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Round Diamond

Primary School

Reminder - Year 6 PGL Residential 16th - 20th September 2024

P.E Curriculum

PE Curriculum Statement

 At Round Diamond Primary School, we believe in inspiring all pupils to participate and express themselves through physical activities; we place great importance on feeling safe and secure at all times whilst looking at ways to develop a healthy lifestyle.

We build on the knowledge and skills necessary for mental, social and physical wellbeing, through meticulous planning and teaching which focuses on spaced learning, with ample opportunities for retrieval practice. We aim to use physical education to teach the children to have confidence, perseverance and to develop self-discipline.


Pupils at Round Diamond School participate in high-quality P.E. lessons and sporting activities. We incorporate a variety of sports to ensure our children develop high levels of self-esteem, tolerance and appreciate their own and others’ strengths and areas for development. We provide opportunities for all children to engage in extra-curricular activities in addition to competitive sporting events.

These opportunities to compete in sport and other activities build character and help to embed our school values. We teach our children how to cooperate and collaborate with others, as part of a team, understanding fairness and equity of play to embed life-long values to support their mental and physical well-being.


Vision for PE, Sport and Physical Activity

At the beginning of the children’s PE journey in EYFS and Key Stage 1 we aim to provide a firm understanding and development of fundamental movement skills that will enable our children to be physically literate and will provide them with a love of moving and being physically active.

The development of these fundamental skills provides the children in lower Key Stage 2 with the foundations to transfer their skills and knowledge into a variety of specific sports. We teach the children a variety of sports to develop their core skills and encourage them to transfer and adapt these skills from one sport to another.


In upper Key Stage 2 these skills are refined and the children develop their tactical awareness, understanding of specific sports and how to achieve their personal best by improving and refining their agility, co-ordination, strength, stamina and flexibility. 

For updates on each year groups progression in PE refer to the PE Team class page.

Year 3 have a block of 12 swimming lessons as part of their curriculum with year 6 having top swimming for those that need extra practice. 

We also encourage our children to be aware of the many different ways that they can be can be physically active which doesn’t necessarily have to be through a specific sport. There are opportunities throughout the day for children to be physically active:


  • Before school activities e.g 'Monday Runday' and 'Fun Friday'
  • Active breaks
  • Personal challenges
  • Lunchtime clubs for all year groups ranging from playground games such as skipping to more specific sports clubs.
  • Lunchtime clubs to prepare children to represent the school in a specific event.
  • Year 6 sports crew lunchtime clubs.
  • Extra-curricular clubs that aim to encourage our children to continue a sport they already enjoy or try something new 


Current after school clubs are: 

Monday KS2 Netball & KS2 Football. Reception & KS1 Games
Wednesday KS2 Basketball & KS2 Cricket. KS1 Yoga & mindfulness
Thursday KS2 Cheerleading & Dance, KS2 Running & KS1 Football 
Friday Year 2-6 Gymnastics, KS1 multi sports & KS2 Boccia and bowls


There are no sports clubs on Tuesdays. 


The children all have the opportunity to be competitive and participate in intra house competitions throughout the year in a range of activities and sports as well as many children being selected to represent the school at inter school competitions and festivals throughout the town. Click on inter school competitions to see our recent results. 


Inter school competitions - Pupil voice



In EYFS, the children learn fundamental movement skills such as jumping, galloping, skipping and hopping. These skills improve gross motor co-ordination. The children are also educated to become more aware of what happens to their body when they exercise. Co-ordination is developed through practicing skills such as rolling, kicking, bouncing, throwing and catching. In gymnastics, the children are introduced to rolling, jumping and making shapes with their bodies. In dance, they copy and repeat actions and begin to use the music to move in time. 

EYFS Learning

Year 6 sports crew leading activities in EYFS

Playground games

Intra house competitions  

Selection of key vocabulary taught within every year group:

We have had 2 5 4 5 2 4 visitors

Round Diamond Primary School is part of Ivy Learning Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee and registered in England and Wales with company number 10874173. The registered office is at Ivy Cottage, Rosemary Avenue, Enfield, EN2 0SP
