Children are expected to read at least 3 times a week at home to an adult and log this on their Boom Reader account.
Times Table Rock Stars
Times Table Rock Stars is an online learning platform, where personalised times tables are set for each child to support their recall and progression. Garage is the Times Tables Rockstars game which adapts questions for children, so it gives them the questions they need to develop their understanding. Just 3 minutes of Times Tables Rockstars a day can help to improve recall!
Certificates are given out in celebration assembly each week to children who have earned the most coins or shown the most improvement in their recall.
Early Years Foundation Stage - Reading
Children in Reception are expected to read their colour banded book 3 times a week.
From January, children in Nursery are expected to engage in their colour banded book 3 times a week.
We do not use Times Table Rock Stars or Numbots for children in Early Years Foundation Stage.
Home school links are planned for Reception and Nursery Stay and Play sessions and our seasonal walks for Reception children.