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Round Diamond

Primary School

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Home Learning

Home-learning is set across the whole school in the form of: reading, spelling and maths - see the RD Home Learning Hand below.


Times Table Rock Stars  is an online learning platform, where learning opportunities will be set weekly by the Class Teacher. Children have weekly spellings to practice at home in books.


Each class will also have optional projects to complete; this will complement learning within topic lessons.


In Upper Key Stage 2, home-learning will increase and will vary in order to prepare the children for home-learning in Secondary school. 



Home Learning Hands

Useful Links and Documents

Autumn Term 2020 - Keep moving at home with these fun challenges!

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Year 3 Home Learning Spring Term 2020

Spring Term the children had the opportunity to create a mask of Tutankhamun or Cleopatra. Mr Taylor and Mr Brooke were amazed to see that almost every child took part in the project. Children had the opportunity to show to the class their creations. We were so proud to see children and parents be involved in these projects overall.

Year 6 Autumn Term home Learning

In Year 6 the home learning task was to make a World War 2 shelter, with the option of also researching different ways in which people protected themselves during air raids. We saw a wide range of impressive designs; some complete with real soil, lifting roofs and bunk beds! Some children accompanied their projects with impressive PowerPoint presentations and it was obvious that everybody had put in a great amount of effort. Well done to everyone who produced a project - what a great way to end our World War 2 topic!

Year 3 Home Learning Autumn 2019

Autumn Term Children had to create an model home from the Stone age a Spear or a Tool such as Axe made from wood an rocks. They had the opportunity showcase all the learning they had done in class and extend this at home. Children were really proud of their own and each other’s project which demonstrated pride in their learning.

Maths Faculty Home Learning - Autumn 2018

Humanities Home Learning

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Round Diamond Primary School is part of Ivy Learning Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee and registered in England and Wales with company number 10874173. The registered office is at Ivy Cottage, Rosemary Avenue, Enfield, EN2 0SP
