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Primary School

World Book Day - Thursday 6th March 2025

RD Rocks Podcast

Round Diamond Rocks Podcast


In the Summer term of 2021 pupil parliament analysed a parent voice survey linked to the cultural capital of the children within Round Diamond School. After much discussion and a vote, Pupil Parliament agreed unanimously on the idea of a school podcast as a way of sharing a range of news, interviews, celebrations and music. The children chose the logo for the podcast and decided on what would be included in each one. In every podcast there is an interview with a member of staff, an interview with a member of the community, celebrations, a joke  and a motivational quote to get every one thinking. Pupil parliament also thought the podcast would be a fantastic opportunity for the children of Round Diamond to build their confidence in speaking in front of others and a way to include children from across the school. The podcast is recorded throughout the term and posted at the end of each half term. Listen to the podcast below. 

Round diamond rocks podcast Summer 2024

Uploaded by Round Diamond on 2024-07-21.

In this term's podcast we interview Hayley Bronti and learn about her career as a makeup artist as well as a special update on the Sikh festival of Vaisakhi.

Spring 2 2024 Round Diamond Rocks Podcast

Uploaded by Round Diamond on 2024-03-27.

In this episode we have an interview with the Mayor of Stevenage, Maya Areceno and a special section on Ramadan. 

Autumn 2023 Round Diamond Rocks Podcast

In this episode of the podcast we get to know our deputy head Mrs Taylor better, chat with pilot Matt Dranse and have a special Diwali story. 

“I liked the podcast because it was interesting learning about Mrs Phillips, I never knew she could play the piano!”



“The podcast was inspiring, I enjoyed it very much and the music at the end was very fun.”



“I loved being a part of making the podcast and learning more about the mayor of Stevenage.”


 “I liked the podcast because it was interesting learning about Mrs Phillips, I never knew she could play the piano!”


 “The podcast was inspiring, I enjoyed it very much and the music at the end was very fun.”


 “I loved being a part of making the podcast and learning more about the mayor of Stevenage.”

“It’s good to have a podcast because it’s good to get to know special people around Stevenage. It’s also good to hear about successful people and more about the teachers at Round Diamond.” 


“I think it’s really good to learn about the teachers day to day life because some people think that teachers live at school. It’s good because we got to find out about the Stevenage mayor.” 


“I like having the podcast every half term because it’s good to learn new things about the teachers.” 


“I think it was a really creative idea. I really liked hearing about the teacher’s lives outside of school and I can’t wait to hear the next one.” Leah –


"I liked the podcast especially the interviews because they were interesting, and I learnt new facts".


"I really liked the podcast. I liked the song at the end!"


I really liked the song at the end because I knew it and I think the song "Fireworks" represents all of us at Round Diamond because we always try our best" 


'I liked finding out a similarity with Mrs Phillips and myself. We both used to like playing shopkeepers.'


' I liked the interview with Mrs Phillips. I found out she used to want to be a police officer.'


'I felt happy when I heard Orla-Rose and Maya's voices on the podcast. I felt proud of them.'


'I liked the interviews and the questions they asked because we learnt more about people and their personality'


'I liked how we were able to learn more about Mrs Phillips'


'I liked the news part as it made it exciting'

Round Diamond Rocks Podcast Summer

Podcast Spring 1 2022

In the 3rd instalment of the podcast we speak to Mel Switters our local lollypop lady and Mr McGregor the PE coach!

Podcast Autumn 2 2021

In the second edition of the podcast we speak to Mr Longland and learn more about working for the NHS.
Children from year 2-6 were included in the recording of the podcast.

Podcast Autumn 1 2021

In our first ever podcast we speak to the Mayor of Stevenage and interview Mrs Phillips!
Children from years 2-6 were included in the recording of the podcast.

We have had 2 6 7 4 8 3 visitors

Round Diamond Primary School is part of Ivy Learning Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee and registered in England and Wales with company number 10874173. The registered office is at Ivy Cottage, Rosemary Avenue, Enfield, EN2 0SP
