3/4. We looked at a range of different methods to help us solve fraction related problems and also honed our reasoning skills when explaining why or why not it was an accurate fraction. 


WC: 012.02.2024

In Geography we have been locating and identifying features of Stevenage and its 'Twinned Town' Kadoma in Zimbabwe. This week we identified different Human features within Stevenage and Kadoma. Sorting them and finding some similarities and differences between them.


WC: 05.02.2024

In Computing this term we have been learning about block coding. We used the app 'Daisy Dinosaur', we manipulated the blocks to make Daisy follow the given instructions. such as walk, run, jump, turn. grown and spin. We also had to Debug our algorithms on occasion when daisy didn't do what we expected. 


WC: 29.01.2024

This week in Music we experimented with Boom Whackers. One of our key Music vocabulary is pitch. We identified that the longer the boom whacker the Lower the pitch and as the boom whackers got shorter the pitch got higher. We were also able to recognise of of the notes names Ms Thomas taught us such as 'do, mi, soh' . 


WC: 22.01.2024

This week in R.E we continued to look at gratitude. Last week we looked at how Christians show gratitude, in particular to God. This week we looked at how Hindu's might show gratitude. After learning about several different ways they show gratitude, in groups we had to act out/ freeze frame one way and the rest of the class had to guess what way we had chosen. 


WC: 15.01.2024

This week in Geography, we learned about a compass and the 4 points of direction. We then used a variety of different maps and had to locate Stevenage.  we has to use the maps and directional language to describe where Stevenage was in relation to other places. 


WC: 08.01.2024

This week in maths we have been looking at place value. We used part whole models and dienes to help us answer some questions about partitioning numbers to 100 in different ways. 


WC: 11.12.2023

This week we finished our leaning on the Nutcracker. We sequenced the story and summarised each section, before retelling the story using all of the things we had learned in English of the Past 2 weeks. Miss Stevens and Miss McGregor were very impressed with our stories! We ended the week by comparing the book version with a film version and identifying some similarities and differences. 


WC: 04.12.2023

As part of our R.E learning we went to visit St Hugh and St Johns church and went on a Christmas Journey. We explored the story of Christmas through a range of activities. Meeting shepherds, Wise Men and even the baby Jesus! We had a fantastic experience and learned lots about the true meaning of Christmas and the Christmas story. 


WC: 27.11.2023

This week in History we took on the role of some of the main people involved in The Gun powder plot. We started the lesson by compiling a list of questions we wanted to asked them before taking it in turns to be an interviewer and become the people and answer the questions. 


WC: 20.11.2023

This week in Maths we have been learning how to tell the time in 15 minute intervals. We recapped o'clock and half past before learning quarter past and quarter to. At the end of the week we also looked at minutes in an hour. 


WC: 13.11.2023

This week in English we have been continuing our learning linked to the story 'Dogger'. To help us with our writing this week brought in a stuffed animal/ teddy. We then created a lost poster with lots of description about our teddy before planning and writing a recount of teh day we 'lost' our teddy. 



WC: 06.11.2023

This week in DT we have been starting our sewing learning. We learned how to thread a needle and tie a knot to secure the thread to the needle. We had to use lots of the PRIDE learning behaviours in order to be successful. 


WC: 30.10.2023

This week in Computing we have been exploring the Ipad app - StopMotion. We used the app and Lego to create our own stop motion of a teddy walking along a path.  We had to remember to keep the Ipad still in the same place and to only make small movements of the teddy. 


WC: 16.10.2023

This week in English we have been exploring poetry. We have looked at some featured of poems, built vocabulary for our own poem as well as performed some of our favourite poems, thinking about what makes a good performance. 


WC: 09.10.2023

This week in Science we have been looking at the growth of Humans and explored the question... Does the oldest person in the class have the largest handspan? and Is the tallest person the oldest person? We also explored the saying 'your foot is the same size as your forearm' We came to the conclusion that the oldest person doesn't have the biggest handspan and doesn't mean they will be the tallest. 


WC: 02.10.2023

This week in music we have been learning about pitch. We learnt the pitch names 'la', 'soh' and 'me' along with their actions and worked collaboratively to create a human keyboard or play the tune on some tuned instruments. 


WC: 25.09.2023

This week the circus came to Round Diamond. On Thursday and Friday we had 2 Cross-curricular days. On Thursday a Big Top tent was set up on the field and we got to go an watch the Circus. We then took part in a Circus workshop where we learned to juggle, do tricks with scarfs and a few other circus tricks. We also read the book 'Clown' by Quentin Blake, write a recount of our Circus visit, created circus images only using 3D shapes among other activities. 


WC: 18.09.2023

This week in Computing we used iPads and the search engine 'Kiddle' to do some research linked to our history learning of the Gunpowder plot. We had to type in key words and skim and scan through the information for find the answers to Miss Stevens questions. 


WC: 11.09.2023

In Music this week we were inspired by our English learning of Rapunzel and created a piece of music to depict the Wicked Witch. We had to use dynamics and work together as a team to create our piece. We had rain makers being Rapunzel's hair and claves showing the witch running away. 


WC: 04.09.2023

Our first week in Year 2 was a fun filled and jam packed one. In Maths this week we have been looking at Number and place value. We were using a variety of resources to represent different numbers up to 50. Consolidating our learning of tens and ones when partitioning numbers. 



Transition Booklets September 2022

Year 2 - 2022-2023


Dali:  Miss Stevens

Van Gogh:  Miss McGregor

Setting:  Mrs Taylor



Welcome to Year 2! We are looking forward to getting to know you and and for all of the exciting learning we will be doing this year.


Key Information

PE Days: Our PE days are Thursday and Friday. You will need a PE kit including; black/navy joggers or shorts, black/navy jumper, white t-shirt and appropriate trainers.

Reading books: Your child will be read with once a week and their book will be changed or once they have finished.

Other: Please record your child's reading on the Go Read App when you enjoy a book at home together. Your child also has access to TTrockstars to help learn and practise their multiplication and division facts. 


Curriculum Coverage - Autumn

In English we will be applying our reading and writing skills through exploring new texts such as 'Rapunzel', 'Once there were Giants' 'Dogger' and 'The Nutcracker'.

In Maths we will be exploring Number and Place Value, Addition and Subtraction as well as Multiplication and Division in a range of fluency, problem solving and reasoning contexts. 

This Term we will be learning about The Gun Powder Plot in History, Animals and Humans in Science thinking about offspring, lifecycles and staying healthy. In geography we will be continuing to develop our knowledge of the world using maps, atlases and globes to help us.


Curriculum Coverage - Spring

This Term In English we will be applying our reading and writing skills through exploring new texts such as 'Peace at last' where we will be looking at reoccurring language, '15 things not to do with a Puppy' where we will be writing our own instructions of how to look after and animal. As well as looking at shape poems and Non-fiction texts all about Sharks. 

In Maths we will continue exploring Number and Place Value, Addition and Subtraction as well as Multiplication and Division in a range of fluency, problem solving and reasoning contexts. As well as looing at telling the time in 5 minute intervals, naming and identifying the properties of 3D shapes and measuring things us l/ml and g/kg.

This Term we will be learning about The Queen Victoria, Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole in History, Inventors ( linking to experiments an fair tests) and Plants, thinking about seeds and bulbs and linking this to a plants lifecycle. In Geography we will be developing our map skills, looking at identifying and creating keys, identifying and naming some Human and Physical features and creating our own aerial view map. 



Curriculum Coverage - Summer

This Term In English we will be applying our reading and writing skills through exploring new texts such as 'How to catch a star' where we will be looking at past and present tense and have a final outcome of writing a diary entry, 'Sharks' where we will be writing our own non fiction report about Sharks. As well as looking at Free Verse poems and the story 'Tinga Tinga Tales'. 

In Maths we will continue exploring Number and Place Value, Addition and Subtraction as well as Multiplication and Division in a range of fluency, problem solving and reasoning contexts. As well as looking at statistics, reading and interpreting bar charts and pictograms and creating our own. And continuing to identify fractions begining to identify equivalence between 1/2 and 2/4.

This Term we will be learning about The History of Stevenage, specifically the History of the building of New town following the New Town act. In Science we will be starting a new topic of Living things and their Habitats, look at different habitats and Microhabitats as well as the characteristics of living thigs.  In Geography we will be looking at weather and climate identify the difference and comparing them in different places. 


Be sure to keep an eye out below for weekly updates on what we have been doing.




WC: 03.07.2023

This week both classes completed their DT projects of making a car with a moving axle. The children created their axle using wheels, a straw and and a piece of dowel. Before cutting out a net of a cuboid to create their chassis. They then decorated it. 


WC: 26.06.2023

In Maths this week we explored 3D shapes. We looked at their names, their properties and even sorted them by given criteria. 


WC: 19. 06.2023

This week we perfectly presented our Non-Chronological report on Sharks. We had to do our neatest handwriting, include all of our edits and improvements and our diagram with labels. Miss Stevens then got them bound for us. We are very proud of how hard we worked on writing these booklet and so were our teachers! 

WC: 12.06.2023

As part of our History topic 'Stevenage then and now' we had a visit this week from Stevenage Museum. We were able to show off our knowledge about the building of Old Town from last term and also learned lots more. We also got to have a look at some images of what Stevenage was like Prior to the building of New Town. 


WC: 05.06.23

To start the week off we had 2 Cross-curricular days all about inspirational people. On Tuesday we had a visit from Darren Edwards. We learned all about working hard and believing in our dreams as well as overcoming fears. On Wednesday we had a visit and workshop from Paul Sturgess the tallest man in Britain. He did a basketball workshop with us. 


WC: 22.05.23

Last week in their lesson the children planned their Geography field trip to Brooches Woods. First, they looked at the map and planned the route. They wrote instructions of how to get there using directional language. This week they followed their maps and instructions to walk to the woods. Once there they did some Science learning looking for and identifying microhabitats and the minibeasts that live there. We all had a fantastic time

WC: 15/05/2023

In Year 2 this week in our art lessons, we have created an armature sculpture of a superhero using wire. They had to manipulate the wire into different shapes by bending and twisting. This was very challenging. The children added a cape and a superhero pose. Don't you think they look great? 


WC: 08/05/2023

In History we have been learning about the New Town act of 1946. Stevenage was the first new Town to be built. The residents of Stevenage were unhappy and unsure about this. So In History we wrote an advert trying to persuade the residents of Stevenage that it ws a good thing. This week we performed our adverts. Take a look at some of them below. 


WC: 01/05/2023

This week  in Year 2 we came in on Tuesday morning to find that our chairs had gone on strike! They had stacked themselves up in the corner and left us a letter. We had to complete all of our leaning on Tuesday morning without any chairs. By lunchtime our necks and backs were aching and we realised how important the chairs were. Thankfully after lunchtime the chairs had seen how apologetic we were and came back. In English on Wednesday we wrote a persuasive letter to the chairs, apologising and trying to persuade them to come back for good.   


WC: 24/04/2023

This week  we had a special visitor. Her name was Cara and she is a STEM Ambassador. She came in to do a workshop with us linked to our new computing topic of Photography. She used to be an editor for the BBC. She taught about a few different types of shot, Long shot, mid shot, medium shot and a close up, the importance of framing a shot when taking a picture, the benefits of taking photos in portrait and landscape and touched upon how to edit photos. Here are a few photos Miss Stevens took of us in action taking our photos and so of our final photos. 




WC: 17/04/2023

This week  in English our learning has been focussed on our new class book 'How to catch a star' By Oliver Jeffers. On Friday one of our tasks was the twitter challenge where we had to summarise the story in 20 words or less. Here are some of our summaries. 


WC: 27/03/2023

This week  in Geography we learned about keys on maps. We had to use the key on the map given and our locational knowledge to follow instructions and answer questions. 


WC: 20/03/2023

This week  in DT we got to make sandwiches. We had to spread butter, peel carrots and cucumber, grate cheese, chop tomatoes and shred lettuce. It was lots of fun and we even got to eat our sandwich afterwards. 


WC: 13/03/2023

This week  in computing we have been using Scratch Junior and exploring the repeat blocks as well as the sound blocks. We had to create a simple chase game using what we learned about block coding on Scratch Junior last week and also incorporating the repeat blocks and sounds blocks we learned this week. 


WC: 06/03/2023

This week  we went to visit The National Army Museum and got to go back in time to the Crimean War. We had a workshop based upon Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole where we got the chance to explore different artefacts that both nurses would have used and learned about their lives both before, during and after the war. We also got to look around the museum and learned lots about the British army throughout History.  


WC: 27/02/2023

This week we have had lots of exciting things going on. In Music we continued to look at pitch and dynamics. We also remembered some of the note names (soh and mi) from last week with Mrs Thomas and put these into action using the Boom Whackers. We started with a warm up before looking at twinkle twinkle little star, Old Macdonald and finally attempting to play Beleiver. In Science we learned about germination and even saw it happen in real life after seeing what had happen to our seeds we planted last week. Before Finally on Friday enjoying World Book day in our pyjamas and listening to James Campbell tell us some funny stories and talk about being and author.  


WC: 20/02/2023

This week in maths we have been looking at capacity and mass. We ordered a variety of empty bottles by their capacity and discussed that sometimes the tallest bottle wont always have the biggest capacity because some might be wider. We also estimated their capacity and compared them. We then thought about the mass of some objects and again ordered them and talked about how a big bottle of protein powder was lighter than a small packet of rice because rice is heavier. 


WC: 06/02/2023

This week in English we have been looking at poetry. First we chose our favourite animals and used a thesaurus to help compile a list of verbs for our animal. Then we explored shape poems and thought about funny things our animal would get up to if we brought it to school. We wrote our poems out making sure we tried no include manner adverbs, noun phrases and some conjunctions. Finally, after we edited and improved our learning we perfectly presented our poems in the shape of our animal! Miss Stevens, Miss McGreggor and Mrs Taylor were so proud of all of our final pieces! 

WC: 30/01/2023

This week we had the chance to share some of our favourite books with Year 5. They came down to our classroom and read us some of their favourite stories and we then read to them. It was lots of fun talking and reading with the Year 5's. 

WC: 23/01/2023

This week in History we have been continuing our learning about Queen Victoria and we created a timeline of important events in her life based off of our research last week. 

Some facts we learned were... 

  • She had 9 children and 40 Grandchildren - Inara
  • She became queen at aged 18 - Evie H
  • Until Queen Elizabeth the second she was the longest reigning monarch -Jasmine
  • When Prince Albert her husband died she wore black for the rest of her life - Max


WC: 16/01/2023

This week in music we have been learning about a conductor. We thought of lots of different sounds related to the sea and then split into groups to create our own sea scape as a class. We took it in turns to be a conductor and linked it to our previous learning by conducting them to change the pitch, dynamics and tempo. 


WC: 09/01/2023

Happy New Year! and Welcome back! Our first week back has been a busy one! In maths we have been using lots of different resources to help grow our place value understanding and knowledge. Looking at representing numbers in different ways, the value of digits, partitioning a number in different ways ( some of us were even given parameters in which we had to work in to extend our thinking and practise our reasoning!)   


WC: 19/12/2022

The final 3 days of school before the Christmas holidays were busy ones! We continued reading the Story of The Nutcracker and answered some VIPERS questions relating to it. We also wrote our own Christmas/winter themed acrostic poems. 

WC: 12/12/2022

This week has been a busy week...we had our Christmas production. We were scene 3 and our scene was all about the invention of Christmas crackers... or as Tom wanted to call them 'Bangs of Expectation'. We had a visit from Santa too and Paddington came to read one of our Advent stories books with us. 



12/12/2022 Snow Day Learning

Good Morning Year 2, it's snowing and school is closed so stay at home, enjoy the snow and stay safe. Here is some learning for you to do today.

English: This week in English our learning will be focussed around  The Nutcracker. Watch the film linked below and/or read the story and then answer some of the VIPERS questions attached below this post. 

Nutcracker Video

Maths: This week we will be moving onto Statistics. See if you can answer some of the questions on the Google form link that Miss Stevens has put together. You could also make your own tally chart/table of data.

Statistics Google form 

Geography: Over this term you have been learning about the United Kingdom, specifically the for countries England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Can you use what you have learned this term ( you can do some more research too!) and create a booklet full of information about each country. 

Computing: There are 2 different tasks for you to chose from. You can download the stop motion app onto your tablet and then create your own stop motion story. You could use your toys like we did with Lego or draw a scene and characters and create it that way like we have been doing for The Rainbow Fish. If you are unable to do this then you can create an E-safety poster listing lots of different ways to stay safe when using technology. 

WC: 05/12/2022

This week in RE we went to visit St Hugh and St Johns church and went on a Christmas Journey. We explored the story of Christmas through a range of activities. Meeting shepherds, Wise Men and even the baby Jesus! We had a fantastic experience and learned lots about the true meaning of Christmas and the Christmas story.


WC: 21/11/2022

This week in Science we have been learning how the shape of some materials can be changed. We explored squashing, stretching, twisting and bending different materials to try and change their shape. We also discussed whether these changes were permanent or temporary. 


WC: 21/11/2022

This week in Geography we have been using different sources to find out information about Scotland as part of our learning about the characteristics of the different countries in the UK.  


WC: 14/11/2022

This week in History we have been thinking about the reasons for actions of some of the people from the gun Powder plot. We came up with some questions we would like to ask them and then used what we knew about them and the Gun Powder plot to role play and come up with some reasons. 



WC: 07/11/2022

This week in Computing we have been learning about Stop-Motion and Animation. We used Lego to create our own short stop motion videos. It was lots of fun and we realised that it is very easy to make mistakes. Have a look at some of our final Stop-Motion videos below! 


WC: 31/10/2022

This week in Maths we have been looking at 2D shapes. We have been naming them, identifying their properties, sorting them into different categories and fining out if they have lines of symmetry or not. We also learned that a regular shape is a shape that has all of the same size sides and an irregular shape had sides that are all different sizes. 


WC: 17/10/2022

This week in English we have been looking at poetry. We looked at different types of poems such as acrostic poems, haikus, shape poems and list poems. We also looked at different poetic devices like rhyming, onomatopoeia, alliteration and similes. We created a bank of vocabulary all to do with Autumn and then wrote our own poems. We are very proud of our Autumn Poems. 


WC: 10/10/2022

This week in Science we have been looking at how to stay healthy. We looked at the effect that exercise has on our body. We we then learned how to take our pulse. We also used a pule monitor to help check. Then we did 5 minutes of exercise and took our pulse again. We discovered that our pulses were higher. We also noticed that there were also lots of other changes to our body after exercise. 


WC: 03/10/2022

This week in English our learning has been linked to science. We looked at Non-fiction texts and identified some features and their purposes. We then went on to skim and scan information on each stage of the Human Life cycle and took some notes, before working as a group to turn our notes into a mini presentation about the Human life cycle.


WC: 26/09/2022

This week in Geography we were learning about the different continents. We used atlases and the new maps outside of our classroom to help us locate them. We the did some research into each continent using the iPad. We found out that Europe as the second smallest continent and it has the world's smallest country. 



WC: 19/09/2022

This week in Science we have been looking at how humans grow. We began by ordering and discussing the different stages of a human life cycle. Then we were told some 'old wives tales' about different parts of your body, like your forearm is the same length as you foot. We predicted if we thought it was true or not and then had a look for ourselves. We then did an experiment to see if age affects your handspan. We found out that the oldest person in the class didn't have the biggest handspan. 



WC: 12/09/2022

This week in Music we began to identify different genres of music and discussed the types of instruments we could hear and how each genre made us feel. We also began to identify different parts of songs such as the chorus and verse. 



WC: 05/09/2022

This week in Maths we have been looking at Number and Place Value. We have been representing numbers in a variety of ways, partitioning numbers and identifying the value of digits in numbers.



2021 - 2022

Year 2 class teachers 2021 - 2022:

Van Gogh - Miss McGregor

Dali - Mrs Hooper



Spring 2 2022


This half term, our PE days will continue to be a THURSDAYS and FRIDAYS.  Please make sure appropriate PE kit is in school every day (this is useful if additional events/opportunities arise where a PE kit is needed). Please ensure a PE school jumper and jogging bottoms are included as we enter the colder months. Please also a reminder to name all items of clothing in your child's PE kit. 


Over the course of this half term we will engaging in a range of exciting learning opportunities:


In English, we will look at the features of non-fiction texts and write non-chronological reports. The children will use their learning about Florence Nightingale and write reports using sub-headings and facts.  


In maths, we will be exploring shape, measure and time . The children will be using concrete resources to explore these areas. 


In science, we will identify parts of plants and trees. We will investigate what plants need to grow. The children will learn how to explain the life cycle of a plant. The children will plan an investigation to see how temperature affects plant growth.  


In history, we will continue learning about different historical figures such as Florence Nightingale, Mary Seacole and Queen Victoria. They will learn facts, order events and sequence dates on a time line. 

Key dates - Spring 2:


Tuesday 22nd February - World Thinking Day - Girl Guide and Scouting Uniform

Thursday 3rd March - World Book Day - Dress up as a book character

Friday 11 March - Red Nose Day (Comic Relief)

Friday 25th March - Non-Uniform Day (FORDS Easter Egg Donation)

Friday 1st April - Term ends at 2pm - FORDS Easter Egg Hunt at 2pm

Year 2 Maths Videos

Week beginning Monday 4th July 2022

This week we have had a special history day. Stevenage museum provided Round Diamond Primary school with some fantastic resources to learn more about Stevenage becoming a new town. The children made some lovely eye-catching posters to persuade people to move to Stevenage new town,


In the afternoon, we had a visit from Sharon Taylor. She's a leader of Stevenage Council and a primary witness who moved to Stevenage when it became a new town. The children had generated questions to ask her to find out more about the new town development.

Week beginning Monday 27th June 2022

We had two WOW days this week. This children enjoyed a workshop involving meeting a range of different animals! There were small mammals, reptiles and invertebrates! Some of the children felt and held the different living things. We then spent the afternoon making some animal fact files. 

Week beginning Monday 20th June 2022

In D&T this week, we made a simple vehicle using wheels and axels. We had to select the appropriate tools to put these mechanisms together and along the way we were having to adapt our design to ensure it could move appropriately at the end.



Week beginning Monday 13th June 2022

In music, we used the glockenspiels to play a fanfare. We listened carefully to our teacher's model and played a range of high and low notes. 

Week beginning Monday 6th June 2022

This week we went on a very exciting Geography fieldtrip around our local area. The children were developing their map skills by identify different key features and street names. They then labelled them accurately on the maps. 

Week Beginning Monday 23rd May 2022

This week in science, we continued our learning with food chains. We played The Food Chain Game and the children enjoyed organising the living things from producers, consumers and predators. They then proceeded to create their own food chains by researching into a chosen predator. 

Link for food chain game:

Food Chain Game - Science - Sheppard Software Educational Games for kids

Week beginning Monday 16th May 2022

We want to say a big well done to all of the year 2 children who have tried their very best this week with year 2 SATs. Whilst the children have been taken out to complete the tests, the other children have thoroughly enjoyed this week's learning journey being focused around the Pixar film 'For the Birds'. We have completed a range of enjoyable activities including sequencing the story, classifying and sorting types of birds and we also carried out a lesson of drama. The children wowed the year two teachers with their performances of 'For the Birds' where they used great facial expression and body language. 

Week beginning Monday 9th May 2022

In computing this week we continued to develop our ability to take pictures using the school iPads. We took pictures of different areas and items in the classroom thinking about positing, framing and detail. We then reviewed the pictures we had taken and then attempted the pictures again from our self-reflection.

Week beginning Monday 3rd May 2022

This week in our D&T learning journey we were exploring the skill of scaling to help us understand how plans are made of buildings. We had to think about the size of the base of a house and scale it down and build it using Lego. It also involved using our maths knowledge to make something ten times smaller using our division facts. Who knew scaling could be so much fun?

Sam.C (Dali) - 'Architects use scaling. They scale down buildings so they are able to plan what they look like more easily. Scaling down uses division, for example, if a house had a base of 160cm, you might divide it by 10 and the scaled down size would be 16cm.'

Week Beginning 25th April 2022

This week in Mrs Hooper's maths group we were using the bead strings to help develop our 3 times table knowledge. We set up groups and used this to help with our recall in order but also our division facts!


Week Beginning 19th April 2022

This week the Year 2 children had an excellent time researching into how Stevenage has changed over the last century. They explored a range of maps, aerial photographs and snapshots from the two the two different time periods. They then generated questions that they would like to find out the answers to over the next unit.

Week Beginning 28th March 2022

We had a lovely last music lesson with Miss Johnston! She brought in her guitar and we became a whole year group band. We put all of our music skills together of performing rhythmical patterns, keeping a steady pulse, playing instruments, and showing awareness of others during a performance. 


Still image for this video


Still image for this video

Week beginning 21st March 2022

The classrooms were smelling delicious this week!
The children explored all the ways they can be hygienic before preparing their pizzas. This included personal hygiene, making sure food was not contaminated before cooking, checking the food was in date and that their food preparation areas were clean. 

They carried out various skills including carefully chopping peppers and evenly spreading ingredients. 

Week beginning 14th March 2022

This week the children learned all about how to plant a seed. They planted Pansy seeds into a cup of soil and watered them.

The children took turns to measure out the soil into the cups and and filled up their cups with a suitable amount of water. The children thoroughly enjoyed planting their seeds and were delighted to be able to take them home.

Week beginning 7th March 2022

This week in year 2 we started our new English topic on instructions. We spent the week exploring the different features of this nonfiction text type. In Mrs Hooper's English group, we were evaluating the effectiveness of different instructions for making a jam sandwich.  We tried the instructions out and shared our thoughts on how easy or how difficult they were to follow. There were some positive reviews of some tasty jam sandwiches at the end of the lesson!

Week Beginning 28th February 2022

In Mrs Taylor's English group we have been writing reports about Edith Cavell. Our learning journey over the past two weeks has included examining non-fiction texts, identifying facts, creating a glossary, conducting research and then writing a report using our findings. The children have loved learning new vocabulary such as wealthy, unpunctual and treason. Below are some photographs of our learning wall (which shows the learning journey) and some examples of our learning. 


Week beginning 21st February 2022


This week we had a 'Well Being Wednesday' Cross curricular day! The children had the opportunity to participate in active activities on the All Weather Pitch and the hall led by 'Sporting Futures'. The took part in jumping, running, throwing and catching tasks with great enthusiasm. They also had a go at making their own songs using 'Chrome Music Lab' and saved their creations: sharing them with the class. They used tempo, pitch and a variety of musical instruments to create their songs.

Finally the children participating in an art activity where they had to tessellate shapes to create a pattern of their choice.

Welcome to Year 2!

Spring 1 2022


Welcome to our Year 2 class page! We hope you enjoyed a wonderful Christmas break and are looking forward to Spring 1 in Year 2.


This term, our PE days will continue to be a THURSDAYS and FRIDAYS.  Please make sure appropriate PE kit is in school every day (this is useful if additional events/opportunities arise where a PE kit is needed). Please ensure a PE school jumper and jogging bottoms are included as we enter the colder months. 


We are looking forward to all the learning we get to share together this school year as responsible, determined and successful Year 2 learners. Below is some information on the learning we will be carrying out this half term: 


In English, we will start with ‘Peace At Last’ as our unit of learning. The children will learn about re-occurring language throughout the text and re-write the story using the language they have learned. We will also write non-fiction texts about significant historical figures. The children will learn how to write reports using facts. Finally, the children will look at the text '15 things not to do with a puppy' and write instructions. 


In maths, we will be exploring number and place value. The children will learn about the values of digits in 2 digit numbers. They will revisit learning all calculations - addition, subtraction, multiplication and division and apply their understanding to problem solving. 


In science, we will be studying inventors and what they invented. The children will continue their learning about materials and classify. 


In history, we will be learning about different historical figures such as Florence Nightingale, Mary Seacole and Queen Victoria. They will learn facts, order events and sequence dates on a time line. 

Week beginning 31st January 2022

In Klee Class this week we have focused on multiplication. To help aid our recall of our 2, 5 and 10 times table we took part in an active maths session. We had to recall multiplication facts before finding clues and corresponding letters to spell a secret word. Being active and doing is a great way to help with our maths fluency. 


Still image for this video

Week beginning 24th January 2022

This week, in RSHE, we discussed the emotion 'anger'. We considered things that could make people angry and what different behaviours we might see if someone was feeling angry. 


We then generated a list of strategies that could be used to help someone overcome feelings of anger. The children suggested a range of great ideas: breathing, counting to 10, doing some colouring, playing some music and even eating something delicious!


Here are some picture of the children trying out some different breathing strategies including dragon breathing, balloon breathing and bee breathing.

Week beginning 17th January 2022

This week, the children have been learning all about the inventor Isaac Newton. They understand that Isaac Newton invented gravity and they conducted an investigation to see gravity in action.

The children had to select the relevant equipment to use. They did this independently without support. In groups they decided which equipment would help them. They had to choose from a metre stick, a set of scales, a stop watch and a measuring jug. They even learned how to record results in a table. Well done scientists!

Week beginning 10th January 2022

This week the children have been recapping their understanding of number and place value. They have used dienes and ones to represent the value of the digits. They enjoyed using the concrete resources and making different numbers. The children know how to read and write numbers within 100. 


Week beginning 3rd January 2022

Over the last two days, the children have enjoyed learning many life skills. The children learned about how to use a knife and fork where the children practised holding cutlery correctly. They made posters about the correct verbal tables manners using phrases like 'Please could you pass me the....'


They learned how to make orange squash. They had to remember to hold the squash with two hands whilst pouring in the concentrate without spilling any. They learned how to fold their clothes at the start and end of a PE lesson to ensure their clothes always look tidy. The children also learned some sign language! Some children already knew some and taught the rest of the class. They had to look at people using sign language and guess what they were communicating. 


Finally the children enjoyed learning about all of the bones in the body and had a go at making a skeleton from spaghetti pieces! To end the day, they learned how to use the recovery position and what to do if there is an emergency.

Welcome to Year 2!

Autumn 2 2021


Welcome to our Year 2 class page! We hope you enjoyed the half term break and are looking forward to Autumn 2 in Year 2.


This term, our PE days will continue to be a TUESDAYS and FRIDAYS.  Please make sure appropriate PE kit is in school every day (this is useful if additional events/opportunities arise where a PE kit is needed). Please ensure a PE school jumper and jogging bottoms are included as we enter the colder months. 


We are looking forward to all the learning we get to share together this school year as responsible, determined and successful Year 2 learners. Below is some information on the learning we will be carrying out this half term: 


In English, we will start with ‘Tango Makes Three’ as our Take one Book unit of learning. The children have chosen this text and have suggested various writing outcomes to explore. Look at the text ‘Dogger’ and the children will write recounts and sequence the story. Finally in the lead up to Christmas, the children will be looking at ‘The Nutcracker’. The children will re-write the story of the Nutcracker applying the skills taught throughout Autumn 2.


In maths, we will be exploring geometry, position and direction. We will look at measurement, specifically time as well as height and lengths. Finally we will look at fractions of shapes and amounts, properties of 2D & 3D shapes and money.


In science, we will be studying materials and their different properties. The children will classify materials and considering how they use materials in their everyday lives.


In history, we will continue with our learning on the ‘Gun Powder Plot’ and now begin to understand the reasoning behind the actions of the plotters. The children will also look at re-telling the events of the Gun Powder Plot. In geography the children will learn about the countries within the United Kingdom. They will learn how to locate them and characteristics of those countries.



Key dates - Autumn 2:


Friday 3rd December - Jubilee Day - School Closed

Friday 10th December - Christmas Jumper Day

Tuesday 21st December - Term ends at 2pm

Wednesday 5th January 2022 - INSET Day

Thursday 6th January 2022 - Children return to school


Curriculum Documents

Friday 17th December 2021

Please enjoy the year 2 children's fantastic efforts at singing their Christmas songs. 

Van Gogh




Wednesday 10th December 2021

During our computing learning we have been learning about animations. Our final learning was to create a animation on a story The Rainbow Fish. We planned and created colourful backgrounds and made suitable characters for the story. We then used the app Stop Motion and used lots of camera shots to put together a moving animation with our characters. We had to work as a team and be really careful and concise to make sure we didn't get any hands in the shot!

Week Beginning 22nd November 2021

Every day the children have story time, just after coming in from lunch. The children thoroughly enjoy their story time. We always allow the children to choose the stories they would like to hear and it is a pleasure to read to them.

We hope you enjoy watching the videos of the children enjoying their story time.



Week Beginning 15th November 2021

This week in our RSHE learning we have been discussing what is safe to share online. Over the past few weeks we have had excellent discussions about being safe online and this has supported the children to know what is appropriate to share online. We watched Darlee videos to help with our decision making.

Week Beginning 8th November 

This week in our Maths learning we have been focused on measuring length. We have used a range of equipment including metre sticks, tape measures rulers and a trundle wheel. As well as measuring in cm in the classroom the children have enjoyed learning outside and measuring in metres on the playground. 

Week beginning 18th October 

This week, Year 2 have been learning all about poetry! They have watched and listened to poems by Michael Rosen. They have explored different types of poems and even performed some. In class the children performed a poetry rap 'Nursery Grimes', where they have performed nursery rhymes to a fast rap pace. They performed it energetically with great enthusiasm. 

Week beginning 11th October

This week the children have been using the skills they have learned in art to paint a fireworks display. They used primary and secondary colours as well as white and black paint to create tone. The children initially painted the fireworks with dots and swirls and then went over them after they dried with secondary colours and white to create different tints. 

The children then evaluated their learning considering what they would do differently next time and what they are most proud of this time.


Week beginning 4th October 2021

This week we were learning some new skills to edit images on the iPads. We were saving images related to the Gunpowder Plot from safe search engines. We then edited them by cropping, rotating, changing the colour and using special effects.

Week beginning 27th September 

This week in Geography the children have been using maps to locate the different oceans around the world. The children studied the maps looking at the countries and continents around those oceans. They also conducted research to find out facts about which kind of animals live in specific oceans. The children demonstrated excellent team work to find relevant information and have developed their skimming skills in order to summarise what they had read.

Week beginning 20th September 

In science this week, Year 2 have been learning all about humans and how they grow. We have learned about the different stages of life from a baby to becoming elderly. The children had some insightful discussions as to why they were not all the same height and size as each other. 


The children had to investigate the following statement, "The oldest child in the class must have the widest handspan". The children used their knowledge to predict, measure and conclude their findings. 

Week beginning 13th September 2021 

This week the children in Year 2 were exploring the different continents in the world. We used our map skills to identify them in atlases. We also considered some of the countries that would be in the different continents.


The children enjoyed singing along to the continents song. Here is a video to enjoy Van Gogh singing it.


Still image for this video

Week beginning 6th September  

This week the children in Year 2 shared a range of amazing home learning projects during our assembly. It was so wonderful to see such a fantastic effort put in by the children to produce some super examples of learning. 


Some children felt extremely confident to share new knowledge about The Gun Powder Plot which was really useful during our history knowledge harvest this week. Other children had found out lots of interesting information about their class artist. It was also great to see some examples of home learning which had involved some art and D&T skills being put in action! Thank you children and parents/carers for completing some these activities.



Welcome to Year 2!

Autumn 1 2021

Welcome to our Year 2 class page! We hope you have had a wonderful summer break and are looking forward to beginning the school year in Year 2.


This term, our PE day will be a TUESDAY and a FRIDAY. Please make sure appropriate PE kit is in school every day. 



We are using 'Go Read' to log the children's reading books. The children have been shown where to go to change their reading books independently and we will encourage them to change their books as soon as they have finished reading them. The children will also receive a library book to read alongside their shelf book. Library books are changed once a week. 



Each week, the setting teacher will hand out spellings for the following week for the children to practise. Once the children have completed their spellings and sentences on the back, they should show them to their class teacher for a house point. We then give the children back their spellings to keep. 


We are so excited for all of the learning opportunities we will get to share with the children this year. Below is some information on the learning we will be carrying out this half term. 


In English, we will be exploring the traditional version of Rapunzel and comparing it to the modern day Rapunzel story by Beth Woolvin. Then we will be learning how to write non-fiction reports about the life cycle of humans. We will then explore poetry by performing and writing our poems about Autumn. 


In maths, we will be exploring number and place value, addition and subtraction and multiplication and division in a range of fluency, problem solving and reasoning contexts.


In science, we begin the year by looking at animals including humans: comparing their similarities and differences. 


In history, we are learning about the events leading up to the Gun Powder Plot looking at a range of primary and secondary resources.


In geography, we will be using simple directional language to locate specific places on a range of maps, globes and atlases. 


Please refer back to our class pages each week to see what the children have been getting up to in school!

2020 - 2021

Year 2 Staff Team 


Ruth Cousins: Year 2 Setting

Ashley Johnston: Van Gogh Class 

Sarah Millard: Dali Class 


Year 2 Academic Year 2020 - 2021


The Year 2 Team are delighted to welcome the children back to school. We are exciting for all of the wonderful learning experiences we have planned for the children. 


Important Days
Our PE days are Wednesday and Friday. Please ensure your child has their full PE kit including black/navy joggers, black/navy jumper and appropriate trainers at school every day. As we approach the winter months, it is very important that your child has joggers and a jumper in school. Please ensure you check your child's PE kit contains these items. 

Key Information 

Children will be read with once a week and books will be changed weekly/when finished. Please sign your child's reading record when you enjoy a book at home together.


Curriculum Coverage

This term we will enjoy learning about materials in Science, colour mixing in Art as well as learning sewing skills in DT. In History we will continue our learning about the United Kingdom. In Geography, we will be looking at the different continents and oceans, as well as the countries of the United Kingdom.


Keep an eye out on our class page for weekly updates! 

Week beginning 12th July 2021 

In English, we are learning all about alphabet poems. We read 'ABC Mindful Me' by Christiane Engel. Then we practised meditation for 'M' and yoga for 'Y'. After that, we identified activities and items that help us to feel calm, relaxed and mindful. We worked together to compile our own A-Z of mindfulness and look forward to using these to write a class poem later this week. 

Week beginning 5th July 2021 

On Friday the children in Year 2 took part in an RE afternoon. We recapped our learning about the religion of Islam and the children recalled facts about how and where Muslim's pray. 

The children studied examples of prayer mats and created their own using the technique of weaving. They had to use a ruler to measure, cut in straight lines, weave in and out of the paper and then glue their strips down. They were really proud of their efforts and were excited to take them home.

Week beginning 28th June 2021 

Miss Millard's Maths group have been learning about how to estimate and measure temperature. First, we discussed how thermometers are used and practised reading one. Then, we learnt about the temperature for boiling and freezing. We also talked about the temperature outside. After that, we went outside and estimated the temperature of different liquids. Some had been kept warm in a flask, some at room temperature and some in the fridge. As part of our learning, we also ordered the liquids and generated appropriate adjectives to describe them. 


Week beginning 21st June 2021

This week year 2 have been busy measuring temperatures! They learned the accurate unit of measure to use is degrees Celsius or degrees Fahrenheit. They examined a range of thermometers and how they record temperatures in different ways. The children then read a variety of temperatures looking at the increments to count up accurately. Finally, we made estimates of the temperatures we thought we would find in different places around school. We checked the temperatures to see how close our estimates were. 

Week beginning 14th June 2021 

We all had a fantastic time during our 'Keeping Healthy' Cross-curricular days this week. As part of our learning, we found out how much sugar we should be consuming in a day. Did you know the maximum daily amount for a six year old child should be five cubes and for a seven year old child it is six cubes? We also conducted a little investigation in to the sugar content of some drinks. First, we ordered the drinks from the least amount to the most amount of sugar. Next, we used the Change4Life app to scan the barcodes and find out the sugar content. We are pleased to report that we ordered the drinks correctly making us very sugar smart :) 

Week beginning 7th June 

And the masterpiece is complete!


After weeks of hard work, the children have finally completed our to scale sculpture of Round Diamond Primary School. The children have developed a wide range of skills which they have continuously improved as the sculpture was built. They have learned how to: paint evenly selecting appropriate brushes to cover larger areas; apply paper mache by smoothing and moulding it around corners and they have worked successfully communicating, working together within groups.

They children are really proud of their achievements!


Thank you very much for all the cardboard, kitchen tubes and newspaper you have provided us. 

Week beginning 17th May 2021 

What a wonderful well 'bee' ing afternoon indeed!

Despite the pouring rain, the children absolutely loved their well being afternoon with Mr Haig. The children learned about the importance of pollinators in our local environment and took part in planting lots of seeds all around the school grounds. They loved being outdoors in the fresh air and learned some invaluable skills: working together in teams to dig, plant and cover the seeds. 

The children also used a variety of colourful paints to make their own butterflies. We are going to be laminating them to remind the children of the importance of looking after their local environments. Thank you Mr Haig!

Week beginning 10th May 2021 

As part of our History learning this week, we have been finding out about the New Towns Act of 1946. Did you know Stevenage was the first new town approved for development? We identified that new towns needed to offer good quality housing, built around a primary school, a pub and shops. After we had found out all about the new town development, we created persuasive television adverts to encourage people to move here in 1951. 

Week beginning 3rd May 2021

Earlier this week, Year 2 went outside to conduct their science investigations! The children have been learning about the 7 life processes which they remember through the acronym ' MRS GREN'.

They had to go onto the KS1 playground and find an example of something which was living, dead or never alive. They came up with some great examples and really enjoyed a discussion about how a wooden bench is classified as 'dead' because it was previously alive as a tree!

Week beginning 26th April 2021

What a jam packed week for Year 2! We have had such a wonderful week and the children have thoroughly immersed themselves in all things theatre! We have learned about the different job roles from light technicians to make-up artists. We've looked at scripts, we've written scripts and even acted in front of an audience.

Here are some photos of some of the performances we saw. There are so many budding actors in Year 2. Miss Millard and I hope we get invited to a show in the theatre when you make it....

Summer term - Home learning activities 

Please find below the Summer term home learning activities for English and Maths. For English, there are some recommended texts and VIPERS style question and discussion prompts and for Maths there are some fluency facts to focus on. Remember to also login each week to Google Classrooms to access your weekly English and Maths home learning. These activities will be set on a Friday and due in on a Wednesday.

The Year 2 Team 


Week beginning 19th April 2021

In Maths fluency today we were practising finding one more and one less than a number. We played a game in pairs and selected cards to make a two-digit number. Then we needed to identify the number one less and one more than our number. Check out our learning in the pictures below! 


Week beginning 12th April 2021


This week the children have started a new fiction book called 'How To Catch A Star'. The children have enjoyed reading the story, learning about the characters and using their inference skills to predict what might happen in the story.

They have acted out sections of the story in groups using actions to accompany their re-telling. We were very impressed with their creativity!

This week the children have started a new fiction book called 'How To Catch A Star'. The children have enjoyed reading the story, learning about the characters and using their inference skills to predict what might happen in the story.

They have acted out sections of the story in groups using actions to accompany their re-telling. We were very impressed with their creativity!

Week Beginning 22nd March 2021 

This week we have been making the pitta pizzas that we have been designing for Design and Technology. 

We practised using a range of tools to create our own pizzas and finally we got to eat and enjoy them. 

We have written instructions for pizza making and also evaluated our end product. 

Week beginning 15th March 2021


This week in computing, the children have enjoyed developing their skills using an app called 'Scratch'. The children had to create a background with their sprite and programme it to move in multiple directions. They also learned how to make their sprite bigger and smaller, as well as making their sprite repeat an instruction. 



Week beginning 8th March 

This week we have been continuing our learning all about plants! The children learned about the life cycle of a bean plant and planted their very own bean! We will be checking on their progress over the next few weeks and closely follow the stages of the bean plant life cycle. It has been so wonderful to see the children checking their beans at the window each morning and afternoon. They are very excited to see what will happen. 

Week Beginning 8th March 2021

We are so excited to be able to see you all back in school from the 8th

of March. If you need a little reminder of how things will be in school we have attached a return to school transition booklet.   

Transition Booklet

Week beginning 1st March 2021 

Today Year 2 are celebrating World Book Day in style. Check out our fabulous outfits that we shared in a virtual costume parade. We have also enjoyed a wonderful virtual visit from author James Campbell, who told us the story of 'The Umbrella Tree'. Then we planned and wrote our own versions of his story. We have had a fabulous time :) 

Week beginning 22nd February 2021


This week, we started a bran new unit of learning in science. The children were all very excited. We looked at different plants that grow in the wild, in the garden and even learned that trees are plants too. I was really impressed at how many plants the children could name. They completed some excellent online learning: labelling the different parts of plants and even went out into their gardens to look at some plants to draw. 

Week beginning 8th February 2021


This week, the children have been exploring partitioning 3 digit numbers in different ways. They had to think about the value each digit represented to partition, but also, they needed to explore different ways of making that number. 


They did such a fantastic job. I was really impressed with all the ways they partitioned the numbers. 

Week beginning 1st February 2021 

Our Science learning this week, continues with the theme of 'Inventors'. We learnt all about Florence Nightingale and Alexander Fleming and their discoveries around germs. We watched an experiment involving glitter and another invloving bread. We discussed the importance of washing our hands. We then used our ideas from this discussion to create either a poster, a collage using Jam board or a news report. Take a look at some examples of our learning below. 

Week Beginning 25th January 2021

LI: To write a poem.


*Onomatopoeic words


*Follows pattern


Today we used the onomatopoeia that we learned about yesterday to try and help us to write a poem.

The children used the poem 'I Like Noise' to help them use patterns and onomatopoeia. 



I Like Noise

Week beginning 18th January 2021 

We are delighted to share with you two examples of learning we have received from the 'Humanities home learning challenge' set before Christmas. Take a look below at one submitted by Jessica and one submitted by Yuvraj. Well done on some fantastic home learning!

There is also a link to the google arts and culture app for you to explore. 

Jessica's home learning

Yuvraj's home learning

Google arts and culture page 

Week beginning 11th January 2021

  LI: To describe 

 SC *Adjectives *Appearance *Conjunctions - and because

In Year 2, we have been looking at the story of Dogger by Shirley Hughes. 

We have written recounts and descriptions. We wrote descriptions of Dogger as lost posters. 

Here are some pictures of our learning. 

Week beginning 11th January 2021
For our science learning this week, we were challenged to design a new coat using waterproof materials. Miss Millard recorded a video of the investigation and we needed to select an appropriate material for our design. I think we all agreed that we didn't want a coat made from tin-foil even if it was waterproof! 

Science waterproof material investigation

Week beginning 14th December 2020

We have spent the day looking at the Christmas story with help from the local churches 'Bridge Builders'.

We travelled back in time to meet Matthew, Luke, the shepherds, Anna, Simeon and the Magi. 

We finished our journey by meeting Mary, Joseph and the baby Jesus. 

We have had a fantastic time and engaged in some art learning to remind us of each of the characters that we met. 

Merry Christmas! 

Week beginning 7th December 2020


Still image for this video
Year 2 have been busy learning ‘Santa got stuck up the chimney’. We learnt how to use makaton to sign along as well. 

Week beginning 30th November 2020

In Maths we have been learning how to read scales. 
We have looked at reading a scale on a ruler, a thermometer, a measuring jug and weighing scales. 

Week beginning 23rd November 2020 
We have had a fabulous time across the two 'Wizard of Oz' cross curricular days. We started by watching the film and clapping along with the songs. Next, we went out on to the playground and created a magic was very green! After that, we wrote a set of instructions for our very own magic potions. We also enjoyed a selection of other activities including; identifying our safe places, conducting a science experiment involving dancing raisins, writing a Haiku poem, using directional language to find our way through a maze and designing our own map to find the Emerald City. 
Week beginning 16th November 2020

This week during our DT lesson, the children have been practising a running stitch in preparation for making our Christmas decorations.

We spent time learning how to put the thread through the eye of a needle and then tying a knot. The children needed a lot of perseverance for this task. Initially I heard, 'Miss Johnston, we can't do it, it's too difficult', however, by the end of the lesson after lots of reassurance and encouragement I heard, 'I did it!', I tied the knot.

Well done to all the children in Year 2. We can't wait to have a go at a back stitch next week :) 

Week beginning 9th November 2020

In Science, we discussed natural and manmade materials and sorted them. 

We made this learning really exciting by collaging the letter N for natural in natural materials and M for manmade materials. 


Week beginning 2nd November 2020 (Part 1)

Year 2 had a wonderful Art lesson on Thursday afternoon. They painted fireworks inspired by their History learning about Guy Fawkes.

As a special treat, we gathered the children in Dali class and watched a fireworks display as a Year group. The children were issued tickets as though they were attending a real fireworks display.

Fireworks paintings and a trip to the Year 2 Cinema!

Week beginning 2nd November 2020 (Part 2)
In Maths this week, we are learning about measure. We have been reading scales to measure length, temperature, mass and capacity. Today we were identifying objects in our classroom and deciding whether we need to measure them in metres or centimetres. 

Week beginning 19th October 2020


The children had a wonderful Science lesson learning about different types of food. We discussed the different food groups they had eaten for breakfast and lunch that day. 

The children were then set the task of making their own fruit and vegetable faces. They thoroughly enjoyed making them using a variety of ingredients and particularly enjoyed eating their plates afterwards!

Week beginning 12th October 2020 
In Science this week we have been observing the effects of exercise on the body and considering why it is important for us to exercise. First, we carried out some exercises such as star jumps, hopping, jogging and running. Then we noted how our bodies felt afterwards and recorded this.

Week beginning 5th October 2020 

In Maths this week we have been learning all about multiplication. We watched this video in class to help support our learning with using arrays to multiply. 

Week beginning 28th September 2020

In English we have been looking at the book Dogs Don’t Do Ballet. 
Biff the dog loves ballet but her owner’s dad won’t let him join in classes or go to the ballet. We worked in pairs to think of ways in which we could persuade dad to let Biff join in. Next week, we will write letters to dad to see if he will change his mind. 

Week beginning 21st September 2020 
In our History learning this week we were ordering key events of 'The Gunpowder Plot'. We used our knowledge of dates to arrange them in chronological order. 
Week beginning 14th September 2020

Maths, Maths, MATHS!


All this week in Maths, Year 2 have been focussing on partitioning. We have been partitioning 2 and 3 digit numbers. We have been using whole part models and dienes to support their learning as shown in the picture above. 


If we were looking at the number 15, the children understand 15 is the whole number - this goes in the top circle. The children understand that 15 is made up of one group of 10 (one part) and 5 ones (the other part). The 10 and the 5 go in the circles underneath the top circle.


They have then been learning how to partition in different ways. For example 15 can also be partitioned into 7 + 8, 14 + 1, 12 + 3 etc.


Well done Year 2! 

Week beginning 7th September 2020

LI: To retell a story.



*Fairy tale vocabulary


In English, we looked at the traditional tale 'Rapunzel'. 

We thought about the different vocabulary which is used in traditional tales and what the different characters might say to each other. 

We went out onto the playground and used the equipment to act out the story. 

Welcome to Van Gogh Class!

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Welcome to Dali class

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If you or your child have any questions about starting Year 2 in September, please email them to



Goodbye Year 2

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2019 - 2020

A very big welcome to Year 2!



The Year Two Team


Class Teachers:

Mrs Jan Figueiredo (Van Gogh)

Miss Sarah Millard (Dali)

Miss Martha Hall (Learning Lodge)


Teaching Assistant:

Ms Sally Dove



Important Days of the Week

PE will be taught on  Tuesday and WednesdayPlease remember all children need the appropriate school PE uniform on these days.

Music will be taught by a Specialist Music Teacher every Thursday.


Spellings and MyMaths home learning are set every Friday. Spellings are tested each Thursday to support teacher assessments. The spellings do not need to be returned, but if your child wishes to share their practise with their teacher, they can show us their sheets for a house point. 

Login details for MyMaths and Bug Club remain the same as Year 1. If you have any questions regarding these, please speak to a member of the Year 2 team. 

Week beginning 20.07.20

Hi Year 2! Hope you're all well. We would like to wish you a fabulous summer holiday and we look forward to seeing you in September smiley


Attached below is an overview of the transition learning for you to complete at home with your child, alongside resources. Please feel free to complete this learning in an order that best suits you and your home learning environment.


As always, thank you for your support. If you have any questions regarding the learning, please email Mrs Figueiredo:

Home Learning Overview - Week beginning 20.07.20

Week beginning 13.07.20

Greetings Year 2! Hope you're all well and enjoying the learning set!

Attached below is an overview of the English, Maths and afternoon learning for you to complete at home with your child, alongside resources. Please feel free to complete this learning in an order that best suits you and your home learning environment.


As always, thank you for your support. If you have any questions regarding the learning, please email Mrs Figueiredo:

Home Learning Overview - Week beginning 13.07.20

Session four - The Dot by Peter H. Reynolds | Read aloud Book for kids

Snugglebug story time with Sarah. I hope you enjoy this read-along with your family. Vashti believes that she cannot draw, but her art teacher's encouragemen...

Week beginning 06.07.20

Bonjour Year 2! Hope you're all well and staying safe! 

Attached below is an overview of the English, Maths and afternoon learning for you to complete at home with your child, alongside resources. Please feel free to complete this learning in an order that best suits you and your home learning environment.


As always, thank you for your support. If you have any questions regarding the learning, please email Mrs Figueiredo:

Home Learning Overview - Week beginning 06.07.20

Session four - OLIVIA Makes Memories | Bedtime Stories Read Aloud by GoodHeart Kids Books Read Aloud for Children

Week beginning 29.06.20

Hola Year 2! Hope you're all well and enjoying the glorious sunshine! 

Attached below is an overview of the English, Maths and afternoon learning for you to complete at home with your child, alongside resources. Please feel free to complete this learning in an order that best suits you and your home learning environment.


As always, thank you for your support. If you have any questions regarding the learning, please email Mrs Figueiredo:

Home Learning Overview - Week beginning 29.06.20

Week beginning 22.06.20

Greetings Year 2! Hope you're all well and staying in from the rain! 

Attached below is an overview of the English, Maths and afternoon learning for you to complete at home with your child, alongside resources. Please feel free to complete this learning in an order that best suits you and your home learning environment.


As always, thank you for your support. If you have any questions regarding the learning, please email Mrs Figueiredo:

Home Learning Overview - Week beginning 22.06.20

Week beginning 15.06.20

Hello Year 2! What a wet and dreary week it's been! Fingers crossed for some more sunshine soon smiley

Attached below is an overview of the English, Maths and afternoon learning for you to complete at home with your child, alongside resources. Please feel free to complete this learning in an order that best suits you and your home learning environment.


As always, thank you for your support. If you have any questions regarding the learning, please email Mrs Figueiredo:

Home Learning Overview - Week beginning 15.06.20

Week beginning 08.06.20

We hope you're all happy, safe and well! 


Attached below is an overview of the English, Maths and afternoon learning for you to complete at home with your child, alongside resources. Please feel free to complete this learning in an order that best suits you and your home learning environment.


Thank you for your ongoing support. If you have any questions regarding the learning, please email Mrs Figueiredo:

Home Learning Overview - W/B 08.06.20

Week beginning 01.06.20


We hope you've all had a lovely half term break and enjoyed doing some of the challenges set. Below is the learning overview for this week, along with the resources you'll need. Keep challenging yourselves, and keep smiling! smiley

Home Learning Overview Week Beginning 01.06.20

Week beginning 25.05.20 - Happy Half Term!


Well done to you all for your hard work and dedication this half term. The term has looked very different to what we’re all used to, but we’re so proud of your resilience and determination to keep being successful!


Below are some challenges you might want to explore over the next week. Whatever you do, remember to stay safe and keep smiling! 


We hope you have a wonderful, restful half term break. ☀️ 




A great big hello from Mrs Figueiredo...

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Dance along with Miss Millard...

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Keep moving with Miss Hall...

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A cooking bingo challenge from Mrs Figueiredo! I'm going to start by making my own ice lollies... Which challenge will you choose?

Week Beginning 18.05.20

We hope you have been able to enjoy some of the sunshine this week and are all healthy and happy.

Attached below is an overview of the English, Maths and afternoon learning for you to complete at home with your child. Please feel free to complete this learning in an order that best suits you and your home learning environment.


Documents have also been saved below to match the learning. Where necessary, there are sheets or example photos for your guidance, but please note that not all activities will have a supporting document.


Thank you for your ongoing support. If you have any questions regarding the learning, please email Mrs Figueiredo:

Music Clip

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Week Beginning 11.05.20

We hope you are all well and keeping healthy and happy. Don't forget to exercise your bodies as well as your minds. Miss Hall's challenge this week is to see how many 'spotty dogs' you can do in 30 seconds - see overview to see how many she did. Can you keep going for longer than 30 seconds? 

Attached below is an overview of the English, Maths and afternoon learning for you to complete at home with your child. Please feel free to complete this learning in an order that best suits you and your home learning environment.


Documents have also been saved below to match the learning. Where necessary, there are sheets or example photos for your guidance, but please note that not all activities will have a supporting document.


Thank you for your ongoing support. If you have any questions regarding the learning, please email Mrs Figueiredo:


Music Clip

Still image for this video

Week Beginning 04.05.20

We hope you are all well and keeping healthy and happy. Don't forget to exercise your bodies as well as your minds. Miss Hall's challenge to you this week is to see how many 'jumping jacks' you can do in 1 minute? Miss Hall did 90! Can you beat her?


Attached below is an overview of the English, Maths and afternoon learning for you to complete at home with your child. Please feel free to complete this learning in an order that best suits you and your home learning environment.


Documents have also been saved below to match the learning. Where necessary, there are sheets or example photos for your guidance, but please note that not all activities will have a supporting document.


Thank you for your ongoing support. If you have any questions regarding the learning, please email Mrs Figueiredo:



Music Clip

Still image for this video

Week Beginning 27.04.20

We hope you are all well and keeping healthy and happy. If you haven't visited the Official Round Diamond Facebook page yet, please take a look as we have posted a little video message for you!


Attached below is an overview of the English, Maths and afternoon learning for you to complete at home with your child. Please feel free to complete this learning in an order that best suits you and your home learning environment.


Documents have also been saved below to match the learning. Where necessary, there are sheets or example photos for your guidance, but please note that not all activities will have a supporting document.


Thank you for your ongoing support. If you have any questions regarding the learning, please email Mrs Figueiredo:



Snow scene video

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Pine trees video

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Autumn leaves video

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Sunflower Video

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Mrs Gren (Year Two Science - Brilliant Habitats)

Learn about the characteristics of living things with Mrs Gren

Week Beginning 20.04.20


We hope you've all had a wonderful Easter break and are keeping healthy and happy!


Attached below is an overview of the English, Maths and  afternoon learning for you to complete at home with your child. Please feel free to complete this learning in an order that best suits you and your home learning environment.


Documents have also been saved below to match the learning. Where necessary, there are sheets or example photos for your guidance, but please note that not all activities will have a supporting document.


Thank you for your ongoing support. If you have any questions regarding the learning, please email Mrs Figueiredo:


Weekly Overview 20.04.20

Maths Resources - Session 4

03.04.20 - Easter!

We hope that you have enjoyed accessing some of the learning from our class page at home over the last two weeks. We are sure you are all doing a fantastic job in these uncertain times.

Please now enjoy the Easter Holidays! There are some Easter activities/craft ideas if you wish to explore these together. Keep safe and have a very happy, restful Easter.

The Year 2 Team


19.03.20 - Information to Support Learning at Home


The children will be bringing home packs they can work through over the next couple of weeks. In addition to these packs, the Year 2 Class Page will be updated regularly with ideas, tasks, links and documents to support you with opportunities to learn at home with your child. As we are approaching the Summer Term, the learning shared will be a consolidation of what has already been taught in Year 2.

MyMaths and BugClub will continue to be updated during this period, so if you require any login details to be re-issued, please ask a member of the Year 2 team as soon as possible.


Twinkl, an educational resource website which is used at school, has also given parents a free-month access code to use during this period of school closure. The free access code is: PARENTSTWINKLHELPS and can be used at


May we take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support,


If you have any questions regarding this learning please email


The Year 2 Team

Useful Websites

Reading VIPERS - Text Recommendations and Question Prompts

The English Faculty have been considering ways in which to make effective changes to our home learning expectations at Round Diamond. As part of this process, we have looked at opportunities to promote the enjoyment of high quality texts, both in school and at home.

To support this, each year group has created a ‘Summer Term Recommended Reading List’. The list has been put together by class teachers and has been designed to give children the opportunity to explore a range of texts at home, over the course of year.

Alongside this list are some question prompts which can be used to start discussions about what has been read. The questions are in line with our weekly VIPERS teaching, that focusses on individual skills within reading – Vocabulary, Infer, Predict, Explain, Retrieve, Summarise.

Please note that this home learning is not compulsory. We hope that you will be able to enjoy some (or all!) of the recommendations by  buying the texts if you wish. Equally, the question prompts can be used with any book you choose to enjoy with your child.

The video 'Adventures Are The Pits' can be found here:


Week beginning 16.03.20

The children have been throroughly enjoying using the scratch junior app as part of our computing learning and several have asked me about how they can download this to use on a device at home. Below is the link to the website with details of how to download. Alternatively, search for scratch junior in the app store. 

Week beginning 09.03.20

In Computing we have been using the Scratch Junior app to create codes. This week we have been learning how to grow and shrink our characters. Meet the inflating chicken! 

Week beginning 02.03.20

This week in English, each group is enjoying exploring stories as part of our Take One Book unit - ‘Whats a Penguin to think when he wakes up Pink!’ and ‘The Last Wolf’. We are using these texts to support our written outcomes - a non fiction piece of writing about flamingos and wolves. 

Week beginning 24.02.20 - Spring Term Home Learning

Welcome back after the half term break!

As the children have been so engaged with their History learning this term, we have based our optional Spring Term home learning project on the Victoria era. 
We look forward to seeing the outcomes on Monday 23rd April 😊

Week beginning 10.02.20 - Exploring Electricity!

This week we have been learning about Thomas Edison. We explored circuits using wires, a lightbulb and a battery and had a go at drawing a complete circuit using the correct symbols. 

Washing Hands - Week beginning 03.02.20

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Part 2

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IMG_0518 (1).MOV

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We’ve been exploring how germs spread (and how to prevent this!) in Science. We used glitter to see just how easily germs can move about, and learnt a song to remind us how to wash hands effectively. 

Week beginning 27.01.20 - Setting Targets

This week in PSHE, we have been discussing setting personal targets. We shared examples of and celebrated our skills/abilities, before talking about areas that we find challenging. We used our discussions to set personal targets and considered what we could do to achieve them. We thought also about who would be able to support and help us in achieving our goals. 

Week beginning 20.01.20 - Report Writing

This week we have started learning about non-chronological reports. We explored the features of non-chronological reports before sharing our existing knowledge on modes of transport, in a colour coded mind map. 
Over the next two weeks, we will continue to research information on modes of transport before writing our own reports. 

Week beginning 13.01.20 - Investigating Gravity!

Investigating gravity...

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This week in Science, we have been learning about gravity.

We learnt:

-gravity is a force

-it pulls objects towards the centre of the Earth

-gravity was discovered by Isaac Newton

-there is no gravity on the moon

-gravity prevents us from floating around!


We carried out an investigation to explore how weight affects gravity. We discussed ways to ensure our test was fair and enjoyed drawing conclusions based on our results. 

Week beginning 06.01.20 - Welcome Back!

Welcome back after the Christmas holidays! We hope you had a restful break and the children are ready for a new year of learning!


Please note that the PE days in year 2 have changed. PE lessons will now happen every Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon. 

Over the Spring term, we will be:

-Exploring maps in Geogrpahy, comparing Kadoma with Stevenage

-Learning about different techniques to create landscapes in Art

-Researching significant people of the past in History


Here’s to a happy and successful 2020! 

Week beginning 16.12.19

The children have had a fabulous time learning about the story of 'The Nutcracker' and they have enjoyed writing their own versions of the story. They even had time to watch a modern twist on the tale and we're sure you might enjoy it too!

Week beginning 09.12.19

Last week, Year 2 enjoyed a wonderful trip to All Saints Church. The children travelled back in time to Bethlehem and explored various parts of the Christmas story through story telling, drama and creative activities. 

Week beginning 02.12.19 - It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas...

Year 2 have enjoyed making their own advent calendar as part of our RE learning. We explored the significance of advent, then made our own felt stockings. Each stocking contains a ‘kindness message’ ready to open as we countdown to Christmas! 

Week beginning 25.11.19 - Animations

Animation 1

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Animation 2

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Animation 3

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This week, Year 2 have been exploring the app ‘StopMotion’ and have practised creating short animations using lego bricks. To be successful, we had to ensure that the background in each frame was clear and that our movements were subtle. 

Week beginning 18.11.19 - The Romans

Year 2 have enjoyed our cross-curricular days on the Romans! We have learnt about Roman numerals in Maths, created a sculpture of a god/goddess in D&T, written a descriptive piece in English and created special collaged portraits in Art. 
Van Gogh Class learnt about the goddess Vesta, whilst Dali Class learnt about the god Vulcan. We worked together in our classes to create these collage masterpieces! 

Week beginning 11.11.19 - Time

As part of our Maths learning on ‘Measures’, we will be exploring clocks and learning to tell the time. The below link may be a useful tool to support in making and telling the time at home:

Week beginning 04.11.19 - Our New Topic

Welcome back after the Half Term Holiday! Our new topic this term is ‘Toys’ where we will be:

-comparing old and current toys

-exploring materials that toys are made from 

-designing our own toys

-making our own felt toys


We will also use this topic to link to our English learning on ‘The Nutcracker’, in time for Christmas. We have a busy term ahead so watch this space! 

Week beginning 21.10.19

Just a reminder of the websites for Maths and reading home learning for during the holidays. Have a fantastic half-term and we'll see you soon. 

Week beginning 14.10.19 - Harvest Shotgun!

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Part two

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Part three

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Part four

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Part five

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The Finale!

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Week beginning 07.10.19

This week, Year 2 have enjoyed exploring Poetry! We watched Michael Rosen perform some poems like ‘Chocolate Cake’ and ‘Strict’, read a range of rhyming and non-rhyming poems and performed our own poems. 

Two groups had a go at writing and performing their own versions of ‘Caribbean Counting Rhyme’. We decided on the name ‘Round Diamond Counting Rhyme!’

Week beginning 30.09.19 - Expectations in Year 2

Now that the children have settled back into the routine of school life we would like to remind you of ways you can support your child with their learning at home. 

Please enjoy sharing books with your child as often as you are able to. Books are changed weekly at school but if your child needs to change them more frequently, they are able to do so during morning registration time. 

Spellings are sent home every Friday. These are a combination of words linked to the spelling rule that has been taught that week and common exception words (words that the children are expected to be able to read and write by the end of Year 2). To support our teacher assessment, the children will be tested on the spelling of these words in a dictation style exercise every Thursday. Please practice them at home on the sheets provided. 

MyMaths and Bug Club logins remain the same as those that were issued in Year 1. Tasks on MyMaths are set weekly and books on Bug Club are changed when your child moves onto the next reading level. 

As always, if you have any questions at all, please speak to a member of the Year 2 team! 😊

Week beginning 23.09.19 - Jessie and Friends

This week, as part of the Computing curriculum and our continued coverage on e-safety, the children have been introduced to ‘Jessie and Friends’. 

‘Jessie and Friends’ is a 3 part animation which aims to equip children in Key Stage 1 with the knowledge, skills and confidence to stay safe online. 

We have been learning that while the internet can be an exciting place full of fun and learning opportunities, this may not always be the case. The children were able to discuss their observations after watching the first episode - do ask them what they’ve taken from the animation so far!

Week beginning 16.09.19 - Online Safety

This half term, Year 2 are discussing online safety; we are learning about ways to stay safe when using the internet. 

As part of this learning, everyone has signed a copy of Round Diamond’s Online Safety Rules. We are committed to using the Computing equipment at school safely and transferring these skills into our online activity outside of school. 

Week Beginning 09.09.19 - Maths Fluency

Fluency Facts have been sent home this week! These can support in learning/consolidating the rapid recall of number facts. 

If you need another copy, please let your child’s class teacher know. 

Week beginning 02.09.19

Academic Year


Tuesday 9th July 2019
LI: To use online maps.
*Locate app
*Locate search area
*Find route
CC Link Computing-Geography
We used Ipads and a mapping appto locate and find the routes to different places around the world.

Using Maps

Friday 28th June 2019

Year 2 enjoyed the warm weather on our trip to Shuttleworth. We were able to observe the plants and animals as well as take a ride in the open topped bus. 


Tuesday 7th May 2019

As part of our cross curricular learning Dali and Van Gogh explores the nature walk and courtyard to see what lived there. 

We will be using the laptops to make block charts. 

Animal Survey

Tuesday 30th April 2019

LI: To use a branching data base.

(CC link to topic "I’m Alive")


*Answer yes/no

*Follow the key

*Name the minibeast

We used branching data bases to name and sort the minibeasts.


Spring Term Home Learning Projects

Thursday 4th April 2019

We shared our research projects linked to our topic 'People from the Past'.

You can see our projects in our cloakroom museum!


Home Learning Projects

Monday 1st April 2019

Sports on Tour

Year 2 enjoyed trying out a range of different sporting activities this afternoon. 

Sports on Tour

Monday 1st April 2019

We were delighted to receive a letter and present from our favourite author Martin Waddell this morning!

He wrote to say thank you for the letters that he received from us earlier this month. 

Letter From Martin Waddell

Thursday 21st March 2019

LI: To present. 

(CC link to History and English)

SC *Programme found *Titles made * Text used 

In Computing today, we used our research on our "People from the Past" topic to begin to make a presentation of our knowledge digitally. 

We opened Power Point, added slides and used text to begin to share our knowledge. We saved our learning and will be adding more information and images to our presentations. 


Thursday 14th March 2019 and Friday
15th March
LI: To research
(CC Link to topic People from the Past)
*Safe search engine
*Facts found
*Facts recorded

We used computers, ipads and books to research famous people from history.
We used a safe search engine especially for children.

People from the Past

Wednesday 13th March 2019

A team of Year 2 children from construction club attended the Lego Challenge. 

Our team did really well, they worked well to display their model moon base and talk about the elements they had built and what you would need on the moon. They enjoyed the activities during the afternoon as well as looking at all the other moon bases. They received a medal and certificate each and a team trophy for doing so well at explaining and describing their base. 

Lego Challenge

Thursday 7th March 2019

We had a fantastic time dressing up for world book day.

World Book Day

Friday 1st March 2019

As part of our English learning, Miss Cousins’ group chose the story Pig in the Pond by Martyn Waddell for their “Take One Book”. 

We really enjoyed making masks and then acting the story out. 

Pig in the Pond

Thursday 14th February 2019.

LI: To understand symmetry

SC *Shapes used *Line of symmetry *Accurate position

In Maths we looked at lines of symmetry and designed our own jumpers.

Thursday 7th February 2019

In Music today, Ms Thomas brought her violin to share with Year 2.

We talked about the different parts of the violin, how we play it and acoustics.

Ms Thomas also played some music and we had to use some powerful adjectives

to describe it.

Music Learning

Friday 1st of February 2019

In Art we thought about the sculptures made by the natural artist Andy Goldsworthy.

We had fun using the snow to create our own winter sculptures.

Andy Goldsworthy

Thursday 17th January 2019

In music we practised the skills of rhythm and pulse using the song “Engine, Engine Number Nine”.

Engine Engine Number Nine

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Entry Point From A to B 
Thursday 9th January 2019
Year 2 started their new topic from A to B today. We designed and made boats in teams to try and take our figures across the river. In the topic we will be learning about travel and transport in the past. 

Entry Point From A to B

Christmas Jumper Day

Thursday 6th December 2018

Year 2 were joined by their parents for a super afternoon of making and creating together.

Wednesday 5th December 2018

Year 2 had a fantastic time at St Nicholas Church this morning!

We met The Three Kings, Mary, Joseph and even a real life baby Jesus!

We were especially pleased to meet Bishop Michael (The Bishop of Hertford) who commented on our superb behaviour.


St Nicholas Church

Thursday 29th November 2018

Year 2 enjoyed using their sense of taste to explore different flavours. We tried food with sweet, salty, umami, bitter and sour tastes. 

Taste Testing

Design and Technology

Design and Technology

Wednesday 21st November 2018

In Design and Technology we have been using lots of different techniques to make moving pictures.

We will use these techniques to design and make our own moving pictures.

Pudsey Children in Need Event

Monday 12th November 2018

Sporting Futures Pudsey Event

Year 2 had a fantastic morning taking

part in a range of sports and games hosted

by Sporting Futures.

Tuesday 23rd October 2018

Year 2 enjoyed a Healthy Living Afternoon with Sporting Futures.

Thank you to all the parents that attended.

Sporting Futures Afternoon

Year 2 Performance Poetry

Still image for this video
Tuesday 16th October 2018
Van Gogh English class spent a lesson learning a verse each from the poem “Today”
They made their own actions to match the words.

Thursday 4th October 2018

LI: To use an atlas.

(CC link- English)

*Order the words

*Use the index

*Locate on the map

We used alphabetical order and the index of an atlas to try and locate different places.


Big Blue Tractor

Still image for this video
Friday 28th September
We enjoyed spending time preparing our Harvest Assembly here is one of our songs.

Thursday 20th September 2018

LI: to take photographs.




*effect used

Year 2 used the photo booth App to take portraits using effects. 

Photo booth

Thursday 13th September 2018

LI: To take photographs

(CC Link to topic Who am I?)




*Permission asked

E-Safety tip:

Always ask a person’s permission before

you take a photograph or digital image of them.

Always let them know what you are going

to do with their image and get their

permission if you want to us it online.


Taking Photographs Safely

Who am I?

Thursday 6th September 2018

Who am I-Entry Point

Dali Class and Van Gogh Class enjoyed using the artist Andy Warhol as an inspiration for their self portraits.

We will be learning about different artists and their styles during this topic.

Fruit Salad!

Week beginning 16.07.18

Year 2 designed, created then evaluated their own fruit salads. We had a selection of fruits and juices to choose from when planning what to include. We discussed the importance of food hygiene and safety when using knives. The best part was tasting what we had made! 

Prove it!

Week beginning 09.07.18

Year 2 are developing their reasoning skills this week by using ‘Always, Sometimes, Never’ grids to sort mathematical statements. The challenge is to prove how we know we have sorted correctly. 

Wednesday 27th June 2018

Brave Nurses- Singing with Mr Meek

Year 2 have been busy perfecting their rendition of  the Brave Nurses song ready for thir performance at the Music Festival. 

Here is a snippet of what to expect. 


Still image for this video

Exploring Non-Fiction texts

Week beginning 18th June 2018 

We have been exploring non-fiction texts ready to write our own explanation texts about the digestive system. 

We created a colour coded mind map to share what we know already about non-fiction. 

Our Bodies

Week beginning 11th June 2018

Welcome back after Half Term! Year 2 have been busy in English and Topic this week, thinking about parts of our bodies and the amazing things they do. 

We labelled internal and external parts of the body then watched a short film to find out facts about our heart. 

Week beginning 21.05.18

Year 2 enjoyed a wonderful trip to Shuttleworth where we explored the gardens, planted acorns and played in the sunshine. Look at the fun we had! 

Saving and Retrieving

Week beginning 07.05.18

Over the past two weeks, Year 2 have been creating Minibeast pictures in our Computing sessions. We have learnt how to save our pictures, giving them a file name, and have practised opening them again to make changes.  

Minibeast Playgrounds

Week beginning 23.04.18

Year 2 created a Minibeast Playground in Design and Technology this week. They folded and curled strips of paper to create a 3D, imaginative model. 

Wednesday 18th April 2018

LI: To know about habitats

SC *Describe *Identify and name a variety of animals *Reason

Dali and Van Gogh enjoyed searching the school environments to look for animals in different habitats. 

We used a branching key as part of our Computing learning to help us identify and name animals that we were unsure of. 


Week beginning 16.04.18

Welcome back after the Easter break! Year 2 have been busy exploring instructional texts in English this week. We discussed the features of instructions ready to follow instructions to build a ‘Bug Hotel’ next week. 

People of the Past Home Learning

Week beginning 19th March 2018

Year 2 enjoyed the theme 'Exploration and Discovery' as part of our Science Day this year. One of the investigations we carried out was to explore which material would be the best choice to build a shelter. We made a prediction then worked collaboratively to build a shelter using empty cans, lolly sticks, card, blocks and toilet paper. Surprisingly, we found that the toilet paper created the strongest shelter to survive a windstorm (a hairdryer!)

Flanimal Fun!

Week beginning 12th March 2018

We have been making our own 'Flanimals' and describing them using expanded noun phrases. We focussed on using a comma between our adjectives.

Telling the time!

Week beginning 5th March 2018

We have been learning to tell the time to 5 minute intervals. We used our clocks to make different times and focussed on accurately positioning the minute hand.

People from the Past - Paul Klee and Florence Nightingale

Week beginning 26th February 2018

As part of our Topic, we have been learning about Florence Nightingale and the important changes she made to Nursing. We looked at examples of Paul Klee's artwork and imitated his style to create portraits of Florence Nightingale using a mix of 'Hot' and 'Cold' colours.

Jill Murphy

Week Beginning 19th of February 2018

In Year 2 we have begun a new writing unit based on the author Jill Murphy. We enjoyed discovering some new characters and stories 

written by her. Have you got any Jill Murphy books at home? Which characters do you like?

Jill Murphy

Wednesday 10th January 2018

In Year 2 we are researching different types of transport in English. We will be writing a non-chronological report using what we have found out. Here is some of the key vocabulary we have found and will use in our writing. 

Transport Vocabulary

Entry Point From A to B 

Friday 5th January 2018

Year 2 started their new topic from A to B today. We designed and made boats in teams to try and take our figures across the river. In the topic we will be learning about travel and transport in the past. 

River Crossing Challenge

Year 2 Visit to St Nicholas Church

Year 2 Visit to St Nicholas Church

Tuesday 5th December 2017

Year 2 had a fantastic afternoon finding out about the Christmas story 

with the Bridge Builders Charity. 

We met the three kings, the shepherds and even the baby Jesus!

Parents Open Afternoon

Tuesday 28th November 2017

Dali and Van Gogh Classes enjoyed sharing their learning with their families.

They were able to make toys, play with old fashioned toys and look at our Design and Technology learning on pop up books.

Open Afternoon

Sporting Futures Pudsey Afternoon

Friday 17th November 2017

Sporting Futures Pudsey Afternoon

Year 2 had a fantastic afternoon taking part in a range of sports and games hosted by sporting futures. 

Special Visitor!


Today year 2 had a very special visitor. Mrs Goodwin, who works for GSK, visited year 2 and told the children about how medicine is made, who makes it and what the staff have to wear during production. 


Mrs Goodwin brought some items in, that are made at GSK, so the children could get a hands-on look. The children asked some intriguing questions which heightened their enthusiasm throughout the afternoon. Two children were lucky enough to dress up in the overalls that are worn during the production stage and we had a discussion about why medicine needs to be kept clean.


The children were fully engaged and really enjoyed their afternoon.  

Moving Picture Books 

Wednesday 1st November 2017

LI: To evaluate.

(CC Link to English)

*What moves

*How it moves


In Year 2 we are beginning a Design and Technology unit where we will be learning all about pop-up and moving books. 

We started this week by looking at some moving books from the library, over the next few weeks we will be learning all the 

skills we need to make our own pop-up and moving books. 



Moving Picture Books

Year 2 Displays

Year 2 were very pleased to win the "Blue Rosette" for their Hansel and Gretel display. 

All the children and adults would like to say a very big thank you to our parent helper Mrs Barnsley who used her artistic flair to create our forest scene. 

Monday 2nd October 2017

LI: To perform poetry.

(CC link to topic-Who am I?)


*Use a clear voice

*Use actions

*Work with your group


The children have been performing poetry by Micheal Rosen. The children have really engaged with the start of our new learning journey coming up with exciting ideas. The children will now be writing a poem in the style of Micheal Rosen's "I know someone who..."

Performance of Don't do by Michael Rosen

Still image for this video

Wednesday 27th September 2017

 LI: To present information (orally).


*Time adverbs

*Conjunctions- and, so, when, because

*Lexical vocabulary


The Human Life Cycle 

We have been learning about the human life-cycle in Science and English. 

We prepared oral presentations and shared them with the rest of the class.

The Human Life Cycle

Partitioning to Add


LI: To add


*Put the largest number first

*Count on

*Check commutativity

We used dienes to help us make numbers using our tens and units knowledge. 


Tuesday 12th September

LI: To take photographs
(CC Link to topic Who am I?)
*Permission asked

In computing we are learning how to use technology safely. We practised asking the people if they were happy to have their photograph taken. We also let them know we would be using their photographs on the school website. 

Common Exception Words

Friday 8th September 2017 

In Year 2, we will be practising reading and spelling the common exception words for Key Stage 1 accurately. We would appreciate your support with this and have attached a list of these words for you to download.


We have had 2 5 1 4 8 3 visitors

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