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Round Diamond

Primary School

World Book Day - Thursday 6th March 2025

Cross Curricular Days - Summer Term 2018

For the summer term we decided to focus our cross-curricular learning days on 'The World Cup'. 
Across Thursday and Friday the children took part in a range of activities including football themed maths, writing a match report for the 1966 World Cup final, creating flags, researching countries around the world, finding out about the details of 1966 and much more! The highlight for many children was the mini World Cup event led by the PE team. The overall winners of the tournament were: IRAN!


We have had 2 6 8 6 0 4 visitors

Round Diamond Primary School is part of Ivy Learning Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee and registered in England and Wales with company number 10874173. The registered office is at Ivy Cottage, Rosemary Avenue, Enfield, EN2 0SP
