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Round Diamond

Primary School

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Year 6

Year 6 2023-24


Year 6 Team

Johnstone Class Teacher - Mr Taylor

Monet Class Teacher - Miss Causton

Holbein Class Teacher - Miss Murphy

Year 6 support staff - Mrs Lavery and Mrs Jull

Welcome back to the Summer Term and to Year 6. We are very excited to continue our Year 6 journey this term. 


Important Information:


PE will be taught every Wednesday afternoon. As the weather begins to get warmer, please can children remember to wear suncream and bring a water bottle to school. They should, however, also bring a waterproof coat in with them each day.


Curriculum Coverage:

In English we will be exploring third person narrative adventure stories and news reports. We will use these texts to create a range of fictional writing pieces to develop style, imagination and grammatical accuracy.


In Maths we will be revising all maths content domains taught and will be applying these skills to a range of problem solving and reasoning scenarios in real-life contexts.


This term we will enjoy learning about classification in Science, comparing a region of the UK (Lake District), Europe (Poland) and North America (Jamaica) in Geography and the Battle of Britain in history.


See our curriculum maps below for more information about our curriculum this term. 


Check back in with our class page for weekly updates!



The Year 6 Team.

Termly Overviews

Termly Overview

Termly Overview

Week Beginning Monday 15th July 2024

On Monday, Year 6 performed their show: Jill and Fred’s Most Hysterical Historical Adventure.
It was a great performance that the children had put a lot of effort and enthusiasm into.
Thank you to our brilliant performers, our audience and adults at home who helped to source costumes and the staff for their time in putting the performance together.

Still image for this video

Week beginning Monday 8th July

This week the children have been researching famous bridges in their DT lesson. The have been researching whether the bridge moves, how it maintains its strength and what materials the bridge is made out of. The children will use this research to design and create their own bridge.


Week Beginning 1st July 2024

This week Johnstone were visited by FitKidz, who offered the opportunity to use rowing machines as part of their healthy life style activities. The children were able to use the rowing machines to play a game involving fish before spending 1 minute in a sprint challenge. 

Week Beginning 24.06.2024

This week, during our mini-police session, we re-capped the importance of road safety. After this, we explored the impacts of a range of bullying scenarios and how these can be avoided and reported.  

WB. Monday 17th June 2024


In Art this week, the children painted their theatrical Modroc masks. They referred to their designs and research when selecting colours and creating patterns. The children are very excited to be able to wear them... perhaps they will put on a show for you!



Week Beginning Monday 10th June 2024 

On Tuesday morning, Year 6 visited Stevenage Football Stadium for their Crucial Crew experience. They engaged in a range of practical activities linked to health and safety, such as: water safety, first aid, fire safety and online safety. These workshops were led by professionals from the ambulance, police and fire service. All children engaged brilliantly and the staff at the event commented positively on the children’s behaviour and attitudes throughout the morning.

Week Beginning 3rd June 2024

In Science this week, we revisited our mould experiment. We checked the different pieces of bread that have been places in various conditions around the classroom, making observations on the amount of mould that had formed. After this, we discussed why different conditions are better suited to mould growth and formed a written evaluation. 

Week Beginning Monday 20th May 2024 

On Tuesday, our year 6s were introduced to PCSO Saphron who held their Mini Police welcome session. They learnt that the Mini Police aim to bridge the gap between young people and the police as well as help to support young offenders. Over the next 6 weeks they will be able engaging with the Mini Police program and even achieve their own certificates. Thank you Saphron for such an engaging first session.



Week Beginning Monday 13th May 2024


This week, Year 6 have taken part in their SATs, which has included test papers on grammar and spelling, reading, arithmetic and reasoning. We are very proud of the responsible and determined approach that all children have taken towards the papers. On Monday, our Chair of Governors, John Maylnn came to visit to watch the procedures we had in place for undertaking the papers and on Wednesday morning, we also had an unplanned inspection of our procedures from a member of staff at HfL. The inspector looked at our access arrangements folder, observed us administering a paper to the children, as well as packaging and locking away our papers after the test. We received positive feedback from this, showing that we had all the correct procedures in place and were administering the tests in line with DfE guidance. As a celebration, children had a great day at Chessington on Friday! 




Week Beginning 6th May 2024

In RHSE this week we explored the laws surrounding alcohol in the UK. As a group we discussed why these laws exist and then evaluated the effectiveness of the current laws. 


Week beginning 29th April 2024

In French this week we have been learning how to ask for and give directions to key places and buildings we have previously learned.

Week Beginning 22nd April 2024

This week in Computing we have been learning what Binary Code is. We have used the key to write our names and secret messages. Can you translate this?


Week Beginning Monday 15th April 2024


On Tuesday 16th April 2024, Hertfordshire Police delivered a session to year 6 children on criminal exploitation. The learning outcomes for this educational session were to raise awareness around the reality of criminal exploitation, gangs, county lines, and knife crime. All children have been educated on who to ask and where to go for more support after the session - if they are worried, they will be listened to and supported by all staff at Round Diamond.

Week Beginning 18/03/2024

In DT this week we used our plans and recipes to create our religious dish. We used a range of skills including: cutting, kneading, baking, egg-washing and seasoning. 

Week Beginning Monday 11th March 2024


In English this week, we have been exploring the purpose and features used within an autobiography. We looked at how we can use relative clauses, conjunctions and adverbs to express both fact and opinion on people's lives. We will be writing an autobiography about someone who came to Britain on board The Empire Windrush, so we looked at how we can add opinions, thoughts and feelings to facts related to this event.

Week Beginning Monday 4th March 2024

This week in RE we have been learning about how most Christians connect to prayer, faith and scared spaces. We then used this learning to identify the similarities and differences between Christians and Humanists.

Week Beginning Monday 26th February 2024

This week in History the children consolidated their learning on Anglo-Saxon and Viking battles. They explored a reflection point question and used the learning from this half term to create an extended outcome to answer this question.


Week Beginning Monday 12th February 2024

In computing this week, we have been looking at real life databases. We have learned how to use filters to find information quickly. We used filters to search a flight database and filtered the following pieces of information: airline, flight duration and cost.

Week Beginning Monday 5th February 2024

In French, we have been learning how to give more details about where we live. We have learned that 'Je parle' means 'I speak' and 'Il ya' means 'there is'.

Week Beginning Monday 29th January 2024

In English this week, we have been planning and writing stories about natural disasters.



Week Beginning Monday 22nd January 2024

In music this week, we have continued to practise the song 'Stand By Me' by Ben E King. We split into two groups and practised singing in rounds. We had to work together as a team to ensure we matched each other's pitch and came in at the right time.

Week Beginning 15th January 2024

This week in History we explored the Viking invasion within the context of wider history. We placed the these events chronologically on a timeline and discussed their importance.  

Week Beginning Monday 8th January 2024

In our reading lessons this week, we have been reading the book: 'All Aboard the Empire Windrush'. The children have enjoyed learning about the facts, alongside a child's recount of the events. The children have applied their learning to activities which have focused on developing their retrieval and summary skills.



Week Beginning Monday 18th December 2023

This half term in DT, children have been designing creating and evaluating a Christmas decoration with a functional fastening. They have used their skills of sewing using different stitches and learnt how to incorporate a fastening into their design. They finished the topic by evaluating their product against the success criteria.

Week Beginning Monday 11th December 2023

In science this half term, children have been studying electricity. As an awe and wonder activity, children made light up Christmas cards using their skills of circuits and components.



Week Beginning Monday 4th December 2023


In English, our core text has been The Gift by Carol Ann Duffy. After reading the story and creating pieces of writing inspired by the text, such as descriptive narratives, the children worked collaboratively to create a book review including images, opinions and a summary of the text. 

Week Beginning Monday 27th November 2023


In DT, we used our plans to make templates which we then transferred onto felt to create the outline of our Christmas decoration that we will sew from next week. We will be using a range of stitched such as running stitch, backstitch, overstitch and blanket stitch.

Week Beginning Monday 20th November 2023


In Computing, we have been learning about spreadsheets and data. In our learning this week, we collected class data regarding birthdays. We put this data into a table which we used to create a bar graph and pie chart.



Week Beginning Monday 13th November 2023


In French, we have been learning how to read the time and explain what activities we like to do at the weekend. In our learning this week, we recapped our previous learning and completed a speaking and listening activity. We had to match the correct picture to the French words.



Week Beginning Monday 6th November 2023


In Music we revisited ‘Once  Man Fell in a Well’. Within the lesson, we sang the song, both in class groups and within smaller groups. Both times we used the actions that we had learnt with the lyrics to show the changes in tempo and pitch.

After this we used Glockenspiels to play the tune of the song (using the notes that we covered in the previous lesson), before combining both the tune and lyrics together in our groups.


Week Beginning Monday 30th October 2023


This week, Year 6 begun their new science topic on Electricity. They learnt about the history of electricity, including ancient electricity, famous scientists linked to electricity, modern appliances and the use of electricity. The children used secondary sources to find out this information and wrote the information under different subheadings. 

Week Beginning Monday 16th October 2023


In RE this week, we explored the importance of stained glass windows within the Christian faith. After this, we used our knowledge of important Christian symbols to create our own stained glass windows. 

Week Beginning Monday 9th October 2023


During our reading lesson this week, the children worked together to infer and retrieve from an extract and image. They discussed the vocabulary and how this can be used to find clues on mood, action and characters. After, they explored hidden clues within the images and produced inferences from these, using aspects of the images as evidence.

Week Beginning Monday 2nd October 2023


This half term, Year 6 have been looking at Skellig as their core text. After reading and understanding the text through our VIPERS skills, we have then planned our own sequel to the story. The children have planned the structure and vocabulary choices and this week begun writing the opening, build up and dilemma to their story and will finish the story next week. The children have recalled and used the events of Skellig well to inform a linked sequel.

Week Beginning Monday 25th September 2023


This week, we had two cross-curricular days based around the circus. We got to watch a circus performance and take part in a circus skills workshop. Our learning was also based around the circus. In maths, we practised the skill of measuring angles of different circus artists during different circus acts. We looked at using protractors to measure and accurately record the angles.

Week Beginning Monday 18th September 2023


This week, some children spent the week at PGL in Caythorpe Court, participating in a range of personal and group challenges including climbing, zip-lining and kayaking. The children showed independence and dedication in their week away from home and were energised throughout activities.

Children at school participated in a project to create a mindfulness film, rock painting, making apple doughnuts and designing their own island. The children showed a responsible and energised attitude throughout and created some fantastic learning experiences. 

Week Beginning Monday 12th September 2023
As part of their Awe and Wonder experience in science, the children had the opportunity to watch a lamb heart dissection, linked to their science learning on the circulatory system. A lamb heart was chosen as it’s the closest to a human heart. Children were able to see and name different parts of the heart to consolidate the learning they had already done on the structure of the heart.

Week Beginning Monday 5th September 2023

To begin the school year in their new class, the children created artwork based on their class artists: Monet or Johnstone. They learnt about their artistic style and replicated their learning in the style of one of their pieces. 


Year 6 2022-23

Year 6 Team 2022-23

Monet Class Teacher: Miss Coker

Johnstone Class Teacher: Mr Paice

Holbein Class Teacher: Mr Longland



Welcome to Year 6!

Summer 2023

Welcome to our Year 6 class page! We hope you enjoyed the Easter break and you are ready for your final term at Round Diamond!


This term, our PE day will be a MONDAY.  Please make sure appropriate PE kit is in school every day (this is useful if additional events/opportunities arise where a PE kit is needed).


We are looking forward to all the learning we get to share together this school year as responsible, determined and successful Year 6 learners. Below is some information on the learning we will be carrying out this half term: 


In English, we will be exploring a short film 'Alma'.


In Maths, we will be exploring a range of strategies used to solve calculations and problems involving the four operations; addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. We will be applying these skills to reasoning questions.


In Science, we will be studying Animals including Humans, with a focus on the inherited trains and adaptation of genes.


In History, we will be exploring Anglo-Saxon settlements in Britain.


In Geography, we will be exploring the compass points


In Art we will be exploring sketching techniques and the use of multimedia to produce images.


We have lots of exciting learning together this term and we are looking forward to updating this page weekly with examples of the learning we will be doing together.

W/B 3rd July 2023


Year 6 thoroughly enjoyed looking calculating scaled maps and their real distances between different countries in Europe. We then looked at google earth to look at some of these places in reality and compare the UK to other places in the world.

The students also took part and contributed really valuable questions and thoughts in their RSE lessons this week gaining important and accurate information about how our bodies grow and change as we get older as well as how babies grow from conception to birth during pregnancy.

W/B 25th June 2023


Round Diamond thoroughly enjoyed their Sport's Day this week and year 6 are extremely proud of themselves after competing in their sports activities: hockey, speed-bounces, races javelin throwing and dribbling. I am particularly proud of their energy, determination and resilience as well as the encouragement they showed towards their friends in every activity. 

Furthermore, year 6 have been working on building moving bridges in D&T and have finished their initial structures before adding their motors to power their gears.

W/B 19th June 2023


This week, Year 6 have worked on comparing Digi-maps of Stevenage from 1890, 1950 and 2023 in Geography. We learnt some very  interesting things including how Stevenage was one of eight "new towns" created after WW2 when people needed re-homing after their own homes had been bombed. They were subsequently re-houses in towns like Stevenage, Hatfield and Milton-Keynes. We also learnt how Great Ashby is a very new area having not existed as far back as 1950. Moreover, we analysed how the population growth in Stevenage has lead to much more developed residential areas but the surrounding parks and farms on the outskirts of Stevenage have stayed the same over the years. 

W/B 12th June 2023


Year 6 have been working really hard on their story-writing for the short film, Alma. Year 6 have used their imagination to create horror or thriller pieces based around the subject of dolls. They have used descriptive vocabulary, a range of sentence types, dialogue and action to fully engage the reader.


W/B 7th June 2023 - 


Year 6 had an incredibly exciting start to this final half term. Round Diamond had the pleasure of meeting Paul Sturgess, Britain's tallest man who inspired the school whilst telling us of his stories of his life as an extremely talented professional basketball player and an actor. He showed our students the importance of embracing being different and using it to your advantage.

Furthermore, we met Darren Loughty, a disabled ex-mountaineer who has never let anything be an obstacle to his dreams. He showed the Round Diamond pupils how you can conquer marathons in seven continents, climb mountains and canoe the entire UK after failing and failing again. He showed Round Diamond how our key values of determination and resilience can be put into action throughout your life. 

Year 6 produced excellent writing this week, writing letters to their role models and writing a biography about Malala, another inspiring motivated person who fought for girls' education over life and death. 

The people who came in to inspire the pupils of Round Diamond this week will be remembered by everyone involved for a long time. 

W/B 22nd May 2023 - Positive Minds

Positive Minds; Education is a 10-week wellbeing programme combining classroom and practical based activities to engage Year 6 students in the topic of mental health. Year 6 is a time of transition, during which young people are more likely to experience and develop mental health issues. Our programme has been developed to support students ahead of this change, to help them increase their knowledge, and instil key tools to improve and support their wellbeing.


The aim of the programme is for students to be able to:

• Understand what mental health is and what it means to them.

• Identify at least 3 healthy coping strategies that are specific to them as individuals.

• Identify their support network and some local mental health support services.

W/B 15th May 2023 - LEGOLAND

Year 6 represented the school impeccably during our trip to Legoland. The weather was on our side and the children were thrilled to see a quiet park and empty queues. Well done for all of your hard work building up to SATs, we hope this reward made you feel proud of all of your achievements. 

W/B 8th May 2023 - SATs

We hope you all thoroughly enjoyed the long weekend celebrating the King's coronation. We are incredibly proud of you all for showing all of our PRIDE learning behaviours throughout the course of your time at Round Diamond so far and you now have a week to show off what you can do. Remember that as long as you have tried your best, everyone will be happy. Well done Year 6!

W/B 1st May 2023 - SATs Preparation

This is the final week before SATs. The children have been putting in maximum effort to ensure they are as well prepared as they possibly can be. Our top tips for this final week are: make sure you are getting the right amount of sleep, balance your spare time with revision and having fun, eat a healthy diet and enjoy regular exercise where you can. Good luck Year 6!

W/B 24th April 2023 - Binary Code (Computing)

This week we had a STEM visitor explain to us all about binary code. Imagine trying to use words to describe every scene in a film, every note in a song, or every street in your town. Now imagine trying to do it using only the numbers 1 and 0. Every time you use the Internet to watch a movie, listen to music, or check directions, that’s exactly what your device is doing, using the language of binary code.

W/B 17th April 2023 - Maths

This week we have been preparing our children for their SATs paper that will take place in a few weeks time. We have focused on the core arithmetic skills needed for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Maths boosters will remain until SATs.

W/B 20th March 2023 - Making chicken soup (DT)

This week we pulled together all of our DT learning to make our Jewish Chicken Soup. We used our best cutting, peeling and chopping skills to prepare the vegetables.  Once we cooked the soup, we wrote out the recipe including the ingredients and method. Once the soup was ready we sampled it and wrote our evaluations in our DT books.

"Best soup I've ever made!" remarked one child!

W/B 13th March 2023 - Making periscopes (Science)

This week in science we used our learning about how we see to help create periscopes. Periscopes have been used for over a hundred years to help people. Light reflects off the object into the mirror. The image is then reflected down at a 45 degree angle to the second mirror which is then reflected into our eyes. We followed the instructions to make the periscopes and used them to look around the classroom.

Week beginning 6th March 2023 - English - Pig Heart Boy


We have really enjoyed reading pig heart boy so far. This week, as we have been reading, we have been focusing on viewpoints.  We began looking for the pros and cons on xenotransplantation - this is the transplanting of animal organs into humans. There were many compelling for and against arguments in the text. We then look at what the story told us about how mum and dad are feeling. We focused not only on what was said but what their actions told us.


We took this information and wrote a diary entry form their point of view as if it were the night before Cameron was going into hospital for his pig heart transplant. 

Week beginning 27th February 2023 - Computer aided design


This term our computing unit is about computer aided design and scale drawing. We have been using different computer programmes to draw our ideal bedrooms and comparing them. This week we used Google draw to create 3D drawings of our bedrooms. 


We have also been working on our typing fluency. We have used the website Learn Touch Typing Free - TypingClub to help us!

Week beginning 24th February 2023 - Storms


This week in Geography the children were researching the impact of storms. The children used  multiple sources to find out key information about their chosen storm. They considered the environmental and human destruction storms can cause. 

Week beginning 6th February 2023 - Rock star day!


This week the children were involved in math cross-curricular days. The first day focused around Maths reasoning and learning was based on the book 365 Penguins. We began investigating the maths from the book. This included exploring triangle and square numbers as well as their relationships.  We then posed a challenge linked to area and perimeter to ensure the Penguins had enough space to live.


The following day was Rock Star day. Children (and teachers!) came into school dressed as Rock-stars and celebrated all things timetables! The highlight of the day was the Year group battles which pitted Year 5 against Year 6. Children were supportive of each other and enjoyed celebrating the success of all participants. They looked amazing in their outfits too!

Week beginning 30th January 2023 - Coraline story writing

This week in English we have been completing our stories based on the book Coraline, by Neil Gaiman. The children chose to write either a prequal or sequel based on clues from the original text. The children planned and developed their ideas before writing their story over a number of days.  The children were encouraged to use: varied sentence structures to add impact on the reader; ambitious vocabulary choices; links to the story.


The children really enjoyed their writing during this unit.

Week beginning 23rd January 2023 - wellbeing assembly

This term our wellbeing assemblies have have a focus on preparation for secondary school.  We focused on self-help and how to tie a tie.

This week Mr Paice brought in his extensive tie collection for the children to have a practice a putting on a tie. This is because most secondary schools require children to wear a tie and we wanted to provide children the time and opportunity to have a go at this themselves. 


Why not keep trying this at home with the children. 

Week beginning 16th January 2023 - Spell it out!


This week the children have been getting to grips with our new spelling scheme. They have enjoyed the investigations and using their reasoning skills to uncover spelling rules and patterns in words. They have also begun using the new spell it out walls. These have 15 words that change every two weeks. The words are form the year 5/6 common exception words list. Each word is given a grapheme focus and the children have the opportunity to add words that share the same grapheme focus from the week.


Talk to your children at home about the words - see if you can spot any extra words with them they can add to the wall!

Week Beginning 9th January 2023


This week, Year 6 began their new science topic all about scientific inheritance and genes. After exploring the key vocabulary, we played a game. The children had to match members of staff to photos of their parents.  The children were encouraged to use their observation skills to look for the inherited traits shared.  They then had to justify their choices, explaining what traits they identified to support the match.

Week Beginning Monday 12th December 2022 Snow Day! 




Good morning everyone. Here are activities for Year 6's learning while the school is closed. In English, the students can write a descriptive passage about the snow using figurative language. Their success criteria is to include simile, metaphor and personification. 

For maths, the children can research the different temperatures in the major cities of the UK and add them to a graph. They can compare their temperatures to the average for this time of the year. Use google sheets, input the correct cell references and equations. This is a cross-curricular link to what Year 6 have been learning in computing this term.

Additionally, there are some maths activities attached for coordinates and translation which is a consolidation of their recent maths learning.





Explain your  scientific thinking in full sentences and post your replies on Google Classroom. 

Week Beginning Monday 5th December 2022


This week, Year 6 enjoyed a Virtual Reality experience in order to learn about how volcanoes are formed for their Geography topic next term. The children studied different types of volcanoes including: cinder cone, composite and shield and where these were located around the globe. They also learnt about the earth's layers and how build up of magma and the shifting of tectonic plates causes volcanoes to erupt. 

The students also really enjoyed seeing Fr Christmas on Friday and receiving a gift for all their hard work this year!

Week Beginning Monday 28th November 2022


This week, Year 6 had the privilege of meeting members of the local police force to discuss the topic, "Lives not Knives." This helped the students discuss the steps they can take to protect their own and other's physical and mental wellbeing. They could discuss how to prevent social and well-being problems within the community regarding knife crime. Year 6 wrote their own letters persuading their fellow students against Knife Crime and its repercussions. 

Week Beginning Monday 21st November 2022


This week, Year 6 continued to investigate WW2 in English through exploring and analysing extracts from our class novel, Goodnight Mr Tom.  The students then applied their knowledge of WW2 child evacuees to write a diary entry, using their writing skills including adverbials, figurative language and year 6 punctuation including possessive apostrophes, colons, inverted commas for direct speech and commas to introduce relative clauses and adverbials. We also used our summarising, retrieval and inference skills to read factual information regarding VE and VJ day.


Week Beginning Monday 14th November 2022


This week, Year 6 studied Anglo-Saxon art in history. They had great fun investigating secondary sources and replicating the Anglo-Saxon ornaments into their own designs using string, paper plates and paint. 

Year 6 then enjoyed their science experiment this week investigating the strength of battery voltage. This helped them to associate the brightness of a lamp with the number and voltage of the cells used in a circuit. 


Week Beginning Monday 7th November 2022


This week, our students did incredibly well in taking their first mock SAT's papers this year in SPaG, reading and maths. They showed energy, resilience and determination in their efforts, well done Year 6!

In D&T, the students practised their sewing skills by learning different types of joining techniques: the blanket stich, the running stitch and the back stitch. Year 6 carefully considered which stitch will make their product strong as well as aesthetic. They enjoyed improving on their stitching skills and commented that they found it very relaxing and therapeutic. 

Week Beginning Monday 31st October 2022

We have continued our learning in History about the life of an Anglo-Saxon. We were surprised that Anglo-Saxon children were classed as adults by the age of ten! Children wouldn't have learnt to read or write unless they were very rich and enjoyed playing games with dice and counters. The children then wrote detailed diary entries using historical accuracy gained through secondary historical sources from the internet, explaining the activities an Anglo-Saxon participated in and their feelings towards this.



Week Beginning Monday 17th October 2022

We have extended our learning in English about WW2 with some artefacts that our very own Harry has brought in. Thank you Harry!

We have been learning about air raids and the impact that had on the people of Britain during The Blitz. We have studied a variety of explanation texts and how they are structured. We will then be implementing these in our own writing.

Week Beginning Monday 10th October 2022

This week in English, we have focussed our learning around the text of 'Goodnight Mr Tom' by Michelle Magorian. Although we will be using this as a key text, we will be referencing other texts with a focus on World War 2. We will be learning about different types of air raid shelters and how they were used during the Blitz to keep Londoners safe.

Week Beginning Monday 3rd October 2022

Over the course of this half term, during our Wednesday assembly time, we have been learning about First Aid from St. John's Ambulance service. We have learnt how to deal with: burns and scalds and severe bleeding. We now feel more confident in how we would deal with casualties with these injuries.

Week Beginning Monday 26th September 2022

This week in Geography we have been identifying, labelling and defining key features found on a globe. These included: Equator, Northern hemisphere, Southern hemisphere, Tropic of Cancer, Tropic of Capricorn, Arctic circle, Antarctic circle and the Greenwich Meridian Line. We discussed lines of longitude and latitude and how we can remember them. "Lat goes FLAT".

Week Beginning Monday 19th September 2022

This week our Year 6's travelled to PGL for a week full of challenges and adventures. We took part in a variety of activities including: archery, abseiling, rock climbing, fencing, canoeing, the giant swing and many more. Please watch our video below which shows some of our highlights of our week away.

PGL 2022

Uploaded by Round Diamond on 2022-09-27.

Week Beginning Monday 12th September 2022

This week in Year 6 we have been locating and mapping cities around the UK. We have discussed how the criteria for becoming a city has changed and we have learned about some of our local cities including London and St Albans. We used our new maps on our playground to support our learning. Thank you Mrs Taylor, they look incredible!


Week Beginning Monday 5th September 2022

Welcome back! The Year 6 team have been very impressed with the attitude of the children this week. They have consistently shown our PRIDE learning behaviours that have led to successful outcomes across the curriculum. As being a member of Year 6 opens up doors to additional responsibilities, some children have applied to be our House Captains for the year. Keep an eye out next week to see which applicants have been chosen. Peer mentors will also be appointed next week as I have had many requests from the children who would like to continue their role. Well done on a fantastic first week back Year 6!

Week Beginning Monday 18th July 2022

This week has been full of celebrations for Year Six, including the performance of the Amazing Adventures of Superstan, their Leavers’ Assembly and disco. We are so proud of the enthusiasm and dedication children have shown towards these. It’s been great to celebrate with them this week and we wish all the children every luck and happiness as they transition to secondary school after the summer 🌟 Have a fun, safe and happy summer break! Miss Murphy and Mr Longland 


Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video

Leavers’ Disco

Still image for this video

Week Beginning Monday 11th July 2022

This week, we created moving fairground rides. We looked at pulley and gear mechanism and then made and evaluate our rides for their effectiveness. 

Week Beginning Monday 4th July 2022
In English this week, we have been looking at writing instructions on how to wash a tree frog, based on the book “How to Wash Wooly Mammoth” and based on our learning of the Whites Tree frog from cross-curricular days. We focused on the presentational and language features of this text type to provide details of the instructions.

Week Beginning Monday 27th June 2022

This week, we had 2 cross-curricular days based on animals. We had the opportunity to see and handle a range of animals such as a slink, hamster, African land snail and whites tree frog. We then researched the whites tree frog further and will use this as the basis of our writing for the next couple of weeks. 

Week Beginning Monday 20th June 2022

This week in history, we finished our study of the Anglo Saxons and Vikings by looking at who took the throne at the Battle of Hastings in 1066. The previous lesson, we looked at who took the throne after Edward the Confessor died and then how William the Conquerer planned to take the throne back during the Battle of Hastings. We chronologically ordered the events and thought about the key people and places involved. 

Week Beginning Monday 13th June 2022

This week in art, children developed their skills of manipulating materials by creating a Viking longship sculpture from Modroc. The children will now finish this unit but comparing Viking longships with ships we have today. 

Week Beginning Monday 6th June 2022


For Geography Fieldwork Week, Year 6 created a sketch map of human features in the local area and collected data on different types of houses. We will use this data on the types of houses back in class to create pie charts to present our results.

Week Beginning Monday 23rd May 2022


On Thursday, we celebrated the Jubilee! We spent the morning learning about national and international events during the Queen's reign for the decade we were given - 2013-22. In the afternoon, we created a collage using pictures of the queen. We also learnt 'Sing' as we found out it was one of the Queen's favourite songs. You can see our performance of it below. 

Year 6 "Sing" for Jubilee

Week Beginning Monday 16th May 2022


Year 6 had a fantastic day celebrating all of their hard work and determination at Chessington on Monday 🎢

They enjoyed a range of rides and activities and behaved fantastically as they represented the school around the park. Well done Year 6! 🌟

Week Beginning Monday 9th May 2022


This week, Year 6 sat their SATs tests. They all showed our school values of responsible, determined and successful brilliantly and we are feeling so proud of the children. To celebrate on Thursday, we spent some time either playing team sport games or team board games together on Thursday ♟ ⚽️ Well done Year 6 🌟 


On Friday, we started a new RHSE unit called Positive Minds which develops our understanding and ability to promote positive mental health. One of our activities was a human bingo where we got to find out more information and connect with lots of different people in our class. 

Week Beginning Monday 2nd May 2022

In computing, we have been learning about how computers read and interpret information using binary code. Last week, we learnt how to represent letters in binary and, this week, we used the binary base two number system to represent different numbers in binary. It was a challenge to begin with but once we practised the structure together, the children were able to use the digits 0 and 1 to represent lots of different numbers 0️⃣1️⃣



Week Beginning Monday 25th April 2022

Each week, each Year 6 class takes it in turns for a music session with Mrs Thomas while the other class are taught music by their class teacher 🎵 This week with Mrs Thomas, Johnstone recapped the skill of musical notation. We then applied this when learning songs that we performed for the rest of the school during singing assembly. 

Week Beginning Monday 18th April 2022


On Friday, Miss Murphy’s English group enjoyed some SPaG revision through a relay race. They were given a topic linked to SPaG, such as punctuation or phrases and clauses. They first worked in groups to revise everything they knew about it and then completed questions on each topic as a relay team. As you can see from the video, we really enjoyed this active learning experience! 

SPaG Revision Active Learning

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Spring 2 Maths Learning Look Video

Year 6 Maths learning looks

A video to showcase maths learning within Year 6.

Week Beginning Monday 28th March - DT Spring 2 - Making a Viking Stew

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This term in DT, we have created a Viking Stew. We learnt about food during the Viking era and how different foods are processed. We then planned a recipe and developed our chopping, peeling and cutting skills to prepare the vegetables that we used in a hygienic and safe way. Once it was cooked, we evaluated our stew considering it’s strengths, taste and texture. We then thought about adaptions we would make for next time.

DT discussion video

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Week Beginning Monday 21st March 2022

As part of our learning in Geography, we have been learning about storms. We focused our research on storm Eunice. We discovered how the impact of the storm varied across the UK. We have also challenged ourselves to find out more about other extreme types of weather. Some of us chose to develop our knowledge about a tornado, hurricane or tsunami. 

Week Beginning Monday 14th March 2022

On Friday afternoon, we took part in an RD talent show. Across year 6, we had some fantastic talent such as playing musician instruments, singing and dancing. The winner from each class then got to play in front of a panel of judges, including Mrs Phillips and the Stevenage Borough mascot. It was great to see the talent from the children and the support from their peers while watching. 

Week Beginning Monday 7th March 2022

On Thursday, Johnstone class learnt how to play “Once an old man fell into a well.” on the glockenspiels. The previous lesson, we learnt the song and explored the pitch, rhythm and phrases. We then learnt the song, ensuring the tempo of our instrument matched the lyrics. We then practised performing the song in groups and parts. 

Once an old men fell into a well

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Week Beginning Monday 28th February 2022

📚 On Thursday 3rd March 2022, it was World Book Day! 📚

We got to enjoy lots of book related activities such as a talk by author Holly Ryan, a talk by Mrs Hooper, a published author who works at RD, finding out the teachers behind our masked reader and book tasting - exploring lots of wonderful books accompanied by yummy snacks! It was a great day to celebrate the wonder of books 📚

Wednesday 23rd  February 2022 - Well-being Wednesday


Today, we have been focusing our learning on well-being and the theme of 5 Ways to Wellbeing: Connect, Be Active, Take Notice, Keep Learning, Give.


Our day began with a 'Keep Learning' activity. We used Chrome Music Lab to create our own pieces of music using a variety of instruments. We were able to edit the tempo and pitch of the melody. Some of us decided to created a piece of music with our partner. For 'Connect', we drew around our hands and created patterns that we thought represented us. We then added our core values to show what we look for in someone we connect with. During the afternoon, we began our 'Active' session. We were given the opportunity to be active in sports that we haven't learnt in school before. This included ultimate frisbee and lacrosse. Finally, we ended our day with 'Take Notice' with some mindfulness activities. As a school this week, we have been donating food to our local food bank for our 5th way to wellbeing of 'Give'.

Spring 1 Art Learning Journey - Drawing Viking Portraits

This half term in art, we have been focusing on developing our drawing technique using pencil. We have looked at the artistic drawing techniques used by different artists and how to achieve tone and texture using different shading techniques. We then chose an image of an important figure during the Viking period and planned which pencil types we would use, as well as the different techniques to achieve tone and texture. After we had planned the pictures, we used our plans to draw our final piece. Below are some videos and pictures to show some of our art learning journey. 

Art Video 1

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Art Video 2

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Wednesday 9th February 2022 - Mathematical Reasoning


Today, Miss Murphy’s maths group used their mathematical thinking and reasoning skills to problem solve. They had to see how many 24 leg potions they could use (to turn their math’s teacher into a frog! 🐸) using only spiders with 8 legs, lizards with 4 legs and bats with 2 legs. We had to use a systematic approach to ensure we got all the possible combinations and could follow a process so we didn’t miss any out. Below are some videos talking about their learning. 

Using Concrete Resources

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Does it matter what order the animals are in?

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Review of our learning

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Week Beginning Monday 7th February 2022

This half term, we have been learning about evolution and inheritance. We have specifically looked at Darwin's Theory of Evolution and his study of birds that lived on a variety of the Galapagos Islands. He proposed that the finch species all originated from one common ancestor and that the shape and size of their beak had changed based on their environment.


We conducted an experiment to challenge his theory. We chose two different types of beaks (match sticks and plastic spoons) and a variety of food to collect (satsumas, pumpkin seeds and grapes) to see how easy it was to pick up the food with each type of beak. We concluded that larger beaks were more efficient at collecting a variety of food types and smaller beaks were useful for collecting smaller types of food.

Week beginning Monday 31st January 2022


This morning, Year 6 experienced a Viking Warrior workshop run by St Albans Cathedral. We got to experience an educational talk which featured a Viking Warrior. The Viking Warrior talked to us about what life would have been like during the Viking period, such as the daily life, battles, and key objects.  We were able to ask questions and even asked a question to extend our learning from last week on the invasion of Lindisfarne. We asked about the supplies they would have needed to take, and we were told they would have taken food on their longships such as hard bread and salted meat. It was a great experience which helped us to consolidate and extend our history knowledge and vocabulary.


We saw the artefact of a necklace. It had a symbol which represented Thor - Jaiden


Their shield is made from wood and leather - Amreen

To get water, they collected it from the sea or rainwater - Isla

The dragon that is on longships and shields are a sign of strength - Saffron


I learnt that the Vikings filed their teeth to look menacing. I now know that there are different types of axes and it was really interesting - Rylen

I enjoyed that although we didn't go on a school trip, we could still have the same learning online - Liam

I enjoyed how they had a Viking to ask questions to - Farren

Week Beginning Monday 24th January 2022


The text we have been learning about in English is Coraline by Neil Gaiman. We have looked at a range of themes that have arisen from the book and we have dived deep into some hidden meanings within the text. Some of the activities we have completed about the book have included role-play, writing diary entries, finding inferences within the text and rewriting some of the story using correctly punctuated speech.


Week Beginning Monday 17th January 2022


This half term, we have been learning about Ordnance Survey (OS) maps in Geography. We have been comparing maps from the early 1900's to the present day from a variety of towns and cities around the world. We have been accurately locating significant places using 6 figure grid references and the 8 compass points to describe the direction between them. Next week, we will be combining all of our learning together to create our map using OS symbols on our map.

Week Beginning Monday 10th January 2022


This half term, we are starting a new topic in science called Evolution and Inheritance. This week, we learned the difference between inherited and acquired characteristics and how you inherit characteristics from both your parents via chromosomes. To help us understand the concept, we got the opportunity to look at pictures of teachers and their parents and match them up! We found this quite a challenge (and very fun!) but we were able to make our decisions based on key inherited characteristics to give us a secure understanding of which characteristics are learned and which are inherited. 

Week Beginning Monday 3rd January 2022

🎆Happy New Year! 🎆

The first two days back this half term were cross-curricular days based on life skills. We took part in a variety of activities that developed everyday life skills such as British Sign Language, budgeting, first aid and preparation for secondary school. We had a company called ABC Life Support come in to teach the children first aid skills such as what to do in an emergency and how to deal with burns, choking and nosebleeds. The children were fantastically engaged during this and took part in the activities with great enthusiasm. We also took the time to develop some key skills for secondary school. We learned how to tie a tie and how to read a timetable and pack a bag for secondary school. 

Week Beginning Monday 20th December 2021


This week, we looked at Christmas poetry together. We looked at the poem 'Another Night Before Christmas' by Carol Ann Duffy and turned this into performance poetry in groups. We then took a section of this poem and wrote and perfectly presented our own versions, focusing on the structure and themes of the original poem.


We hope you all have a happy and safe  holiday and we will look forward to seeing you again in the new year!

Week beginning Monday 13th December 2021


This week, Year 6 recoded two Christmas performances for you to enjoy. We have been practising these with Ms Thomas during our Thursday music lesson. We hope you enjoy them as much as we enjoyed performing!

Week Beginning Monday 6th December 2021


This week in DT, we used our plans to create our functional product that included a fastening. We focused on attaching our fastening and other designs using stitches we had practised such as blanket stitch, over stitch and backstitch. We will now go on to evaluate our products to include their successes and areas for development. 

Week Beginning Monday 29th November 2021


Below you can see a video clip of our daily story time in Monet and Johnstone. We share a story each day to promote the love, enjoyment and importance of reading 📚 

Week Beginning 22nd November 2021

This week, Year 6 started their product to create a decoration in DT. The aim is to create a product which includes a fastening, including stitches such as backstitch, over stitch and running stitch. They used their plans to create a paper template, and then used this to cut out their felt. They will then begin to stitch and add their decorations to create and evaluate their final product. 

Week Beginning Monday 15th November 2021 

This week in science, Johnstone class looked at the impact of voltage on a circuit. We made predictions about what we thought would happen to a bulb as we increased the voltage in a circuit and then tested our predictions using electrical equipment. We concluded that the more volts within a circuit, the brighter the bulb as voltage is the force that pushes current around a circuit. We then made next step suggestions for future experiments, such as testing different electrical components and monitoring the mood of light with light sensor.  

Week Beginning Monday 8th November 2021


This week in Geography we have been learning about using a map and compass. We have split our compass to make 16 specific directions. We have found this a very useful skill to learn and we have been giving directions to move around a map. Our learning also developed into a conversation about how technology has evolved and how apps like "What 3 words" are now used to aid us.


Week Beginning Monday 1st November 2021


This week, we took part in a cross-curricular day linked to Parliament week. We spent the morning learning about the difference between government and parliament: their organisation, purpose and impact. We then looked at debating skills and took part in a class debate on the motion “Computers are better than books.” The children came up with brilliant ideas and evidence to support their side of the argument. They then applied this to a written outcome in the form of a persuasive argument. 

Computers are better than books debate

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Week Beginning Monday 18th October 2021


This week, we consolidated our knowledge on the life of the Anglo-Saxons by looking at the villages in which they lived. We explored different sources of evidence and looked at why the villages were placed where they were. We learnt that Anglo-Saxon villages were always placed near a water source for drinking and fishing and that in the middle of the village was a larger house that the chief lived in. We also saw evidence of where people worked, such as blacksmiths and weavers, which linked to learning in our previous lesson. We will use this knowledge next half term to compare the lives of Anglo-Saxons and Vikings. 



Week Beginning Monday 11th October 2021


In computing, we have been looking at logos. We explored logos that we know and what makes that impactful. We explored the fact that logos that are memorable are simple because they are eye catching and easy to remember. We then created our own logos using features such as auto shapes, texts and the masked image tool. Once created, we evaluated the logos for their success and areas for development and used these to improve our logos. See some of our logos on display below. 

Week Beginning Monday 4th October 2021

After reading the text Skellig, by David Almond, we have been writing our own prequel or sequel based on the story. We used key parts of the original text to link with our stories and planned each section of our story to link with the original book. We then practised the skills of using impactful vocabulary and dialogue before applying this to our stories. Editing to improve is a key part of our writing learning journey and the children have worked brilliantly to edit and improve their learning with the help of them peers.  

Week Beginning Monday 27th September 2021


This week in art, we looked at different artistic styles: abstract (Picasso), impressionism (Renoir) and pointillism (Seurat). We looked at how colour, line and shape are used in each of these images and then painted an image in two of these styles to compare the artistic styles between them. This will then help inform the colour, line and shape that we will need to make decision about when painting a Viking battle scene over the next few weeks.

Week Beginning Monday 20th September 2021

In Johnstone maths group this week, we have been looking at rounding. We focused on applying our skills of place value to know which digit to round to and applied the rules to know whether we round a digit up or keep it the same. After recapping these skills on Monday, we then applied them to rounding games on Tuesday. The children showed fantastic team work and all groups progressed their understanding and practised rounding to different places values from 10 up to 100,000!

Week Beginning Monday 13th September 2021


This week was a slightly different week for Year 6! A group of children went to PGL where they took part in a series of team-building and practical activities, including a range of climbing activities, canoeing, rifle shooting and archery (to name a few!). The children stayed away from home for 5 days and challenged themselves both physically and emotionally through the day and evening activities. It was great to see the children having so much fun outside of the school environment and building deeper relationships with staff and children, and making new frienships with the instructors and group leaders they had throughout the week. Their behaviour was fantastic throughout and they represented Round Diamond brilliantly. 


A group of children also stayed at school and took part in activities linked to mindfulness throughout the week. In the mornings, they discussed the skill of staying mindful. They made a one-shot film and walked around the school taking photos of things at Round Diamond that help us stay mindful. In the afternoon, they took part in a project where they created their own island, which had many cross-curricular links. They considered it's physical and human geography, the laws needed on the island and created species that lived there using their knowledge of classification. On Thursday afternoon, they also created art in the style of Charlie Mackesy and his book The Boy, the Mole the Fox and the Horse (see video below). They created artwork and quotes in his style using our school values.



The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and The Horse by Charlie Mackesy

Charlie Mackesy describes the inspiration behind his new book THE BOY, THE MOLE, THE FOX AND THE HORSE. A reminder of the most important things in life. This...

Week Beginning Monday 6th September 2021

This half term, we are learning about the circulatory system in science. This week, we looked at understanding blood flow through the heart and throughout the body. We carried out a heart dissection on a lamb heart, because it is a close match to a human heart. We were able to see the different chambers and valves and understand the direction of deoxygenated blood through the heart to the lungs, before oxygenated blood comes back to the heart to be pumped around the rest of the body. We could see how the left side of the heart was thicker because it is this side that pumps blood to the rest of the body. Red and blue straws were used to show where oxygenated and deoxygenated blood travels. We then applied this understanding and vocabulary to a task where we described the direction of blood flow through the heart.


Week Beginning Monday 30th August 2021


It was great to welcome the children back from Thursday 2nd September. We spent the first two days in our home classes getting to know each other, our new classroom and our new learning. Both classes carried out some learning on their new class artists. Monet created fact files about Claude Monet and Johnstone created paintings in the style of their artist, Terry Johnstone. We watched Goodnight Mr Tom to give us an understanding of the story in preparation for studying the novel by Michelle Magorian during English this term. We also started our afternoon learning in art, RE, science and geography.


Over the summer, some children completed some of our home learning tasks which were given to them on Move Up day. It was fantastic to see the dedication and pride that these children put into their learning and to watch them discussing their learning with the class, using key vocabulary and new facts that they had learnt. It was great to see how some children went out for the day during the summer holiday to places which helped them to learn new information about our topics. For example, two children went to the British Museum and learnt about the life of Anglo-Saxons and Vikings. This learning will now be proudly presented on our learning walls for us all to learn from and refer to. You can see some pictures from the children sharing their learning below. 

Johnstone Class sharing their Home Learning Tasks


Year 6 Staff Team


Johnstone Class: Miss Murphy

Monet Class: Mr Sullivan-Pond

Teaching Assistant: Mr Taylor

Summer 2 Learning


This term, our PE day is TUESDAY. Please have your appropriate PE kit in school on this day.


Here are some of the learning experiences we will have this half term:

This term in English, we will be developing our fictional skills using the book The Arrival by Shaun Tan.

 In maths, we will continue developing our arithmetic and problem-solving skills in a range of topics like fractions, decimals and percentages, shape and measurements.

In History, we will be studying the impact of the Roman Legacy on later periods in British history, including the present day.

In Geography, we will be looking at sketch maps, farming around the world and following a route on an OS map. 

Within science, we will be studying light looking at how light travels, shadows, reflection and refraction.

In DT this half term, we will be creating a moving fairground ride.


We are looking forward to updating this page weekly to show all the fantastic learning that you will be doing over the term!


Summer 1 Maths Fluency Facts

Summer 2 Maths Fluency Facts

Happy Summer!


We can’t believe we have reached the end of the academic year. We’ve have a great year together and we hope you have enjoyed our Leavers’ Celebrations, including our videos and disco.


We wish you all lots of luck and happiness as you transition to you new schools. Stay in touch - we love to hear how you are getting on. Have a wonderful summer and take care!


Miss Murphy and Mr SP

Week Beginning Monday 19th July 2021

This week, we planned, built and evaluated a fairground ride powered by an electrical circuit. We explored how motors can power the ride and how cams can be used to control the speed. With the materials available, we had to problem solve and design a structure that was stable. There was lots of discussion and adaption to plans based on tests we did of our product, such as reducing the size of the Ferris wheel to make the ride move better. See some of our creations below 🎡 


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Week beginning Monday 12th July 2021


This term, due to missed learning last year, we have had weekly cornet lessons. We have focused on learning about different parts of the orchestra as well as learning how to play songs on the cornet such as Hot Cross Buns and Merrily We Roll Along. We have learnt how to use the instrument appropriately and how to play different notes. We are very grateful to our teacher, Mr Robinson, for our fun lessons. See a song we have learnt below.




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Week Beginning Monday 5th July 2021 

This week, we had a secondary school transition week. This involved teachers throughout the school teaching us secondary school subjects such as Citizenship, German and secondary school curriculum English, maths and science. This was a great experience that helped us to learn what it’s like to have different teachers for different subjects and to learn some new knowledge and skills for secondary school. 

Week beginning Monday 28th June 2021


This week, some of Year 6 took part in the PGL experience. We took part in a whole range of activities including climbing, canoeing, abseiling, zip wire and problem solving. Throughout the week, we developed our team work, problem solving, communication and listening skills. We had very long and busy days with both daily and evening activities and we are proud of the children for their enthusiasm and engagement within the activities. We all thoroughly enjoyed the week away!



Week beginning Monday 21st June 2021


In science this week, we explored refraction. We learnt that refraction is the bending of lights as it passes through different mediums, such as air, glass and water. We carried out an activity using an image underneath a cup and we found the image disappeared when water was added because the refraction of light meant the light no longer passed out the side of the class. We then carried out an experiment with an arrow behind a glass and saw that the arrow appeared to flip when water was added due to refraction. 



Week Beginning Monday 14th June 2021

On Monday and Tuesday this week, the children had two Cross-Curricular Days focused around healthy lifestyles and the Olympics. We learnt about the country of Brazil where the Olympics were held in 2016, the long-term effects of an unhealthy lifestyle on the heart and how to apply bandages. We also had a Year 6 Olympics with a range or activities on the All-Weather Pitch and tried out the Japanese exercise “Radio Tasio.” See a video of us trying it out ourselves below!

Year 6 Radio Tasio

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Week Beginning Monday 7th June 2021


This week during computing, the children used a 3D room planner to designed their ideal room. They used their computing skills to search up different objects for their bedroom and problem solved ways of adding windows and doors. We then compared using a 3D room planner to create bedrooms to the bird’s eye view drawings we created on Word and Google Drawings in previous weeks. Children felt this 3D room planner was much more beneficial to create realistic looking rooms but would have liked the opportunity to be able to resize objects, instead of only rotate objects, in the room.

Week Beginning Monday 24th May 2021

In English the last two weeks, we have been studying a Take One Book called Perfectly Norman by Tom Percival. The book is all about accepting and celebrating your differences. For our learning this week, we wrote our own stories, blurbs and designed our own front covers. I was very impressed with how clearly the children wrote about a challenging theme and linked their story clearly to their front cover. You can see some  of front covers below. 

Week Beginning Monday 17th May 2021


This week, children have started to create their Viking ship sculptures in art. They drew their model to scale and created it using cardboard and Modmesh. This week, we worked in groups to begin using Modroc to create our sculptures. Once these are finished, they will be solid sculptures that we will be able to design and paint in the style of a Viking ship before evaluating our sculptures. 

Week Beginning Monday 10th May 2021

In science this week, we went out into our school environment to see which plants and animals we could identify. We noted these down and then classified these into the difference plant and animal groups ready for creating a field guide next week. 

Week Beginning Monday 3rd May 2021

Year 6 were very lucky to have an online quiz delivered to them all about road safety on Friday. We learnt lots of interesting and useful safety information, such as car stopping distances and where to look when crossing the road.


Year 6 Corridor Displays

Week beginning Monday 26th May 2021


During art in Year 6, we have been developing the skills to create a Viking longship. We have produced scaled drawings of longships and practised using Modroc to create a sculpture. We will now use these skills to create our longships next week. 

Week Beginning 19th April 2021

This week, Year 6 have been looking at decimal place value. We have been using our knowledge of decimal place value to order and compare numbers. To practise these skills, we went outside and worked in groups and put ourselves in ascending order based on the decimal value place number card we had been given. 



Week beginning 12th April 2021


It has been great to welcome the children back after the Easter break to begin our learning for the summer term. This half term in art, the children will be creating a model of a Viking longship using Modroc. In order to help us with our designs, this week we learnt about the history behind Viking longships, their design and purpose. We will then use this to create scale drawings for the models that we will be making.


Week Beginning Monday 22nd March 2021

This week in science, we set up an experiment to look at what conditions the fungus mould needs to grow on bread. We set up different fair test investigations with mould in the following conditions: warm and cold, light and dark and wet and dry. We took observations over time and found that mould grew the most on the wet piece of bread. 

Week Beginning Monday 15th March 2021

In English, we have been exploring a new class text called There’s a Boy in the Girls’ Bathroom by Louis Sachar. To help us explore the characters further, we did some drama improvisation into how the main characters, Bradley and Jeff, were feeling in one of the chapters. We then used this to help us write diary entries from each of the characters. You can see a video of one of our improvisations below. 


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Week Beginning Monday 8th March 2021

We were so excited to welcome all of the children back to school this week! 
In geography, we used research that we completed last week on Storm Ciara to write a weather report. We included rainfall, wind speed, damage and disruption caused by the storm.

You can watch a video where we got some of our research for our reports from below. 

Week Beginning Monday 1st March 2021

This week was World Book Day, where the children were able to celebrate the joy of reading 📚 The children were able to watch a video from a real author, James Campbell, who spoke about his books and the challenges he had to overcome to become an author. From this, the children wrote motivating speeches on how you need to persevere to achieve your goals. I was very impressed with the powerful quotes the children included in their writing. The children also took part in Round Diamond’s Masked Reader, where they had to guess which teacher was reading the book behind the disguise. Did you guess Miss Murphy correctly? I’ve added my video below alongside some children’s motivating speeches!

Miss Murphy’s Masked Reader

Still image for this video

Week Beginning Monday 22nd February - DT Food Research

This half term in DT, the children will be creating a Viking Stew, linked to our topic of the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings. This week in DT we begun our research into the meats and vegetables that Viking would have had available and how these were cooked and stored. 

Week beginning Monday 8th February 2021

This week, relating to their learning on evolution, Year 6 took part in their own science investigations at home. The task was to investigate the success of different beak shapes and sizes with different sized food items. The children were very sensible and organised their investigations well, using a variety of tools such as spoons, chopsticks, tweezers and clothes pegs to replicate birds’ beaks. They then interpreted their results to make a conclusion on the best type of beak. 

We would like to say well done to all children in Year 6, both in school and online, for their hard work throughout this very different half term. Have a well-earned rest over half term. 

Week Beginning Monday 1st February 2021

This week, Year 6 have been learning about how the Vikings first arrived in Britain. They used their computing skills to complete this learning in Google Classroom, labelling and colour coding maps to show the names of areas in Britain at the time, as well as the Vikings’ route from their homelands of Norway, Sweden and Denmark. 

Week beginning Monday 25th January 2021

Over the last few weeks, Year 6 have been refining their shading skills and learning how to accurately draw a portrait. This week, they combined these skills with their history learning on the Vikings to produce some very impressive king portraits. 

Week beginning Monday 18th January 2021

This week on Google Classrooms, Year 6 have enjoyed making their own Pong games on Scratch. Have a look at the example below to see one in action!

20 Jan 2021 at 3_16 pm.MOV

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Home Learning

Well done to Amaya in Monet Class for taking part in the Humanities and Arts Home Learning Project! Amaya used the Google Arts and Culture app to explore the Eiffel Tower in Paris and has created this great PowerPoint presentation on what she learnt. 

Week Beginning Monday 11th January 2021


In art this week, we looked at putting the pencil, shading and texture techniques we learnt the week before into practice by drawing self-portraits. We followed instructions to draw them to ensure our facial features were correctly positioned and sized. It was fantastic to have children take pictures of their drawings and upload them to our Google Classroom for us to see. Have a look at some of the outcomes below!

Week Beginning Monday 4th January 2021

Welcome back! We hope you all had an enjoyable and safe Christmas break.

This half term Year 6 are putting their skills learning online on Google Classrooms back into action.

In English this week, we have started reading the novel Coraline by Neil Gaiman. The children are really enjoying getting to know the adventurous and courageous character of Coraline and some of the strange occurrences that she comes across living in her new house. Well...she did wish for a more exciting life!

We have started to explore the authorial techniques used to make this an engaging book, such as the balance of speech, action and description in the text, that you can see evidence of us highlighting below.

Over the next few weeks, we will finish reading the book and exploring the writing skills before writing our own short stories based on the text. We will look forward to sharing our finish pieces soon!


Merry Christmas!

We had a great last day of term today! We started by having our end of year assembly where we also got to watch the staff Christmas video that has been made. We then played party games together before watching a film, having our video from Santa and lots of lovely snacks and drinks thanks to FORDS.


We hope that you all have a wonderful, safe and happy Christmas and we will look forward to seeing you again in 2021!

Week Beginning Monday 14th December 2020 - The Gift

In English, to finish our Take One Book called the Gift by Carol Ann Duffy, we perfectly presented the poems we had written together and decorated them with the elements of the setting from the story. To create the poems, we needed to use our knowledge of the story and organise it into different verses of the poem. We used figurative language and impactful description to describe the different parts of the story. We also focused on the use of syllables and rhyme to give our poems rhyme and rhythm. 

Week Beginning Monday 7th December 2020 - Whole-School RE Afternoon

On Thursday 10th December 2020,  we took part in a whole-school RE afternoon to deepen our understanding and real-life experience of our RE learning. Our afternoon was focused around Bodhi Day - a Buddhist celebration to celebrate the day the Buddha reached Englightenment. We learnt how Buddhists celebrate this day by decorating a Bodhi Tree and by worshipping statues of the Buddha. For our learning experience, we made our own statues of the Buddha out of clay and decorated leaves for a Bodhi Tree with the ways you can reach enlightenment. 

Week Beginning Monday 30th November 2020 

Miss Murphy’s English group created our own sequel stories on PowerPoint using the book Tuesday by David Wiesner. We then used this to inspired our writing on police investigation reports.



Week beginning 23rd November

This week, we have taken part in our termly cross-curricular days. This time, all of our learning was centred around 'The Wizard of Oz'. We started our learning by watching the film in order to understand the story and characters. We then applied our skills in a range of subject areas, drawing on our knowledge from the story. 

In maths, we compared data on the size and strength of different tornadoes and presented this information in bar and pie charts. In science, we looked at investigations which seemed to be 'magic' such as dancing raisins and rainbow celery. In English, we wrote character descriptions of the witch and in geography we learned what to do to keep ourselves safe in the event of a tornado. We finished the week by looking at the artistic style of surrealism and drew a dream we had experienced in this style. 

Week beginning 16th November


In history this week, Year 6 have been looking at some Anglo-Saxon artefacts. When trying to find out what they were, they answered questions such as:

Who used this object?

What was it used for?

Where do you think it was found?

What clues does it give us about what Anglo-Saxon life was like?

The children then reflected on this learning to decide what skills they thought archaeologists would need in order to give us clear pictures about what life was like in different time periods. 


Week beginning 9th November

As part of their DT learning this half term, Year 6 are designing and making their own felt Christmas decorations. To prepare for this, they practised their stitching this week and learned how to do stitches including; running stitch, back stitch, over stitch and blanket stitch. 

w/b Monday 2nd November 2020


This week, Year 6 spent the week learning on Google Classrooms at home. We got to experience live teaching on Google Meet from our teachers before applying our computing skills to completing and submitting tasks for different subjects online. All Y6 staff were very impressed with the maturity and dedication of the children during this time - well done Year 6!

w/b 19th October 2020

This week in RE, we learnt about how different religions use art to express meaning. We then used tissue paper to make our own stained-glass windows to convery a meaning of our choice.

Week Beginning 12th October 2020 - Geography - Longitude and Latitude

In geography this week, we looked at locating countries using longitude and latitude. Next week, we will take this learning further by using these skills to identify time zones. 

w/b 5th October 2020 - Peer Editing 

Now we have finished writing our Skellig stories, Year 6 have been developing their editing skills. Children evaluated their own and others’ writing for elements such as grammar, spelling and sentence construction and looked at ways they could edit their writing to improve it. The results showed some great writing improvements! 

w/b 28th September 2020 - Maths

Johnstone maths group have been playing times table games during fluency this week. We played times table bingo and a game where you randomly choose a times table fact and have to race your partner to the correct answer. The children showed energised learning for both games and are seeing an improvement in how quickly they’re able to recall their times table facts. 

w/b 29th September - Sports Crew 

The Year 6 Sports Crew set up games for Year 6 to play on the playground this week. It was brilliant to see the leadership skills they showed when organising the games and the enthusiasm and enjoyment of the other children joining in. Well done Sports Crew! 

Science learning w/b 21.09.20

In science this week, Year 6 tested their knowledge on the circulatory system by creating their own quiz questions. They then put their peers’ knowledge to the test by asking each other their questions to earn points and prove their expertise. 


Science Learning - Heart Dissection - w/b 14.09.20

This week, Year 6 had the opportunity to watch their teacher perform a heart dissection on a lamb’s heart. This helped us to understand the different parts of the heart and where the blood flows to enable blood to be transported throughout the body correctly. We had lots of discussion about what we saw before applying our learning to a diagram and instructions of how the heart works.

English Learning - w/b 9th September 2020

Year 6 have been exploring the book Skellig and have enjoyed reading it in our English lessons this week. Within our learning, we have studied the relationship between the main characters Michaela and Mina, inferring their feelings and emotions and making predictions about what will happen next in the book as they work to help and protect a man called Skellig, who has been found in the garage of Michael's new home. We are excited to find out happens next!

Welcome to Johnstone Class!

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Welcome to Monet Class

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A hello from your new teachers! 

Please email any questions you may have about next year to


21st July 2020

Year 6 have had a lovely last two days at Round Diamond. Yesterday, they enjoyed a video call and virtual quiz between the bubbles in school and the children at home - it was lovely to see those who haven’t been in school since March! 
Today, they enjoyed some music and games in their bubbles on the all weather pitch. As always, they really impressed us with their excellent behaviour and it was lovely to see them all having fun together. 
We hope you all have a restful and safe summer break and wish all of the children every success and happiness in their journey on to secondary school. 

Year 6 Leavers’ Videos!

Goodbye and Good Luck from Round Diamond

Today, Year 6  had the opportunity to view their leavers’ videos during our farewell video call. Below you can find the links to the two Year 6 leavers’ videos created to mark the end of primary school for a wonderful cohort. All of our staff wish them every luck and happiness for the future as they begin their exciting new journey at secondary school in September.


The videos are available using the following links:


Year 6 Leavers 2020 - Pictures throughout the years:


Year 6 Leavers’ Messages:

A goodbye message from the Year 6 Staff

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A goodbye message from the Year 6 staff to wish you lots of luck and happiness for your future as you continue your school journey in secondary school

Class Teachers:

Johnstone Class Teacher: Miss Murphy 

Monet Class Teacher: Mrs Downie

Holbein Class Teacher: Mr Pallant

Teaching Assistant:

 Ms Landau


Our PE day is now on a Wednesday. Please ensure that children have the correct school PE kit in school with them each day. As we move into the winter months, please ensure that children have an appropriate school PE jumper and jogging  bottoms to keep them warm during outside PE lessons.

Welcome to Year 6!


Welcome to the class page for Monet and Johnstone Class.

Join us this term and see our exciting learning journey, along with  other celebrations we take part in.

We have a lot to share and can't wait for you to be able to take a sneak peek into our learning in our final year at Round Diamond.



The Prime Minister's address to school leavers

A message from Boris Johnson to congratulate you and thank you for your resilience during this time.

Week Beginning Monday 20th July 2020
Week Beginning Monday 13th July 2020

Friday 3rd July 2020

This week in Year 6, we have spent a lot of time outside, despite the unpredictable weather! In science, we explored our school grounds and made a record of the species of plants and animals we could see in their habitats. We have also continued to play a range of socially distanced games during our break times and taken part in some different activities in our PE sessions. 

Week Beginning Monday 6th July 2020

Friday 26th June 2020

In Year 6 this week, we collected the results of our investigation on mould growth. We found that mould grew much more quickly on the bread that was left in damp conditions. We also created some fantastic portraits of famous Viking Kings, using a range of sketching pencils and shading techniques. 6M and 6D bubbles finished the week with some socially distanced problem solving games in the sun on the all weather pitch, while 6T had a great time learning songs from The Lion King. 


Week Beginning Monday 29th June 2020

Friday 19th June 2020

This week in Year 6, we have been practising our debating skills in our English lessons. We discussed the quote “To Live Forever is Not to Live At All” and came up with for and against arguments. In science, we have prepared an investigation into which conditions mould will grow most effectively on bread and will be checking for results next week. 



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Week Beginning Monday 22nd June 2020

Week Beginning Monday 15th June 2020

Colour picture from the book - use the other How to Live Forever PDF document to see the words on this page

Thursday 11th June 2020

We’ve had another fantastic week in our Year 6 bubbles. In English, we have been learning about the sinking of the Titanic and have written discussion texts on who was responsible for the disaster. In maths, we have been solving a range of problems relating to area of 2D shapes and volume of 3D shapes. This afternoon, we put our art skills to the test by using a range of sketching pencils to create some impressive self portraits. Some of us even finished the afternoon with some socially distanced PE! 

Week Beginning Monday 8th June 2020

Thursday 4th June

It has been lovely to see lots of our Year 6 children back in school this week! We have been very impressed by the way they have adapted so well to our ‘new normal’ and have really enjoyed teaching them in our ‘bubbles’. The children have engaged fully in their learning in class and have enjoyed playing different games together during break times. Well done Year 6 - what a fantastic start to the new term! 


Week Beginning Monday 2nd June 2020

Monday 1st June 2020 is an INSET day, therefore there is no learning for this day.

Happy Half Term!

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A half term message from Mrs Downie and Miss Murphy!

Week Beginning Monday 18th May 2020

Home Learning Overview w/b 18.05.20

English 1


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Week Beginning Monday 11th May 2020

Home Learning Overview w/b 11.05.20

English 1

The LEGO® Story

This is the video that we will be using for our English writing over the next few lessons.

Microorganisms video

Use this video to support your science learning on microorganisms. We are only focusing on bacteria, fungi and viruses in the lesson, but it also gives you information about algae and protozoa.


Still image for this video
This is a Sea shanty - What is a Sea shanty?
This is a song you will know but we’re going to analyse it. What do you think the word ‘analyse’ means?
How many phrases has it got?
How many different pitches in the song in total?
How many in ‘too ly ay’?
Now tap the rhythm of the second phrase , ‘john kanakanaka too ly ay’
Make it nice and clear .

Week Beginning Monday 4th May 2020

Home Learning Overview - w.b 04.05.20


Still image for this video
Follow this music video and have a go at the following listening task:

Cheery song - Lollipop by Mika

Find out 2 facts about Mika.

Choreograph the song ( make up a dance routine for it, showing changes in the verses and choruses)

Week Beginning Monday 27th April 2020

Year 6 Home Learning Overview w/b 27.04.20


Week beginning Monday 20th April 2020

Year 6 Home Learning Overview w/b 20/04/20

Friday 3rd April 2020 - End of Term


Today is the day that we officially break up for the Easter holidays for 2 weeks!


Well done to adjusting to a new way of learning at home for couple of weeks and it is now time to relax and enjoy the break. Although this holiday will be different to other school breaks, we hope that you make the most of spending time with your family, doing activities that you enjoy and that you keep yourself active while staying at home. Below we will place a link with some fun ideas to have a go at during this time.


Further learning updates will be posted to this page after the Easter holidays. 


We hope that you stay safe, well and have an enjoyable break,


Miss Murphy, Mrs Downie, Mr Pallant and Ms Landau


Link to fun activities that can be completed at home:



Hello all,


As we come towards the end of the first week of a different way of learning, we wanted to send a message to say that we hope that you're all keeping safe and well.


We hope that you have managed to find a routine of completing some English, maths and afternoon subject learning each day as well as completing home activities that you and your family enjoy. It is very important for your physical and mental health that you complete some daily exercise to help keep yourself active while at home. Both at school and at home, we have been finding the daily PE with Joe Wicks workouts (live from 9am every weekday morning and can be accessed on Youtube at Body Coach TV - these can be done live at 9am or at any time after) brilliant to get ourselves moving and to release all those feel-good hormones that come with exercise.


Below we have also attached some links to additional learning opportunities that you can access to keep yourself learning and feeling good.


Keep visiting this page regularly for your learning and updates. Adults can email: if you have any questions during this time.


Stay safe and keep smiling,


Miss Murphy and Mrs Downie


Additional learning links:


  • Audible is free for as long as the schools are closed, so if you run out of books on BugClub, there are lots of audio books for children of all ages. Find this at: 
  • GoNoodle is good for practical dance and mindful activities
  • BBC Supermovers has videos relating to a range of activities
  • Topmarks has a range of interactive activities to support learning for a range of subjects






School Closure Home Learning - 18.03.20


Attached below are a range of home learning opportunities for children to complete during this period of school closure. This learning covers the 2 weeks of teaching before the Easter break. MyMaths and Bug Club have also been set and children have been given their passwords for these. Any children without access to the internet will be given a printed pack.


We recommend that children stay in a regular routine of completing English, Maths and afternoon subject learning daily to ensure a sense of stability, routine and allow them to progress with their learning.


Twinkl, an educational resource website which is used at school, has also given parents a free-month access code to use during this period of school closure. The free access code is: PARENTSTWINKLHELPS and can be used at


They have a range of high-quality resources and explanatory PowerPoints across year groups and all subjects that will be extremely useful for additional learning or to focus on specific learning areas.


If you have any questions regarding this learning please email:


We would like to thank you for your continued support at this time.


The Year 6 Team

Writing learning


Below are a range of writing tasks on fiction and non-fiction topics. Please use the differentiated writing mats and sentence starter document for ideas, support and to recap skills we have been working on throughout the year. Some tasks may also require you to do some research using the internet to gather ideas.


The English Faculty have been considering ways in which to make effective changes to our home learning expectations at Round Diamond. As part of this process, we have looked at opportunities to promote the enjoyment of high quality texts, both in school and at home.


To support this, each year group has created a ‘Summer Term Recommended Reading List’. The list has been put together by class teachers and has been designed to give children the opportunity to explore a range of texts at home, over the course of year.

Alongside this list are some question prompts which can be used to start discussions about what has been read. The questions are in line with our weekly VIPERS teaching, that focuses on individual skills within reading – Vocabulary, Infer, Predict, Explain, Retrieve, Summarise.

Please note that this home learning is not compulsory. We hope that you will be able to enjoy some (or all!) of the recommendations by buying the texts if you wish. Equally, the question prompts can be used with any book you choose to enjoy with your child.


Reading Home Learning

Comprehension questions that can be applied to different reading books

Afternoon Subjects Learning

History - Ethelred the Unready - 16.03.20


As part of our history learning, we learnt about the Anglo-Saxon King Ethelred the Unready and how he used Dangeld to pay the Vikings to try and stop them from attacking during his reign...and how this didn't stop them because the Vikings learnt that they could keep coming back for more money!! Using this learning, we created a poem on Ethelred the Unready in the style of the one attached below. 

13.03.20 - PSHE -  The Importance of Hand Washing


This week in PSHE, we reiterated the importance of thorough hand washing to keep ourselves healthy. We watched videos on how to wash our hands thoroughly and then created posters to advertise the useful steps. Find the video was used at the link below.

Science - Creating Periscopes - 5.03.20


This week in science, the children created periscopes using cereal boxes that were kindly donated. We used these to help understand how light is reflected to help us see. We explored the angles of incidence and reflection to help us understand how we see our reflection in some objects and not in others. 

World Book Day 2020 - Our Brilliant Outfits!

02/03/20 - Discussion Texts


To help us with our discussion writing this week, we researched the use of animals for human benefit to explore more about the themes raised in our class text: Pig Heart Boy. Each group took and different view and a different area to research including use of food, drug testing and xenotransplantation. We then presented our findings to the class to help us make our own  opinion on the topic. 

New Science Topic - Light - 27.02.20


Year 6 begun their new Science topic of Light this half term by exploring how light enables us to see. We learnt the science behind it before creating group presentations to demonstrate how light travels in a straight line from a light source, bounces off an object before travelling in a straight line to our eyes. 

13.02.20 - The Day the Chairs Quit!

In English, we have been reading 'The Day the Crayons Quit' as part of our learning on persuasive writing. Today, the chairs in all Year 6 classrooms decided they would quit after being mistreated by not being tucked in and being swung on constantly! Our job was to write a letter to the chairs to persuade them to come back. Luckily, most of us had earned our chairs back by break time!


03.02.20 - Geography - Grid References


This week in Geography, we learnt how to read four and six-figure grid references to give exact locations of places. We will be putting this learning together, alongside this half term's learning on compass directions, reading maps and OS Map Symbols to create our own map using these skills next week. 

A document to help you choose Year 6 reading books with blurbs, reviews and author comments.

House afternoon - Rule of Law - 30.01.20

This afternoon, we had a house event where children in the same house from Years 1-6 came together to discuss the importance of the British Value - Rule of Law. We then worked together to come up with the laws we would make if we were Prime Minister. Children came up with some really thoughtful laws such as ways to reduce plastic and provide more money to the NHS.


It was great to see many of the Year 6 children acting as leaders to their younger peers, with our House Captains helping to direct children to the correct classes and children supporting younger ones during the task and then sharing their learning in our sharing assembly. 

Compass directions - 21.01.20


We have been developing our map reading and directional skills during geography. To build on our knowledge of locating places on a map and our knowledge of longitude and latitiude, we learnt about the 8 points on a compass and how a compass works by taking some outside and trying them for ourselves. We then used this knowledge to locate countries on a map. We will use this knowledge again next week when we explore OS maps of Stevenage.



Year 6 - Evolution and Inheritance - 07.01.20


To begin this half term's science topic on Evolution and Inheritance, the children had an awe and wonder session to explore inheritance. They were given pictures of members of staff and their parents, who they then had to match up based on similar inherited characteristics. I think the children will agree that it was quite a challenge, but really helped us to understand the difference between inherited and acquired charactertistics in a fun and practical way!

Happy New Year!

Spring Term 

The Year 6 team all hope that you have enjoyed a wonderful and relaxing break! We are very excited to welcome you back to a new term.


This term, we are embarking on a new learning journey in our history and geography learning. In History, we will be exploring the Viking and Anglo-Saxon struggle for the Kingdom of England, looking at the range of battles and raids that occurred in this era and what that meant for our country.


In geography, we will be learning the skill of reading 6 figure grid references and applying this to develop our understanding of major UK cities and places in the wider world, particularly through a comparison between our hometown of Stevenage and Boston, USA.


Within English this term, we will be developing our skills of fiction writing by creating short stories before moving onto applying non-fiction writing skills to persuasion texts. We will be progressing our reading skills by using a range of texts to develop comprehension skills in fiction, non-fiction and poetry. We are starting the term finishing off the book 'We Were Warriors' by Emma Carroll which is a sequel to the popular 'Letters from the Lighthouse' that the children enjoyed during Autumn 1. Reading for pleasure is still something we are promoting and this term we will begin to enjoy some of the stories that children voted to read last term,  including Floodland, Bubble Boy and the London Eye Mystery.


In maths, we will be exploring a range of mathematical topics to continue to develop our fluency, reasoning and problem solving skills, with an increased focused on applying our developed arithmetic skills to reasoning tasks.


Our first study in science is called 'Evolution and Inheritance' and will involve exploring scientific theories behind how species have evolved and how variation occurs through inheritance. In Spring Term 2, we will be studying the topic of 'Light'.


As you can see, we have a jam-packed term filled with lots of new and exciting learning opportunities. We hope that you are looking forward to it as much as we are!


In Year 6 this week, we have been sharing our Home Learning projects. The task was to make a World War 2 shelter, with the option of also researching different ways in which people protected themselves during air raids. We saw a wide range of impressive designs; some complete with real soil, lifting roofs and bunk beds! Some children accompanied their projects with impressive PowerPoint presentations and it was obvious that everybody had put in a great amount of effort. Well done to everyone who produced a project - what a great way to end our World War 2 topic!

13.12.19 - Letters from the Lighthouse


This week, we finished our class book of Letters from the Lighthouse which we have been reading this half term and focusing our writing and guided reading lessons on. The children absolutely loved the book and were kept hooked throughout by the fantastic action, vocabulary and engaging characters. We finished our unit by writing our own book reviews on our experience of the book. Luckily for us, we will be starting the sequel: When We Were Warriors, after Christmas!



On Wednesday afternoon, we read through some extracts of books from our Year 6 Reading List. We then voted for our favourites in order to choose our new class texts. The winner was 'Floodland' which we will start reading after Christmas. The runners up were 'Bubble Boy' and 'The London Eye Mystery' - we will read these texts later in the year. We really enjoyed having the opportunity to read extracts from the books and are looking forward tp starting to read them in class!


Year 6 were visited by Herts County Council on Tuesday. They showed us the dangers of using a mobile phone near the road and talked to us about the safest places to use a mobile phone when out in public. We did some activities which showed us how using a mobile phone affects your concentration. We then designed posters to advertise the dangers of being distracted when walking or cycling near roads.

27.11.19 - Reading learning


This week in English, we learned about Kindertransport, a non-fiction topic linked to our fiction class text of Letters from the Lighthouse which is linked to our World War II topic. We watched a video (that is linked below) to learn about real-life experiences of Kindertransport and then answered some comprehension questions on it. This learning helped us to understand more about the experiences of the character Esther, from our class book, who has experienced this.


This week, we have been enjoying our Cross-Curricular Days. On Monday, we had a visit from Stevenage Museum, who launched our days with an assembly about the Romans. In class, we then researched Roman Gods and Goddesses, wrote charachter descriptions about Jupiter and Juno and did some drama activities in order to get into character. We also learned how to make and use a sundial, created leaflets about the Roman Baths and made mosaics similiar to the ones that Romans would have used to decorate their homes.

12/11/19 - World War II


This week, we celebrated Remembrance Day, which is a very important day every year, but even more significant as we have been studying World War II throughout this term. This week in topic, we learnt about the difference types of shelters that people used to protect themselves during air raids. From this, the children have been set a home learning challenge to create and research their own air raid shelter. 


7/11/19 - New Science Topic: Electricity


Welcome back after half term! This week, we started a new science topic on Electricity. We started our topic by completing a comprehension activity to find out some facts about the history of electricity that led to the electricity we are lucky enough to have today.


In Science this week, we carried out an investigation into how our heart rate changes. First, we took our resting heart rate and recorded it. We then took part in some moderate and vigorous exercises and recorded our heart rates afterwards to see how much they had changed. We repeated this three times, then worked out our average heart rates for moderate and vigorous intensity exercises.

Maths - w/b 14/10/19

This week, the children have been showing some fantastic dedication and resilience towards our SATs Practice week by carrying out past reading, SPaG and maths SATs papers. The children have shown brilliant focus throughout this and have been excited to find out their achievements and learn about their next steps. During maths on Thursday and Friday, we learned and applied our knowledge of fractions, decimals and percentage equivalents. 



Rose Blanche - Take One Book - 07.10.19

This week in English, we have started a Take One Book linked to our World War 2 Topic. Rose Blanche tells a story of WW2 from a German child's perspective. We will finish our unit by writing our own short stories based on the book.

01.10.19 - World War 2 Baking


Linked to our WW2 topic, Year 6 had a go at baking a wartime treat, linked to our learning on rationing. We begun by learning about which foods and items were rationed during WW2 and researched some WW2 recipes. We then created an Eggless Sponge which we then tasted and evaluated. Although they were slightly different to cakes today due to the ingredients, they were popular amongst the children! Lots of children showed great enthusiasm in the topic and we have therefore encouraged them to research some of their own WW2 recipes that they could make at home. If you do, please send us a picture, or even better, bring us some in to try!

W/b 23.09.19 - In Science this week, we watched a live heart dissection to support our learning on the circulatory system.

W/B 16.09.19 - School Learning

Victorian Learning

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The Year 6 children in school last week also had a great time with some different learning challenges. In the mornings, Miss Mason led a Victorian project where the children got to learn about life in the Victorian era in practical and fun ways and compare it to life today. The children got to play Victorian parlour games, make scrap books, create PowerPoints from research they did and made Victorian greeting cards. They even got to learn about and try a Victorian sweet each day! In the afternoons with Mr Taylor, the children researched and explored different types of WW2 planes. They then used this to design their own WW2 plane, including the colours and camouflage, which they created by measuring and cutting wooden sticks and cardboard. The children also developed their leadership skills by helping out younger children with PE. The staff at school have commented on the engagement and exemplary behaviour of all of the children throughout the week. Well done for setting such a great example Year 6!

16.09.19-20.09.19 - PGL

What a great start to Year 6, who are now home after an incredible week away at PGL.
We have spent 5 days away from home at a wonderful site where we were able to experience new challenges, take part in new activities and meet new people. 
As you can see from the pictures, children have had the opportunity to try a whole range of activities whether it’s kayaking on the lake, scaling climbing walls, learning survival skills or rushing through the air on the zip wire or giant swing.
We were kept very entertained by our great group leaders, Sam and Will, and all of the fun instructors we met, who taught us some very interesting and funny new songs (which we were singing most of the way home!).
The adults who went are very proud of the children for being resilient and determined to push themselves in activities, while showing great teamwork and independence throughout the week - it’s been great to see children having such fun and spending time with them in this new environment. 
We are so pleased the children had a great time and they should be very proud of themselves for embracing this opportunity and taking on new challenges. We are looking forward to seeing the children using new skills they’ve learnt and continuing to challenge themselves throughout our year together 😊

10.09.19 - WW2 Topic Introduction

To immerse ourselves within our new WW2 topic, we carried out a carousel of activities for the afternoon. We started by mind-mapping what we already knew about WW2. We then carried out activities related to how the war started, rationing, morse code and evacuation. We were also very lucky to have Mrs Umney share some real WW2 artefacts with us that were given by a family member. These included a war helmet, gas mask and box and a shell. We then added our new learning to our mind maps to use for future lessons. 

On Monday afternoon, Year 6 attended Crucial Crew. They took part in a carousel of activities to learn about water safety, e-safety,  street safety, electrical safety, fire safety, first aid and feelings and emotions. The children thoroughly enjoyed the experience and were really engaged and involved throughout the activities. We were very proud to have their brilliant behaviour praised by the volunteers running the event. Well done Year 6! 


We have had a great frst week back in Johnstone and Monet classes. We have started some fantastic learning on Anne Frank's Diary in English and Place Value in Maths. We have also created some beautiful paintings, inspired by our class artists. Take a look at our artwork below!


2018/2019 Academic Year

The Year 6 Team 2018-2019



Class Teachers


Miss Bacon (Monet)

Miss Murphy (Johnstone)


Additional Adults


Mr Pallant (Y6 Setting)

Mr Haig (Y6 Teaching Assistant)

Mr Taylor (HLTA cover)

Miss Buchen (Cover teacher)


Our PE day is THURSDAY. Please make sure children have their appropriate school PE kit in school on this day.



6.3.19 Holbein English news broadcasts

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Children in Holbein English have planned and recorded news broadcasts to help them with their understanding of their Take One Book- The Singing Mermaid and show off their acting skills.

6.3.2019 Singing Mermaid news broadcast

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6.3.2019 Singing Mermaid news broadcast

Still image for this video

Johnstone Science - Light - 25/02/19


Year 6 have started a new science topic on light. On Monday, we learnt the science behind how we see and put it into practice as you can see from the following photos and video. 

Demonstration of how we see

Still image for this video

Holbein English


This week in English, we have been looking at a narrative poem- “The Singing Mermaid.”


We have looked at performing the poem and here is our attempt at it.

27.02.19 The Singing Mermaid by Holbein English

Still image for this video

8.2.2019 - CPR and Defibrillator training with DIPPS

Still image for this video
Sporting Futures organised a visit from DIPPS (Defibrillators In Public Places) to teach Y6 about CPR and using a defibrillator. We will take this learning home and share with others.

For those who are wondering, our nearest defibrillator is located at the Great Ashby Community Centre.

17.01.18 - Edebele Mud Huts


Linked to our topic learning on Africa, Johnstone Class created Ndebele mud huts. We looked at the traditional paintings by the Ndebele bride and replicated the geometric patterns and bright colours when making our own mini huts! Take a look at our creations below.

15/01/2019 Miss Day visit -Nicholas Breakspear Uganda trip 2018

We were fortunate enough to receive a visit from Rosie Day, who alongside members of Nicholas Breakspear school, visited Uganda to support local communities as part of the KISS charity.

We learnt a lot about the education system, landscape and the challenges that are faced in that part of the world.

Take a look at the video that was shared with us.

14.01.2019 -Investigating inheritance

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Take a look at our investigation and discussion about our teachers and their inherited traits from their parents.

7th January 2019



We are excited to be back and ready to continue our learning journey. 

19/1/2018 - Christmas performance

Christmas performance 2018

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Our trip to Hawaii for Christmas was a lot of fun

28/11/2018 - Go with your gut - Making our own ‘poo’

Spelling Words 23-11-2018

Topic Day - 21/11/18


The children have spent the day immersed in activities linked to our WW2 topic. We decide to use our design and technology skills and follow instructions to measure and assemble gas masks and gas mask boxes that were used in WW2. We even perfectly presented the real gas mask instructions onto our box. You can see some pictures from our creations below.

15/11/2018 Basketball

Year 6 children represented the school in basketball matches against the Giles school. 


The first team team continued their preparations for the County Final by beating Giles School 28-22. The second team then played their first match as a team and competed well but lost 20-30 in a well fought contest with the Giles School. 


Round Diamond 1st team 28 Giles School 22

Matas, Andreas, Jackson, Justin, Tayah, Casey and Artemis.


Round Diamond 2nd team 20 Giles School 30

Aaron, Ciaran, Rhys, Billy, Isobel, Amy.

Year 6 basketball

14/11/18 - Year 6 Open Afternoon - Wartime Silhouette

Wartime Songs 14/11/18

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A few clips of our performance to our parents for the Year 6 open afternoon


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Year 6 Basketball Team bounce on into the Hertfordshire County Final

Rememberance of the fallen 8/11/18

26.10.2018 Year 6 Autumn Home Learning Task - WW2 Anderson Shelters

Johnstone Class - Science Investigation

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Johnstone Class carried out a science experiment linked to our current science topic of 'Animals: Including Humans'. We planned an investigation that looked at the impact of different exercises on our body and wanted to test the impact by measuring our heart rates. In order to make the investigation as fair and accurate as possible, we carried out each exercise and heart rate monitoring three times to gain an average. The children will write up the results of their investigation after half term. Here is a video from our investigation!

26.10.18 - WW2 Poetry


Miss Murphy's English set have been writing some WW2 poetry, based on the 1940 Coventry bombing. We started our learning by looking at the poem That Night of Death by J.J Rattigan which looks at the impact of the attack from the people in Coventry. The children then wrote their poems from the perspective of the Luftwaffe who released the attack that night. The children focused on using emotive and figurative language, rhyme and high-level vocabulary to describe the events of the historic attack in a four line, four verse structured poem. Photos from our poetry performances are below.

23.10.18 Year 6 Maths Learning

Mr Pallant's Maths group have been developing their 3D shape learning by looking at finding planes of symmetry.

18.10.18 Year 6 Basketball Team after narrowly losing to Giles in first match of the year.

Our final Harvest Festival - 10.10.18

Both Miss Murphy and Miss Bacon are very proud of the Year 6 children after their dedication to, and performance in, their final Harvest Festival at Round Diamond. The children put a lot of effort into learning about the role of foodbanks, creating their foodbank posters and learning their lines and roles for the performance, alongside singing the songs.

The children did themselves proud. We hope you enjoyed the performance if you got to watch!

5/10/2018 Looking at maths from a different angle...

We value discussion in our maths lesson. We discussed our learning journey and were able to complete tasks to consolidate our angle knowledge from our learning this week. 


Holbein Maths

27/9/18 - Supporting through peer assessment

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Monet English group took on the challenge of peer assessing their extended writing pieces.

Take a peek at a few clips of our team effort!

Peer Assessment

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Heart Dissection - 25/09/18


Year 6 had the opportunity to watch a lamb heart dissection linked to their science topic of the human circulatory system. They were shown the different parts of the heart and we discussed the function of each part in a successful circulatory system. There was a great buzz in the classroom and all children were fascinated by the experience. It helped to consolidate their understanding of the heart and certainly wasn’t your average science lesson!

Year 6 participated in Crucial Crew this Monday afternoon. The children were very well engaged in all the practical activities that aimed to teach them key safety information. The staff who attended were given several positive comments from the members of Crucial Crew about the children’s engagement, respect and general behaviour. All children thoroughly enjoyed themselves and learnt a lot through their active participation in the activities. 

5/9/18 - First week back

Year 6 have made a really positive start to their year. Lots of information to take in and lots to remember, but they have risen to the challenge. 


Thumbs up to a great year! 



Key Dates - Autumn Term 2018


Thursday 6th September 2018 - PGL Meeting

This will take place in the main hall at 3.45pm to discuss arrangements for our upcoming PGL residential.


Monday 10th September 2018 - Crucial Crew

Year 6 will be taking part in Crucial Crew during the afternoon. The event looks at teaching the children important safety measures through a range of activities. This will take part during  normal school hours. 


Wednesday 12th September 2018 - Home Learning Workshop

This will take place in the main hall at 3.40pm to discuss home learning expectations throughout the year.


Monday 17th September - Friday 21st September 2018 - PGL residential

Year 6 are starting the year with a bang with a week long exciting residential to PGL - Caythorpe Court Adventure Centre.


Tuesday 9th October 2018 - School Individual Photos


Wednesday 10th October 2018 - Harvest Festival

We will be looking forward to you coming to see the different ways we have chosen to celebrate Harvest Festival this year.


Monday 22nd October 2018 - Parent Consultations

This will take place with your child's home class teacher between 3.50pm and 6pm.


Wednesday 24th October 2018 - Parent Consultations

This will take place with your child's home class teacher between 4pm and 8pm. 


Monday 29th October - Friday 2nd November - Half Term

Enjoy yourselves for a well-deserved rest!


Wednesday 14th November 2018 - Year 6 Open Afternoon

Come and spend the afternoon seeing some of the exciting learning we have been undertaking this term.


Wednesday 28th-Thursday 29th November - Cross Curricular Days


Friday 30th November - Occasional Day


Wednesday 19th December 2018 - Christmas Performance (am and pm)

We will look forward to you coming to watch our performance to get you into the festive spirit!


Friday 21st December - End of Term

We hope you have a wonderful Christmas break!




Welcome to a new academic year!

The Year 6 team all hope that you have enjoyed a wonderful and relaxing summer break.


We are very excited to welcome you back to a brand new school year.


You are about to begin your learning journey into your final year of primary school at Round Diamond. Although this is an important and challenging year, we have lots of fun learning and new experiences planned along the way. 


I'm sure lots of you are starting to get very excited about our PGL Trip to Caythorpe Court commencing the week beginning Monday 17th September which will include lots of fun activities such as: kayaking, zip wire, climbing, giant swing and lots more! 


Our topic for the whole of this term is 'The Great, The Bold, The Brave' where we will be closely focusing on WWII to study key events, key individuals and the ways of life during this important and fascinating period in history. During this historical topic, we will also have lots of cross-curricular links with subjects such as French, DT, Art and Science.


We will also be linking this topic closely to our English learning during this term. We are starting the year by exploring Anne Frank's diary through text types such as recounts, newspaper articles and survival guides. We will then go on to compare and contrast two popular texts based around WWII called Goodnight Mister Tom and Letters from the Lighthouse and use these to inform different styles of writing such as letters, non-chronological reports and balanced arguments.


In maths, we will be exploring a range of topics to continue to develop our fluency, reasoning and problem solving skills.


Our first study in science is called 'Animals including Humans' and will involve studying and investigating the circulatory system, how our body transports water and nutrients and how to keep our bodies healthy.


As you can see, we have a jam-packed term filled with lots of new and exciting learning opportunities.

The Year 6 Team - 2017-2018

July 2018 - Joseph rehearsals

27.06.18 The Lady of Shallot Display

25.06.2018 And the Year 6 production is...

Rehearsals are now underway. We will keep you posted with updates and sneak peeks into our rehearsals. 

Friday 22nd June - Football World Cup 2018


As part of our cross- Curricular days, we looked at different elements linked to the FIFA World Cup. This included: designing football kits reflective of traditional colours and symbols, locating host cities, producing information factfiles on the history of the event and participating in a whole school football tournament. 


The tournament saw us split into mixed ability teams, which gave us the opportunity to work with others in the year. Our teams also worked alongside other year groups and the final points were collated to name an overall World Cup winner. 

Thorpe Park -12/06/18


As a celebration of the hard work shown this year, Year 6 children, along with the Year 6 staff team, took a trip to Thorpe Park. It was a great way to spend time with classmates and enjoy the thrilling and exciting rides that the theme park had to offer. 


Everyone had a blast and despite the traffic hold up on the way home, everyone remained in high spirits throughout the day!

Writing in Year 6. Wb 11/06/2018


Following our SATs tests, we have continued to work hard in our writing. We are still building our portfolio of learning to show the high standard of writing that takes place in Year 6. 


We have looked at many many interesting texts, namely ‘The Lady of Shallot’ in Monet and Johnstone sets. We have used this as a stimulus to evoke wonderful responses and narrative pieces. 


We have included these in a class silent gallery to share our learning. 

HALF TERM Monday 28th May - Friday 8th June 2018 


Have a great break everyone! 

Monday 14th May 2018 - Thursday 17th May 2018 - KS2 SATS WEEK!


We are prepared and ready for our end of KS2 assessments. We feel prepared and ready to take on the challenge. Wish us luck.

Revision in Johnstone 


Today was Year 6’s last lesson before SATs week. The children have shown true dedication to their learning and have really made us proud with their attitude. In Johnstone, the children thought the best use of their time would be to create revision posters. 

Dragon Boat Racing 


We embarked on our first mini bus journey to Fairlands Lake to have a test run of what Dragon Boat racing entails. We were told that our techniques was very good - fingers crossed for the 24th May! 



Art afternoon - 10/5/2018

Art in the courtyard

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Music lessons with a twist..

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Creative Science - 4/5/18


Cross Curricular Science was a focus for Friday afternoon. We drew on all aspects of our science (adaptation, evolution, habitats, life cycles) to create our own animals to show their features and traits. 


It was lovely to work together as a year group group and share ideas. 

Colour Coding - 26.4.2018


We have been revisiting the colour coding that we have previously used to ensure we understand the structure of our sentences and how to adapt them using different noun forms. 


We understand and the importance of using this to help us. Our aim is to continue using and apply across other learning to help understanding. 

Who needs teachers to reason - 23/04/2018

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Reading Comprehension 20/04/2018

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PSHE -Peer Pressure 17.04.2018

We used our 1Decision learning to help us look at dealing with peer pressure.


It was a surprise to see our own class member Rylee in the video!!

Science is everywhere and we made the paper! - April 2018

Take a look at the article from The Comet which shares our visit to The Nobel School. Both past and present pupils can be seen. Great to see RD in the local news. 

Happy Easter - 29/3/2018


The children have worked incredibly hard and persevered this term and we are proud of their efforts, including the energy and enthusiasm they have shown towards their learning.


To help with revision, SATs questions for SPAG, Reading and Maths have been provided for their folders and as well as this, they have lots of booster and revision activities on MyMaths.


Have a wonderful break and enjoy the rest.

When you become creative with ratio - 27/03/2018

RE Visit- St Andrew and St George 20/3/2018

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British Science Week visit to Nobel -15/3/18

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School Values Afternoon - Year 3 &Year 6 (06.03.18)

Year 3 and Year 6 joined forces to complete their School Values tasks. 


They completed poems about how they are either: 








Mathematical Minds in Year 6


We love a good mathematical challenge in Year 6 and so with SATs approaching ever closer, we are continuing to consolidate and further expand our knowledge through mastery.


From constructing pie charts, to balancing equations, we strive to achieve and develop to prepare us for September!

Who had all the pie (charts) in Monet?

Calculating the formula in Johnstone

It's compounding in Holbein

Singing in progress - 28/2/2018

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We are taking one step further to read music and perfect singing in harmony. See our first lesson.

Step 1

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W/B Monday 19 February

I hope you had a great half term we certainly did! This week we had to catch up on learning and obviously learn new things. This week Year 6 has had the right mind-set towards their learning and have had great outcomes.


Miss Dhillon English

This week in Miss Dhillons English class we have been doing a take one book called: The heart in a bottle by Oliver Jeffers. We are doing this for a time period of three weeks. On one of the weeks we will be re-writing a narrative of this amazing picture book. Also, in SPaG we have been learning about Synonyms and Antonyms.


Miss Bacon English

This week in Miss Bacons English class we have been focusing on:Peter Pan. We have been also been doing a lot of descriptive writing. In addition , we have been doing DADWAVERS [which is where you get a picture from a scene in the book/movie and mind map descriptive words/phrases]. In SPaG we have been focusing on apostrophes and VIPERS. VIPERS mean: Vocabulary,Inference,Punctuation,Explain, Retrieve and Summarise.


Mr Pallant English

This week in Mr Pallants English group we have been doing Persuasive writing.



'The singing was very good'-Leo James

'The dancing was beautifal.'-Sameera



'It was good, they were funny' - Fletcher

' I liked the handsprings' - Arti

' I thought it was very good because I liked the dancing' - Sophia

'When they came in they did cartwheels. We liked it because we didn't know people were coming out of the doors' - Renoir Class


Year 1

'I liked it when they all came on and backflipped.'-Tayla

'I liked it when they were kicking.'-Charlie

'I liked it when they were singing'-Zain

'We loved it.'-Matisse

'I liked it when they did the handstands.'-Meghan


Year 2

'We think it was amazing because it was amazing when the girls came flipping in.'-Van Gogh

'It was fantastic when they did the flips'-Maycie

'We liked the dancing when they were being determined.'-Dali

Year 3

'I love it because I liked the dancing.'-Dylan Stone

'The dance started very calm and then it started to get very like pop.'-Turner

Year 4

'It was very creative and lots of work was put into it.It was a great performance Year 6 were very confident.'-O'keefe

'We enjoyed when everyone came in. It was great when everyone worked together.'-Picasso

Year 5

'We enjoyed the sing,rap and solo's.I thought it was great when Darcy entranced with a front handspring and a cartwheel flick.'-Angel and Lauren

'We enjoyed the dance because it looked like they put a lot of hard work into it.Our favorite part was the start.'-Lowry Class

'We think it was very enerjetic and must off taken a lot of work.It was a very fun performance.'Cliff Class

W/B 5 February

Last Friday we practised our Joyful Joyful dance. Hopefully, we will be performing this dance to the school in non school uniform, but we're not 100%. Year 6 have been working very hard on this dance and have been taking some of their own time to practice. A few YR 6 girls and boys have been choreographing this dance. Also we have been working on Fair trade in our Topic learning by discussing about Imports and Exports. We have made our own Charlottes Cupboard display showing our own unique busses. Our topic is Going Global which is why we are learning about trading and Imports,Exports. Did you know: over 1000 products have the fair trade logo's. 

W/B 29 January 2018


Last Friday we were grouped in our houses which are:St George,St David,St Andrew and St Patrick. We were all split up in different groups and were taken to different classrooms with different teachers. We were told to make flags with cotton buds and paint. Each house has a different colour and different design.On the Monday, we did Charlottes cupboard which is a site online that you can visit. It is the first UK package free, on wheels.You would go there to buy food that isn't packaged with plastic so it can save the environment.You can bring a jar or a container to store your food in. If you do not have a jar or a container that you can use, you can buy one there. Not only does it save the environment by saving  plastic waste,it also reduces waste as you only buy what you need .

Joyful Joyful - 19/1/18

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A whole Year 6 project in progress. Thank you to Mr Wickens for the steady filming :)
In  PE we created  a dance to the song Joyful Joyful from Sister Act 2. We have been doing this dance for a range of weeks . We think Year 6 thoroughly enjoy this dance. Here is a clip of the dance we prepared for you . Enjoy 

W/B 15th January 2018

Revision Support


Many of the children and parents have been asking about support resources for SATs. Please find the link below which provides the children with example SATs questions grouped into the different units. Alongside the sheets, there are YouTube videos to support if needed.



Power in me-Monet

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Take a sneak peek! Johnstone will treat us next week!

Music Learning -The Football Match-1914 16/11/2017

Year Six have used this story as a resource as part of our music learning. Inspired by real events from 100 years ago. It commemorates the extraordinary events of Christmas Day, 1914, when the guns fell silent and two armies met in no-man's land, sharing gifts - and even playing football together.

Investigating Heart rates - 9th November 2017


As part of our science learning, we have been looking at the effects of exercise on our bodies. We created our own investigations to measure the impact on our heart rates, considering our own variables.


After the initial planning, we carried out our investigations and recorded results. Our results were then presented in a graph to be able to draw conclusions and prove or disprove our predictions. 


Fully involved in investigation

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Team work

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Working together

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English Learning - W/b 7th November. 


Both Monet and Johnstone chose Goodnight Mister Tom by Michelle Magorian as their Take one book text. 


Monet group were so interested and inspired in their learning from the book that they requested an extension of the learning and have applied the text to produce wonderful written outcomes. 


Here they are applying their comprehension skills in a reading lesson. 


It has been wonderful to see the children so motivated by their learning, so much so that a number of the class have bought their own copies of the book! 

Goodnight Mister Tom

3rd Place Award for our RE display

Report Writing 20.10.2017

Week beginning 16th October 2017


This has been a busy week! Following our latest assessment tasks, we have identified our next steps to make us more independent and successful learners.


We used our PSHE lessons to discuss our challenges and included a lot of peer talk to help find solutions and support each other. We have created personal mantras to help ourselves and others.


We have also taken time to celebrate the successes we have had in our first term in Year 6. Our teachers all agree we have worked very hard and taken on the challenges that come with being the oldest in the school.


We are working well on the presentation of our learning and you can see the outcomes on the perfectly presented wall.

RDS Values Afternoon - 12th October 2017


Year 6 joined with Year 3 to take part in our Values Afternoon.


Monet joined with Turner while Johnstone joined Constable. It was a lovely opportunity to work with other members of the school community and share different ideas. 


“I love learning with the younger classes, it makes me feel responsible for helping them” 


“It’s been a great afternoon with lots of ideas and a fun activity. Some of us worked independently by ourselves and others joined in partners to show how we show our value” 


We look forward to the next afternoon. 

Parent Open Afternoon 11/10/2017


In Year 6, we invited our parents and carers to share our experiences of PGL. We thoroughly enjoyed retelling our favourite moments and memories from the trip. Thank you to the parents for joining us and also a big thank you to the staff who helped make the trip so enjoyable for us all. 

PGL Week - 25/9/17 - 29/9/17

Take a look at our school Facebook page for more pictures. Our parents' afternoon will share more of our experiences on Wednesday 11th October at 2:30pm.

Crucial Crew 


Wednesday afternoon was spent at Bowes Lyon with Crucial Crew. The aim of the day was to further the children's knowledge and understanding of how to stay safe in a variety of situations. The children had the opportunity to learn more about the potential fire hazards at home, how to act safe around railway lines and roads and how to be safe around dogs. We even had a visit from Tigger the dog who taught us how to be kind towards animals. 


It it was a fantastic day out, where the children continued to look represent Round Diamond in an exemplary way. 




Monet Maths- Maths Mastery in Rounding 14.09.17

Week beginning 4th September 2017


Wow...what a busy first week back!


Both Monet and Johnstone began the week superbly and showed great examples of the school values as soon as they came in to their new classrooms.


The first week back saw us in our home classes for Monday and Tuesday, followed by maths and English setting commencing on Wednesday. A lot of learning has already taken place including, science, RE, humanities and French, as well as maths and English tasks.


Despite the busy start, the children have shown real maturity and high levels of effort across their learning and shared some of their thoughts to their first week:


'There is a lot to do and we need to be independent learners to achieve this, but we are up to the challenge!'


'I can't wait for PGL and until then I'm going to work really hard to meet my targets and complete all my learning'


' I want to set a good example and know I can this can be a year where I am RESPONSIBLE, DETERMINED and SUCCESSFUL!'


We look forward to displaying our first set of learning outcomes next week.




Monday 30th - Friday 3rd February 2017


Monet English

We began the week looking at furthering our persuasive learning. We have developed it into looking at debates; their purpose and creating our own. We have looked at different aspects of debating and discussion, linking this to our British Values and PSHE. 


We have split into groups and formed our own teams to debate issues.




Making a point

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Here are two examples of our speeches as part of our class debate.

Listen up

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Johnstone English


This week in English, we have been preparing to write the opening to our stories.  Using elements of our setting and character descriptions, we built up a bank of our 'perfect' story starters.  Today we held a class Gallery.  This gave us the opportunity to read over learning from peers we don't normally sit next to.  It also allowed us to magpie elements of other's learning - a fantastic compliment to the author!



Monet Maths

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Take a sneak peek at our learning on pie charts.

Johnstone Maths


We have been learning about averages within our Maths learning.  Using a poem to help us, we have been calculating the mean, median, mode and range:


Hey Diddle Diddle,

The median's in the middle,

You add and divide for the mean,

The mode's the one you see the most

And the range is the difference between.


Compiling all of the week's learning, today we set about constructing bar graphs, pie charts and calculating the averages of our results. 



Investigating That Light Bulb Moment

Year 6: Take One Book Display

23rd - 27th January 2017


Well...another busy week in Year 6. We have continued our Maths and English learning and look forward to sharing some of the outcomes of our perfectly presented hot tasks next week. We are continuing to challenge ourselves and see our progress and look forward to our parents seeing this as well at parents' evening.


This week our blog focus is on our RE learning. We have been looking at Buddhist worship and beliefs, including symbols that represent the faith.


Johnstone Class attempted to understand the role of meditation and how this can help focus our minds on a task. Some of us found this useful and it led to a in-depth discussion on its effectiveness for each individual. 


Monet have looked at the Eight-fold Path and the lessons that it teaches Buddhist to learn from. 




Monet Maths Challenge

Teamwork makes the dream work!

Monet are learning to tell the time in French (16. 01. 2017)

9th January 2017- 13th January 2017


Our first week back saw us get straight back into the swing of things.


We were introduced to our new topics and units of learning. We are excited to expand our learning and apply our skills to learn new and exciting information.


In Science we are looking at ELECTRICITY. We are going to be exploring the uses of electricity, its purpose and experimenting with making our own electrical circuits.


In Religious Education, we are learning about BUDDHISM. We will be looking at the origin of the faith and how it is demonstrated around the world by followers.  


In our topic learning, our theme is 'MAKING THE NEWS'. We will exploring the development of different types of media and how we use them today. We will be linking it into our English and maths learning


This week we have brought together all our ideas in our knowledge harvest and are ready to go!

Happy New Year!

Welcome Back to School and the Spring Term. 


Lots of exciting learning is planned and the children and staff are equally enthusiastic about the new term.


Please remember PE remains on a Friday, however children are expected to have their kits in school all week. 





We are nearing the end of our first term in Year 6.

We have been looking at HONESTY for our Christmas celebration piece. 


So we thought we would share our honest thoughts about our first term and what it is like being at the top of the school!


"Being in Year 6, you need to show others how to follow the rules and make the right decisions. I love my teachers

Miss Bacon and Miss Dhillon. My favourite lesson is maths because we make it cross curricular. We did some Pokemon Maths and that made everyone excited and happy!

Abbey- Monet


"I really like my learning. The best bit is I get to try new challenges. My favourite subject is PE and then maths. 

I like being the oldest in the school." 

Alfie - Monet


“The lessons in Year 6 and the teachers help. It can be tough being the oldest in the school. There are a lot of expectations and we work really hard to achieve our targets. Our SATs practice weeks help us prepare and our teachers work with us to fill any gaps and build our confidence. 

Next term, I am looking forward to seeing my progress"

Rahman - Johnstone


"I like the lessons and the teachers because they make learning fun and we learn a lot. I haven't been here since the beginning of term, but I feel part of Year 6. 

My favourite lessons are Maths and PE and I have achieved well in my SATs practice tests."

Harry - Johnstone



Quelle heure est-il?

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In French Monet have been learning how to ask and answer the question, "What is the time?"

Cross Curricular Learning.


This week we are making cross-curricular links across our learning. We are applying all our knowledge from all our different subjects and then using these to challenge ourselves and find out more!


Here's a few things we are covering this week:


Sikh Creation Stories (RE)

The history of penicillin (Science)

Medieval Life (History)

Roman numerals (Maths)

Timelines (History/Maths)


We look forward to sharing our new cross-curricular learning with you by the end of the week!





SATS Practice Week : 5th December - 9th December 


Year 6 will be having their SATs Practice Week next week. This is for the children to celebrate their progress and to be comfortable with the routines of the statutory assessments that take place in May. 


Everyone of the children have worked so hard this term and shown such perseverance (even when they have found it really challenging) and we are sure they will be proud of their efforts after next week. 


It will help us to identify the next step of the learning journey. 



Monet do the double.......

Bravo Year 6! Joint Attendance Winners!

Our Learning Environment

Thursday's are musical for Year 6. We all join together to sing and learn musical techniques with Ms Thomas and Mr Meek. We really enjoy the fact we are all involved however confident we are in singing.

Below are a few videos for you to join in the musical fun!

Do we have The X Factor??

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One more time!

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Music and Movement

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Finding all possibilities in Monet Maths.

Y6 Open Afternoon

Monet and Johnstone welcome the parents to our open afternoon this half term. We decided to bring an active session to those who were visiting and were brave enough to include clay and paint. We made Dig For Victory gardens and some silhouettes of the London skyline during the war.


We all thoroughly enjoyed the afternoon and sharing our WWII learning with our parents.


Take a look below at a few photos...


Monet Class Investigate...

Monet Class began their Light topic by investigating, debating and discussing their existing knowledge.


We were presented with questions to challenge our thinking and make us consider things, such as; the uses of light, how we see and why we see different coloured light.


We were also presented with higher level questioning to deepen our understanding of light.


We found so much that we know...but can't wait to find out more! 

PGL 2016

19th September - 23rd September


Year 6 spent the week at Caythorpe Court on their residential trip. The trip was the first time away from home for a number of children, but everyone got fully stuck in to enjoy 5 days of activities including kayaking, abseiling, rifle shooting, archery and high ropes.


Take a look at Round Diamond's Facebook page to see the photos of the trip.

You will definitely see a lot of smiling faces!



And Year 6 have arrived!


We haven't wasted any time and have got straight back into the swing of things.


First up was discussing the expectations for Year 6. The children looked through their timetables and topics. Monet Class even got into their first learning tasks before 10am!


The children have all come in superbly and ready to learn.


Keep it up!



Monet Class preparing their science books      Johnstone Class taking in lots of information.



Year 6 Information Letter

Welcome back Year 6!


We hope you are as excited for the new term as we are. We look forward to seeing you all and achieving great successes thus year.

Soon this blog will be filling up with all your exciting learning.



Miss Bacon, Miss Dhillon & Mr Pallant

Spelling Expectation

Learning Walls

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Monet English Group are very aware of the importance of their learning walls and how these help them to be the best learners they can. Take a look at the video below (using our computing skills) to see a few examples and how our learning environments are extremely important to our success.



The children in Holbein Class have been using Take One Book learning to create news reports. Our book of choice was 'The Incredible Book Eating Boy' by Oliver Jeffers. It's about a young boy, who discovers that if he eats books, he becomes intelligent! However, the more books he eats, the more muddled and confused he becomes! We have used this storyline to write poems, blogs, letters and news paper reports, as well as present news stories - which you can now watch! .

Holbein News Reports:

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Year 6 are Preparing To Rock!

Year 6 have been  working hard creating art learning for their upcoming production. They have been designing programme covers, backing images and posters.



Year 6 Show Rehearsals

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Year 6 Singing lesson with Mrs Dawson

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RD Will Rock You Programme Designs

Maths Investigating


Science Moderation


Children from Year 6 were chosen to take part in the science moderation issued by the government. 10 children were selected at random and completed different papers which ranged from 18 minutes to 25mins for each paper.


The outcome of the moderation is to look at the structure of the papers (layout, coverage) and to see how successful they are when presented to the children. The scores are not collected or fed back as English or Maths SATs are.


To ensure fairness, the rest of year 6 also completed a science exemplification assessment at the same time.



Dragon Boat Festival

Well done to all the Year 6 children who participated with the Dragon Boat event at Fairlands Lake.

Both teams showed great determination and perseverance when racing.


Congratulations to Team 1 who came first, beating the reigning champions and recording a personal best time!









Team 1                            Team 2                                       


smileyWell done Monetsmiley

Another success in the attendance cup. 

100% attendance 

Well done to our Year 6.

A message for the Year 6...

Each one of you has shone this week 
Your learning you've applied,
Clear determination to succeed was shown
And we're filled with such immense pride. 

From morning breakfast with lots of toast, 
to waiting for the end of the day.
Your smiles and energy have been the key
In the journey to our celebratory Friday. 

Congratulations in what you've achieved,
as pupils you're supreme. 
Let's look back and know we've done our best
What an amazing year 6 team!!!



Golden Time


Winners of the attendance award with

100% attendance this week.



A note from the teachers...


We are very proud of the effort and perseverance that the Year 6 children are showing. They are continuing to challenge themselves and secure their understanding across their lessons. They are displaying our values superbly! smiley


Miss Bacon, Mr Pallant & Mrs Kennedy-Weeks


Congratulations to Monet Class who are currently tied in first position with Cliff Class for attendance since September with a respectable 96.8%.


Johnstone are currently 7th with 96.2%


Let's keep this up Year 6! Attendance ensures you can achieve your very best in your learning.

Algebra Revision - Calculating and plotting on linear graphs.

Dear pupils at Round Diamond Primary School.


I have just opened an envelope which contains some letters from you. How very kind of you to take the time to write to me!

Mrs Hinchliffe and I really enjoyed working with you and your teachers. We saw some amazing things at your lovely school. The most important thing to me was how ready to learn you all were and this means that you are making really good progress.

I know that you will all support your teachers to make sure that the little things we suggested as next steps when we visited will soon be part of what you do as a matter of course.


Thank you again for your letters, which I will cherish.

Good luck for the future.


With best wishes

Helen Jones

Senior adviser, PQSI

We have had 2 5 1 4 8 3 visitors

Round Diamond Primary School is part of Ivy Learning Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee and registered in England and Wales with company number 10874173. The registered office is at Ivy Cottage, Rosemary Avenue, Enfield, EN2 0SP
