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Primary School

Reminder - Term ends on Friday 20th December at 2pm!

Staff Training

Staff twilight training 4th November 2024 


We were lucky enough to have Colin Tapscott join us for our twilight training. Colin Tapscott, has a wide range of leadership experience including 18 years as a headteacher and 15 years as director of a charity. Colin's expertise in developing people shows, with twelve of his former staff now leading as headteachers. Colin is an EMCC accredited Senior Practitioner Coach. Colin's purpose is to empower you and he has specialisms in leadership, communication, effective confrontation and anxiety management. He led the staff through a range of activities that acted as metaphors to develop team work and a growth mindset. 

Staff INSET Monday 2nd September 2024


Today we welcomed back our existing staff and new members of the Round Diamond teaching staff. 

We started off the day with an ice-breaker followed by our annual Safeguarding update with Deputy Head, Ellie Conroy. Following this there were updates from our art and DT lead Cassie Clark and deputy science lead Betsy Broad on our CUSP curriculum. After, we had updates on our feedback and marking procedure from Headteacher Zoe Phillips who also shared visions for the school and consistent approaches to teaching and learning at Round Diamond. Teachers were then given time to ensure learning environments and learning is ready to go for the children's return tomorrow! 

SLT coaching 05.07.2024


We celebrated the year as an SLT and reflected on the support we have had from Alison Dixon over the past 8 years. As an SLT we discussed our vision for the future and are determined to maintain our strength as an SLT. 

INSET training 04.01.24 & 05.01.24 

We started off the spring term with staff training on safeguarding, learning about the most recent updates to ensure that the children’s safety is at the forefront of all we do. We continued the day with well-being discussions from our assistant head Mrs Clark followed by English updates. After lunch, we had first aid training for the remainder of the afternoon. 
The following day we started the day with Equaliteach training which focused on equality and inclusion. There were then curriculum updates from the English, maths and humanities faculties and time in year group teams to ensure everything was prepared and in place for the children’s return. 

INSET training 01.09.2023

Teachers started the morning of our INSET training at Martinswood.  They began by networking within  year groups and faculties which was followed by a safeguarding update from Mrs Figueiredo and Mrs Taylor followed by an assessment update from Eleanor Painter of Ivy.  They headed back to Round Diamond and had training on maths from Miss Murphy. After lunch there was training on our the new phonics scheme, Essential Letters and Sounds from Miss Conroy. 

Writing Moderation


Round Diamond hosted an Ivy moderation for writing on Tuesday 6th June. The moderation gave teachers a picture of writing across the Ivy schools and confirmed their assessments. 

Ks1 and Ks2 coaching 28.02.2023



Within twilight training the ks1 and ks2 teachers and HLTAs met with Alison Dixon to reflect and discuss each individuals preferences in the way they approach life and work just as early years had done the week before.  

EYFS coaching 21.02.2023


Within twilight training the early years team met with Alison Dixon to reflect and discuss each individuals preferences in the way they approach life and work. This training led on from the previous day’s SLT training, developing these ideas in a new group.  

SLT coaching 20.02.2023


Throughout the afternoon members of the SLT spent time reflecting on themselves as members of the team with Alison Dixon.
They looked at their preferences which link in with the different parts of our brain. Many meaningful and productive discussions were had to confirm our strengths and promote our vision as an SLT. 

INSET training January 2023


On the 5th of January teachers were immersed into the world of spelling training led by deputy head Hannah Taylor. The spelling training focused on the works of Jane Considine and included exciting and innovative ways to teach spelling as well as time to implement these ideas into their practise. On the 6th of January teachers had training on maths led by Nicola Randall, faculty meeting time to share action planning and next steps for their faculties and a computing update led by Katrina Hooper. 

Staff training December 2022 - coaching 


During a staff meeting led by deputy head Jan Figueiredo, staff were given the chance to coach each other on a situation and observe others being coached too. A member of SLT was in each group to support and guide the coaching and give feedback. 

INSET training 1st and 2nd of September 2022


Over the two days teachers were involved in a range of training and productive tasks. On Thursday staff were given a safeguarding update from deputy head Jan Figueiredo followed by team meetings and faculty meetings where faculties wrote their new action plans for 2022/2023. After lunch teachers had scholar pack training in preparation for the new academic year and finished with prevent training from head teacher Zoë Phillips. On Friday the day started with ADHD and Executive Function training led by Dr Victoria Gayter where staff were able to reflect on their practise and learn strategies for their classes. An Ivy update was had with the CEO Matthew Kleiner-Mann as a chance for staff to ask questions and touch base. In the afternoon there was a curriculum update from Hannah Taylor, music CPD and planning from Rachel Thomas and Anna Owen and a maths update from Leanne Murphy and personal Development update from Ben Longland. The two days were informative, productive and dynamic and set teachers in good stead for the new academic year. 

SLT coaching afternoon 13.07.2022


Alison Dixon and Zoë Phillips, our headteacher, led the training for all members of the SLT. 
We welcomed Miss McGregor and Mrs Hooper into the SLT and said a goodbye to Mrs Kramer.

Time was spent discussing resilience and we shared strategies on how to deal with challenging times using the SCARF method.

We also spent time talking about the changes Round Diamond faces and how we will continue to be an outstanding school with consistency and collaboration.   

Staff INSET training 19.04.2022

Staff took part in a range of training as part of the Summer term INSET day. This included trauma and attachment training delivered by Helen Jewitt (head of inclusion), Safeguarding update delivered by Jan Figueiredo (deputy head), Vocabulary in the curriculum delivered by Hannah Taylor (assistant head for curriculum), scientific enquiry delivered by Rob Paice (science faculty lead), maths update delivered by Leanne Murphy (maths faculty lead) and reading and phonics update delivered by Ellie Conroy (English faculty lead). 

SLT coaching afternoon 02.02.2022


Members of SLT took part in a coaching afternoon led by Alison Dixon. Within the session a coaching toolkit was developed and we discussed and shared best practise for coaching. A plan was made for moving forward with our ‘Nourish to Flourish’ incentive and everyone was given time to reflect on how they will approach this in the upcoming months. 

INSET training 05.01.2022


Teachers took part in steps behaviour training with Ruth Kramer our head for behaviour and Josh Haig our wellbeing and behaviour lead. 
Following on from steps training there was an updated from headteacher Zoë Phillips linked to our aspirations as a school and our vision moving into 2022.

The Maths and English faculty leads Leanne Murphy and Ellie Conroy then lead updates of these subjects focused on mastery, retrieval, pencil grip and reading. Finally Anna Owen who leads on display shared expectations for positive and impactful classroom displays.

14.12.21 - Personal Learning Plan Training

In line with information provided from the Educational Psychology Service, staff received in-house training on our new format of Personal Learning Plans. These plans are designed to support learners with special educational needs; training was given by our Head for Inclusion and time was spent in year group teams setting SMART targets for pupils with a focus on goal based outcomes. 

INSET training 01.11.2021

As part of INSET training teachers completed their half a day first aid training. In the afternoon Ruth Goodman an English TLA for HfL delivered phonics training to all staff. 

Visual Impairment Training 18.10.2021

Visual Impairment Training

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Staff INSET training 01.09.2021

Staff INSET included a safeguarding update and an English update in the first half of the morning. After a short break the morning continued with a team building dance activity which allowed existing and new staff members to get into the swing of the new term. During the afternoon staff took part in dog training with the school dog, Paddington and after that team meetings in their key stages. Finally teachers had time to ensure their learning environments were ready for the children’s arrival the following day.

Staff INSET training 12.04.2021



Teachers and SLT have been busy taking part in training and preparations for the return of the children. The day started with a review on the changes to government guidance regarding COVID-19 and how this will look in Round Diamond.
Afterwards, Mrs Phillips shared important information surrounding Ofsted, the new framework and the journey to continue to achieve outstanding. 
Following on from Mrs Phillips, Mrs Figueiredo gave a refresh on safeguarding and keeping children safe in education. 
Staff then spent time in their classrooms and in their year group teams in preparation for the arrival of the children! 


Blended Learning - Paediatric First Aid

Staff have taken part in a COVID secure blended learning Paediatric First Aid course. The course was made up of online modules and face to face training with the opportunity to put theory into practice. 

Online CPD - Equality and Diversity in the Workplace

As part of the update of our school's Equality Duty, members of the SLT and governing body have taken part in online training linked to Equality and Diversity. The focus of this training was around The Equality Act 2010, and how, as employers and members of staff, we have a duty to promote equality and diversity of the nine protected characteristics.

Staff Meeting - Google Classrooms!

Google Classroom is up and running at Round Diamond! Staff have enjoyed another training session on how to most effectively use Google Classroom, to provide the best learning opportunities for our children.

Staff Meeting - The Recovery Curriculum

Following on from the effects of the COVID-19 school closure, Faculties have implemented a 'Recovery Curriculum' model. We have worked hard since September to address the gaps children experienced linked to friendships and routines and are now ready to address the gaps we have identified in their learning.

Staff spent time in their teams amending planning and resources to match the needs of our learners, as a way of encouraging accelerated progress over this academic year.

Staff Meeting - Moving Reading Forward

Reading is one of the key priorities at Round Diamond this year. With this in mind, the English Faculty delivered staff training sharing new and engaging strategies not only to support our children with their reading, but to encourage them to become confident and enthusiastic readers.
Inset Training 2nd September 2020 

To begin our training day, we welcomed new staff into the team. We then spent some time thinking and discussing our Covid-secure guidelines and how we would follow these when the children returned to school. 

Mr Pallant then led training focused on safeguarding. In small groups we were given opportunity to discuss case studies and then present our ideas and the actions we would take.

The afternoon was spent in our faculty groups where we were focused on writing our new action plan for this academic year. 

Inset Training 1st June 2020
The morning started with some maths training led by the Maths faculty where they focused on the pitch and progression of across year groups. This was followed by a chance for staff to revisit key parts of the Steps initiative. 
In the afternoon staff received training on the ‘new normal’ and a great discussion was had. Staff then spent time in their bubbles preparing for the arrival of the children ensuring that every measure had been taken to keep the children safe.
Paddington joined us too - can you spot him hiding in the court yard?

SLT Training Day January 2020


The senior leadership team today have been working with Alison Dixon and The Walnut Model  to further enhance the SLT at Round Diamond.

Our focus has been on change and how it impacts on all staff and children.We have learnt a range of coaching techniques to support positive and negative reactions to change and resistance to change as a whole. From this we have used walnut coaching cards to deepen our understand of a range of scenarios. This has led to some practical next steps for the RD team.


Staff Training Autumn 2019


Staff members have been back in school this week preparing for the term ahead.  They have taken part in a wide range of training opportunities including SEN updates.  Action planning and English session.  The staff finished their two day inset with team  building activities which were thoroughly enjoyed by all.

INSET DAY January 2018

Staff welcomed the beginning of 2018 with a training day on Wednesday 3rd January.


The Early Years Team spent the day in their wellies and coats giving the Early Years outside environment a spring clean!  They tidied, re-organised and freshened up the resources for the start of the year. 


Key Stage 1 and 2 staff focused their learning on a joint Lesson Study opportunity in the morning.  Year group teams planned lessons together with a focus on a professional area of development.  Over the Spring Term they will observe each other teach, team teach, reflect and give each other feedback points.  This builds on Continued Professional Development (CPD) in the Autumn Term led by Ruth Cousins (Assistant Head for Teaching and Learning). 


During the afternoon teachers reflected on the new assessment procedures in place from September 2017 for Humanities.  This piece of work followed our OFSTED Inspection (June 2017) from which our next step was;

To develop the assessment systems in humanities to ensure that progress is closely tracked and any underachievement is quickly addressed to secure the best possible outcomes for all pupils. 

Staff voice and monitoring show that these procedures are now fully embedded across the school and effective. 

Inset Training 2017

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A look at the start of the new term for RD teaching staff.

Staff Training: 5/01/17

On the first day back of 2017 staff at Round Diamond took part in training for:

The NACE Challenge Award Framework

•An evidence based evaluation and improvement framework focused on provision for the more able
•Leading to a nationally recognised award for quality provision (NACE Challenge Award)

Senior Leadership Team Training Day (Autumn 2016)

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Senior Leadership Team Development Day (Spring 2016)

October 2015 INSET

We have had 2 6 1 9 8 0 visitors

Round Diamond Primary School is part of Ivy Learning Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee and registered in England and Wales with company number 10874173. The registered office is at Ivy Cottage, Rosemary Avenue, Enfield, EN2 0SP
