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Round Diamond

Primary School

Apply now for Nursery 2024, forms available on the website.


Our assemblies are carefully planned to support our children's spiritual, moral, social and cultural education. Our weekly assembly structure complements our diverse and inclusive curriculum as follows:


Monday - Assembly led by SLT (please see rota below)

Tuesday - Personal Development Lesson 

Wednesday - Singing assembly led by a Music Specialist

Friday - Celebration assembly

Each Friday, the children's achievements (both in and out of school), exceptional learning/efforts, manners and attendance are celebrated.

Assembly Rota 2023-2024

Pupil Parliament Litter Assembly Tuesday 6th February 2024

On Tuesday 6th February, Ethan and Tobi from the Pupil Parliament delivered a whole school assembly about the importance of throwing our rubbish away correctly and not littering. They showed the school the video which the Pupil Parliament had created to raise awareness of this issue and the problems that can be caused by littering.

Fire Safety Assembly Tuesday 10th October 2023

Paddington Assembly Thursday 19th October 2023

On Thursday 19th October, Paddington's trainer Natalie came to deliver a whole school assembly. She told the children about Paddington and his breed and also shared important information on how Paddington likes to be approached. Paddington sat on the podium for the assembly and all the children practised walking past Paddington as they left assembly while he was on his lead. If they wanted to, the children were able to stroke Paddington using the method Natalie had showed them. 

We have had 2 5 1 4 8 3 visitors

Round Diamond Primary School is part of Ivy Learning Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee and registered in England and Wales with company number 10874173. The registered office is at Ivy Cottage, Rosemary Avenue, Enfield, EN2 0SP
